Let's see your Pics entitled "What The.....???"

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Did you notice that the guy with her is pushing a stroller with a girl dressed in what looks like a matching Snow White dress???? He looks like he wants to crawl under a rock somewhere. I bet she made a Prince outfit for him too.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

He looks fine to me. :confused3 Maybe they are there for the halloween party or she just enjoys dressing up.

I thought there'd be funny pictures here, which there are. Not that yours is, but some of the comments are just downright un-disney.

I wanna know what happened to his top half?

Not only his top half... but the bottom half looks like it's adorned in a red speedo??? What is that thing supposed to be anyways???
But I did see this on our last trip....


.....Check out his right eyebrow!

It freaked me out all during lunch that day!

Ok, kinda esoteric but.....

Attention Comrade Brezhnev......Leonid Brezhnev, we have found your eyebrows......would Leonid Brezhnev please answer the red courtesy phone of the proletariat....

;) Love it. Need more of it. From DN16 to DS6 to DS1 (DW a little). We actually bought the DVD's for Seasons 1-3 from Amazon. This Halloween we are having a MXC themed Haunted House (I get to be Captain Tennile natch). Which reminds me:

Captain Tennile: Ok team, who thinks it is wrong to make fun of people in picture and we should stop?

(a few people raise their hand)

Captain Tennile: Well you are wrong! Making fun of people in pictures is your god-given right. Our great society is built around this fundamental building block of free expression!


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

MXC <3 The best Painful Elimination of the Day was when the guy did a backflip before Sinkers & Floaters and landed on his head! X________________________________X you could hear this neck crack and everything, it was so damn funny.
Sorry I don't have a picture...wish I did, but "What the...???" would have been the title of it if I had caught my poor 6 year old son's face :confused3 when he was waiting right outside the stall for me in the ladies room and put some coins in the machine to get a pressed penny...........yup...he got a tampon!!!:rotfl2: Oh the poor boy was so upset he wasted his quarters. What is this dumb thing he kept asking me? A few ladies got a good laugh!
Sorry I don't have a picture...wish I did, but "What the...???" would have been the title of it if I had caught my poor 6 year old son's face :confused3 when he was waiting right outside the stall for me in the ladies room and put some coins in the machine to get a pressed penny...........yup...he got a tampon!!!:rotfl2: Oh the poor boy was so upset he wasted his quarters. What is this dumb thing he kept asking me? A few ladies got a good laugh!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Bless his heart!!!
Sorry I don't have a picture...wish I did, but "What the...???" would have been the title of it if I had caught my poor 6 year old son's face :confused3 when he was waiting right outside the stall for me in the ladies room and put some coins in the machine to get a pressed penny...........yup...he got a tampon!!!:rotfl2: Oh the poor boy was so upset he wasted his quarters. What is this dumb thing he kept asking me? A few ladies got a good laugh!

:lmao: :rotfl2: :laughing: :rotfl: poor guy they make those things look like candy machines to little kids who have no ideia wat they r for! thank u and ur son for the good laugh

not in disney but on the way to disney from MCO

I used to see that car all the time! I never have figured out what's actually wrong with the driver. I'm so glad somebody else saw it.
" Please use the red courtesy phone".......that's when I lost it !!
AWESOME, WONDERFUL THREAD !!!!:goofy: :goofy: :goofy:
Is that a HALTER top????


No it's just a black "wife beater" shirt that is rolled up on the bottom. This man, my friends, is every womans dream. A man that is secure in his manhood and in touch with his feminine side. Moral...be careful what you wish for!
As a side note, but, something that has bothered me for years is all the negative comments about "hairy" men. Isn't that what we are supposed to be? Do all men have to look like women in order to not be laughed at. Yes, I am a hairy male. In my defense, I didn't plant it there, it just grew, uncontrollable on my part. I'm not going to get it "waxed" off just to play into some unnatural fashion concept. The offensive sight of my body hair is not my problem, it is the problem of the whomever might be offended.

:chewy: :chewy: :chewy:

Its not the skirt thats disturbing, its the legs.
However my DD disagrees.......she likes his legs. :love:

I would just have to wonder why he is wearing this. Is he from a different country? I hope so.
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