Is there place to breast feed an infant in the parks?


Sometimes life is not always a dance but when I lo
Apr 9, 2005
New mother traveling with an infant was wonder if there is anywhere in the parks to breast feed an infant.
There are baby care centers in both parks. In DL it's at the Central Plaza end of Main Street near the photo store. In DCA it's in the Pacific Wharf area.
just sit down on any shaded area bench and use a coverup anywhere. if the baby's hungry the baby's hungry. there's only one baby care center and if you are no where near it, then just nurse somewhere off to the side. it's a perfectly natural and normal thing to do!

i used to take my first child to the restrooms and sit there because i cared that people might find it offensive. then my 2nd child came, i couldn't cared less what people thought. I just used a blanket and cover up so no one can see.
I don't find it offensive, but I can't tell you how many times I've been tempted to comment to people about the baby care centers. They're inside air conditioned (or heated if need be). Not as much commotion. I often see women nursing right near the centers and just want to tell them about the wonderful area they could go. I have yet to do it however, because I'm afraid they will think I am offending them. If you are near the babycare centers I would definately go use them. Also for changing a baby. Almost all the bathrooms (including the men's rooms) have changing tables, but the ones in the centers are nice and easier to use in my opinion.

If you're not near the baby care center, and feel comfortable in public anywhere is fine.
I agree with missmulan... please please please feel free to nurse the baby whenever and wherever the baby is hungry! You have as much right to give your baby nourishment where you please as a mother who formula feeds their baby. Be comfortable and keep that baby happy!

When my daughter was small (she'll be 4 next week! A DL birthday for her!) I nursed where I liked, when I needed to and it made me so happy. And I didn't use a cover-up, either ;)

Have fun!
So glad to see so many pro-bfing responses! If you have the time to go to the baby-care centers I would go, even to just escape the elements or magic "chaos". My son decided to wean during our DL trip a month ago (he was 21 months), but I brought my sling/cover-up so that I could nurse him if needed. If the babe is hungry, feed him/her! If you can't get to a baby-care center, I don't think the baby will care one way or the other.
I, too breastfed both of my dc right out in the open at WDW or DL. If anyone had DARED tell me I needed to do it elsewhere they would have gotten a face full of milk! :earseek:
In any other country, this wouldn't be an issue, not that I know anyway.
Sometimes (almost all times) care centers are far away from where you want to be on your Disney vacation. I used to send my dh on Space Mtn or other 'height requirement' ride and just sit down to nurse.
If she is really uncomfortable doing this she could always pump!
Good Luck!
It is so easy. I had my 3 week old baby last December there. Just take a nursing sheath sit wherever you please and go for it. I found the Pirates ride to be a great nursing ride, Small World and Land Canal boats to be great places. If you are shy just sit in the back. Who has time for nursing centers when you are on the go with your family. If people are offended by a natural act then just ignore them. I had no problem and believe me I did it everywhere.
There are lots of shadey benches to sit back and people watch if one wants to nurse her baby. I also say check out the baby care center on Main Street. It is worth a visit just to see it. We went to the baby care center a lot for diaper changes and to use the "little potty."
It is a nice facility, cool and air conditioned and spotless! For someone who wants total privacy to nurse they have littlle private booths.


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