Would you still go? Travel Insurance

Mickey's Best-Friend

Earning My Ears
Aug 10, 2009
Let me know what you think of this:
ok to give you some background, I am leaving for my trip in 60 days and I have already purchased my medical travel insurance. Several days ago I got my blood work back and my cholesterol was up (6.6 in Canada standards). It was somewhat high last year too (5.5). My Dr. does not recommend medications b/c she feels I can get it down with exercise and eating more healthy. She does want to recheck in 6 months. OK, with that being said i have been talking back and forth with my medical insurance people and I wanted to make sure I will be covered in case I have a stroke or heart attack (very unlikely I know). So now they tell me I will not be covered if anything should arise relating to the high cholesterol, but they did say that a heart attack and stroke is unforeseen and not caused solely by the cholesterol so I will be covered it anything should happen. This time a few days ago I was ready to call off my trip, but now I feel better about going. Tell me I am not crazy! Has anybody else had anything happen like this within 90 days of their travel?Thanks
I think you are worrying about nothing. I would not have even called to find out with such a diagnosis. Just go! Stop obsessing about nothing and go have a good time!
As long as you feel up to going, go.If your gut says no, only you know how you feel.Trust yourself.

Yes, just about every trip someone in our family has something come up. Yep, even the trip I am on right now.

Trip insurance is our friend!We also buy travel health insurance.Both types have saved us.
Not the exact same thing, but between family members we have had changes in the six months prior to a vacation that cause coverage gaps.

I look at those gaps and which family member is having a gap when I decide.

This trip we have a gap with the twins.They had surgery and required a second surgery because the hooks holding the rods in their backs did not hold. This delayed our trip.If this causes an issues on the trip it will not be covered by travel -it will be covered by our regular insurance but we will have to cover any extras caused by being out of our home area.

If we have gaps with one of my DSs that when he has something go wrong it just gets worse and causes other things to go wrong every time. We would have just canceled our trip.

does this help any?
Not the exact same thing, but between family members we have had changes in the six months prior to a vacation that cause coverage gaps.

I look at those gaps and which family member is having a gap when I decide.

This trip we have a gap with the twins.They had surgery and required a second surgery because the hooks holding the rods in their backs did not hold. This delayed our trip.If this causes an issues on the trip it will not be covered by travel -it will be covered by our regular insurance but we will have to cover any extras caused by being out of our home area.

If we have gaps with one of my DSs that when he has something go wrong it just gets worse and causes other things to go wrong every time. We would have just canceled our trip.

does this help any?
just wondering if anyone has had a similar thing happen to them?

Well, my wife had a stroke fourteen months ago and can no longer get medical travel insurance (essential for travel outside of United Kingdom).

We will never get to WDW again and even DLP is borderline.

At least there is always 'Picture of the Day' thread.



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