Holiday gift ideas for people in a facility?

Those CD players or whatever, do they come with bluetooth? I'd be a little worry with an older person with earphones with a cord. Easy to get tangled or caught on something or a tripping hazard.

I have headband headphones. I love them. No chance of falling out. I can do chores all day while listening to a book.

Yes, both of the CD players listed have Bluetooth. I'd just be worried that if it doesn't connect properly, then the MIL wouldn't be able to use the headphones at all. It may not occur to her to ask someone to reconnect the Bluetooth connection. She may think the headphones are just broken. Headphones with cords are very old school, and more what she would have had back in the day.

I was visiting an elderly relative. She mentioned that her TV remote was broken. It had stopped working a while ago. I looked at the remote. The batteries had died, that was all. It didn't occur to her that could be it. She was used to plugging things in.
So are the old boomboxes.

we had no idea they were making a come-back until AFTER we happened to see a used one sitting on the clearance table at our local drugstore. it was one of the old school ones from back in the day and we learned it had only ever been used for the a.m. radio function to play 'easy listening' music in another of the stores locations. for $10 we figured it was worth buying. i forgot how nice the sound out of those speakers are. fortunatly we still have several boxes of old cassette tapes :thumbsup2
So are the old boomboxes.

I should actually say many of these "old" boomboxes have been revamped and updated with new technology. Some now have Bluetooth, (that was asked about in a previous post,) a USB connection so one can play a smartphone or other device through the boombox's speakers, or have songs recorded onto cassettes, and some have a remote control.
Is your MIL in a wheelchair? If so, I would suggest taking a look at adaptive wheelchair clothing. If the facility runs “cold”, perhaps a fleece cape that would be easy to get on/off?


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