DVC Announcement, has anyone heard??

Terry S

<a href="http://www.wdwinfo.com/dis-sponsor/index.
Aug 9, 2001
I am leaving for the airport in one hour for WDW. Has anyone heard what the big announcement is?
Yup. The MBs have been increased. For VWL it is now $10.00 per point and $13.00 per point for HHI and VB.

I am not sure what the maximum $$ is. I forgot to ask.
Mickbee, I'm just curious how you got the news. Phone call? E-mail? There doesn't seem to be anything posted on the site, although I don't think they do usually put up financing options.
I called Quality Assurance last week after reading the posts on the board and asked him the direct question. He told me something was going on but would not specify. I was ready to return my documents for an add-on but decided to wait until I knew the incentive. I called my guide but he never returned my call. Sooo first thing this morning I called back to QA and asked again and they happily told me the info. I asked if there were additional programs and/or changes and he said there was not.

My pending add-on was not using the MBs. If I decide to use them, they need to re-write the whole thing.

I hope it helps.
I'm new to this - what are MBs? What was the cost before this increase?
MBs are Magical Beginnings which are incentives to buy. You may sell back your first years points at a specified rate ($10 VWL, $13 HHI & VB). The buy back can be used towards down payment.

For example:

If you have a 100 point add-on at VWL AND you decide to participate in the MB program, DVC will buy your 100 points for 2001 for $10 each. If you pay cash, you only need to write out a check for $6500.00. If you finance, you can apply the $1000.00 towards your down payment.

Remember, you will not receive points until your use year of 2002.

The previous rates were $5.00 for VWL and $10.00 for HHI & VB.

If I did a poor job of explaining it, someone please jump in and bail me out. ;)

I re-read your post. To clarify, the increase is in our favor, yhey are a better deal for us now.

Prior to the increase, the amount for VWL was only $5.00 a point which IMHO was not a good deal. Prior to the increase, HHI and VB were $10.00.
I'm not a member yet because I've been waiting for the BCV to become available but now I'm wondering if this program is good enough to consider buying now? Do you think this will be available for the BCV?
Thanks mickbee. I hadn't thought of calling Quality Assurance. I called as I am in the middle of my cancellation period. They told me to contact my guide and that the contract documents would be re-written. Probably worth it to save $495 at HH. They also said that there are no maximums. I seem to recall that at one time, you could only use MB for one-half the points at WLV. If so, you can now use the full year.
Thanks for the information. I'm like CKP, I'm new at this. I'm going to join but was undecided as to join the VWL or wait for BCV. With this new annoucement I will probably join the VWL. My guide will not be in until tomorrow. Do I have to do this today or can it wait untill tomorrow?
Is there still a minimum number of points you have to buy on an add-on in order to use MB? Also, it sounds like you now can sell back the full first year's points. Is this true?
Mickbee - Thanks for the help and clarification.

I still have a few questions though:

1. Does anyone know how long this MB incentive will be available?

2. Does anyone know if it might be still be available when the BCV are released for sale?

Thanks for the heads up Mickabee! I am days from closing on HHI, and I called my guide, and he said he would redo the contract over again. Hey, $300 saved is $300 saved! I thank you for the heads up and to this board. He is going to redo the contract which will lower by the amount above. So, I am glad I read your post!
Thanks again!
VWL_Ryan; I believe the minimum point purchase to take advantage of MBs is 50, but if so of the veterans could validate that info...

CKP; I too wonder if this would apply to BCV too. If I had to bet, I would guess "No", again, just my feeling, nothing official. I think that because of the anticipation for BCV.

I am not sure for the length of time for the MBs. As it was put to me, they can expire at any time without notice.

I was going to hold out and grab an additional 100 at BCV. I think I am going to scrap that idea and add the points at HHI instead.

DeerH; I agree with you completely; $300 & $500 extra in MY pocket makes me real happy!

My guide is going to hate me in the morning. I have already re-written my add-on twice since it has begun. Hopefully he will appreciate that I will be adding a bit more now. :D :D

Has anyone else been able to confirm this info from a second source? Won't I be on the list if my info was wrong. :eek:

Have a great day!


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