Woo Hoo..Space Mountain lives again!!


Earning My Ears
Jul 3, 2005
got on space mountain last nite guys!...it felt satisfying after not having ridden it in several years. if you're an anual pass holder or going sometime soon, disney is having sneek preview rides, but i'm not sure exactly what days.

woo hoo!! :banana:
Are you referring to DL or WDW? I recently heard that Space Mountain was going down for refurbishment at DL. What enhancements have they made? Do they still have the whirling chocolate chip cookies flying through outer space? Just curious as we are headed to WDW in September and our family loves Space Mountain.
DL's Spacemountain has been "down" for over 2 years now and just reopened. It will not be going down for scheduled refurb for some time.

The Standby line was running at 150min when I checked yesterday, but it was easy to get on most everything else despite the crowds.
There's a "Window" to outerspace now. It gets talked up by the imagineers, but the rumors I've heard are that it was supposed to be the entire ceiling, but budget cuts made it a window.

There are other minor enhancments and of course there's rockit mountain which has not fired up yet.
I believe there is a new regular soundtrack as well.
The DL space Mountain redesigned the cars. The soundtrack is essentially the same, but the speakers are now integrated into the cars rather than stuck on as an afterthought, also the track is much smoother. I'm sure there are other changes, but those are the ones that stuck in my mind after riding it.
The track is smoother. It seems faster. It is quieter so they don't have to blast the soundtrack. The inside lighting is different but the swirling chocolate cookies are gone as is the view into the inside that you could see waiting in the queue.

A BIG improvement.
Last time I went on it at DL they had these really cheesy videos on the TV screen, it kinda made the whole ride a joke. This was in about 2003. I dont remember it exactly, but I just remember it being really bad. Did they finally get rid of this?
Yes the video was kind of cheesy, which did appeal to me, but it is no longer there. I don't really miss it.
Does anyone know when the last improvements were made to the WDW Space Mountain? I remember riding it back in the late 80's and then not riding it again until the mid 90's. The last time we went to WDW (2003) the ride seemed smoother - still had the cookies flying through outer space. Over the years the ride doesn't seem to have changed that much. Maybe I'm out of the loop and they have recently made improvements. :upsidedow Or are they planning on making similar changes to WDW as they did to DL Space Mountain?


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