I am most definitely crazy, but...


DIS Veteran
Jan 17, 2005
Seeing all you guys all psyched for the half in January, I actually went and registered for the DisneyLAND half marathon in September!! I think I noticed a couple clippies-- how many others are planning on Disneyland??
DH got me thinking about it. It looks like a blast! If we can arrange childcare for the kiddos, we may both be there.

I noticed onsite rooms are hard to come by, though. I hope we can snag a room after someone cancels.
Yes-- they were *very* hard to get, and what was left, was overly expensive-- for three nights at the Grand Californian, it was almost $1300!! It seems like there is a lot left at the "Good Neighbor" hotels, which are very close, though, and have really good rates!!
I'll be at DL! I got a great rate at the Hyatt ($139 per night). I saw the medal at the WDW Expo on Friday. It is huge and beautiful!
I'm going to try for the half-marathon at Disneyland as well. I'm new to running and I hope I'm able to do this. It's definitely a goal worth trying for.
Way to go on signing up for the DL 1/2 marathon. I know you all will do us proud. By the way DisneyGirl, I don't think you're crazy, you've set yourself a goal and you will meet it.
I'm signed up--but it may be financially impossible. There's this "little" "teeny" trip to Hawaii we are taking in October (okay--it's not little--it's TWO WEEKS!!!).

I'm just not sure. But that Castle medal!! Too tempting. What on earth will I do when they have one in Paris, Tokyo, and Hong Kong? B/c--you know that is just going to happen!
I sooo want to do this one. The had the castle medal at the expo this weekend. WOW it's huge!!!! It would be awesome to add it to the collection I have decided to start :upsidedow But I think it will be financially unable for me too. Also both DS will be in school then. I guess I'll just have to settle for the Minnie.

But to answer your question, no you are not crazy. I thought the same thing when I first started thinking about this 4 months ago. And continued to think I was crazy for a while. But once I really got into the training (and with all the support I got here) I realized I wasn't crazy and that I could do this. And I did. Just have a plan & work it & you will get there no problem.

Good luck!
Well, the more I thought about it, the more I'm glad I signed up! A year just seems way too long to wait for the next race, so I'm even more excited for the 1/2 at Disneyland now!!

I have Grand Californian reservations on DVC points... Now all I have to do is find cheap airfare...
I'm signed up and looking forward to it. After this weekend I know that I can do it fairly easily. :banana:


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