Embarrased to tell friends/family that I'm buying a timeshare in Florida

If they dont pay for it, they don't get to criticize it!!! ;)

Seriously, it's nobody's bussiness!!

I love my DVC!!!

Not tell people? Heck, I put it in our Christmas letter for 2006!

"As many of you already know, we purchased points in the Disney Vacation Club this year (Boardwalk Villas and Villas at Wilderness Lodge are our home resorts.) In April, I met DH in Orlando after my annual xxx management meeting in Miami. We stayed at the Wilderness Lodge for several nights and then in a DVC villa the last night. We love it! Yes, we should have bought into DVC years ago based on our twice per year trip to Disney habit."

Most people who know me know that I'm a big Disney fan. They weren't too surprised that we bought the DVC points. Most comments were "why didn't you do that sooner?" We did get a lot of shaking of heads though from the people who already thought we were nuts for going so often.
I talk about it only if it comes up in conversation. Of course, our family and closest friends now all know since we've been members for a few years. If you have children it will probably be easier for you to explain. We have no children, so we got hit with alot of wierd stares and "Why's" I get this even now when I tell people we own DVC.

But as long as your happy with it, that's all that matters.:cool1:
Here's a silly one. We haven't told our families and only a few friends, but I actually took my mother, her husband and my grandmother on a trip (2BR) in October. I think they must have thought we paid cash for the room! :lmao: We are going on a trip with our friends in January, another two bedroom and my mom asked "So are you going to buy a place down there?" I said something noncommittal along the lines of, "Oh, we'll see." I guess I am a liar, liar, pants on fire. However, I'm afraid that the trip in October went in such a way that I'll not actually be treating my mom to a trip again in the near future. She had a fantastic time, and if she wants to go again, she and her husband can get their OWN room.

Heck, my dad and his family don't even know that we have been to Disney at all, as far as I know. He would be an eye-roller for sure, as when I would visit my grandparents in Florida with him in the 90's, I suggested we go to Disney for a day and he said, "Nah - they're overpriced and really not very good. Sea World is the best of the parks over there." :eek: Never took me to Sea World either, though. :confused3 It could become akward, I guess, if things come out after the fact, but really, we all live in separate states and there are plenty of things he doesn't tell me, too, I'm sure.

I guess I figure that there's got to be SOME reason they are still marketing it as the "Best Kept Secret.," cause it sure doesn't seem to be that well kept by Disney! :rotfl2:
Welcome Home to a Florida Timeshare, Wendy! At least two families in Greensboro have figured out the value of DVC membership!
Welcome Home to a Florida Timeshare, Wendy! At least two families in Greensboro have figured out the value of DVC membership!

Oh no! Eek! I've been discovered. Now everyone in town is going to know. Okay, okay I admit it. I OWN A TIMESHARE! But please, please, please don't tell my old Finance and Economics Professors at UNCG.
Oh no! Eek! I've been discovered. Now everyone in town is going to know. Okay, okay I admit it. I OWN A TIMESHARE! But please, please, please don't tell my old Finance and Economics Professors at UNCG.

I had one finance prof when I was working on my MBA admit he and some other professors got together and bought a resturant. It went broke. We use to snicker about just doing the opposite of everything he taught!

I had to miss 2 classes, to go on business to Germany(company was buying equipment). He told me if I had a job where I got to go to Europe, why did I need an MBA?

I wouldn't worry about them Wendy.
We don't tell them :) Seriously we haven't told our family for that exact reason. Some things are better kept quiet.

Oh how I wish I hadn't told any of my family. If I ever build a time machine it's one of the first things I'm going to go back and change! :laughing:

Hey, WendyinNC. We are one of those CRAZY Disney Timeshare people. When we first bought, I thought I had to explain everything and justify everything. And sometimes I still do. But that is rare. Now, I have realized that this is what WE enjoy. If no one else likes it , then I don't really care. My feeling is this: everyone has SOMETHING they spend their money on whether that is finer cars, a bigger house, expensive clothing, going out to eat often, etc. Well, this is OUR thing. And believe it or not, you will be surprised how the support you will get from those who trully care about you and want happiness for you.

Example: I was not quite sure how my mom and dad would react to us going to Disney World again (I took mom with us to HHI and she fell head over heals in love so I'm not worried about there anymore :) But I wasn't sure about telling them about going to Disney, the drive, the money involved for tickets , etc.

When I told them we were going and then started justifying everything, my dad said ," There's no need to do that. I know this is what makes ya'll happy and you always have special times made to remember as a family." He later told my older sister that he was glad we were going b/k he knew how much we enjoyed going to places like that (and the beach) as a family and how we don't spend much money on other things.

Anyway... long story short... you may just be pleasantly surprised by the reaction.
(And my mom can't wait to go back to HHI again....my sister loves it too)!

Don't worry. Be happy!!!!
Just down the road from you. We bought DVC and didnt feel the need to tell anyone about it. As time went on, MIL noticed we were going more often, so we invited her to a 2 bed stay at VWL and informed her as we walked through the door. Seemed more effective this way, and she understood right at that moment.
Next was my parents. The 1st time they went with us, we stayed at All Stars and we commando toured the parks. Next trip, as owners this time, we stayed ay OKW. They flew in for a Spring Training game, drove back with us the next day. Didnt want to step foot in the parks. My Dad, even after telling him his room was paid for, insisted on paying. I couldnt get them to understand, we owned a piece of the magic.
So the next trip, this past March, we conned them into coming for a longer stay. Promised we didnt commando anymore. They came for 3 nights. We stayed at VWL, relaxed, hung out by the pool, did Epcot at their pace. Still my dad was insitent on paying. This time I got him to understand, we footed the points, he didnt owe us anything.
Its a nice way to break it to them gently. Get them there, share the magic with them, and then they begin to understand. It worked for us.
But bottom line is, its your hard earned $$. You have the right to spend as you see fit. I would say to be very discreet until you feel others wont begin to try and take advantage. At any rate, good luck and enjoy!
Exactly!!!!! We get asked that all the time too! These are the same people, mind you, that go to the same Hawaii, Mexico, and quad riding destinations every year!:rotfl: What's the difference!?:confused3


The people who hassle us about our DVC are the same people who spend their vacations sitting up in a cold deer blind looking for things to shoot! How pathetic is that?! Of course, I live in Michigan, where a conversation about deer processing is considered a conversation-starter at any party!:rotfl:
The people who hassle us about our DVC are the same people who spend their vacations sitting up in a cold deer blind looking for things to shoot! How pathetic is that?! Of course, I live in Michigan, where a conversation about deer processing is considered a conversation-starter at any party!:rotfl:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Oooohh! What a vacation!! Not!!!:lmao: :lmao: That would be cruel punishment for me!:lmao:
Seriously, if that is what they really want to do? Great, go for it, but count me out!

My Older brother's family are the quad-riders. They go on several trips a year. We have gone with them before to one of their beach trips at a camp ground and stayed in there trailer. The beach was nice and at least they had showers. 2-3 nights camping are good enough for me. Anymore than that, give me a hotel! Better yet, my DVC!:woohoo:
The funny thing is....he thinks he is being so thrifty by vacationing this way. The amount of money he has in his camping trailer, storage trailer, 5-6 quads, sand rail, gear, food, and the amount he pays in gas to haul all that is unbelievable!:confused3 He could take his family of 5 on a really nice vacation for many years to come. Not only that, but the work that has to go into getting everything set up and ready to go, and then coming back and cleaning everything and putting it away.:scared1: Yikes! Any vacation takes preparation we all know, but that is way more than I want to do!
My poor SIL was so exhausted by the time we unloaded and got the trailer set up to sleep in, while my brother was out there chatting with his buddies.
I thought to my self "Honey, you're doing it all wrong! HOTEL! HOTEL! HOTEL!":rotfl:
They even have a timeshare in Mexico that they have only used once! Go figure!:confused3
I know if I could ever get my brother to DVC, he would probably buy!:laughing: His family loves those local fairs and carnivals! They ask us if we want to go and I tell them "Thanks, but we have our Disney tickets and those things cost almost as much as a day at Disney. I'd rather put that money towards our Disney tickets!"
He talks like we spend so extravagently, but his family wastes more than we could ever save and his wife makes more than my husband and myself put together!:laughing:
Sorry, for rambling on!:rolleyes1
Welcome Home to a Florida Timeshare, Wendy! At least two families in Greensboro have figured out the value of DVC membership!

3 - tho I won't be buying in til later this year :goodvibes

I'm a little leery of mentioning the purchase myself- my family is definitely the "why on Earth would you go twice?" mentality.

Unfortunately some friends saw the pretty purple book when it first arrived so I've already be asked about free trips .... LOL

Maybe I should just keep this a secret.

I would, I just had to hear again over the holidays the old stand-by "Why don't you go somewhere else?". I then reminded this person that I was the only one from that group who had actually been out of the country, among other places in the last few years. How I vacation is my business and I don't solicit or appreciate comments on my trip itineraries. We have yet to tell this branch of the family that we own DVC and I don't intend to. I hear enough already just on the trip comments.
My husband and I looked at DVC about 6 years ago when they were selling Vero Beach. My parents thought we were crazy. Due to our finances at the time, we did not buy. When we heard about the F&F promotion and that Animal Kingdom Villas was going to be the next spot, we decided to look into it again. The four of us, parents and husband, live in Florida and go to Disney very often since we have annual passes. When my parents come over, we all stay the night at a hotel because my dad does not like to drive home at night. His favorite hotel, Animal Kingdom Lodge. This was costing us a LOT of money. I sat down and explained how the points would work. My dad still insisted it was not a good idea. I told him he should come to the Dis boards and read up on it. Anyways, the four of us ended up buying 300 points last weekend! I told my in-laws right away because we purchased them seasonal passes for Christmas and asked them to join us on a trip in May. They want to pay us for their room, but I too find enjoyment in the fact that my husband and I will have quality time with both sets of parents there.
I told my parents and wish I hadn't. They think you should save all your money for retirement. They have been retired for 13 years. They have taken a few road trips and that is it. My father works part time still at a golf course. (To get his free golf everyday) I don't know what they are still saving for. Their retirement that they have been saving for has been here for quite some time. My brother is even worse. He is 43 and lives in their basement so he doesn't have to spend any money. So in their eyes I am crazy throwing my money away on vacations. I should just stay home and save my money.:crazy:
I told my parents and wish I hadn't. They think you should save all your money for retirement. They have been retired for 13 years. They have taken a few road trips and that is it. My father works part time still at a golf course. (To get his free golf everyday) I don't know what they are still saving for. Their retirement that they have been saving for has been here for quite some time. My brother is even worse. He is 43 and lives in their basement so he doesn't have to spend any money. So in their eyes I am crazy throwing my money away on vacations. I should just stay home and save my money.:crazy:

Our parents know and they are supportive.

My dad worked so hard all his life, yet now it's hard for him to travel due to his bad legs. We wish we had bought sooner so they could both share in our family joy. Hopefully, Mom will at least.

I see too many old relatives pass away their golden years in front of a TV.

I agree with you, what are people saving for ? You can't take it with you. And money spent on great family memories is money VERY well spent.
I see too many old relatives pass away their golden years in front of a TV.

I agree with you, what are people saving for ? You can't take it with you. And money spent on great family memories is money VERY well spent.

Amen, Brother!:happytv: :confused3

I do believe you have to have balance in your life, but too many times people are too extreme one way or the other. We are saving through a retirement acct. for the upcoming senior years, but hopefully that will help to fund trips to WDW instead of trips to the doctor.

What I see in my relatives is depression era mentality that has trickled down. Great uncles and aunts, and grandparents from that time were lots more cost conscience than my dad and mom. But my father grew up with the lingering effects of post depression era. So he remembers the poor times. Yet he likes to vacation, and want allow himself not to go.
We just decided to purchase also, and had this conversation last night. We decided we are not telling them anything! :rolleyes1 As far as they are going to know we are going to WDW or where ever on vacation. It is just easier that way.


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