The Many Adventures of Chelley (Part 11 of 11)

I'm laughing so hard! H just called up to find out what the problem was.

Then he realized I was on the DIS!

Neither of us should be up this late. He's getting ready to do a prenentation that someone else was suppose to do while we were in WDW and he is not happy.

Tomorrow is my NH day in RI, but I thought I'd sort of stay up just in case I could help him.

Anyhow, I'm just picturing you and family in the Memphis Airport. You with video in tow! Then wasn't it the prop jet back to your area?

Way too funny - not really though. I'd have the heebee jeebies!

Well I need to go round up someone and get to bed - but thanks for that last laugh.
Thanks for the great reports.

Sorry to hear of your delays on your return flight. I hate sitting in airports waiting, they are so boring. We once sat in Miami for 16 hours waiting for our flight home.


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Thank you for taking the time to write such enjoyable trip reports. It is a pleasure to read reports that are so well written. Susan
dt, I hope I didn't get you in trouble!

Thanks, mamu and Susan! I LOVE to talk, so the Trip Reports board is a good place for me.

I am leaving for the SWan in 13 DAYS!!! I haven't been on the boards for about a week and it was so great to come back to your report. I can hardly wait to go. I haven't been to WDW for about 6 years, my DH has never been there and it's our anniversary. Thanks for helping to keep me excited and amused. :)

85 off site
86 Howard Johnson- marketplace
87 Lake Buena Vista
88 Poly
89 CBR
90 CBR
91 CBR
91 CBR
92 CBR
93 BC
94 BC
DEC. 2000 SWAN!!!!!!
Chelley...your reports are great! And did you just have to say to your husband just once..see we could have had our airfare for next time! He sounds like my DH!!! Going in May by chance? Thanks again!

Heck, I mentioned it SEVERAL times!

Going in February, going in July, wishing for May!

I have been reading these boards for about a month and I just have to say that you write the absolute best trip reports I have ever seen! They are so funny and well expressed. Thank you so much for sharing and building to my excitement for our trip in Feb!
Hi Chelley: I really enjoyed reading your trip reports. You were there the same time as me and my DH, but we left for home on the Tuesday, Nov 21. I wish now that we'd gone back to see the decorations at the WL. We did our resort touring on the afternoon of our arrival--Tues. Nov. 14. The tree at the Grand Floridian was gorgeous though. I did go back there and listened to the pianist and the jazz band while sipping a Strawberry Dacquiri in the lobby. It sure was cold on the Monday, wasn't it! We wore shorts to MGM(thinking it would warm up) and just about froze--should have gone back to our room at DXL and got warmer clothes. I've still got to write my trip report, but reading yours has reminded me of things I might have otherwise forgotten. Great job! :)



off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00
DXL 200?
Thank you, lulubelle! Warning: Chicken Girl and I will be back in February. Beware! Ha ha!

TimNDansMom, yes it was cold Thanksgiving week. On the Tuesday before T'giving, when the Chelley and SwanDolphin families went to Epcot, it was REALLY cold. I wore a wool coat! The SwanDolphin family had gloves and hats--better prepared than my family!
Just realized that this topic has "flames" beside it! Didn't realize that it was "hot"! Too funny. :)
Enjoyed reading all your reports!

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I just finished reading your trip reports. I have truly enjoyed them. You are so funny.
I'll have to search back now to read some of your other trip reports.

Hope you have another wonderful trip this month!

I appreciate your note. I'm a "Jeremy's aunt", by the way! :)

Just popped over to the trip reports board and was shocked to find this thread on page one. Thought it was long forgotten by now!

I'm getting so excited because I'll be back an WDW in two weeks. HOORAY!

Counting the days now . . .
My family went out to dinner last night in a town about 30 miles away from where we live.

You will NEVER guess who we saw in the restaurant! Give up?

We saw some people who were stuck at the Memphis airport with us for hours and hours on Thanksgiving--when we were trying to get home from WDW. It was like a family reunion or something as that family and my family reminisced last night! Hahaha! We kept saying, "Who could ever forget spending Thanksgiving in the Memphis airport?" :)
I would rather be sitting in an airport trying to get home rather than getting to WDW. A fun filled Disney trip was had by all. Thanks for posting!


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