In search of my body...not the one I ate! Part Deux... We sit at the popular table!

You guys have all done awesome - kudos all around! Really, I'm impressed.

I had a great weekend, I'm having a crap day, and frankly, this is a really sad week for me, so I'm just going to crawl back into my hole. But I'm cheering all of you on!

I can't wait to go on it.:lovestruc So you like it more than Buzz Deb? Kaitlyn as well? How does it differ?

It's more kid-friendly and color coordinated. In Buzz you have to spin around and make shots that aren't straight in front of you while you're moving. On TSM you come to a full stop and the screen in front of you is all you have to worry about. You get higher points for the top/bottom/edges, but there's lots of 100/200 point targets in the middle of the field for those who can't aim as well. It's also color coordinated. With only 2 people per screen, and each person having their own color, I may have had to compete with Kaitlyn for targets but she shot yellow things and mine were green instead of seeing 10 red laser dots on the 'Z' and wondering how I needed to fine-tune my aim. Downside is it's a 2-person car, and they were loading families back-to-back so one person was all alone. I think the better loading would have been to split the families - back half of 2 cars, for example, so that they'd all be in a line and could have *some* communication.

Gosh, where is everyone tonight?

I WAS WORKING:sad1: I kept asking to go home umm....from like 7 on. I think they thought I was JOKING. I was really tired! I just wanted to come home and crawl in my bed. Then to make matters worse Steph called me because Ty was upset because he didn't see all day and I wasn't here when he got off the bus. I was fighting back the tears at work because I missed my baby. This morning he jumped into bed with me and just snuggled and then he sat on my lap while we were waiting for the bus. I will be home shortly after he goes to bed tonight so I will give him a hug and kiss then. We woke up to thunder and lightning. Power flashed just enough that lights went out but not even the clocks need to be reset. Temps are getting colder now. Nothing above 72 as a high for the week. Last week we had 90. Go figure. I am off to finish up some details that the bank needs for the closing and then off to work!

KAT where are you need details on the new job!!!!!
Liz :hug:
Erika This might not come out right but I hope you get it! Just think of what your but looked like last year and think how much smaller it looks now!!! Imagine being on that screen last year?? You have done GREAT and you continue to do great and Continue to amaze me with your running! GODDESS:worship: :worship:
Steph - I totally get the Ty thing. We spend so much time being there, and then those times we are not are the ones they get sad about. Maybe they will let you out early tonight! It could happen, right? ;)

Erika - Just think, your butt could be the size of mine! Umm, not that helpful? No, Steph is right - you have a much smaller butt than last year!!!
I am getting out early tonight I am only working till 8pm so I should be home @ 8:30 the kids will be just going to bed! So I will get to tuck them into bed!!:love:
Here is an updated photo of me! Full body shot.. not sure if anyone noticed but I usually don't do full shots! Like everyone else here my assets are a lot bigger than what I want!:lmao:

This one was taken in June
Here is an updated photo of me! Full body shot.. not sure if anyone noticed but I usually don't do full shots! Like everyone else here my assets are a lot bigger than what I want!:lmao:

This one was taken in June

You look great!

Ok ok I know I am quite possibly the worst poster here... :sad2: In my new attitude of holding myself accountable I have no excuses... They aren't good ones... I am going to try to post more often here. I really miss everyone and hope that I haven't totally screwed up a good thing... Things are fairly quiet here... Got moved from my job as shipping manager to sales which sucks! I hate hate hate telemarketing and thats all this is... :headache: I would love to find a new job but with the economy as such I don't think I will find a job that pays as well... Hubs and I are still on seperate shifts... Thats not fun either but I am adapting... I've lost about 60 lbs now! :dance3: Thats a good thing... hehe... I also cut my hair super short and I love it! Anywho I guess thats about all... Just trying to get things back in order and some sort of posting schedule together... On the plus side sales lets me be online a bit more since my boss isn't staring over my shoulder... :rotfl:


Here is an updated photo of me! Full body shot.. not sure if anyone noticed but I usually don't do full shots! Like everyone else here my assets are a lot bigger than what I want!:lmao:

OMG Steph! Big difference! Looking awesome, you are!

I really miss everyone and hope that I haven't totally screwed up a good thing...

Welcome back, Sarah! Of course you haven't screwed anything up! And WOO HOO on the 60 pound mark! Way to go!

I had a great workout today. I ran 4 miles and then biked 16 miles. Felt great!

Off to get some work done. I feel like Kat...I will be in teleconferences for the next few hours...

Speaking of Kat????? Time to check in, babe!

And LYZ??? After 1pm and no posty? Wassup with that?
OMG Steph! Big difference! Looking awesome, you are!

Welcome back, Sarah! Of course you haven't screwed anything up! And WOO HOO on the 60 pound mark! Way to go!

I had a great workout today. I ran 4 miles and then biked 16 miles. Felt great!

Off to get some work done. I feel like Kat...I will be in teleconferences for the next few hours...

Speaking of Kat????? Time to check in, babe!

And LYZ??? After 1pm and no posty? Wassup with that?

OMG! I wish I had your will power for exercise... I need to get back on track with exercising... basically all I do is work, sleep and eat... lol I really need to figure out how to incorporate it into my schedule again. Go You!!!! :banana: :cheer2:
Gosh, I have so much to say.

I'm just back from my ride...21 miles today. :banana:

Needed to come back to this. I didn't give it enough respect yesterday. I'd be dead. DEAD. Literally after 21 miles on a bike.

Weekend was good, got a lot done towards our trip on friday. Went to Kohl's and they had speedo swimsuits (regular ones, not the underwear kind) for 4.80! Also found DD a few pairs of sandals in various sizes, including 2 nike pairs for 5.00 each!! In FL, we pretty much wear shoes like that all year.

Ohh, love a good deal. Seriously. Nice little high.

Got in a good run yesterday, about 2.5 miles in 31 minutes. (Not nearly as speedy as Erika though :worship: ) I went back to intervals. I'm just not seeing the weight loss that I was early on in the C25K program where you are doing intervals. Also did 100 crunches! While the scale hasn't moved in a week and a half, I did buy capris (also a bargain at 7.00, dockers brand) one size smaller! :woohoo: Maybe the pilates/crunches are taking off inches.

Keep up the good work everyone!!


You are determined! 100 crunches! Yikes.

Hanna Bananna! We were at MK Friday, where it was almost the emptiest I've ever seen it. (1) EMH the day before (2) Closing early for MNSSHP (3) Back to School (4) Hanna. YEA us! (And Sunday, where we hit every ride we wanted - twice - by 11am.

Wow. Love an empty park. Sounds wonderful. I so need a trip to the WDW proper.

Friday morning the heavens opened up, everyone ducked for cover, except my kid. Kaitlyn's out there all alone in her princess poncho and crocs dancing in the middle of Frontierland.

Agree with Goof. That sounds precious and a great picture moment too.

1st - great pics Lyz - did you fly to Dollywood?

I wish. No we drove.

We took a helicopter tour. We do this alot. But I do have some awesome pictures of Epcot, Pop, MGM and such.

#1 No YMCA - we went grocery shopping instead - I am back to not feeling well and bleeding pretty bad - so no excersize cause that just makes me flow like Mt. St Helens... but I am eating much better - no Fast Food at all in over 2 weeks I believe...

Wow! No FF in over 2 weeks. That is a victory. Goddess for you.

Unfortunatley...the problem is a huge school issue now...and not from my end...or Treyner's...

Dawn, you must feel pretty helpless at this point. I can't offer much, other than my sympthy. I don't like not being in control of a situation, and you just are living in "out of control" situations all around. :hug:

Oh and the coach sounds a tad clueless. You can tell him your cyber pal from Ohio says so. K.

Please try to stop and take care of yourself... We don't want to hear that you are in the hospital again... that would not be good...

True That!

And yes, I do have my flights booked for the big December trip.... I leave in about 83 days, but who's counting....



Boredom! It kills me, too. I can get on my bike and go 35 minutes without getting bored (longer, probably) but put me on an excercise bike, even with an ipod and a TV, and I want to get off in 5 minutes.

Yeah, that's how I feel on that stupied eliptical I "had" to have.

First and foremost, I have to say that even though I am not at goal weight...THANK GOD I lose at least some weight! So today I was up an campus and had to lecture live (as opposed to online like I usually do). I am in this massive auditorium that seats maybe 500. Now this is not the part the bothers me. But since it is such a big image is projected up on a big screen so that everyone sitting in the back can see/hear me.

That's right...I am projected up on a THIRTY-FIVE foot screen! Do you have any idea how HUGE my a$$ looks on that thing???? I was HORRIFIED. It was heinous, truly. OMG, this was just the motivation I needed to get back on the wagon. It is either that or crawl under a rock and never come out.

Ok, back to work.

EriKa! OMG, sounds horrible. :hug:

I had a great weekend, I'm having a crap day, and frankly, this is a really sad week for me, so I'm just going to crawl back into my hole. But I'm cheering all of you on!

Liz - sorry I missed you yesterday. :hug:

I think the better loading would have been to split the families - back half of 2 cars, for example, so that they'd all be in a line and could have *some* communication.

Excellent idea. Send the bigwigs an email.

I send a letter to someone (?) at WDW in 2002(?), about there needing to be souvenier merchandise for peoples pets. I included lots of names and ideas and reasons. Blah, blah, blah. (I still have the letter, somewhere.) Well, 2 years later, Disney Tails shows up in DTD. Co-inky-dink? I think not. :rotfl: My husband tells me I'm dillusional, but I'm a believer.

Steph called me because Ty was upset because he didn't see all day and I wasn't here when he got off the bus. I was fighting back the tears at work because I missed my baby.

Awww. That's heartbreaking.

Ok, you look AWESOME! Seriously. You even have a fitted shirt on. And I'd have never guessed how much you weigh in that pic. I know, cause you said yesterday, but it doesn't look like it. If your not careful, you're gonna be exercising every hour.

In my new attitude of holding myself accountable I have no excuses... They aren't good ones... I am going to try to post more often here.

You really should. It helps with focus. And you used to be on all day.

I really miss everyone and hope that I haven't totally screwed up a good thing...

Never. We here, when you need us.

I've lost about 60 lbs now! :dance3: Thats a good thing... hehe... I also cut my hair super short and I love it!

60lbs! OMG. You are in Onderland, aren't you! Your hair cut, you cute little pixie.
Gosh, I have so much to say.

Needed to come back to this. I didn't give it enough respect yesterday. I'd be dead. DEAD. Literally after 21 miles on a bike.

You are determined! 100 crunches! Yikes.

Agree with Goof. That sounds precious and a great picture moment too.

Dawn, you must feel pretty helpless at this point. I can't offer much, other than my sympthy. I don't like not being in control of a situation, and you just are living in "out of control" situations all around. :hug:

Oh and the coach sounds a tad clueless. You can tell him your cyber pal from Ohio says so. K.


Yeah, that's how I feel on that stupied eliptical I "had" to have.

EriKa! OMG, sounds horrible. :hug:

Liz - sorry I missed you yesterday. :hug:

Excellent idea. Send the bigwigs an email.

I send a letter to someone (?) at WDW in 2002(?), about there needing to be souvenier merchandise for peoples pets. I included lots of names and ideas and reasons. Blah, blah, blah. (I still have the letter, somewhere.) Well, 2 years later, Disney Tails shows up in DTD. Co-inky-dink? I think not. :rotfl: My husband tells me I'm dillusional, but I'm a believer.

Awww. That's heartbreaking.

Ok, you look AWESOME! Seriously. You even have a fitted shirt on. And I'd have never guessed how much you weigh in that pic. I know, cause you said yesterday, but it doesn't look like it. If your not careful, you're gonna be exercising every hour.

60lbs! OMG. You are in Onderland, aren't you! Your hair cut, you cute little pixie.

I am at about 195 so I am in fact in Onederland!!! I love it!!! :banana: I was down to 193 but that was when I was having a stomach issue so my weight jetted back up when I was able to eat again... LOL!
Hey gang... thought I would share the revalation I had last night...

I had my wiegh in last night and gained about 3/4 of a pound last week. As I told my consultant, it is entirely my fault since I did not eat my JC food and did not exercise, but the result was disappointing to me none the less. We then spent most of our consultation talking about how far I have come and I realized that I have never lost as much weight as I have so far (35 pounds) and kept it off until now. I also talked about my sister's comment about the outfit I bought this past weekend and how good that made me feel. I realized that I wanted to keep going. I wanted to keep losing weight and dropping inches so that the number on the size of my clothes started with a 1 instead of a 2. I want to keep going. I want to do this.

I also found out that I started JC a year ago and renewed my program for another year last night. This will keep me going with my weekly consultation, program materials, etc. all the way through the maintenance phase. I talked to my consultant about using this renewal as an opportunity to recommit to my goals and start again so that is what I am doing. As of right now, I am resetting the scale and starting again. I signed up for my swimming class and that starts on Monday, so I will be swimming two days a week and taking my functional strength class one day a week. I would like to supplement that with my at home walking DVD's one or two days a week as well, but the fact that I have outlayed some cash and scheduled some exercise time works much better on my follow through than the self driven forms I have been doing lately.

I was so confident in myself that I came home and walked my two mile interval walking tape when I got home and regretting not putting the four mile tape in as I could have kept on going...

So, to quote one of my first posts all those months ago...

Now - a little about me, I am 36, single and well fat...

Well, I will be 37 on Friday. I am still single (but actively looking ;) ) and still well fat, but I am not as fat as I used to be... I am reposting the following paragraph from that first post because I was kind of in awe that I even wrote it in the first place, but the words are so applicable to what I am going through...

I am finding that to win this battle, it truly is a bigger hurdle than just eating less and moving more. When you think about it, you have to overcome your addiction to food, chuck your whole emotional support system out the window and find another one, force this big ole walrus like body to move like a little otter to sweat off the pounds all while trying to balance all of the other fun stuff that life throws at you. Its no wonder we find ourselves here. But the good news is that WE CAN DO IT!!!!! There may be a few bumps in the road (like the nachos I felt the need to eat on Saturday night) but a favorite quote reminds me that "Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal."

The obstacles are starting to get a little smaller in my eyes... The goal is getting bigger again...

So everyone - focus on the goal and you can accomplish anything...

E - I know. I know. I haven't been tuned in here nearly enough lately. I have been reading, just don't seem to have the energy to post? Weird, no?

Great job on the 20 mile dualathon! You get a goddess crown!

I have been doing good on exercise. And I feel different. I don't know my weight, but I just feel different. I look in the mirror and don't cringe. I take the girls shopping and instead of feeling depressed at what I'm missing, I feel hopeful for what is coming.

Speaking of, I have one pair of jeans I like. And they are getting rag a muffin. So, I HAVE to fit into a smaller pair before long.

My sisters MIL died last week. The funeral is tonight. It doesn't directly affect me, but when someone dies, it always puts me in a very reflective mood. So, I've been in my head and tired. Not much desire to post. Sorry about that.

Ok, must actually accomplish something at work.
Steph and Sarah - You both look amazing.... what a transformation...

E - I'm sure the new butt looked great on the big screen compared to the old one.... keep up with what you are doing and in a few months, that butt will look better than your current one.... you focus and drive is an inspiration...

Keep posting those pictures everyone... I don't know why we need someone else to tell us what is right before our eyes, but we do. So, let's help a girlfriend out...

Whew Paula. You just gave me chills. (about post 2676, your Redication to yourself)

Good for you. Yes, you have come far. Might as well keep going.

Fall seems to be "your" time of the year.
Hey gang... thought I would share the revalation I had last night...

I had my wiegh in last night and gained about 3/4 of a pound last week. As I told my consultant, it is entirely my fault since I did not eat my JC food and did not exercise, but the result was disappointing to me none the less. We then spent most of our consultation talking about how far I have come and I realized that I have never lost as much weight as I have so far (35 pounds) and kept it off until now. I also talked about my sister's comment about the outfit I bought this past weekend and how good that made me feel. I realized that I wanted to keep going. I wanted to keep losing weight and dropping inches so that the number on the size of my clothes started with a 1 instead of a 2. I want to keep going. I want to do this.

I also found out that I started JC a year ago and renewed my program for another year last night. This will keep me going with my weekly consultation, program materials, etc. all the way through the maintenance phase. I talked to my consultant about using this renewal as an opportunity to recommit to my goals and start again so that is what I am doing. As of right now, I am resetting the scale and starting again. I signed up for my swimming class and that starts on Monday, so I will be swimming two days a week and taking my functional strength class one day a week. I would like to supplement that with my at home walking DVD's one or two days a week as well, but the fact that I have outlayed some cash and scheduled some exercise time works much better on my follow through than the self driven forms I have been doing lately.

I was so confident in myself that I came home and walked my two mile interval walking tape when I got home and regretting not putting the four mile tape in as I could have kept on going...

So, to quote one of my first posts all those months ago...

Now - a little about me, I am 36, single and well fat...

Well, I will be 37 on Friday. I am still single (but actively looking ;) ) and still well fat, but I am not as fat as I used to be... I am reposting the following paragraph from that first post because I was kind of in awe that I even wrote it in the first place, but the words are so applicable to what I am going through...

I am finding that to win this battle, it truly is a bigger hurdle than just eating less and moving more. When you think about it, you have to overcome your addiction to food, chuck your whole emotional support system out the window and find another one, force this big ole walrus like body to move like a little otter to sweat off the pounds all while trying to balance all of the other fun stuff that life throws at you. Its no wonder we find ourselves here. But the good news is that WE CAN DO IT!!!!! There may be a few bumps in the road (like the nachos I felt the need to eat on Saturday night) but a favorite quote reminds me that "Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal."

The obstacles are starting to get a little smaller in my eyes... The goal is getting bigger again...

So everyone - focus on the goal and you can accomplish anything...


Steph and Sarah - You both look amazing.... what a transformation...

E - I'm sure the new butt looked great on the big screen compared to the old one.... keep up with what you are doing and in a few months, that butt will look better than your current one.... you focus and drive is an inspiration...

Keep posting those pictures everyone... I don't know why we need someone else to tell us what is right before our eyes, but we do. So, let's help a girlfriend out...


I love how you put things and frankly they put it all into perspective for me as well... When I started I had 100-110 lbs to lose and now its only 40-50 more lbs... The goal is within reach and doesn't seem to far off now... I am glad you are sticking with it and awesome job losing 35 lbs so far!!!

E - I know. I know. I haven't been tuned in here nearly enough lately. I have been reading, just don't seem to have the energy to post? Weird, no?

Great job on the 20 mile dualathon! You get a goddess crown!

I have been doing good on exercise. And I feel different. I don't know my weight, but I just feel different. I look in the mirror and don't cringe. I take the girls shopping and instead of feeling depressed at what I'm missing, I feel hopeful for what is coming.

Speaking of, I have one pair of jeans I like. And they are getting rag a muffin. So, I HAVE to fit into a smaller pair before long.

My sisters MIL died last week. The funeral is tonight. It doesn't directly affect me, but when someone dies, it always puts me in a very reflective mood. So, I've been in my head and tired. Not much desire to post. Sorry about that.

Ok, must actually accomplish something at work.

I also know how you feel about shopping... I actually enjoy it and don't get so depressed when I try things on...


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