My DS needs a new stroller


DIS Veteran
Aug 24, 2000
He is autistic & refuses to walk at times by dislocating his elbows. He weights almost 50lbs. He just broke the restraints on his newest stroller. (I got 6 months ago for $400) I need something extra sturdy that can not only handle his weight, but restrain him. Preferably something I can lift in & out of my trunk & not spend an hour taking appart.(umbrella type)
Any suggestions???
I don't have any personal experience with this because my dd has had a wheelchair since she was a little less than 3, but my experince as a health care worker is that Mclaren makes a sturdy large size stroller. They were the first to make them and all the other companies came after, Theirs are like very large umbrella strollers. Good for someone who does not have a lot of positioning needs, but needs a good stroller. It is a British company and they also make sort of the cadillac of regular umbrella strollers. i can't find a website for them, but I'll keep looking to see if I can. ≈

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
Thank you! I just wish they were a little cheaper. Everything is so expensive for a special needs child. You think babysitting costs a fortune for a normal child... I have to pay/bribe 2 babysitters that charge $7.00 and hour each. Maybe I'll just use my old one for a while.
It sounds like you depend quite a bit on this stroller. Do you think you could get the Dr. (pedi or even psych) to write an Rx with a letter of medical necessity. They could say something about being a safety issue (needing to be restrained in public to avoid hurting himself or others) and about the elbow dislocations (boy, sometimes I think our autistic kids are closet geniuses- what they come up with!) I would have them word it so that is something like: he has experinced multiple dislocations due to his inability to consistently walk long distances.
Anyway, you have a pretty good chance getting insurance to pay for a good stroller or wheelchair for him with a letter/Rx from the Dr. Also you can sendthat stuff to them for pre-approval, before you order, so you know it will be covered.
For an autistic child I think I would get a Convaid with the H-straps or a vest restraint. It is kinda like a cross between a stroller and a wheelchair. It folds up to the size of a golf bag.
And I have heard they are VERY good about repair for at least the first year. ;)
Good luck, and God bless,
April ;)
I am attempting to get my 9 year old daughter a new stroller. She has a gentic disorder called Williams sydrome and Infatile spasms (seizures).We just recently as in the last 6 - 9 months have gotten her a medical card since she is also not potty trained. I just found out lately that with the proper assessment and doctors signature that the medical card should pay for the stroller. We have just started this week trying the find this out. Maybe this information could help you also. The Nurse's registery (home health agency) that we deal with also said that if the medical card did not pay they they should through the EPDST program for safety equipment. We also took her to Shriner's hospital (We happen to have one here in town) for and evulation and they took care of the physical therapy evalualtion and doctor's signature.

Good luck!

Ann :cool:


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