Do you do everything you can to get out of jury duty?


DIS Veteran
Jul 10, 2002
Dave Barry wrote something like (I'm paraphrasing here) "If you commit a crime in this country you have a right to a jury of your peers consisting of twelve people who are too stupid to get out of jury duty"

I recently did jury duty because I felt it was my civic duty, but was amazed at the number of people who had excuses and there ended up being a few people on my jury who illustrated Dave Barry's comment to a T.

So do you welcome jury duty or do you tell the court you're related to a cop or some other lie to get out of it?:eek:
I received my duty card only a couple of times, but when I called, I was told I don't need to show up.

Depending on what it is, the prosecutor would WANT me :)
I have never understood why most people have no interest in serving on a jury. I have been excused twice, all the while hoping that I would be chosen. I feel it would be an educational experience. I work in health care, and the judicial system is one I'm not familiar with. What better way to get aquainted with it than by sitting on a jury? (and getting paid, and getting out of work!) I also have great respect for our system of American law, and would love to learn more. It is definitely a dream of mine to serve in this way, maybe someday....
I served on a federal criminal case for 13 weeks several years ago. Is was an inconvenience, but I saw how much expense and work went into the case on both sides and decided the least I could do was fulfill my obligation.

Jury duty can be a pain, especially if you don't get paid by your job (I did), but the jury system is one of the things what allows us to call ourselves a free country. Would you rather just put yourself at the mercy of a judge?

I'm actually hoping to get called again soon. I could use the break from work.

I was called a couple of years ago, and I actually am related to a cop (DH's brother). I told the judge, he asked me if I felt I could still be impartial, I told him yes, and I was actually seated on a jury for a domestic dispute between 2 state troopers :eek:

I found it to be very interesting, and was happy to do it.
I served on a jury many years ago and was proud to do so. I see it as one of my rights as an American, just like the right to vote. Yes, I had to "give up" three of my work days but for an important cause.

In the selection process the Judge did ask if any of us were related to a person in law enforcement. Given the fact that my Dad and several relatives have worked for Police departments I was asked to approach the bench. All the Judge asked was if the testimony of a law enforcement officer would influence my decision more than the testimony of a private Citizen. My answer was no, my decision would depend upon all the evidence and testimony presented to me. I was honest and was selected.
I recently got summoned for jury duty, and my committeeman got me out of it!

Sorry, but trekking to City Hall at 8am for lame pay is not my cup of tea!

I served on the Grand Jury about 20 years ago, for a month, and twice since then, most recently, about one month ago. A bit of an inconvenience, yes, but very happy to do it, part of our wonderful American way of life and law.
To sit in OFFICIAL judgement of my fellow man - Sounds like a dream come true to me....
I love jury duty. Every time I get called I get picked. Unfortunately I live in a very peaceful suburban town. I have gotten on criminal trials where a person was accused of having a too large fishing net (By a small amount) - GUILTY!
The second trial was for a person who did not have enough life vests on board - GUILTY!
The other trial was a car crash victim suing in civil court - Her take? ZERO!
I pity the real criminal in my area - death penalty for parking violation!


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