BH 90210 Re-boot

So I finally just caught up on my DVR and I’m bummed it’s over already. Crappy ending. Wish it was a little more eventful. I so want Brandon and Kelly together. Ian’s situation is hysterical and I agree, couldn’t see it happening any other way. So, I’m confused as to the whole David’s son now possibly being Brandon’s!! What?!!! I hate when random things are thrown into shows. I love how Jennie just walked away from the bodyguard and he just sat there and disappears!!! Only TV!!!!! And the whole Brenda and Brandon kissing!!!! OMG I actually closed my eyes and started screaming 😂 😂 Talk about awkward!!! I hope it comes back on sooner than later and I hope the season isn’t as short! I feel like they tried to cram too much into too few episodes. I enjoyed it though, it was cool looking at them through a different angle.

Ian, Jennie, and BAG are probably my favorites. I could do without the others to be honest.

Ian, Jennie, and BAG are probably my favorites. I could do without the others to be honest.

Tori's seems awkwardly true (which it may not be, but feels like it) so it is uncomfortable to watch.

I like Brandon, so I don't mind his storyline.

Andrea's . . . feels . . . so . . . forced. That is my least favorite.

Shannon, meh. That's all.


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