Help!! I need to doggy proof our house because we are getting...


<font color=teal>Lovin' Disney<br><font color=red>
May 1, 2000
I need to doggy proof the house. My dh is bringing home a yellow lab pup on Friday for the kids as a surprise. What things will my new little puppy get into or try to eat? Thanks everyone!!
Toys, shoes, rugs, furniture, etc etc etc....!:p Best dog proofing is to keep a training crate handy and watch him constantly when he is not in it! I also reccommend puppy kindergarten for the puppy and ALL family members so his training is consistant.
Um, everything! You basically need to baby-proof the house + remove all of the things that would have been okay for baby- like toys.

Good luck!
Make sure especially to get all electrical wires out of the way - they love to chew them.

And a great big welcome to the new baby! Got a name picked out yet?:bounce:

Originally posted by snowball22
.....What things will my new little puppy get into or try to eat? Thanks everyone!!
E V E R Y T H I NG :teeth: But worth it. Enjoy your new family member. :sunny:
Thanks everyone. The kids will pick the name on Friday. I will post the name that they choose. I just hope it is not another Pokemon character. The kids had fish and hammies and named them all Pokemon characters:rolleyes:
Be sure to post a picture if you can. I just love puppies!

Most puppies will chew anything, but Labs in particular love to chew. In addition to doggy proofing, buy some toys. When he's older, you'll probably have to stick to very sturdy dog toys because he'll most likely be an agressive chewer. But for now, he'll probably like sturdy stuffed toys because they're cuddly.
I highly recc the book "Labrador Retrievers for Dummies" it is great, full of info on all aspects of raising a Lab. We have a 7 yo Black Lab and are "expecting" a new Yellow pup at the end of Feb. Even tho we have had a lab for all these years, I still found the book very useful. Also, as stated before buy a CRATE!!! It will save your sanity and your dog's life. Make sure she has plenty of her own chew toys and anytime you catch her chewing something she shouldn't, take it away and give her one of her own. I also use bitter apple spray. You can spray it on just about anything and it tastes terrible. It got to the point where my Lab would just smell it and go find something else to do. Have fun, Labs are the best!


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