WOW! Another Lilo Reveiw at 5, the Price is Right at 6.


<font color=blue>Good GOD, man, quit banging your
Jan 13, 2001
Well, it seems like the "happy-go-lucky" Testtrack321 finally went to see Lilo today. It got some good reviews, even by the Richmond VA critic, who hated every movie but "Joe and Silent Bob" (could be a death sentence:( ) Well, the review first.

This movie hits on many things the previous movies have hit homers on. Emperor's humor, Tarzan's "coolness", and many other things. The movie does also bring some bad parts, including no definiate "baddie" thougout the movie. The Social Worker turns out to be good, ditto for the head hunters. The Emperor is good at the beginning, bad in the end, and good at the extremly end, 5 seconds after being bad. The only true bad guy was the guy who was going to send Stitch off to the asteroid. But he was in the movie for a total of 10 minuites.

Now to my favorite part, the Simpsons humor. That sounds bad, but the Simpsons plays to the most sofisticated person and the simpliest person there. Lilo has accomplished this with amazing results. From the cross dressing alien, to Cobra Bubbles ("That's an awfully wierd name.") Lilo's sister giving signal ques to Lilo for what to say to the Social Worker behind his back was a classic ("And she beats be, but to five times a day!")

But it was a tear jerker, something that many movies haven't made me do in a while.

Overall, I give Lilo a 4 out of 5 overall. Animation a 4. Sound a 5 (gotta love Stitches voice.) Finally, fun a 5 out of 5.

Now for the PRICE IS RIGHT!
Come on down..... Testtrack321!

The first movie we are bidding on is Lilo and Stitch.
Mr. Bob O what do you bid?
*Looks at auidence*
"$2 Bob"
"Yeah, stupid Scoop can't predict me"
"Ok, Mr. Landbarron"
"DVC -Landbarron, Bob"
"Ok, can I pass"
AV-"No, $250"
Bob-"Ok, you two out, NOW!"
DVC-"I'll buy you lunch to make it up"
AV-"Only if I can get a double-decaffe late with extra mocha sprinkles."
AV-"At the Peninsula Hotel?"
DVC-"Ok, at the Peninsula Hotel"
Bob-"Testtrack321? What's your bid?
"I bid a whopping $200."
"Wait, you said $149"
"No I didn't"
"Yes you did, it's right here"
"That's airlarry!."
"Oh, ok then"

So to make a long and borring monolouge into two words, 200 million.
Originally posted by Testtrack321
Well, it seems like the "happy-go-lucky" Testtrack321 finally went to see Lilo today. It got some good reviews, even by the Richmond VA critic, who hated every movie but "Joe and Silent Bob" (could be a death sentence:( ) Well, the review first.

After my Shrek gaff I have to prove that I know something, so "Jay and Silent Bob."

I'm glad you liked the movie - my bid was for $225M, which may still be too high, but I'm still optimistic.



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