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Sep 11, 2005
The title says it all! Please give me a quick description including any text, background colour/photo you'd like and animation. Would you like to see some of my work? Just click here!

I have two icons in moderation so check back daily for more.
Any questions regarding the making of the avatars can be messaged to me of asked on the forums!
Hey there!

I just happened to stumble upon this thread. I have spent ALL STINKIN' DAY trying to figure out how to put an ANIMATED AVATAR under my name.

I've tried deleting frames and resizing, but nothing seems to work.

I've left posts, started new threads, etc. etc. etc.

If YOU can help, please let me know! Thanks!
In the future try not to bump old threads, this one is outdated and I'm no longer making icons and avatars. Try this online animator:

Start with your main frame, and keep adding more in chronlogical order. The time you want each frame to flip can range from the decimal numbers (like .5) to over 10 seconds. Experimenting first is a good idea, and good luck!
Well, I'm sorry for the intrusion into your apologies.

The thread is not that old, and when a search is done on avators, this thread came up.

I was the only one to reply it looks like, and I didn't want you to MAKE me an avatar, I was just having trouble figuring something out and needed some direction.

Luckily, another Dis-boarder walked me through it, as you can see.

Again, my apologies.
The thread is over two months old, and nobody posted on it except you two months after it was made. If you read the dates on the posts, you can figure out for yourself if it is worth posting on or not. In this case, it isn't a good idea to bump old threads.
Lol. No Offence. I think I have already reserved an avatar made for me by a specialist: ShadowKittyKat.
Lol. No Offence. I think I have already reserved an avatar made for me by a specialist: ShadowKittyKat.

If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it.
She's not a specialist, she just has a better program than I use.
And Dcanoli sorry for giving you a tip and trying to help you, how horrible of me.
And Dcanoli sorry for giving you a tip and trying to help you, how horrible of me.

You are right, and I really do apologize.

I went back and re-read my post, and yes, it sounded pretty snippy. I'm sorry.

I didn't realize about bumping old threads, but now that I do, you can bet I'll be checking dates! LOL.....:rotfl:

Thanks for the heads up and again sorry for the snippy post I left above.


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