Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 2

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Hi all-
Back from the Christmas party a few hours ago. It was nice as usual :thumbsup2
Food was good. Chrissy and Matthew got some decent gifts from the party :thumbsup2 Chrissy got a small Polly Pocket gift- called Snacktime Scooter. She also got paperback chapter books-a Hannah Montana book and High School Musical book. Matthew got a Lego kit- a Lego car set.
They had raffle drawings at the party. Looked like each family got a raffle prize. We got a free dinner for 2 to this Mexican restaurant down the road from me. I personally don't like Mexican food that much, but it was nice to get a raffle prize! They really had good raffle prizes this yr at the party. Alot of restaurant gift cards or free dinner for 2 at Red Robin or some other restaurant. I was impressed with the raffle prizes this yr, also impressed with the gifts our kids got this yr :thumbsup2 Usually in the past yrs, my kids would get the dollar store generic version of the gift at this party. A few yrs ago, Chrissy asked for Polly Pocket and she got the generic dollar store version from them. We bought her the actual Polly Pocket stuff then, after she got the generic version of it from the party. When I RSVP for the party, they ask the parents what 3 favorite toys, characters do the kids like. They try very hard to get the toys the kids really like, within their spending range- which is usually only $10-$15 per child. DH told me this is the 6th year we've gone to this party. I didn't think it was that many yrs, but I guess it has been.

Yesterday was somewhat crazy. My mom called me yest from home, she had to take the day off of work(she works full-time). Her toilet broke(the ceramic) broke and she called the plumber to come and put in a new toilet.
She also told me that my dad had some Dr appts lately and he is having his surgery to put in the mediport(I think that is what it's called) on Dec. 26th (the day after Christmas). It sounds like he is starting his chemo on Dec 28 so far. My mom said she is very nervous, too much is on her plate. She doesn't handle stress real well. Also, my cousin is supposed to come in from Arizona in a week and a half to visit my grandma, which is her grandma too. She is supposedly coming in for a stopover for a day to see grandma, and then go to Minnesota to help her friend plan her friend's wedding. My mom invited cousin to stay at my parent's house. This was all last minute stuff going on with my cousin. My mom sounded like she was obligated of having my cousin stay at the house. My mom is not much of a hospitality person at all- you have to know my mom to know this. My mom feels overwhelmed with all this going on. So we were on the phone for quite awhile yesterday talking about all this.

I have more to tell you guys, but it will have to wait until after dinner....
Tricia - I think we usually spend about $50/60 on a tree we cut. If we wanted one to replant they start at around $80 but we really want a bigger tree than that so the size we want would run us about $120. Since I really don't plan to stay here once dh's folks are gone I'm not gonna spend that on a tree for this place.

Hopefully I can get the tree & get it up tomorrow.
Nice pics, Lori :)

Well, I am really blessed, with all that's been going on with me, DH and our families. Guess what?? I did win round-trip airline vouchers from the radio station win!! :cool1: They contacted me via email late yesterday morning. I didn't need to call them or initiate the email. They are giving me 4 round-trip vouchers and an extra $300 for spending money, or to pay the taxes for the win. I never won anything big before, so this is great!! I do need to fill out the affidavit and a tax form for the winnings and need to fax the paperwork over to them. After they receive my paperwork, I'm supposed to receive my airfare vouchers I guess within 60 days. That's what it says on the affidavit.
Once I get those airline vouchers in my hand, I can start planning a trip to UO or WDW! Or maybe both!! But we have to make this trip inexpensive. I thought I'd never get back to UO/WDW again, as we don't have the money for that, but with this win, it should hopefully work out ok :cool1:
Mac, I know you wanted to know what happened :)

I told my mom on the phone this afternoon. She was happy for us. We were talking about how to file it when we do our taxes in Jan/Feb coming up. She said she thinks we have to pay 28% of the winning in taxes. I never knew what the percentage was to pay taxes for winnings. My mom loves talking about taxes, filing taxes,etc. as she is an accountant herself. Doing taxes is her specialty.

Barb and Marcie- hope all works out with your job situations :hug: :wizard:

JawsCPA- Hope all goes well, that you and your neice can go to the Reveal party and meet Ty! :woohoo:

Tricia- hope Carol is doing better today :wizard:

Mac- how much snow did you get?

All who need hugs :hug: :hug:

Has Gemma been around? What happened to her? Hope she is doing well.

All that are going to football games, watching the games at home, etc, have fun :)

Hi to all I didn't address :wave2:
Just got a frantic call from my mom. Seems like a huge pine tree in her yard just blew down across the street taking with it the power and telephone lines. Sounds like it missed the neighbor's house across the street.
It's 20 degrees here and blowing a gale. Looks like I will have her and step dad over here for the day until they get the power turned back on. Off to tidy up the house before heading over to pick her up. I hadn't planned on entertaining them today...They have the street blocked off, so gonna have to bundle up and walk.

Sorry to hear that...are they still with you? Did they get their power back? We lost power from 9pm - 11:30pm Thanksgiving night...what a riot making DH's lunch via candlelight and brushing teeth :rotfl2:

Everyone mentions how 'worried' they get about trees taking down power lines moreso than crashing onto their house....we are the opposite! The only 2 trees that would hit our house are 1 outside the kitchen window (which, come to think of it, might be too short and really not reach the house) and the neighbors backyard tree...which would crash onto Bubba if he was sleeping! :eek: Our phone, cable and electric lines to our house are all underground...dunno why more companies don't do it that way :confused3 ...seems like a good idea!

Hope all works out for your folks.... glad you're nearby for them!
Makes you proud, doesn't it? He'll learn it all eventually. Might as well learn the situations that it's okay to say them and when it's not okay.

Yep...already had the discussion (& role play) of situations where "bad" words and "not nice" words are/can be used. He plays the same video games DH does and watches some PG13 and R movies but the condition is he doesn't repeat the bad words he hears...or, he won't play/watch it again. He's a good kid and understands the difference....we kind of had to explain it cuz my DH let's "them" fly every now again :rolleyes1

:lmao: Barb, you are so bad. We don't ever want to remove the stiffness on purpose, do we? :laughing: :rolleyes1

NO!!!! Don't remove......don't remove....
Did I do it? I think I did it. Unless someone is posting right this minute, I'm caught up. :faint:
ya dun real gud kid ;)

I'm off to find my children, who are frighteningly quiet. Oh, I forgot... Barb asked about Daniel and he's fine. He seemed to correct his tummy troubles himself when he passed some horrific smelling gas. No complaints after that! :laughing:
and....what did you find??? And, amazing what a good ole big fart can do for ya..... :rolleyes: I live with him too..... :rolleyes1 (glad it wasn't a "sick"....rather be gas than sick anyday :thumbsup2 )

On the agenda today: Take the boys to the Christmas on the Square (our town square is tiny, but fun) and let them play and shop at the Secret Santa store.
How'd that go? Any pix? Did they have fun? Was Brad along, or was he working again?

A grownup night out with my friend Leta! :woohoo:

Hope you have a really awesome deserve it :hug:
Hey I finally rolled over 2000 posts! It only took me 6 1/2 years. Think I could possibly get close to 3000 by the end of the year???

Way to go!!!

If you keep posting all the smilies/icons, you might hit 3K by years end....let's see....about 30 days to go, need about 1000 (?) posts... :scratchin ...i think that is about 33 posts per can do it! :cheer2:

Stick with Elmer...she'll keep ya chattin' :thumbsup2
WON THE GAME 27 - 24! PAYBACK! That was the biggest hurdle to State. Cocoa is next and, not to talk trash or anything, they don't have a chance.

That is GREAT to hear.... congrats!!!! :yay: Keep us northerners posted up here about how things go down there....we always root for the 'homie' team :banana: (Does this mean you get to be 'SuperDad' again real soon?)

Tall trees are scary during windstorms. At my old house, there was a large oak in the back yard. Hurricane Charley uprooted it. Thankfully, the tree went AWAY from the house and into the empty lot behind. If it went toward, it would have crashed into the living room.

I was in Orlando for Hurricane Charley....we musta missed the worst of it where we were....we saw hardly any damage :confused3 In fact, we all sat outside on the lanai and had a "hurricane party" and I couldn't believe how 'mild' the storm was....I remember even mentioning we had worse thunderstorms at home :confused3 (Even have the souvenir tshirt :rotfl: )

Good to hear the tree fell the other way....the only tree down on the street we were on fell away from the house across the front sidewalk.... ;)
Got the parental units back over to their house. :woohoo:
Power lines were reattached around 5:00. It took a few hours for the house to warm up, so they stayed for dinner and I drove them the mile and a half to their house.
My step dad is 15 years older than my mom. He is easily stressed when life doesn't go as planned. Has to eat dinner at 4:00 every night (afternoon!) or is grumpy as all get out. Getting old really sucks.

Mom has 5 (4 now) very old, very large, pine trees that tower over the house. Here you can see a couple of them.

In this next photo, you can see that the bottom of the tree is completely rotted. We are worried that the rest of the trees have the same problem. I'm going to call a tree removal company on Monday and get a quote. She had one cut down last year from out back and it was $1200.

There are usually cars parked on the street and in the neighbor's yard across the street where the top of the tree landed. Thank goodness there were none today. One of the plusses of living in a small town is the response time of Public Works. They were on the scene in like 15 minutes! Could'nt do much until the power was turned off, but it was reassuring to see them there. They said they would be back on Monday to clean up the mess. They used a backhoe to haul the tree out of the street and left it in her yard. They used a plow truck to clean the branches out of the street. It was pretty funny watching it!
Ok, now that I have bored you all with the tree saga, its off to bed.
I'm glad that I found you guys. :grouphug:
I hope Tricia made it out with her friend and is enjoying the evening!
Rose - congrats on the plane tickets. :banana:
Lori - great photos, she's a beautiful girl. :goodvibes



7-4 Seattle @ 5-6 Philly philly wins it :thumbsup2

:guilty: Are you kiddin? Eagles will lose....hope they play bad and lose bad so I can get the Christmas stuff out and get decorated without being "interrupted" by the game :rotfl2: (still, you are more optimistic than I! :sad2: )

My collapsing, sucked like hell last week 7-4 Giants at 5-6 Chicago.....I am still so mad I dont care! :mad:

:hug: sorry.... 2 words for you: 'comfort food' :teeth:
Hi guys! Bet you've all forgotten me again!
Isn't it amazing that the Packers' just HAPPENED to be in Denver when he went out there for business and just HAPPENED to be in Detroit when we were home. Aren't these amazing coincidences! :rolleyes:

First, you keep wondering why you are forgotten about? We don't forget you...but we always say "Hi" to everyone, and if you haven't posted in awhile, you are "everyone"..... Don't think you are forgotten about.... :sad2: (Matter of fact, you & I have been getting a lot of sympathy and support for the crappy jobs we have! :laughing: ) far as DH's "business trips"....uh-uh.....not buying it either :snooty: YOU had better get somethin' DARN NICE for Christmas this year to make up for all his "business trips"! :rolleyes:

Anyways, we're in the midst of a winter storm warning. Saying 4-7 inches, but it's been snowing like crazy all afternoon.

Eric (DS12) played at the mall today for Christmas music (piano).

I spent much of the day yesterday at Walmart, getting my snow tires put back on my car (along with the rest of the Green Bay population). Nothing like waiting until the last minute. DH took his car to Walmart as well -

Meanwhile, DS15 and DH are out practicing driving in the snow (well, actually DS15 is - I think DH has had some practice with it in the past! :lmao: ). Hope they come home with my car still in one piece!

Well, I'm off to work on the Christmas stuff. ..... I only have left to:

Wrap about a zillion presents.
Ship most of those presents.
Write a newsletter.
Make Christmas cards.
Print out 100 Christmas cards, one side at a time (this is never a fast or easy process since I can do 3 max at a time without jamming the printer)
Set up the Christmas tree.
Hang up 3.5 zillion ornaments.

Well, guess that's a start point!

I always think about homies up there in the 'snow belt' area....i think "they are getting now what I've got comin'" :eek: :laughing: Hope it's not too bad :rolleyes:

So, Eric did well except for the paper in the piano? Musta been a 'comic relief'! Didja take any pix?

Snow tires...didn't know anyone still got them? :confused3 We have the year-round ones...but, I guess up in the "snow belt" part of the world, you need snow tires.... I remember being a little girl and we stored tires in the garage...then they were switched out on the cars in the winter and the other tires were stored, I guess we did have snow tires when I was little.... (but I lived in, why did we need them? We lived on a major street. :confused3 )

I hope your son, husband and car come home in 1 piece....just like you left them! :laughing:

Good luck with finishing that Christmas list.... that's about the size mine is...finish the shopping, bake, ship gifts, take the picture/mail the picture/order the picture cards :guilty: and wrap! So much to do, so little time...
I thought a full 4 weeks between T-Day and Xmas would be great....maybe...IF T-Day wasn't so early this year :headache:

I'll just have to put on my big girl panties (that's "big girl" ....not "granny") and deal with it and gedderdun! :thumbsup2
Evidently, my niece got her communication mixed up and she was unable to make definite plans for today (Saturday). Anyhoo, today was the first day "spectators" were allowed on the site. The construction schedule has them finishing up on Thursday. I am going to check with some of my business contacts and see if I can score some tickets to the reveal party. If not, I may go over Monday or Tuesday night.

My men just left for the WVU-PITT game tonight. It is going to be COLD! DS12 has:
underarmour shirt
football shirt to go over hoodie
his winter coat
my winter coat (due to my "petite" size, it will fit over all of this)

I don't know how he is going to move!!!

I am off to Wal-Mart - going to pick up a couple of gifts and my game snacks for tonight.

Catch you all later.


:yay: Hope you get to see Ty.... post the pic if you do!

How'd the game go??
everything is wrapped. will all be mailed monday.
Cards are done, will be mailed monday.
all shopped and totally finished with xmas.
my secret ornament has been delivered.
since we are not decorating this year or doing lights( i only do it every couple of years anyway) that is not an issue.

Please dont hate me. well, go right ahead. I will still love you all anyway. :surfweb:

We don't hate you :hug: You are my wannabeinlife.... :lmao:

Seriously, it's great to be you can actually 'enjoy' the season...relax, make some them... :rolleyes1
Evening everyone!

Been trying to shop today but the stores are mobbed!!

Lori - What cute pics! That tree skirt is from Walmart, I know because I have the same with penguins!

Interesting night tho...We stopped at 7-11 for some Slurpies. Well as we are grabbing them, two young guys, maybe teens, head to the back of the store while keeping their eyes fixated on the counter. Well DF and I go to pay, and these guys move quickly out without buying anything. Well I glanced over and say at least two beers in one guy's pocket. The employee stops him, and the teen starts yelling that he walked in with them in his pockets. (Um, ok, sure) The guy was definitely under the influence, of what tho, I don't know. Well we finish paying, but the employees and the teen are arguing, while three of his buddies are standing outside. Then the guy starts yelling and almost getting violent with the employees. Then they take off, and guess what the cops were at McDonald's down the road! :eek:

So that was out interesting these days :confused3

Well have a great Sunday, catch you all tomorrow!
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