I'm curious.

Do you have a set religion? yes
What is it?I'm a christian. I go to a baptist church, but I don't label myself as a baptist

What do you believe, and why?I believe that God created the heavens and the earth and all living creatures.

Have you studied religions other than your own, or were you raised to believe a certain thing?I was raised to be a christian, but I was never forced to be religious. I just accepted it on my own. I have studied other religions in school.

I would never hate someone because of their beliefs, although I know there are people who do, and I think it is wrong to do so. God said in the bible that you should love everyone. Even if I do not believe in or agree with the same things as someone else does not mean that I am going to hate them.
It seems to me, Katie, that you only worship god because you're scared of going to hell. What great things to teach our future generations. Be good, stick to the bible, or burn in hell.


As far as me, I'm an atheist, but was raised hardcore Catholic. I'm still trying to figure some things out, so I can't really tell you what I believe in. But I do believe in science, things I can see with my eyes, things that have been proven. I don't believe that anyone should worship something that is prejudice "supposedly" on the people he made himself.

Jenny, as I see how you could get that from my posts I was just making a point to those who see no reason whatsoever in believing in a God. While one reason of beliving in a god is beliving in him so I don't go to hell, there are many other reasons why I worship God. I was just making a point in stating one of them.

I, for one, don't appreciate your sarcasm in your last statement. Why not teach that? That's what's been taught to the generations before us. The statement that you made "Be good, stick to the bible, or burn in hell." has of course evolved over the years to make it less... blunt. But, hey, its the basics of religion therefore it's being taught, and will be taught. There'll be things that expand the rules, no doubt, there has to be. But the same basic thing will be taught over and over again as long as there is religion.
Do you have a set religion? I suppose

What is it? I'm a Protestant Christian.

What do you believe, and why? Well, I've had some difficulty lately, kinda...finding myself in my religion. I got confirmed and all, but I'm really not that religious. I was the only one who didn't know practically anything! This is what I believe, and what my parents believe (except they're a tad bit more religious than I am): God is a spirit. I don't like to think of it as a "he" because it's more of a spirit to me. This spirit is guiding us throughout life, and lives within our souls, helping us be who we are. I don't really think: "God created the Earth, the sun, the moon..." whatever. I don't know about that yet. That's part of what I'm still discovering.

Have you studied religions other than your own, or were you raised to believe a certain thing? I was raised basically to be Protestant. My parents let me believe what I want to believe, even though I haven't really told them about this whole, "I don't think God may be real" thing. But when I do, they'll totally accept it.

One more note: my church. This is how I think life should be. I go to a Congregational church, and everyone is extremely accepting. There is no narrow mindedness, only open minds, which I love. We allow Jews, Muslims, everyone in our church to come worship. And it doesn't bother me or anyone else. Our "slogan" is all are welcome, which sums it all up.
I'm just saying that if god does exist (which i do belive) that i will go to heaven if i dont screw up my life by killing someone or something of that nature.

Eternal is a very very very long time and to me i would rather not spend that long time living in my worst nightmare every single day. There would be no Happieness(sp) and if you think the world is a messed up place now, just imagine how bad it would be.

Now you shouldnt belive in God/Jesus so you dont go to hell, but i would much rather go to a happy place

I don't really understand this post. Are you trying to scare me, or disagree with me?

Either way, God isn't real to me. The fear of hell isn't going to change that. Like I said, I've almost died before. its a rather peaceful feeling. I believe that after death, I decompose. The electro energy in my brain slowly disperses. Then (depending on conditions) my skin shrinks back, I dry out. I'm going to be cut in a Y shape cut from shoulder-shoulder-crotch in an autopsy. Then I plan to have any usable organs donated out, and then my body donated to something like the body farm. So I can help people learn stuff after I die.

I believe that that is all that is going to happen:confused3
I think the whole Hell ordeal, is complete rubbish.
If you do many bad things, people tell you you are going to hell. But if you start fearing that you will they'll say 'Oh Jesus will forgive you.'
Like, honestly, talking to someone, who I don't believe in, to forgive your sins... You're raised not to sin, because you're afraid to go to Hell, but to utter one prayer, you're fine? Taht's ridiculous.
wow. religious discussions are heated as ever i see. as for me, i was raised christian. there are things i value in the christian teachings. but there are other religions that have points or values that i am highly interested in and value just the same. for instance, wicca, buddhisim, and hinduism. with my opinion, no religion is better than the other. i am in a grey zone right now. i dont like to put a lable on the religion i currently am.
I believe that a lot of people "believe" in god because of the fear they'll spend eternity in hell. I just don't think teaching our future generations to live in fear is a good thing. IMHO, you still sound like you're religious, just in case there really is a god.

I do not believe in god. I do not believe in heaven and hell. I do not believe in religion. I cannot explain the reasons right now, but I just, don't.
Jenny, as I see how you could get that from my posts I was just making a point to those who see no reason whatsoever in believing in a God. While one reason of beliving in a god is beliving in him so I don't go to hell, there are many other reasons why I worship God. I was just making a point in stating one of them.

I, for one, don't appreciate your sarcasm in your last statement. Why not teach that? That's what's been taught to the generations before us. The statement that you made "Be good, stick to the bible, or burn in hell." has of course evolved over the years to make it less... blunt. But, hey, its the basics of religion therefore it's being taught, and will be taught. There'll be things that expand the rules, no doubt, there has to be. But the same basic thing will be taught over and over again as long as there is religion.
I believe that a lot of people "believe" in god because of the fear they'll spend eternity in hell. I just don't think teaching our future generations to live in fear is a good thing. IMHO, you still sound like you're religious, just in case there really is a god.

I do not believe in god. I do not believe in heaven and hell. I do not believe in religion. I cannot explain the reasons right now, but I just, don't.
First off, I'm a Christian (Church of Christ, to be exact), but I believe that you can incorporate Buddhist principles into any religion, or lackthereof. Buddhism was not started out as a religion, with Gautama saying "Worship me, I am a god". It was started as a way of life, with principles that every person should have to lead a good life. That is why I think Buddhistic principles can be applied to any one's life.
Were not here to shove out opinions down each others throats. Just because we are under 20 dosn't mean we have to fit that stero-type I think this was meant to be a much more intelligent and discussed thread than your wrong no your wrong type. Oh and don't ever question and Atheist unless you have been one. If your going to dispute something use your brain.

I'm sorry that my posts arnt intelligent enough for your standards and why cant i question atheist people???? If you dont like George Bush you can question him so i dont really see the difference:confused3 (im not saying that you do)

An atheist belives in science...what they can see and what scientists say how the world was created. Well they arnt even sure, they BELIVE in the Big Bang THEORY on how the world was created. I think its crap cause how did all the matter get in the black hole anyway???? and how was space created????

For anyone who doesnt know what the big bang theory is heres a link http://www.big-bang-theory.com/

For everyone that says that people use religion as an excuse to bash other people i say that science does to! About 400 years ago my good buddy Galileo Galilei was born. Before him everyone thought that Earth was the center of the universe and everything revolved around it. He proved that Earth revolved around a star and that star was our sun. Well my good buddy Galileo was extermely hated for this because he proved that what people belived was false. Guess what they did....they locked him up in a jail for most of his life. So i say that science hates as well.

Science also changes every year thats why they have to make new text books which means that scientists are wrong about something every year so atheists belive something different every year????:eek:

Sparx im not trying to scare or disagree im just saying that I would rather not take the chance of not beliving in God and take that chance to go to hell

ktbutterfly2011 i totally agree 100% with you :thumbsup2
I'm sorry that my posts arnt intelligent enough for your standards and why cant i question atheist people???? If you dont like George Bush you can question him so i dont really see the difference:confused3 (im not saying that you do)

An atheist belives in science...what they can see and what scientists say how the world was created. Well they arnt even sure, they BELIVE in the Big Bang THEORY on how the world was created. I think its crap cause how did all the matter get in the black hole anyway???? and how was space created????

For anyone who doesnt know what the big bang theory is heres a link http://www.big-bang-theory.com/

For everyone that says that people use religion as an excuse to bash other people i say that science does to! About 400 years ago my good buddy Galileo Galilei was born. Before him everyone thought that Earth was the center of the universe and everything revolved around it. He proved that Earth revolved around a star and that star was our sun. Well my good buddy Galileo was extermely hated for this because he proved that what people belived was false. Guess what they did....they locked him up in a jail for most of his life. So i say that science hates as well.

Science also changes every year thats why they have to make new text books which means that scientists are wrong about something every year so atheists belive something different every year????:eek:

Sparx im not trying to scare or disagree im just saying that I would rather not take the chance of not beliving in God and take that chance to go to hell

ktbutterfly2011 i totally agree 100% with you :thumbsup2
Scientists aren't wrong about something every year, they're continually discovering new things about this universe. Please don't make such a blanketed statement as that.
I'm sorry that my posts arnt intelligent enough for your standards and why cant i question atheist people???? If you dont like George Bush you can question him so i dont really see the difference:confused3 (im not saying that you do)

An atheist belives in science...what they can see and what scientists say how the world was created. Well they arnt even sure, they BELIVE in the Big Bang THEORY on how the world was created. I think its crap cause how did all the matter get in the black hole anyway???? and how was space created????

For anyone who doesnt know what the big bang theory is heres a link http://www.big-bang-theory.com/

For everyone that says that people use religion as an excuse to bash other people i say that science does to! About 400 years ago my good buddy Galileo Galilei was born. Before him everyone thought that Earth was the center of the universe and everything revolved around it. He proved that Earth revolved around a star and that star was our sun. Well my good buddy Galileo was extermely hated for this because he proved that what people belived was false. Guess what they did....they locked him up in a jail for most of his life. So i say that science hates as well.

Science also changes every year thats why they have to make new text books which means that scientists are wrong about something every year so atheists belive something different every year????:eek:

Sparx im not trying to scare or disagree im just saying that I would rather not take the chance of not beliving in God and take that chance to go to hell

ktbutterfly2011 i totally agree 100% with you :thumbsup2
You can question me (I have a freaking name. I'm not just "the atheist") He was just saying that your posts are too faith based to argue with me.

How did the matter get in the black hole? Because...thats what a black hole does? it sucks in matter.... Since space isn't technically matter I don't think we have to discuss how it was created. I know how the world was created. Its how every other planet in every other solar system in the universe was created. You're calling science "crap" which makes you look unintelligent. You're saying that proven fact is crap, but you believe a book written by people who thought the world was flat and if you sailed too far in any direction you'd be eaten by a giant sea monster?

Galileo was locked up because of the catholic church. The catholic church did not accept his heliocentric theory until the early 1990s.

Science is an art. Its not a form of hatred, and its incredibly ignorant to make that comment saying that science causes hate when science is the victim of hate.

Textbooks change because we learn more. You're getting more ignorant with every word of this post.
Do you have a set religion? Yes. I am a Baptist.
What is it? Baptist, well Southern Baptist.

What do you believe, and why? I believe that God created the Earth, the people, the plants, the creatures, and all the things in the universe.

I believe that God sent his son, Jesus, God in human form, to save the world from sin. I believe that Jesus died on the cross, and came back three days later. I believe that the world was flooded in forty days, and that it stayed flooded for God knows how long. I believe that the world will end as the book of Revelation explains. I believe in the Rapture, the Anti Christ, and that Satan will be released to Earth for a time.
You can question me (I have a freaking name. I'm not just "the atheist") He was just saying that your posts are too faith based to argue with me.

How did the matter get in the black hole? Because...thats what a black hole does? it sucks in matter.... Since space isn't technically matter I don't think we have to discuss how it was created. I know how the world was created. Its how every other planet in every other solar system in the universe was created. You're calling science "crap" which makes you look unintelligent. You're saying that proven fact is crap, but you believe a book written by people who thought the world was flat and if you sailed too far in any direction you'd be eaten by a giant sea monster?

Galileo was locked up because of the catholic church. The catholic church did not accept his heliocentric theory until the early 1990s.

Science is an art. Its not a form of hatred, and its incredibly ignorant to make that comment saying that science causes hate when science is the victim of hate.

Textbooks change because we learn more. You're getting more ignorant with every word of this post.

I'm not just singiling you out I'm talking about all atheist and if i offended you im sorry

What i ment to say about the black hole is not how the matter got into the black hole but where did the matter come from that got sucked into the black hole???? The big bang theory is not proven either that is why its called a THEORY Also where was the black hole?????? If you say space then where did space come from????

The Pope of that time belived what Galileo was saying but the pope got riduculed(sp) by everyone. And the pope is like the king of the christian religion so if people wouldnt have riduculed(sp) him they probly(sp) would accpeted it a lot sooner than what they did.

I do belive science is good and very bad. These bad things such as bombs kill many people and this kind of violence leads to wars which leads to hatred so science can lead to hatred.
I'm not just singiling you out I'm talking about all atheist and if i offended you im sorry

What i ment to say about the black hole is not how the matter got into the black hole but where did the matter come from that got sucked into the black hole???? The big bang theory is not proven either that is why its called a THEORY Also where was the black hole?????? If you say space then where did space come from????

The Pope of that time belived what Galileo was saying but the pope got riduculed(sp) by everyone. And the pope is like the king of the christian religion so if people wouldnt have riduculed(sp) him they probly(sp) would accpeted it a lot sooner than what they did.

I do belive science is good and very bad. These bad things such as bombs kill many people and this kind of violence leads to wars which leads to hatred so science can lead to hatred.
I do belive science is good and very bad. These bad things such as bombs kill many people and this kind of violence leads to wars which leads to hatred so science can lead to hatred.

Anything can lead to hatred if you stretch it out like you just did. Science is not a problem in the war, but RELIGION is. They KILL people over it in the Middle East, and you're saying it doesn't lead to hatred?

The universe is, essentially, big balls of stuff floating around nothing. It goes on forever and ever. Things like this aren't easy to prove, so of course a lot of it is just theories. But you're saying that religion is more factual? I think not.
Oh wow.

Yeah, I'm an atheist, but I don't go around shoving my opinion down other people's throats. I was raised Roman Catholic but I never really believed anything about it. I have friends who are jewish, catholic, and muslim and I respect everyone's religion equally.
Anything can lead to hatred if you stretch it out like you just did. Science is not a problem in the war, but RELIGION is. They KILL people over it in the Middle East, and you're saying it doesn't lead to hatred?

The universe is, essentially, big balls of stuff floating around nothing. It goes on forever and ever. Things like this aren't easy to prove, so of course a lot of it is just theories. But you're saying that religion is more factual? I think not.

Bomb kills people i dont really see how that is stretched out but whatever if you think that its stretched out thats your opinon and i never said that religion doesnt lead to hatred

Atheists belive in facts. Correct???? the only problem with that is the facts only go so far until you start to belive in things such as the big bang theory.
So then it kinda of in a way turns into a religion from my view point.

My religion, Christianity, is based on a book. I belive that everying in that book is fact. So there is my religion.

I think that both of these two things are not more factual than the other because you belive in it in the end
Sounds like alot of people are believers because of Pascal's Wager.

Pascal's Wager

People beleive in God, simply because they are afraid of going to hell.

I am Anglican, I was baptised & confirmed as an Anglican.
Though my family has never been a church-going family.

My beliefs are a bit strange, I pray, maybe not necessarily to God, but I pray, just as sort of a comfort thing maybe?

I believe in science as well though, I believe in evolution as opposed to Adam & Eve. But I do believe there is something out there controlling the universe, whether or not it is "God". Maybe it's The Fates or something :flower3:

I'm not an Atheist, I believe in God, but I believe in science as well, so I don't know what that makes me? :confused3

And as stated before in this thread, I really dislike when people use religion as an excuse to hate.
And as stated before in this thread, I really dislike when people use religion as an excuse to hate.

It makes you someone with their own opinion. Personal opinions are hard to come about nowadays. :)

And as a general statement with nothing to do with the quote, I'd like to make a little shout-out to anyone who believes in God for reasons other than fear of Hell. For some reason, this generalization is bothering me.
I'm not just singiling you out I'm talking about all atheist and if i offended you im sorry

What i ment to say about the black hole is not how the matter got into the black hole but where did the matter come from that got sucked into the black hole???? The big bang theory is not proven either that is why its called a THEORY Also where was the black hole?????? If you say space then where did space come from????

The Pope of that time belived what Galileo was saying but the pope got riduculed(sp) by everyone. And the pope is like the king of the christian religion so if people wouldnt have riduculed(sp) him they probly(sp) would accpeted it a lot sooner than what they did.

I do belive science is good and very bad. These bad things such as bombs kill many people and this kind of violence leads to wars which leads to hatred so science can lead to hatred.
You don't seem to understand that the term "space" the black stuff out there, its not matter. Its nothing. Its just a void. The black hole that all the matter was inside of, occurred from a dying sun, a large explosion, or something of that sort. Like any other black hole. The matter inside the black hole was probably several stars or planets. Hell, its possible that there was a civilization and they had a war, destroying their planet, creating a black hole, and all of that matter is what created our solar system. We don't know what caused it. But it is a statistical impossibility that we are the only intelligent life in the universe, we were not the first, we will not be the last.

You keep emphasizing that the big bang is a theory. Yes. Yes It is. But Intelligent design is also a theory.:rolleyes:


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