My Neighbor got chickens

I live in an HOA but there are certain rules that supersede HOA rules and that's basically county or city rules. HOA does not allow chickens but the city's rules will overrule that in this case.

Prior neighbors (I always refer to them as the trouble ones because they were) across the street had chickens, which is allowed by city ordinance. The next door neighbor and I were out talking one day and that's when she mentioned it. I had no idea so the noise must not have carried but for them next to the house it was annoying enough. That however was probably amplified because those neighbors who had the chickens were known by all the other neighbors to just be an overall problem so it was just added to the laundry list of issues. The trouble neighbors eventually moved.

Our city ordinance lists them under "small farm animal"

Like others mentioned roosters are specifically prohibited IF your property is less than 3 acres which takes care of many properties and issues. A special permit is required for a property under 3 acres for farm animals (both small and large). For a property under 3 acres 10 max of small farm animals are allowed.

I agree with others to check your area for any rules. That will help you figure out if they are even doing something technically against ordinance or just something you could stop by and chit chat with them. Maybe they could relocate them to a better spot on their property to lower disruption to others, maybe they could at least remove the rooster (and assuming it's not already prohibited).
I can’t even imagine this. I'd go bonkers. Someone just bought next to us and put wind chimes in the back.. it’s so irritating to me, as I am someone who will spend a lot of time in the yard and pool in the summer.
I never understood wind chimes.

"Hey, let's have things clanging every time there is even the slightest of breezes. Our neighbors will love it!"

Any type of all day clucking or ****-a-doodle-dooing would put me over the edge.
Let someone else do the dirty work ....

Our HOA does not allow them and everyone agreed to the rules when they bought. So we would never have them in our neighborhood but I do back up to two other neighborhoods (I don't think one has an HOA and the other is optional). One house got some pet mini goats and that sure started a whole drama. I never heard them but there were neighbors who "just didn't like the idea."

In our community even if there is no HOA to stop you, every parcel of land is zoned for specific use and farm animals would need an agriculture zoning. I would check with your local government first to see if they are allowed to have them on their property at all.

If so, I would find out if roosters are allowed. If they are, my next step would be begin filing noise complaints. Record it, take notes on the specific hours. I know by us there are specific hours of louder noises and decibel requirements. Perhaps they are in violation of that. But for sure address with local government to find out what they are permitted and how the government can help you.
We had chickens for years. For most of those years we had roosters. Roosters crow to tell other roosters in the area that this is their territory, stay away and to tell any available hens in the area what a superb rooster he is in hopes of enlarging his flock. Roosters will crow literally any time of the day or night should it strike their fancy. And some are LOUD. Some had weird crows, some were lovely, but they were all loud. We also have several neighbors who have or had roosters, and usually if one crowed, the rest of the neighborhood roos would start up in answer.

That being said, I would check with your local government body to find out about your road's ordinances regarding chickens, roosters and livestock.

The people behind us have a freaking ROOSTER. And it must be very confused because it crows at all hours of the day and night. (Chickens are allowed here but roosters are specifically excluded). They got it last summer so it's not going away any time soon. I know I could probably call on them, and I would if it was actually waking me up (somehow it isn't). But I was kind of hoping one of the other neighbors would actually report them.

Last summer we also had a family of foxes that wandered the neighborhood sometimes. I was kind of hoping nature would just take care of things. Hoping the foxes are back this year.
Roosters crow at any time. It's a myth that they only crow at sunrise. I feel sorry for anyone near one.
Seeing the recent news about H5N1 (avian flu) spreading quickly, this is the worst time to deal with chickens IMO.

Check and see if your county allows roosters. Ours allows chickens but not them (for the exact noise reason you state).

Most all of the people who had chickens around me no longer have them. They only lay eggs for a certain amount of time, then they become expensive pets. No groups want them and you're not allowed to slaughter them yourself, so I have no clue where they went or what they did with them, but I am glad they're all gone.

Why are you not allowed to slaughter them yourself?


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