A Disneyland/DCA PARTY!


BUT MOM, Disney World is only 2633.8 Miles Away!
Sep 6, 2006
Chp. 1 "I think we're going to Chuck E. Cheese" Page 2 Post 21
Below is the pre-trip report if you'd like to read it.

Pre-Trip Report
I guess it's about time I start this puppy. This is my second attempt at a trip report and hopefully it goes better than my first one. Hopefully no one recognizes my username
I never got around to finishing my other TR and I know that's a big no-no on the Dis

With no further ado, Ladies and Gentleman Por favor manténgase alejado de los puertos and in case of an emergency, the exits are here, here, here, here, here, here anywhere! Off we go! So this trip, kind of came out of the blue. I was planning a 2nd trip to WDW but that went south. I still wanted to do Disney but I decided DisneyLAND would probably be most affordable. I thought of my grandparents and how life is short and you never know when it'll end, not that they are super old but they are seniors. I wanted to do something really special for them, something to show them how much I really do appreciate them. Well, I started thinking about taking my grandparents to Disney World (mostly Epcot in mind) but not having a steady job put those ideas away. Then I pondered, why not Disneyland?! I can't remember the last time I went to Disneyland with my grandparents. After talking to my mom I found out that the last time we all went to Disneyland together, I wasn't even a year old! My grandparents have not been to Disneyland in 18 years!
That is an outrage! That should be illegal;)

One late night as I was doing my research on the DISabilities forum, I gave my eyes a break from the bright computer screen and saw my little sister sleeping in my bed. We have "sleepovers" every non-school night. We are best friends. I adore that little girl. It broke my heart thinking of leaving her at home while I was at Disneyland. That would not do! I couldn't do that to her. First, I had to make sure it was okay with my mom but she wasn't 100% sure about letting Anais go with us. Then one morning at the breakfast table, I explained her what I wanted to do that she was more than invited! She hadn't really wanted to go to Disneyland again (since we had just went in January
just?) but because we were all going she wanted to come with us. I really wanted her to come because I can't go to Disneyland without my mom! She had to first talk to my dad and see if they could afford it (I'm paying for 3/6 tickets). So she talked to my dad and he gave her the go ahead! :cool1:

I really wanted to buy the tickets ahead of time and after visiting the Disney store, I got a flyer for the 2Fer Offer. I told my mom how this was such a good deal and that we didn't necessarily have to go two consecutive days in a row, that we had 1 month to go to DCA. She would not have it. She said that if we back a month later to go to DCA we would want to go Disneyland as well. So we started planning when to do this fun two day event. She said it probably be best April 3-4th. I said ARE YOU CRAZY LADY!:scared1: well that's the paraphrased version ;) I told her the hotel is $50 more expensive and the crowds are horrendous! So she had ran it by my dad. Of course his logical thinking put my original plans (4/17-4/18) back in action:thumbsup2

Now mind you, my grandparents STILL don't know at this time. Instead of just calling them up and asking, I wrote them a letter. Who still does that nowadays? The reason this letter is important is because I wrote it in Spanish. You see, well not really 'cause you guys are on the DIS and they are in Lancaster but anyways I'm getting sidetracked, my grandparents are from Mexico and they are always bugging about practicing my Spanish, I took Spanish I & II in high school, so I thought this would be a way for me showing appreciation for our culture, history, yadda yadda. I wrote them saying maybe my aunt Ro and the two youngest girls (cynthia and Kristinia) would be able to come. I mailed it Wednesday (3/27) and they got it Friday. I called them and my grandma told me how touched they were that I wrote them a letter AND in Spanish! Before I let my grandma get all mushy on the phone, I had to confirm if they were able to make it & yeah they could and were very excited about it. YES!:yay:

I didn't suggest inviting my aunt and cousins willy nilly! I told them about our plans before my grandparents. She said that she really wanted to go back but didn't know if they were able, financially because she is planning a baby shower for her other daughter, Alicia. So I told her they were invited and to let me know and blah blah blah. Well I called her and she said it was a no go because Cynthia was sick and had already missed a week of school. She didn't want her to miss anymore school after her spring break. Shucks!:rolleyes:

Okay, Okay. Truth Time: Truthfully, I was relieved. After contemplating them going with us, I regretted even mentioning it. We went with them in January and didn't arrive until 11am when the park opened at 9am! That wouldn't be so bad if we already had our tickets, which we didn't! So we didn't get into the park until 1pm!:headache: Also, I'm sorry but those girls just whine too much and it doesn't really help the situation that they get away with such behavior:eek: My grandma was a bit disappointed but she let it go and I think deep down, she knew it'd be better if it were just us. Anais is so much better behaved then Cyndi and Kristina. Not that I'm bragging or anything:rolleyes1

My mom was sad that my dad wouldn't be joining us for this trip. Of course, I already had that figured out. I told her that he actually wasn't working that Tuesday so he could at least join us for Disneyland, stay the night at the hotel, and leave early next morning to work. He works in Beverly Hills which is only 30 minutes away( I know, we're rich :snooty: NAH, just kidding!:laughing:). Now I just had to let my dad know he was coming!:laughing: Once we realized that he wasn't working, well he didn't really have a choice. We are a very close family and we almost always travel together. I asked Diana (my other sister) if she wanted to come, several times in fact, but she didn't want to plus, she has school. Party pooper

This trip was originally only going to include three people, in a matter of days it's up to six, which is officially (if you didnt' know) party status party: I'm the one with the balloon.

Our trip is 17 days away and it's extremely exciting! My grandma keeps slipping up but thankfully Anais hasn't caught on. I have to keep giving her "the look" and "the sound". "The look" is when you open your eyes big, stare the person down, and clench your mouth together. "The sound" came about when my grandma wanted our attention or we were misbehaving, she would make this sound. I guess in words its best spelled as "chshttt". She never yelled but at times she would make this sound so much that she kinda sounded like a far-shooting sprinkler. That's some good family history.

Still have some more planning to do and buying the tickets as well. Until then, DISers, I'm over and out!
I'm super excited about this trip!

I just bought my grandparents' 2fer tickets online. I have to wait until the Disney store gets some more because I have Disney dollars to pay for my ticket.

Last night I booked our hotel! Two rooms at Travelodge Anaheim! When you exit Disneyland Dr. the hotel is on your right-hand side. It was only $174

Compared to $240 :scared: Wow, good thing we aren't going next week!

Now, I know I'm overplanning this whole trip but I just need to get bearings straight. I don't like NOT knowing what's around. Plus, my mom has hypothyroidism (slow thyroid) and she needs eat every 2-4 hours so she won't get sick. Thanks to the maps I got from argusp2, I already know where we can grab a quick bite to eat. One thing I am sad about is that I don't get to plan ADRs, now that's a lot of fun.

Okay, now onto the *Official* Cast:

Me, Cristabel,
18. I just LOVE Disney! Would love to move to Anaheim to be closer to the Mouse. I get really goofy when I'm tired and mumble so much that no one can understand me. I can get really hyper and LOUD! Believe me it runs in the family. I've learned to love Diet Pepsi and gag at Diet Coke, I love to plan vacations, I love children (2 and under please) and I enjoy spending time with my family.

Dsis7, Anais. Loves to draw and is very talented for being 7yo. Likes going to Disney but doesn't get crazy about it. Silly, observational, and cuddly. I love her to death. She likes to dance goofily like in the Emperor's New Groove. Gives the hardest & strongest kisses and hugs. Will randomly say "I love you, Crista" when we are together, is very patient (okay, as patient as any kid can be) and loves ice cream.

Dsis, Diana, 20. Not coming for this trip but is "watching" the house while we're away.
The sisters with their mean faces, watch out!;)

DM, Maribel (mom). Likes Disney but can get *gasp* sick of it:scared: She's going because we are all going and she doesn't want to miss out. She also gets slap happy when she's tired, it runs in the family. Great mom! Is a coffeeholic.

DF, Renato (dad). Is a Fun Dad and enjoys spending time with his girls (3 daughters and wife) but will put his foot down when needed. He isn't afraid of showing his love for his family, Has the corniest jokes (but that's what makes him Papi), is a "what do you wanna do" kind of person so some decisions (like where to eat) can take forever with this banter between my parents (no one ever asks the kids!), Loves his bread and coffee and enjoys anything when he's with family.

DGM, Mom. It's a nickname and it's stuck for the past 19 years. She is a sweet, hardworking woman, Always busy, retired, She loves her family to pieces and enjoys all her grandchildren.

DGFA, Dagi. Another nickname. He is strong, hardworking man. Retired due to work injury. Is a jokester and instigator. Loves all his grandkids and enjoys teaching the little ones about gardening.

My grandparents with one of the cousins:

I will most likely order my parents and Anais' ticket (with my dad's $$) tonight or tomorrow so the can all arrive around the same time. Only 16 days left!:cool1:
Wonderful! So sweet that you're sharing the experience with your grandparents and the family. Looks like you're off to a great start!
Okay, so 5 out of 6 tickets have been purchased through Disneyland.com and should be here in 10 days or less! The one that's missing is mine! I have 50 Disney Dollars and want to use them towards my ticket but I want to purchase my ticket ahead of time and not wait in line. SO, I've already been to the Disney store by my house twice and each time they are sold out! I know the people there personally since I used to work there. Lisa, the asst. manager, said she would call me once they arrived! :goodvibes and she gave me an insiders tip, the shirts I was looking at are going on sale on Wednesday. I might just be back on Wed or Thurs to check them out.

I just bought a bunch of shirts from Old Navy because 1) I really need clothes and 2) I want a new shirt for the trip. But I might end up returning 2 and getting 2 at the Disney store.

That's all for now.
Two more weeks!!! :banana:

Take tons of pictures of your adorable family!

I hope they still have Red Hot Chili Peppers (they will) to thrill you (on Screamin) and confuse you (Space Mtn.) WHY'd they do that to Space Mtn? I just dont get it theme-wise!

Sounds like your all set! Hope Dsis takes good care of your house ;) !!!!
Two more weeks!!! :banana:

Take tons of pictures of your adorable family!
Oh you bet I will! We'll have film cameras, digital cameras, underwater cameras (for what? I don't know haha) video cameras

I hope they still have Red Hot Chili Peppers (they will) to thrill you (on Screamin) and confuse you (Space Mtn.) WHY'd they do that to Space Mtn? I just dont get it theme-wise!
Yeah I don't know either but I'm still psyched to go on it again. You see I was afraid of Space Mtn for many years because of one bad experience. I recently just went on it again (due to peer pressure) and I LOVE it.

Sounds like your all set! Hope Dsis takes good care of your house ;) !!!!
Yeah me too :rolleyes: she won't be home most of the time: school, work, and a boyfriend. We rarely see her when we're there.
just a little one though:

I received 2/5 tickets in the mail today! :banana:
WOW! What a nice thing you are doing for your family!!:grouphug: And just 18 yrs old! I admire that! Hope you have a wonderful time!:flower3:
We've received 5/6 tickets!

Seeing as how the Disney Store doesn't seem to be getting any 2fer Adult tickets anytime soon, I asked my dad if he could just pay for my ticket and I would give him my $50 disney dollars to use at Disneyland for food and souvenirs. So I ordered my ticket tonight :cool1:

I've already ordered my black Mary Jane Crocs from Dick's Sporting goods. Only $17.60 thanks to couponcabin.com and $10 checkout credit from google checkout. They look SO cute! and I needed to buy new ones because my blue ones seemed to have disappeared. Probably went back to WDW without me :lmao:

I bought myself a light blue t-shirt from the Disney store that has a picture of the old Minnie Mouse. Only $6.99! I wanted to buy my grandparents special t-shirts but 1) I can't afford it and 2) They probably wouldn't wear them.

That's all. I'm pooped. ONLY 12 MORE DAYS!:hippie:
It's official! We have received all of our tickets! And we have these nifty little things to put them in

Only 10 more days until Disneyland!

I just tracked my Mary Jane style Crocs order from Dick's Sporting Goods and I should receive them on Monday! They aren't lime green (sorry, people make fun of me wearing them already!:rotfl: ) no, but really I don't like lime green anyways. I just chose black, because it goes with everything.

I bought a cute Minnie Mouse tee. Not the current Minnie Mouse, the original. Where she is wearing a blue skirt, yellow shoes, and a red hat with a flower. Hey, I'll just show you!

Here's a close up of the quote:

We looked for a t-shirt for my Anais but she isn't into princesses, not even when she was a toddler. So it was either a Minnie Mouse shirt (similar to mine) or a Marie (Aristocats) tee. Well Marie won out, I guess Minnie Mouse must of run her course with Anais.

Well, I've procrastinated on my english essay long enough. I've been addicted to the DIS so I haven't been doing my homework (even though I am on spring break). I think I have a prewrite due Monday but then again, I haven't touched my backpack in a week :rolleyes1 I guess I should start today, knowing that tomorrow will be spent at my grandma's, doing absolutely NOTHING. Maybe having an egg hunt but usually us kids find a comfortable spot on the sofa or the futon in the 2nd bedroom and watch tv or fall asleep
Only 5 More Days!:dance3:

I'm so excited....but I still have an english essay to turn in on Monday before we go so I have to get that finished. It needs to be 4-6 pages and I haven't even 1 page done! It's so hard concentrating on school when there is Disney fun to be had!

Oh well I'm forcing myself to write it by 4pm, well at least the prewrite (yeah the one that was due Monday haha:rolleyes1 ).

Now back to Disney stuff:

I received my black Mary Jane Crocs! They seemed a bit large but I remember that they should feel a little wide because that's how my blue cayman crocs were, before they ran away!:rotfl2: They are super comfortable and I must admit, WAY cuter than the Cayman or beach style crocs. My mom bought me some black no-show socks, the really low cut ones.

I'm still trying to create a plan of attack, some sort itinerary. We always go counter clockwise. I know a lot of people either run to Fantasyland or Tomorrowland but we run to New Orleans Square to get our Pirates and Haunted Mansion fix! It's just as much a must as it a tradition. Then we work our way around and yes, we do get stuck in horrendous lines in Fantasyland but it's okay. You see, even though we have a 7yo she is so tall for her age, we can go on any ride! Last year at WDW, when she was 6yo, Anais conquered all 3 mountains! This year we are definitely doing Matterhorn!

So just off the top of my head:

::MickeyMo Arrive at DL gates at 8:30am or 9am the latest (Remember we already have our tickets!:goodvibes That saves us SO much time!)
in front of the flowers and Train station
:moped: Rent ECV for my grandmother
in front of the Castle
:music: I'll run to get FP at Space Mountain
::MickeyMo Join up with the rest of the party at River Belle Terrace for breakfast (another tradition)
Do Adventureland
pirate: Do New Orleans Square
Pirates store/ NOS
:wizard: princess:
Do Fantasyland

and thats all so far.

I'm SO stoked

*^!&%#@ASDFGHJK;!& (and no I'm not cursing :laughing: ) I'm just filled with giddyness!

:banana: :woohoo: :dance3: :thanks: party: :jumping1: & some :banana: :banana: :banana: for good measure!

Let's do a checklist shall we (I):


Hotel Reservation Confirmation #s

clothes ready

Clothes packed
I still have to do that!
Itinerary with meals planned


I better get some sleep, I still have English class tomorrow (and yes, I did finish my essay about 4 hours ago!). I am going to make copies of our house keys (on Disney keys of course!) at walmart!
Got back last night. We had a really fun time. I'm formulating my trip report now so i'll post in a little bit.


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