??? Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Mouse / Mr. & Mrs. Donald Duck ???


Nov 15, 2010
I've found conflicting answers to these questions as I've searched the Web:

1) Are Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse married?
2) Are Donald Duck and Daisy Duck married?

If "yes" for either, does anyone know the specific piece of Disney media (comic strip, animated short, etc.) that established this?

Thanks for any help with this!
I know that Mickey and Minnie are not married on screen. I looked it up and I read that Walt declared in private that they were married, but then I also remember reading that Walt stated they were forever to remain sweethearts and were never to be married. Quite confusing.

I don't believe Daisy and Donald are married either, they are just boyfriend and girlfriend.
I haven't researched this exhaustively, but if you watch the toons of them they are never shown living together, or in any other way except that of sweethearts, same for Donald and Daisy,,, except what about in Mickey's twice upon a Christmas. In the Donald short where he's a little scoogy before he starts leading everyone in "we wish you a merry christmas" Did Donald and Daisy live in the same house?
Neither couples are married!

I always ask Minnie about it, and shows me her ring less finger.
Then I ask her on a date and she tells me Mickey would be upset!
This is the question that my sweet 10 year old boy asked me this morning as we were talking about our future trip. He says "So Mom...what's the deal with Mickey and Minnie? Are they siblings or boyfriend/girlfriend?" I initially answered bf, gf....but then stepped back and said "You know I honestly have no idea...has Disney ever said?" It was a very good question I'd never thought to ask! LOL


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