Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

I am SO with you on the marathon weekend flight issue. We have our flights home on the 9th because the prices are great and they were easy to book. Flights on the way to MCO - ugh. I've been stalking too and just NO movement. Boo.

No advice on the teen running motivation, but wish I could offer something! Please let us know how it's going!

I'm not sure we will do marathon weekend in 2019, but it would be nice since it should be moved a bit further away from the holiday.

Update to come on teen running. :)

Love the Nerd/Dr. Who combo!! Great running this week!

I have a random question: How many of the runners in your Galloway group run Disney races? I only heard about Galloway after signing up for my first Disney race, so I'm just curious if most runners that follow his concepts also heard about him that way . . .

Actually most have not run a Disney race although many talk about wanting to do one. I think many of them do Galloway because they see the local advertising about the group or via word of mouth. The hospital I work at sponsors the group, so I first heard about Galloway through announcements at work. Chris had been wanting me to run with him for awhile and so I asked if he was willing to try run/walk with me and he said yes and we've never looked back. I actually never knew Disney did races until our first year with our Galloway group and a fellow runner told me about it and the rest is history. :D

I feel like I need to lend you my black framed glasses and some tape so you can really complete the look. SUPER CUTE!!!! I'm fighting the urge on two InB tops right now. The struggle!

Sophie actually has some novelty glasses like that. I should borrow them the next time I wear Nerd. I've been able to successfully fight off the urge for the most recent InB releases, but I did add myself to the ISO for the aloha 6" shorts.
Sophie actually has some novelty glasses like that. I should borrow them the next time I wear Nerd. I've been able to successfully fight off the urge for the most recent InB releases, but I did add myself to the ISO for the aloha 6" shorts.

I feel like those Aloha shorts would go with so much. Something "black" without being just boring plain black. Like the texture look on them. I better stop typing before I talk myself into the ISO list. The trouble is I'm still so unsure of my sizing.
Mileage is getting REAL now!
Training 7/30 - 8/5

Sunday 7/30 - Rest day today. We have Chris' mom and nephew visiting us right now, so we just relaxed at home and had a nice day. The break in the temps continues and it's glorious!!
Monday 7/31 - 4 cadence drills/4 acceleration gliders/20x400m (10K pace)
Teen running update!!! We asked the girls and their cousin if they wanted to go run on the track with us and they said yes! I expected when we went to wake them at 4:45 AM that they would change their mind, but they didn't. It's a summer miracle!!

This was our max week on 400m repeats, so I will say they did not run the whole way with us. They did the cadence drills, acceleration gliders and maybe a mile or two worth of 400m repeats, after that they mostly just walked the track while Chris and I finished up. It was a good run though. I thought 20 400s would mentally wear me out, but it really wasn't too bad. Next week we switch to 800m repeats at half-marathon pace.

I took the day off work and took the kids to this adventure park thing in nearby Branson. It's called Fitz Adventures and is basically a big warehouse with all this climbing stuff. They harness them up for various things like the rock climbing wall and the rope course. I just sat in the cafe and watched. My fear of heights kept me from feeling too badly about not participating. Paige was enjoying taunting me from this perch!

Untitled by giseleb2, on Flickr

They had a great time though!

Tuesday 8/1 - 6 mile run. 2:00/:30 intervals and overall pace of 10:49. Solid run. The 6 mile maintenance runs are starting to feel pretty normal now. Our local fair is in town and the kids went in the afternoon with some friends and we met up with them in the evening.
Untitled by giseleb2, on Flickr

I made them go through the duck pond to get cheesy prizes. :D Paige was not very happy with her small turkey. LOL
Untitled by giseleb2, on Flickr

And low-carb diet or not, it's not the fair for me without a fresh corn dog and jug of root beer!!
Untitled by giseleb2, on Flickr

It was a very fun evening and a beautiful night out at the fair.
Wednesday 8/2 - Rest day
Thursday 8/3 - 6 mile run. We had someone from our running group join us on this one. She's not run with us before on our maintenance runs, so it was fun to have someone new to talk with. 2:00/:30 interval and overall pace of 10:30. Yoga in the evening.
Friday 8/4 - Rest day. Big run for tomorrow, so we took it easy and tried to hydrate and fuel well for the run ahead.
Saturday 8/5 - Schedule for a 17 mile run. o_O It was a great day though. Temps were just at 60 at start time and only climbed to mid-60s as we ran. Lightly overcast the whole time as well. Honestly a perfect day for this. After my difficult 15 miler in the heat, I was so thankful. It was a fantastic run. We did our usual :90/:30 intervals for long runs and I felt great through pretty much the whole run. I did get tired in the last mile and had to slow just a bit and once we stopped I had some pretty nasty leg cramps for a short time, but otherwise it was good. I ended up just a touch short at like 16.75 miles, but I was totally okay with stopping. :D Overall pace was 10:55. Yahoo!! Super pleased with the run and happy to get one of that distance behind me and feeling good.

So, that's it for the week. A very solid week with a lot of miles, but feeling great so far!!

I feel like those Aloha shorts would go with so much. Something "black" without being just boring plain black. Like the texture look on them. I better stop typing before I talk myself into the ISO list. The trouble is I'm still so unsure of my sizing.

Exactly! Of course, I'm several people down in my size on the ISO, so who knows when or IF I'll ever actually get them. I do really love those 6" shorts though, so I added myself to a couple of others on the ISO too just in case. I'm hoping they come out with some more!

Which shirts are you eyeing?
Exactly! Of course, I'm several people down in my size on the ISO, so who knows when or IF I'll ever actually get them. I do really love those 6" shorts though, so I added myself to a couple of others on the ISO too just in case. I'm hoping they come out with some more!

Which shirts are you eyeing?

The new pink and blue one (forget the name) that looks like it has stain-glass on the waist. Reminds me of Sleeping Beauty. And that swirly hypnotic blue and white one (again, I forget the name.) But then I ask myself how many blue running shirts does one person need.
The new pink and blue one (forget the name) that looks like it has stain-glass on the waist. Reminds me of Sleeping Beauty. And that swirly hypnotic blue and white one (again, I forget the name.) But then I ask myself how many blue running shirts does one person need.

I also considered both of those, but as you said, I already have a lot of blue, so I held off. I've been trying to talk Chris into the new red/brown bull one, but he wasn't interested.
It's a summer miracle!!
I laughed at this- but seriously awesome they went with! You all had a hoppin' track at 5am!

I took the day off work and took the kids to this adventure park thing in nearby Branson.
Ok- this looks seriously really cool. My husband and I would love this! Do you recommend Branson as a destination? There are several people in our area that love it, but I've never really seen the draw. We are about 8 hours from it.

And low-carb diet or not, it's not the fair for me without a fresh corn dog and jug of root beer!!
Yum! This looks SO good.

Saturday 8/5 - Schedule for a 17 mile run.
AWESOME JOB!! Your training is clearly preparing you so well. :cool1:
What a great training week! Love that the kids got up early and came with you - hopefully the start of many shared experiences.

Love that your 17 miler was a fantastic run... even more distance (literally and figuratively) between you and the tough run a couple of weeks back. Congrats!
Wow! I am so impressed that your teens woke up that early to run!! I hope they had that awesome feeling that running gives afterwards!

We have a climbing place like that around me. I've never been, but my 8 year old went to a birthday party there and had such a great time. It looks like so much fun!

That fair food looks so tasty! I can never pass up a good corn dog!

Congratulations on a great 17 miler!!
Amazing week!!
I thought 20 400s
That is so impressive, both mentally and physically!!

Still my all time favourite amusement park treat ;)

Lightly overcast the whole time as well. Honestly a perfect day for this.
It was that way for us too on Sunday. Hands down the best double-digit mileage I have run in the last 2 months!! Thank God for a break in the humidity, not that I ever want to complain about the heat up here in Ontario.

I'm skipping all the comments above, because I had ordered the Aloha mystery box, and have not received it yet, and I actually want to be surprised. LOL! I've been avoiding Instagram and all InB sites on FB since last week. LOL!! It should arrive tomorrow, so I can stop this craziness!!
I laughed at this- but seriously awesome they went with! You all had a hoppin' track at 5am!

We had that track filled up! The ROTC kids also showed up just as we were finishing. My girls were mortified. LOL

Ok- this looks seriously really cool. My husband and I would love this! Do you recommend Branson as a destination? There are several people in our area that love it, but I've never really seen the draw. We are about 8 hours from it.

It actually was much cooler than I thought it would be. They also had some of those warp walls like on the American Ninja things. Paige managed to get up the medium sized one. You know, I've grown up around it so I don't think that much of it, but if you've never been to Branson, it does has some fun stuff. Silver Dollar City is honestly a fantastic theme park and I do recommend it (although it's gotten pretty pricey) and there are numerous other things to do in the area that are good entertainment. It's all kinda expensive as you'd expect from a tourist town, but if you've never been, it can be a very fun trip. It's also surrounded by a really beautiful lake, Tablerock, so if you enjoy boating, renting a pontoon boat for the day can be amazing fun as well.

Yum! This looks SO good.
It was! :D

What a great training week! Love that the kids got up early and came with you - hopefully the start of many shared experiences.

Love that your 17 miler was a fantastic run... even more distance (literally and figuratively) between you and the tough run a couple of weeks back. Congrats!

I was really happy the kids came with us. It may never happen again, but it was fun regardless. I was so relieved to have a good, solid long run!

Wow! I am so impressed that your teens woke up that early to run!! I hope they had that awesome feeling that running gives afterwards!

We have a climbing place like that around me. I've never been, but my 8 year old went to a birthday party there and had such a great time. It looks like so much fun!

That fair food looks so tasty! I can never pass up a good corn dog!

Congratulations on a great 17 miler!!

I'm not sure they got that awesome feeling or not, but they did say it was fun. We'll see what that holds for the future. Corn dogs are the perfect fair food! I had a pretty great corn dog out at Disneyland, but the ones at our fair are pretty darn good too.

Amazing week!!

That is so impressive, both mentally and physically!!

Thanks! I was surprised it wasn't bad at all.

Still my all time favourite amusement park treat ;)
Right? And, I know opinions vary, but for me with just some mustard on it is the way to go.

It was that way for us too on Sunday. Hands down the best double-digit mileage I have run in the last 2 months!! Thank God for a break in the humidity, not that I ever want to complain about the heat up here in Ontario.

I think a lot of North America got a break which is so awesome for August. So glad you had a great run as well!

I'm skipping all the comments above, because I had ordered the Aloha mystery box, and have not received it yet, and I actually want to be surprised. LOL! I've been avoiding Instagram and all InB sites on FB since last week. LOL!! It should arrive tomorrow, so I can stop this craziness!!

Good job on keeping yourself blinded from it. That's tough to do!! I hope you love everything in the box. I suspect you will!
It actually was much cooler than I thought it would be. They also had some of those warp walls like on the American Ninja things. Paige managed to get up the medium sized one. You know, I've grown up around it so I don't think that much of it, but if you've never been to Branson, it does has some fun stuff. Silver Dollar City is honestly a fantastic theme park and I do recommend it (although it's gotten pretty pricey) and there are numerous other things to do in the area that are good entertainment. It's all kinda expensive as you'd expect from a tourist town, but if you've never been, it can be a very fun trip. It's also surrounded by a really beautiful lake, Tablerock, so if you enjoy boating, renting a pontoon boat for the day can be amazing fun as well.
We love American Ninja Warrior, so that sounds really cool. We like to take little road trips a few times a year, so I might have to add Branson to the list. I grew up only 2 hours from the Black Hills in South Dakota, so I know what you mean about the tourist town stuff... (although Mt Rushmore is cool!)
Yay for the kids coming to the track with you! That adventure park sounds really cool ... although I probably would have been sitting in the cafe too (I like running and climbing things, but I don't do heights).

Awesome that the 6 mile maintenance runs are starting to feel normal. I think that's a sign that you're improving - when the longer run feels normal, you're definitely doing something right!

Yay for the 17 miler (I round up) - it's always nice to have a good long run!
That root beer looks delicious and I'm glad you had a good 17 mile run. Nothing is worse than a bad long run.
Yay for the kids coming to the track with you! That adventure park sounds really cool ... although I probably would have been sitting in the cafe too (I like running and climbing things, but I don't do heights).

Awesome that the 6 mile maintenance runs are starting to feel normal. I think that's a sign that you're improving - when the longer run feels normal, you're definitely doing something right!

Yay for the 17 miler (I round up) - it's always nice to have a good long run!

I loved the adventure park even from the cafe. Lots of things to watch and the kids thought it was great! I was happy to get the 17-miler behind me successfully.

That root beer looks delicious and I'm glad you had a good 17 mile run. Nothing is worse than a bad long run.

I recently discovered some hard cream ale at the grocery store too. It's also quite delicious. :) I was great to have a good 17 mile run. Next long one is 20 miles, so I hope it goes equally well!
Training 8/6 - 8/12

After a big mileage week, it was time to step things back a bit. We ended up stepping back more than initially intended, but that's okay too. :)

Sunday 8/6 - Rest day after the 17-miler. I had some soreness/stiffness in the legs, but given the mileage from last week, I felt surprisingly good!
Monday 8/7 - 4CD/4acg/2x800(HM pace) - Having gotten to our max distance in our 400m repeats, this week starts with our 800m repeats. These are set to be done at a half-marathon pace. We are shooting for a 2:15 half marathon the first of October to squeeze in a new POT for Dopey. It was only 2 800 repeats along with our cadence drills and acceleration gliders, so we really felt like we were on easy street. We end up running the 800s in just a bit over 5 minutes, so it's definitely more straight running than we do with our 2:00/:30 intervals, but I felt just fine doing it. That's good right? :) We ran these just a bit too fast as we try to get used to a slightly slower pace than the 400s, but overall it went well. So maybe I should just envision this gif when running and say, "Be the chicken not the bear", in my head over and over.


Tuesday 8/8 - 6 mile run with 2:00/:30 intervals. Good run and we felt pretty good. Legs were pretty much back to normal although we did run a bit slower overall on this one.
Wednesday 8/9 - Rest day and I had to head out of town today for a work trip. Long car ride, but we did get to have a tasty meal on the vendor's dime that night at Mickey Mantle's steakhouse in OKC.
Thursday 8/10 - Since I was out of town, we decided not to run on Thursday with a plan to do our 6 miler on Friday instead. The work trip was pretty good, but man I was ready to be home!

Friday 8/11 - And, we awoke to thunder, lightning and rain, so no 6 miler this morning. Yikes.

We had planned on less mileage this week, but not quite this much. :D
Saturday 8/12 - Long run with our Galloway group. This was supposed to be an 8-miler, but the route ended up shorting it some, so just ended up a bit over 7. We ran with our :90/:30 intervals and ended up with an overall pace of 10:38. We had a good group and enjoyed a great run together. The weather has continued to stay cooler than normal which is amazing for August. LOVING IT!!!

So, that's about it for me. Hopefully will do a bit better this week in getting in all the planned mileage.


Great week- I think it is so important to be flexible. I need to do some more reading on cadence drills and acceleration gliders- I think they would be really beneficial. I always fall of track when I travel for work, which thankfully isn't that often!

Good luck with the big 20 miler this weekend!! It seems like you'll be ready for a fall full marathon, not a half!

PS- Did you see Jeff Galloway is hosting a running school at the end of Sept in St Joe? I want to make it work, but not sure it will.
Good job getting in some great runs this week - even though it was more of a stepback than originally planned, you still got some quality running in!

Good start with the 800m repeats! I think it's probably normal that the pacing was off the first time - you'll get used to the right pace soon.

(Also... as a hardcore Yankees fan, basically the only thing I saw when I read this the first time was "Mickey Mantle." I had to go back and re-read the running parts. Very cool that you got to go there!)
Great week- I think it is so important to be flexible. I need to do some more reading on cadence drills and acceleration gliders- I think they would be really beneficial. I always fall of track when I travel for work, which thankfully isn't that often!

Good luck with the big 20 miler this weekend!! It seems like you'll be ready for a fall full marathon, not a half!

PS- Did you see Jeff Galloway is hosting a running school at the end of Sept in St Joe? I want to make it work, but not sure it will.

I'm not sure if the cadence drills or acceleration gliders really do that much for me, but if nothing else, it's a good warm-up. The 20-miler is actually the following weekend, but I hope it goes as well as the 17 did. We are running the half in October and then we do have a full in November, so that's where the mileage is coming from. I'm feeling much stronger going into this fall racing season than I ever have before so hoping that means good things for race times.

Gif game on point as usual!!

Great running week! I'm always impressed with your great overall paces!

Ah thanks! We had to shorten our run a bit today because it's the first day of school (WHAT?? :eek:) so Chris had to be out and about early. We just ran 4 and I guess we were worried about finishing early so our overall pace was 9:44! Whoa!! Definitely much faster than usual. I was feeling it at the end, but I was pretty happy I managed to maintain that for 4 miles!

Good job getting in some great runs this week - even though it was more of a stepback than originally planned, you still got some quality running in!

Good start with the 800m repeats! I think it's probably normal that the pacing was off the first time - you'll get used to the right pace soon.

(Also... as a hardcore Yankees fan, basically the only thing I saw when I read this the first time was "Mickey Mantle." I had to go back and re-read the running parts. Very cool that you got to go there!)

Thanks. It was a good week of running. Spoiler alert - we were still a bit fast this week again on the 800m repeats, but better, so getting there.

The Mickey Mantle steakhouse was really good. Sort of classic steakhouse design with lots of dark wood and plush seating and dimly lit. We had to go into the bar area to wait a bit for our table and we were all taken aback because they were smoking in there. Our town hasn't allowed smoking inside restaurants and bars for years now, so I was so not used to it. And, several people were smoking cigars. :crazy2: The smell was pretty bad, but I did find it sort of fitting for the type of place it was. Thankfully the restaurant was smoke free and sealed off from the bar!


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