Welcome to the YaYa's: YYotC at Castaway Cay Part 2

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Good morning y'all (well, it's still morning here anyway)

Welcome home Lainey! And thanks for sharing the photos. I'll bet Luis is one proud Papa.

I hope your trip was a great one Tara.

We did a few Christmas-y things this weekend:
We went to the zoo lights and saw the handbell choir from Abigail's school perform.
We attended a Christmas festival at church where there are over 100 nativity sets displayed along with musical entertainment, readings, etc.

But otherwise, no decorating or anything on a personal level ;)
That is one adorable boy in those pictures (oh and the kid is cute too!! :teeth: ) Really, Dominic is cute!! I love looking at baby pictures!!

Speaking of pictures my computer is being stupid and I wasn't able to download my photos off of my memory cards yet but I do have the photopass pictures for you to peruse if you wish. There are lots of duplicates because I'm playing with the borders and trying to decide what I like before I order my CD. Oh and please do not laugh too terribly loud at the pasty white legs! I tried my darndest to get them some color this week but to no avail...all they did was reflect the sun! Mom said it was great driving her scooter behind me...she had a little light on the front of it and the light reflected beautifully off of my legs!!! hehehehe

Gotta run back to the kids...they shall be here again any minute!!

....:eek: my, but he has a LOT of hair....
LOL, I actually had about the same amount (only a wee bit darker) when I was a baby. I need to find my baby picture to compare us. We know he has Daddy's nose, but my sister said she thought he looked a lot like I was as a baby.

Sherry, are you excited for the Nat'l Champ game this year? I can't believe both Oklahoma and Pitt won their games. I never thought that would happen for us this year :rotfl:

Paula, glad you are getting things done for Christmas. I really do a lot with Amazon with their free shipping as well.

Rose Mary, hope the stomach is feeling better soon so you can get your decorating done.

LOL Pam, we sort of thank Pitt, but I would rather have played WVU than LSU at home :rolleyes:

Alan, sounds like a nice weekend.

Woo hoo WDW pics! I'll go look in a few!

Mad love to everyone else!

ooooooooo...there are baby pics available. I'll have to check them out tonight.

Tara YAY you're back!! Glad to hear you had a good time. LOL at the pasty white legs. I would have been the same way.

I'm clueless on all the football games. Congrats to everyone on their wins.

RM sorry your tummy has been acting up

Alan I didn't realize that Zoo's put up Christmas lights. Now you've given me an idea for a weekend excursion.

Betty we have the village completed. We still have to put up the front porch lights and I need to get at least one more yard decoration. I cannot let the neighbors out do me ;)

Paula I hope you're keeping warm today and enjoying decorating. I love that picture you posted. It's so sweet! YAY for Amazon shipping.

Sherry sorry the morning came so early for you :(

Pam I loved the "no burning the couch" comment. So true for college kids.

Gotta get back to work now...later taters
Tara, are we supposed to have to register to see your pics?

Kristy, our zoo does the lights at night as well. I love going. Not sure if we'll make it this year or not.
TC - did you survive the sleepover?

Short answer - Yes.

Long answer - Sarah's friends were supposed to leave by noon on Sunday. Sarah usually teaches Sunday school, but had made arrangements for someone else to teach. Only they didn't show up. DW Sue ended up teaching her class (and missing "regular" church). Sarah did manage to make it to handbell practice at noon and the sleepoverers were gone by the time Sue and I got home from church. She had a most excellent time, and that's what matters most.
Tara, are we supposed to have to register to see your pics?

Kristy, our zoo does the lights at night as well. I love going. Not sure if we'll make it this year or not.

I didn't think so. I just copied the URL that was sent in the email i sent to everyone. Hmpf! I'll have to figure that out tonight! Sorry :(

Headed to bowling right after tutoring.

John, glad you all survived and it all worked out okay for Sarah in the end. I still say you are a brave one for doing it ;)

Tara, I hope you can figure out how we can see your pics. I wonder if we need a log in with your name? Hope tutoring went well
Love, love, LOVE those baby pix, Elaine! He is positively adorable!

Paula, that snowbaby ornament is so precious! LOVE it!

RM, hope your tummy has settled down and you can start spreading some Christmas cheer around the house!

Welcome back, Tara!!! Glad to hear you had a good trip. Hurry up and get that link fixed so we can see the pix! (ditto on the "fish belly" legs :rolleyes: )

Yay for an all-adult household, now, John!! LOL!!!

Kristy, hope things get settled quickly with your carbaby. That contributory thing just stinks!

Alan, the Nat'l Cathedral here does a display of manger scenes/sets every year too. I love looking at all the different styles from all the different countries.

LOL, Pam, on the couch comment! Such a display of responsibility!!

Sorry morning has to come so early for ya, Sherry. I hate it too.

Off to bed--still hoping that "beauty sleep" does something. Enjoy what's left of the evening and sweet dreams to all! :grouphug:

Boys have a 2 hour early dismissal today.

Rose Mary, hope your tummy is feeling better.

Tara, hope you had fun bowling.

John, glad the sleepover went well.

Elaine, I'm so excited for the big BCS game!! :banana: :banana:

Spent the evening trying to find my girls something to wear for Christmas. Ironically I wasn't being that picky and it still took all night and in the end they got 'a' shirt, not an entire outfit.:rolleyes: They agreed to wear either a skirt or pants they already have, so I then allowed them to buy an additional shirt. All the shirts they wanted where High School Musical, Horses, etc.....I just wanted something 'decent'. It was a long night.

Shopping for Todd isn't going any better:guilty: I am starting to get a bit concerned with shopping, especially since I still have to finish my Dad's shopping also (13 grandkids, 1 great grandchild, 5 kids, 4 in-laws). Then there is the issue of Todd's parents who like to return things. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Kristy...where is the car thingy netting out? As for decorating, I did dig out the Lego 'countdowns' this morning. Still need to find the nativity one as well as get the other decorations out. I don't think Todd is doing the outside this year. I tried to say when his friend comes over for 'Wii' time this week they should work together on getting the lights up;)

TC...Do the overnights calm down any as they get older? My girls and their friends love to run through the house...drives me crazy. I can take loud talking, music...if they are sitting;)

Beth...How did the 'Beauty Sleep' go?

Sherry...Is it teacher inservice time today? Seems your boys get early dismissal often.

Tara...how was bowling? Bet the trip already seems years ago:(

They are calling for snow tonight/tomorrow. Glad I'm staying in tonight and working from home tomorrow.:rolleyes1

Wishing everyone a Terrific Tuesday!
:cold: A little chilly here this a.m. Fortunately we are not getting snow! Stay warm gang.
Elaine - How is our little Dom this a.m. I sure love all that beautiful hair he has. DS was bald until he was almost 2. Now he has tons of hair.
HI Amanda, that sure is a huge shopping list you have. Good luck with it. And I always say "gift cards" work for everyone. LOL Our kids here have early release every other Wed. I think it's for the teachers. Wish they would do it on Fri.
TC glad you survived the sleepover. We almost had one at our house but, DS's friend got in trouble so he couldn't come over. Whew! Actually the boys aren't too bad, they just play video games and eat and drink everything in sight. LOL
Thanks all for the well wishes for my tummy. It does seem to be doing much better. I think it might have been some medication I was on.
Tara - Welcome back and can't wait to hear your trip stories.
Hey Beth - if you learn the secret to "beauty sleep" please pass it along. :thumbsup2
Hi to all I missed. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Later gang.
Good morning all! I think I want today to be a lazy day. I have all intentions of cooking a real meal tonight so I figure I can be a bum the rest of the day ;)

We only have one "issue" Dom likes to sleep on an incline. So we're trying to figure out how to do it right in his pack n play. The ped gave us an idea but it didn't work out very well. Any suggestions?

Rose Mary, he's doing fine. Sleeping right now like a good boy. I'm sure he'll wake up in an hour or so screaming though for a diaper change. He fusses when he's hungry or his tummy has gas, but out right screams when he is "dirty" I love his hair too. He has almost as much as I did when I was born. I love baby hair :teeth:

Amanda, good luck with all the shopping. I wouldn't know what to do for that many people :eek: We aren't huge into Christmas gifts here though, so it never seems to get too stressful for us.

Bethie, how is everything with you? Work still keeping you busy?

Sherry, it should be an interesting game. I just wish LSU didn't have the home team advantage. I think that's rather unfair.

No snow here yet either... supposedly we'll see some tonight or tomorrow
Bumming about sounds like a fair day, Lainey. :)

Amanda, I'd be tempted to tell my father that I will get a bunch of gift cards for him to give as well if I had to do his shopping, but you do what you've got to do.

In our case, it's my mother who doesn't necessarily return a gift, but she never uses it either. We joke about what we will buy to get put up in a bookshelf somewhere. This is even when she requests something specific :rolleyes:

I wouldn't even mind if she were "re-gifting" with it, but she just puts them up. Rebecca has knitted her a scarf this year. ;)

Since I'm not exactly a bronzed Adonis myself, I'll not be teasing anyone about white legs :rolleyes1

But hope everyone is having a good day :)
Alan...I would love to do gift cards but Dad wants to keep things as close to how Mom did them as possible. In short...Todd still gets his Levi's every year;) I just wish she had given everyone the same thing each year:rolleyes:

As the nieces and nephews turn 18, my life will get easier since I don't buy for them once they turn 18.:woohoo:

Elaine...I know not the best solution but I have known individuals who let the baby sleep in the bouncer. Some would put the bouncer in their crib and others would put it by their bed. I know a few nights where Cassie slept in her car seat next to my bed.
Hi gang,

I did a trip report...not a lot of gory detail but it is here.

What I didn't put there that I will say here...is that the kids were fantastic but it helped to have that GAC for Jarrod (and ultimately for Ethan). The first day I didn't take the stroller with me because I didn't think they needed it. Well, by 4 hours into it, if one wasn't melting down the other was and I was drinking my way around EPCOT!! hehehe Every chance he got Jarrod would climb under something and not want to come out.

The GAC made it nice so even when we did have to wait...we weren't smooshed together like sardines and have him get antsy. We never had a cast member question our pass or any guests question our needs. We got a couple of curious looks but then mom or I would say something that indicated his ASD and that would shut them down.

We did make some more discoveries about Ethan...let's just say it is looking more and more like this thing comes from my side of the family! He has good social skills...but his rigidity to routine and his fear of noise and the fact that when he got upset he would run in circles or grab the stroller wheels to spin...jsut added fuel to things I've seen for a long time and it really made me sad. I'm trying to ignore them and say he is just copying Jarrod but there are too many things that he does that Jarrod doesn't do. I'm thinking he is more towards the PDD-NOS side of things. Oh and he has the perseveration thing down to a science! I swear I wanted to duct tape him a couple of times!

Ethan was also my repeater...he would repeat parts of the spiels on the buses and the rides for no apparent reason and if we were on a ride and I pointed something out one time he would do it hte very next time. He was also very good at imitating the sounds on the rides...like monkey's and elephants. he's like that guy from the Police Academy movies!! Can we say echolailia?? :( I'm just going to wait until his 4 year check next spring to bring it up again...by then maybe he will out grow some of this! fingers crossed!

Anyway, the trip was fantastic. We got to see lots of characters (and most were in costume!) I got to ride space mountain twice one day...once with a 5 minute wait and the second with a fast pass we got from the guy in transporation (the bus incident...but i won't bore you with it again here...so see you have to read my trip reveiw!! :) ) The guy actually gave us 8 fast passes to make up for the nimrod on the bus. But I didn't want to post that in the other thread...dont' want to give people ideas! We ended up giving 6 of the fast passes to a mom with a couple of kids...because we didn't need them.

As soon as I figure out the photopass thingy and/or I get my camera to download the pics I'll post some of them! Of course I took way too many...but isn't that what you do on vacation????

Gotta get back to work!!

Hi all....

No snow here - just very very cold - only about 25 degrees. I'm meeting Alyssa this afternoon for a bit of shopping and dinner - one nice thing about not starting work until 8pm is that I can enjoy my dinner.

I've been doing more thinking about decortaiong than actually doing it....oh well - there's always tomorrow. We've planned to get our tree on the 15 with our friends and have a party that night.

Online ordering for gifts is going well - I was able to get Chris a nice outfit from AE with shirt and sweather in "tall" sizes. I took a pic of the dog and cat and ordered a poster sized print of it for alyssa - from Walmart. Got a $10 gift card from Wallyworld from Mypoints - I think that will go towards a DVD player for Chris.

Elaine - sounds like you are settling into a nice routine - sorry that I can't help you on the sleeping position - Alyssa only liked to sleep with me....Chris would sleep anywhere.

Tara - can't wait to read your report and I hope you get the pic thingy figured out - I think Elaine may be right - we may just have to log on as you to access them. :3dglasses

Beth - I would love to see that Nativity display - I'll be putting mine out tomorrow. :thumbsup2

Suzanne - what happened to the pics of my boat????? :confused:

Amanda - you have quite a load on your shounders - :hug: one day - one hour - one moment at a time....

Alan - hope you are having a good day as well! :santa:

Rosemary...please define "a little chilly" :rolleyes1

Hi Kristy - any pics of your decorations????:santa:

Off to get more done around here - I'll check in later. :grouphug:
I keep my radio on a station that plays continuous Christmas music after Thanksgiving.

I realize there aren't a ton of songs, but still, they do play the same ones over and over (same versions)

But it's still fun, so no problem.

However, this year they are really giving a lot of play to "Baby, it's Cold Outside"

No problem - it's a fun little song.

But it's just so hard to picture Rod Stewart trying to convince Dolly Parton to stick around. :)
Thanks all for the ideas. I had him sleep with me a couple times to get the "angle" right. I think I have the pack n play manipulated in a way that will work.
I just don't want him in bed with me all the time. I am downstairs for now since I don't want to deal with stairs, but in a few weeks I'll be upstairs and don't want to have him out of his own room.

Tara, sorry abou the bad in your trip report, but over all sounds like a nice trip. I remember losing a bag when I was 6 at WDW. I last had it at the Indy Speedway and when we went back it was gone :( Nothing was really in it, so I hope someone enjoyed my new Mickey bag.

Paula, yay for getting more shopping done. The tree party sounds like it will be fun too.

I couldn't imagine listening to Christmas music all day already :eek:
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