The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 23

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My day went wonky yet again. I got the boys to school and all seemed well until the teacher called to have me pick Logan up as he was having a tummy ache again. I ended up picking them both up as it didn't make sense to drag a sick kid out a few minutes later. The good news is that the 3 of us took a nap :goodvibes Now I have dinner in the oven and I've checked all the park hours for July and August. The only change was for the MK on our last day which I expected for the Pirate and Princess Party. So nothing to worry about schedule wise :thumbsup2 .
I have one more phone conference for a status update on the virus issue and then I'm done with work for today. I have a girl scout cookie order to put together for the area and then I'm vegging for the night. If it isn't too windy outside, I may go DIS on the back deck.
Tammi - Finally got your box in the mail! Watch for it in 5-7 business days!:)

Vicki - Watch your mailbox, too!

Brother & Sister are napping. I told Brother he had ONE minute before nap. He walked in his room and said "I ready for a nap now." He climbed in his bed and was out cold in under 5 minutes.

I did tidy up a bit, but being off 3 mornings this week has really put me behind on getting stuff done! There is a grocery list, but I don't know when I will have time to go to the grocery! Tomorrow morning will be my first opportunity. The kids have early dismissal, but I will have from 9-11 AM to get stuff done. They aren't having dinner at home tonight, and they don't bring lunch to school tomorrow, so they really just have to cover breakfast. I just took a new loaf of bread and a new package of bagels out of the freezer, there are eggs, I think they can manage. There is no milk but the kids go all weekend without ever touching the milk so one morning shouldn't be a problem.

Have you seen anything in your mailbox lately? If not, you should in a day or so I would think.
Have you seen anything in your mailbox lately? If not, you should in a day or so I would think.


your package came yesterday!!! The girls were thrilled with the pants for Pal Mickey...and the apron...Abi said cool, now he can cook too!!

I'll get a check to you tomorrow!!
Not such good news from the vet.:sad2: Unfortunately I am the winner of the bet. Amanda has kidney failure due to old age. Her kidney function is currently 25-35%. The vet prescribed some antibiotics and some special food, but her condition will deteriorate over time. I am afraid when she loses bladder control we will have to say good-bye.:sad1: DS was very worried about her, so I am glad she is back home for awhile longer.

Vicki - THANK YOU for the pins!:banana: DS will be so tickled when he gets home! I'll get a check in the mail to you tomorrow!

Tammi - While I am at the post office I will get that box to you, too! Sorry it has taken me so long!:upsidedow

I'm reading backwards. Glad to hear that you got the package. I was so excited about finding it for him. I'm just glad it didn't start an addiction for me. I was happy to just keep looking for a couple of things for myself and keep my eye out for monorails for him.
Good morning everyone! Sounds like everyone is off and running today. I'm just hoping not to have to take Terra to the doctor today. She did something to her eye yesterday morning. She was rolling around on the floor and the best we can tell she rolled so that a sock on the floor grazed her eye. She kept it cosed for about 45 minutes before falling asleep for another hour. After some more tears when she awoke I finally got her to open it. I can't see any scratches on it, but it was definitely irritated and improved over the day. She still complained about bright lights though and would only open her eyes outside with sunglasses.

Then last night Rachel accidentally hit the same eye with her head (don't ask me how) and Terra started screaming again saying that she couldn't open her eye. I held her and she ended up falling asleep (it was almost bedtime anyway). She had a rough night of sleep and woke up this morning at 6:30 complaining that the lights were too bright and saying that she couldn't open her eye still. She fell back asleep on my lap at the computer and has been sleeping ever since. I am hoping when she is fully rested and wakes up, she'll be more calm and can/will open her eye. If not, I guess we may be heading to the doctor. Terra is not one to complain about an injury and usually wants the pain over ASAP so that she can get back to playing so the fact that she's complaining for so long has me a little worried, but at the same time I couldn't see anything wrong after the first incident yesterday. Argh! I hate not knowing what to do.

Oh no! I hope she is feeling better now!

your package came yesterday!!! The girls were thrilled with the pants for Pal Mickey...and the apron...Abi said cool, now he can cook too!!

I'll get a check to you tomorrow!!

That was actually a Bearista Bear gardeners outfit but cooking apron works too! :lmao: It is kind of feminine but since I was robbing another poor bear of his outfit, I decided to send it all! :rotfl:
That was actually a Bearista Bear gardeners outfit but cooking apron works too! :lmao: It is kind of feminine but since I was robbing another poor bear of his outfit, I decided to send it all! :rotfl:

It was a bit femine but I wasn't going to dash her joy:lmao: .....she's just worried it won't fit over his head...we'll make it work.
I neeeeeeeeed one!!!
Me too!!!!:rolleyes:

Anne Marie, Bernadette, Deb, and MAYBE Janet -
Disney has changed the August hours on the official calendar.:)
I just looked, thanks for the heads-up..It's just MK for P7P right? Or am I missing something?

one other thing could you please put marsha gonzoles(sp) on your prayer list. she is my moms coworker and just found out she has breast cancer. i think they scheduled a lumpectame for friday. they are going to place something in her breast to see if it has spreed once they take the lump out.
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

I guess it's a good thing that I haven't done much planning ;)

For those of you without a SuperWalmart you can find those juices at:
TummyTickler Store List (alphabetical order)
7-Eleven convenience stores are carrying Sesame Street on a national level and Clifford and Peanuts in select stores.
Believe it or not, we do not have ANY of those stores here!:eek:

I just needed to see my ticker.. :teeth:
Tia I hope Terra's eye is feeling better :wizard:

Good morning everyone! Sounds like everyone is off and running today. I'm just hoping not to have to take Terra to the doctor today. She did something to her eye yesterday morning. She was rolling around on the floor and the best we can tell she rolled so that a sock on the floor grazed her eye. She kept it cosed for about 45 minutes before falling asleep for another hour. After some more tears when she awoke I finally got her to open it. I can't see any scratches on it, but it was definitely irritated and improved over the day. She still complained about bright lights though and would only open her eyes outside with sunglasses.
What, no Tinkerbell!


When I was at the Walmart Superstore yesterday I found the coolest juice bottles. They are made by TummyTickler, but the designs aren't showing on their website yet. They had the disney line.
I will catch up in a bit. Time to go to a parent teacher conference :upsidedow
I don't *think* it is Verizon. When we lived further north we had Verizon, but when we moved to this apartment it switched to SBC, which has now been taken over by AT&T. So my DSL is AT&T with Yahoo. Or it will be. If it works. I hardly ever use my land line phone for anything, so if the filters don't work very well I don't think it will matter. BUT the phone jack required some rather creative engineering on behalf of our maintenance guy so the filter might not work at all. There is a jack in the kitchen with a wire coming down out of it. That wire is running around the perimeter of the dining room under the carpet to the modem because the jack behind the computer desk does not work. The phone is plugged directly into the front of the same jack. I can not plug the wire for the computer into the filter because there isn't a plug on the end - it is literally wired into the inside of the jack. Anyway, the DSL might prove to be completely non-functional. That would mean returning to dial-up of some sort. Which would mean sorting out the compatibility issues with Netscape and Vista. Now I am tired!:rotfl2:

Thank you!

Good thoughts for Kristi's arm AND her interview!:wizard:

I think I found 2 on that list that don't apply to me. The computer one (because NOTHING I do on my computer is really for work!) and the one about drinking before we go out. We don't drink at all, really. Maybe a bottle of wine once or twice a year. We never go to bars!

I am sorry to hear about your kitty! But I am glad you had such a long time with him! I have a pin set aside for you in case you are right about Amanda!

Yes! All of that!!:rotfl:

That is so exciting!!

I think it looks great! I have NO imagination. Our landlord said we are welcome to paint - she even offered to have the guys come paint FOR ME at no charge (we would just buy the paint) but I have no clue what color we would paint anything!:confused3

Hope all goes well!

Yay Delinda!!

I saw my very first Webkinz at Hallmark today. A BIG frog, a monkey, and a littel dog thing (probably the chihuahua someone mentioned). The lady said those things are 20-25% of Hallmark's TOTAL SALES right now!:eek: I still don't think they are all that big here. Or maybe they just aren't big with DS's friends or Sister's friends so I don't see it.

Janet - Best of luck with the house!! I hope you do decide to come to WDW in August! That would be fun!

Enabler Alert -
Disney Store is going 40% off the sale price on all red stickers tomorrow. That means the Studio T-shirts that are currently $5 will go to $3. They also have those Ariel dolls that were $100 originally - they will be $18. Hopefully I will make it over there before I have to pick up Brother.

Vicki - I am sorry the bear clothes don't fit your PM! Bummer. We got another pack of pins today, so just one more to go. Of course I ended up putting some bids on a few more pins tonight so we'll see if I win any of them tomorrow. I need to get finished with all that so if I am internetless I won't be stressed about eBay auctions!

I think we need to find a Disney Pins Anonymous group for Elizabeth!! Anyone know where to start?
Becky - Have a safe trip tomorrow!!
I have had 2 mammograms and I just don't think they were that bad! The ultrasound I had after the mammogram was worse! And I got to wear a pink cape and be like Batgirl. How fun is that?:lmao: The worst part was the $320 bill that came afterwards because they coded the bill funny and my insurance wouldn't pay for it!:scared1:

I've heard that is one advantage of being small chested like myself. The mammograms are supposed to be much more painful for bigger chested women! At least there is one thing I can be thankful for a small chest.
I've heard that is one advantage of being small chested like myself. The mammograms are supposed to be much more painful for bigger chested women! At least there is one thing I can be thankful for a small chest.
Oh great! :sad2:
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