You will have no problem!


Aug 14, 2003
I nursed my daughter all over WDW last year. I'm always surprised when people tell me that have have gotten dirty looks while breastfeeding because during the period that I was breastfeeding (I did it for 12 months for each of my 2 children), I can honestly say I never received a dirty look or rude comment. Most of the time, people didn't even know what I was doing, but when they did notice (usually it was another mom who had BF'd herself), they either made very nice, supportive comments or just didn't make a big deal at all. Most BF'ing moms expose less flesh than teenage girls in the mall!

At WDW, I nursed wherever we happened to be. I brought a sling along with me and sometimes nursed in that so that my daughter could just fall asleep afterwards. The funniest incident happened on The Land attraction. The kids were bored and my DD was getting fussy, so I nursed her, hoping that she would calm down and not disturb anyone, and eventually fall asleep. I remember approaching the exit of that ride hoping that it wasn't one of those rides where they take your picture as you are exiting!

Congrats to you and have a great trip!



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