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NEW POSTERS must have at least 10 posts in order to add an Avatar or Signature to their profiles. After your 10th post there is also a time delay before these options will be available (usually about 30-60 mintues)

When these features have been enabled you will be able to hover over your username in the upper right corner and see options for Avatar and Signature .

For assistance with these or any other Technical "how do I" questions please read the FAQ here on the Welcome Board >>***FAQ's***<< incl. AVATARS, SIGS, FINDING YOUR POSTS etc or post your questions to the Technical Support Board .

Please do not just post randomly to increase your post count. We have plenty of threads all over the boards that you can contribute to and be able to increase your post count.
No wonder I've been so confused. I've looked at threads that are older. Thank you!
I've just spent a half hour trying to add an avatar. Foolish of me for not coming here first. Kind of like trying to assemble something without first reading the directions. Thanks!

Oh wow, how have I been here for several months and am JUST now finding this... I had a hunch it was something about posting limits; but now that it's confirmed = YAY! I want to have fancy things like everyone else :D hehe.

I thought I was losing my mind. Thanks for this. (LONG time DIS lurker (a decade!) Sadly, I think this is my first post.)
Aha! So it's not just me! I thought I was having issues with my phone. Thanks for this post!
Thanks for the info. I was wondering why I couldn't create an avatar
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