Disboutiquers Part 9 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew CLOSED/MOVED

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Just skimming thru and checking out all the great stuff you guys make. I am glad I did, my 11 year old DS and I always seem to be fighting. I keep dreading the teen years, so I am glad to hear that some others found the pre teens to be worse.
Okay, I am so confused! I just watched that you tube video and that was enlightening. I just don't understand why anyone would teach any of those methods vs the basic way. Everyday math seems to make absolutely no sense to me and looking at the book I see why. Why would you teach kids to use a calculator? I really must be missing something. I am anxious to find out what Dallas' school uses. I am sure they'll look at me crazy when I ask!

BTW, I LOVED math in school and still do! It was always my favorite subject and so easy because it was just basic rules applied over and over.

NOW, I got my serger a little while ago! The UPS man delivered it finally! I am a bit peeved that walmart put it in a box 3x the size of the serger box with one little piece of paper as stuffing. It obviously bounced around the entire ride and I am not happy about that. I will be surprised if it works and worried about it long term already!
One other thought (or two)...

My oldest daughter is 19. My son is 17. I didn't have these issues with either of them. They were very easy, and very much rule-followers.

It is actually reassuring to me to know that she's not the only one out there who is like this. I want to blame it all on her birth parents: living in a car for 4 years, abandonment issues, lack of respect for men, and all that goes with that type of lifestyle. It really gives me some peace of mind to know that it's not just her on some of these things.

I feel like every stinking song on KLOVE is making me teary today --"Stand in the Rain" "Praise You in the Storm" "Empty Me"...

I guess it's just going to be one of those days.
Just call me Eeyore.

I love KLOVE. I do have those teary days too--not fun to have two hormonal women in the house at the same time!

BTW, I do think the WAY that math is taught is as important at the curriculum they use. When my dd was taught long division, she was taught 4 completely different ways of doing it in a little over a week. By the end of week 2, they had to do each problem using ALL the methods, and if they missed a step anywhere it was wrong. It made me crazy. Everyday math is supposed to give kids options, so that they can find the method that works for them. Throwing 4 different ways of doing a problem in at the same time, before you learn even one of the techniques, is just confusing. In my dd's case, the reason she kept making mistakes, was because some of the methods were so drawn out that she did part of the steps in her head. So even though she would come up with the correct answer, and had worked the problem completely through 3 times, because the fourth way of the doing the problem she left off a step, it was wrong.

Everyday math is supposed to make kids feel better about themselves. If they don't get it correct right away, that's okay. They are not expected to master things right away. However, if your child is a perfectionist, like my dd is, it drives them crazy.

I do have friends whose children loved the problem and were very successful with it. They did have a different teacher though, so I don't know how much was the child and how much was the teacher. Probably both.

I do think it's lacking in doing mental math though.
As you all may know...I am 40 something....:goodvibes and I have learned two things in life....

First, never sign something without reading it first, and

Second, never make travel plans and depend on someone (money-wise) who is not your spouse.

What happened you ask? My "friend" who I was traveling with to come meet you all at the Big Feb Dismeet....just dropped a bomb on me this morning. She was, for some reason, under the impression that I was paying for her flight ($304) to Disney. :confused3 The topic was never discussed. And it wasn't until this morning after she made flight reservations for us (last night) that she bothered to tell me this information (this morning). She says I agreed to it on a cell phone conversation three months ago. Nope not one mention of it for the past 3 months even though we have spent hours talking and planning the whole event. And when she talked to me last night before making the plane reservations....nope no one mention of it then either. :confused3 At that point I had agreed to the $304 and that's how we left it. I was giving her a check this morning. And thats when she sprung it on me that I owe her $608.

I am so shocked and hurt that she would make something up like this and lie to me..Needless to say, I am not going now. I wouldn't trust her at this point. Its not about the money so much as the whole "made up story". Its not even logical that I would agree to something without knowing the prices.

OK I will stop babbling about it now...I just wanted to let the FEB DISMEET people know what was going on. :sad1:
Wow, I am really sorry that she did that. Is there anyway you can still go?
Here is what I made for the Ambergreenawalt Big Give. Jessica is making a coordinating outfit for Sebastian.


Lily has her dance leotard on under there, apparently she is still in ballet mode and she is a 3 year old modeling a size 24 month outfit


The hat for Sebastian and fur cuffs are pixie dust from my SIL


Those are resized in photobucket, so hopefully they will behave themselves soon. we really don't need to see the ball-point pen scribbles on my leather chair.
Love those outfits and the hat. The fur cuffs are beautiful. Did I mention I love those Outfits! Lily is adorable in her ballet pose!
Can I join the (crabby crew)? Seriously I need some kind of support. Not only did I have the worst weekend in a very long time but saturday was my bday and it was simply horrible. :faint: I realize I am a grown adult and I clearly know that it's just another day. I am a mom I get it. All I wanted was one quiet evening. maybe watch some movies. :worship:. NOoooooooooooo I got a beer drinking can't hear the girls screaming in the hallway while I am cooking husband. Who for the 8th year in a row tells me that morning happy birthday Hun sorry we don't have the money to do anything for your birthday but I will make it up to you. I was already dealing with Megan and her pink eye Sammie was looking like she needed drops before be also he watched me fight her for 15 minutes sitting there did nothing. SO finally I just gave up sent her to bed and went on to bed myself. Sorry for the ramble. sunday he didn't feel he did anything wrong so why should he aplogize. So now tomorrow is our anniversary :lovestruc we are not able to get anything for each other. But if he thinks I am having another sunday he has another thing coming.
Now for my stresses part I am getting worried about his job and lack of for December the stores last day is the 6th. I have a few things for Megan but not one thing for the twins and I am starting to freak out.:scared:. All this going on and a :headache: that has lasted 4 days. I need help. Those of you who took the time to let me just vent. Or read about my jerk hubby on facebook I thank you. It's nice to have you by my side.
Happy Birthday and Congratulations on your 8 year anniversary!! I am sorry about your DH losing his job. I hope something comes along that is better! I don't blame you for freaking out. I have been there and things get better. We had a horrible summer financially but things are improving gradually for us.
Did I hear something about a cranky club??? I'm in!

I think I have strep throat, but I felt too yucky to drive myself to the doctor today so I don't know. I was really hoping that they would just call something in for me, but no luck. Chris will be home tomorrow, so he'll drive me and I'm really mad that we are going to be spending our day at the doctor:(

Drew is coughing and coughing (so I am assuming not strep) so she was home from school today and I think I'm just going to keep her home tomorrow and have her tested too just to be safe:(

Riley was doing her math tonight and I realized that my 11 year old has no idea how to do division. They do this rediculous "investigative math" in our district and from what I can tell it is worthless for a large majority of the kids. They want them to be "creative" and "explore" and find out why the answer is what it is. Well , that's great, unless you don't ever get the right answer!!!! It's stupid. I have been saying for 2 years that I don't think Riley is grasping the basic concepts (she is very rule oriented and needs the structure of the rules) and I keep getting told it's o.k. Well, tonight she can't do her homework because she apparently hasn't been creative enough to figure how to divide. So I worked with her and she was totally out of control. She has been sitting in class stressing about not understanding what they are saying. Apparently the teachers are starting to get frustrated with the kids and she said that one kid had to "stand on the line" during recess because the teacher said he wasn't trying so she is afraid to ask for help.:headache: I didn't exactly make myself proud when I was working with Riley tonight. I feel like doo and I wasn't being very patient. I am a little ticked off that she has been sitting there just pretending to know what's going on. I think she is old enough to be responsible for asking for help when she doesn't understand something.

Anyway I am super grouchy and cranky so I better just go to sleep!
I hope everyone is feeling better soon. The math thing is very confusing. So sorry about Riley having difficulties. I hated math and I changed schools 3 times during middle school. Thankfully, the elementary school I went to made us memorize the basics so that got me through it without failing. But it is important to know the basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In the long run they can work faster and when you are taking College entrance exams it is important. Once you get to college time is also important.

I'm sorry I can not go into detail right now but please, please if you are a praying person, please please pray for my baby boy!!! Thank you!!!
I will add your baby boy to my prayers. I hope everything is all right.
I bet that there are a few kids out there who really benefit from this, but it leaves the kids like Riley totally lost. Riley is all about knowing hard and fast rules. They aren't even encouraging them to memorize their multiplication. Tonight Riley was trying to tell me that you don't need to know them because if you know 2x6 you just double that to know 4x6. Why is that better than just knowing that 4x6=24??????

Even when Riley does "know" what to do, she doesn't have the confidence that she would have if they were focusing on the rules. Every answer she gives is more like a question to me. It is very frustrating.

Riley is a way above average student. The principal wants me to let her test for the gifted program, yet she is sitting in math class totally lost. It's dumb. The principal was trying to tell me that it is a great system because it teaches the kids "HOW" to find the answers so that they can always figure any problems out. I think it's bull. Teach them all the rules, expect them to learn and remember them and there you go!
I would get her tested. The gifted teacher may be able to help her understand the math!
Hi Ladies.

Thank you so much for all of the prayers and well wishes. I am home and I am doing fine. I am still in pain, but I am managing it with just ibuprofen. I am trying to take it easy :) My MIL has the princess, but the older three kids are home with me. They are being incredible sweet and helpful. My little Justin will not let me get up to do anything it is really sweet.

The surgery went well. It was a little more invasive than they first thought. I had some uterine polyps removes and also as much of the endo as they could. I was feeling horrible when I woke up. I guess I kept saying "I am not ever doing this again". Because when they took me to recovery I heard the nurse say "this is Lacy and she never doing this again ;)".

Again thanks for the prayers they were needed.

I was able to skim the last 20 pages and everything is so cute. Jeanne I love the skirts you made for the big give. They are adorable.
I hope you recover quickly.
okay, it looks like that crabby air floated across to northern California overnight. I am in an EXTREMELY crabby mood today.

I DON'T want to fight the twins to get them ready for preschool. Last Thursday after they were dressed TwinA looked in the mirror, covered her eyes and said "Don't look at me...I look terrible" SHE'S THREE YEARS OLD!
TwinB has just informed me "I'm not going" to school.

And we are having some real issues with Destiny. I home school her - trust me, it's for the best - and she seems to have "forgotten" EVERYTHING she's ever learned. Ya'll were discussing math yesterday...my 11-yr-old USED to be able to do multiplication. Now it's "I don't know". We can't progress beyond multiplication because she "doesn't get it". That child knows the words to every song on country radio, but can't get multiplication. Not even in song.
And she's "forgotten" all language arts/grammar/punctuation/spelling. She gets very low marks on most of her papers because I can't read them. I tell her that if I can't read it, it's as if she never did it.
And she can't seem to give me a decent look, ever. And her room is ALWAYS trashed. Her clothes are ALWAYS on the floor. She does every thing halfway.

I know that she has stuff going on that I'll never understand. I don't know the extent of the "ugliness" in her life prior to us. I probably never will.
But that doesn't ease my frustration. That doesn't make me feel less defeated. That doesn't make me feel better.
The therapist says I need to change my expectations. He says "Change your mindset so that what you've had as expectations are now 'preferences'". I don't want to! I have expectations of what I consider "normal" and I want those expectations to be met!

Okay, so thanks for the ears, for letting me share this, for letting me vent. Please pray for us every now and then; it's going to be a l o n g day.
Hugs and Prayers for you and DD:hug:
His surgery started a couple hours later than it was scheduled this morning, because one of his surgeons had an emergency appendectomy (sp?). So we have a long wait. I have a babysitter today, but his partner told me last week, over the weekend and again last night that he doesn't want me to come to the hospital. I think I make him more nervous.
Best wishes to your brother for a quick recovery.
I finished a t-shirt for the Big Give yesterday. I just decided to put his name on it because I couldn't think of anything else. Not as fancy as his sister's Cinderella dress, but I figure he isn't going for "fancy".

I love the Scooby Doo shirt!
Thank you dh birthday is May 6. The twins are may 26. It just bothers me that I cater to all of them on their special day I just wanted a little quiet time. That's all I ask. And I want you all to know today is our 8th anniversary. Since we had Megan I have never asked for anything for my bday or anniversary because I know christmas is around the corner and I rather it go to the girls. This year is even more important than any other year there is just no money there.

I want to say thank you to all my friends. Friends for your kind words and support. I just have been so down that I don't even want to sew or go near that part of the kitchen.

Those of you who need prayers I will do my best. And send all the hugs and well wishes I can.

And thats to all of your colorful creations that I get to look at every day and think someday I might be able to make something that great. To all my friends
Hugs back to you.:grouphug:
Hi everyone! I have not been able to keep up or even lurk much but I wanted to share some good news! I have shared some of the problems Sydni has been having in school. Well, today she came home and told me that she had a talk with the other little girl. She said that she told her that it wasn't nice to laugh at others and she shouldn't be mean or rude to other people, because Jesus didn't like that!:thumbsup2 She said that the little girl said she was right and that she was sorry!:goodvibes Now they are friends!:flower3: I am so proud of Sydni for standing up for herself but in a positive way! :love: I think she actually listened to all of the talks we had with her!:thumbsup2

On another note, could you please keep my cousin's son in your prayers! His surgery is tomorrow and it is an extremely dangerous surgery! TIA!
Should I get a serger? I've never used one before but I've heard great things about them. Do you ladies think it's worth it? Does it save on time? Does anyone have the singer serger from walmart? Do you like it? Thanks :)
If you are selling, and don't want to do French seams, then yes, you need a serger. I have the Walmart cheap one, and so far I really like it. I paid $50 for it (it was a display model) about a year or so ago.

Hi Ladies.

Thank you so much for all of the prayers and well wishes. I am home and I am doing fine. I am still in pain, but I am managing it with just ibuprofen. I am trying to take it easy :) My MIL has the princess, but the older three kids are home with me. They are being incredible sweet and helpful. My little Justin will not let me get up to do anything it is really sweet.

The surgery went well. It was a little more invasive than they first thought. I had some uterine polyps removes and also as much of the endo as they could. I was feeling horrible when I woke up. I guess I kept saying "I am not ever doing this again". Because when they took me to recovery I heard the nurse say "this is Lacy and she never doing this again ;)".

Again thanks for the prayers they were needed.

I was able to skim the last 20 pages and everything is so cute. Jeanne I love the skirts you made for the big give. They are adorable.

I'm glad you are doing ok. :hug:

okay, it looks like that crabby air floated across to northern California overnight. I am in an EXTREMELY crabby mood today.

I DON'T want to fight the twins to get them ready for preschool. Last Thursday after they were dressed TwinA looked in the mirror, covered her eyes and said "Don't look at me...I look terrible" SHE'S THREE YEARS OLD!
TwinB has just informed me "I'm not going" to school.

And we are having some real issues with Destiny. I home school her - trust me, it's for the best - and she seems to have "forgotten" EVERYTHING she's ever learned. Ya'll were discussing math yesterday...my 11-yr-old USED to be able to do multiplication. Now it's "I don't know". We can't progress beyond multiplication because she "doesn't get it". That child knows the words to every song on country radio, but can't get multiplication. Not even in song.
And she's "forgotten" all language arts/grammar/punctuation/spelling. She gets very low marks on most of her papers because I can't read them. I tell her that if I can't read it, it's as if she never did it.
And she can't seem to give me a decent look, ever. And her room is ALWAYS trashed. Her clothes are ALWAYS on the floor. She does every thing halfway.

I know that she has stuff going on that I'll never understand. I don't know the extent of the "ugliness" in her life prior to us. I probably never will.
But that doesn't ease my frustration. That doesn't make me feel less defeated. That doesn't make me feel better.
The therapist says I need to change my expectations. He says "Change your mindset so that what you've had as expectations are now 'preferences'". I don't want to! I have expectations of what I consider "normal" and I want those expectations to be met!

Okay, so thanks for the ears, for letting me share this, for letting me vent. Please pray for us every now and then; it's going to be a l o n g day.


If it helps at all :hug: . I'm telling you that 11 has not turned out to be my favorite age!:laughing: I honestly feel like Riley is spending a large majority of her time trying to make me lose my cool. She is very often succeding. I feel like we are really both fighting for control right now and I know that I have to win. When I put her to bed last night I told her that we need to do better at working on things together and not getting frustrated with each other, but she does have to do whatever I tell her whether she likes it or not. It just gets old having to have that same conversation over and over.

As a friend said to me the other day, "don't worry, she'll become and teenager and it will get worse." :scared1: How am I going to make it through this twice???????

My son, who is 16 had his most difficult years from the age of 18 months until he was about 9. Since then, he has gotten much better! :thumbsup2

Okay try this for the leg warmers-


Serger- I too can not sew without one. I have the el cheapo Singer from WM and I really do not like. I would love to upgrade it. I have had to replace it twice. Luckily I was able to exchange it the last time. It is $178 at WM. I think it is pretty good for home sewing. I would not recommend it for someone who is whipping out garments everyday. I have pretty much worn the thing out. I have had this one since May. I am hoping I can get through Christmas with it.

A friend of mine recently bought a Huskylock and is over the moon happy with it. She really did a lot of research and picked a great model. She was able to find it on :wizard: with many accessories. It has a great warranty and service options.

I did find an excellent serger tutorial last night when I was trying to fix the tension on my machine. I think my thread is not staying properly in the tension discs and I can no longer do rolled hems. :( I managed to get it to sort of work last night. Keep your fingers crossed for me!


I put a whole bunch of links into the bookmarks last night too. I put most of them in the shoes and socks section, I think one is also in the baby section.

Thanks for the links Aimee! I saved the serger one to my computer!

I finished a t-shirt for the Big Give yesterday. I just decided to put his name on it because I couldn't think of anything else. Not as fancy as his sister's Cinderella dress, but I figure he isn't going for "fancy". :rotfl:


Heather, I love it! I'm guessing that Zander doesn't find a whole lot of stuff with his name on it! I know Arminda would be thrilled to get something with just her name on it! He is going to love it!

Thank you dh birthday is May 6. The twins are may 26. It just bothers me that I cater to all of them on their special day I just wanted a little quiet time. That's all I ask. And I want you all to know today is our 8th anniversary. Since we had Megan I have never asked for anything for my bday or anniversary because I know christmas is around the corner and I rather it go to the girls. This year is even more important than any other
year there is just no money there.

I want to say thank you to all my friends. Friends for your kind words and support. I just have been so down that I don't even want to sew or go near that part of the kitchen.

Those of you who need prayers I will do my best. And send all the hugs and well wishes I can.

And thats to all of your colorful creations that I get to look at every day and think someday I might be able to make something that great. To all my friends

And :grouphug: to you too!

Okay, I am so confused! I just watched that you tube video and that was enlightening. I just don't understand why anyone would teach any of those methods vs the basic way. Everyday math seems to make absolutely no sense to me and looking at the book I see why. Why would you teach kids to use a calculator? I really must be missing something. I am anxious to find out what Dallas' school uses. I am sure they'll look at me crazy when I ask!

BTW, I LOVED math in school and still do! It was always my favorite subject and so easy because it was just basic rules applied over and over.

NOW, I got my serger a little while ago! The UPS man delivered it finally! I am a bit peeved that walmart put it in a box 3x the size of the serger box with one little piece of paper as stuffing. It obviously bounced around the entire ride and I am not happy about that. I will be surprised if it works and worried about it long term already!

Corey was watching that video with me. When I asked him what method he learned, he said, "We learned that a calculator is never wrong!" :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Funny funny boy! He did have those books though, and I guess he did ok, because he is now getting A's in Trigonometry and Physics. :cheer2:

Watching it though, I realized that even though, I was taught the first "correct" method, my mind always figures it out according the second method. I would hate to be a teacher now, big kudos to all you teachers out there trying to make sense of all this for our kids! :thumbsup2 :hug: :thumbsup2
I totally have been there with the math thing. My dd was also an A student and working with the gifted teacher, and was falling behind in math and starting to hate school.

I know that this link specifically talks about WA, but I think it really demonstrates the differences in the new math methods.



Thank you for the link, that video was very enlightening. It seems to me the old method would be the easiest but that is the way I learned :teacher: it so maybe that is why it seems easiest. I hope DD doesn't have to learn any of the new methods they seem very tedious to me. The only one that sort of makes sense is the lattice method. Math is memorization of facts to me and to sit and guess at that long division was really annoying. I really disliked the long division. My brain kept screaming 6 goes into 13 two times. . .
Hi everyone! I have not been able to keep up or even lurk much but I wanted to share some good news! I have shared some of the problems Sydni has been having in school. Well, today she came home and told me that she had a talk with the other little girl. She said that she told her that it wasn't nice to laugh at others and she shouldn't be mean or rude to other people, because Jesus didn't like that!:thumbsup2 She said that the little girl said she was right and that she was sorry!:goodvibes Now they are friends!:flower3: I am so proud of Sydni for standing up for herself but in a positive way! :love: I think she actually listened to all of the talks we had with her!:thumbsup2

On another note, could you please keep my cousin's son in your prayers! His surgery is tomorrow and it is an extremely dangerous surgery! TIA!

YAY for Sydni!!!!!!
I sooo thought you lived in New Iberia too. I have a terrible memory! Please excuse me!!! :laughing:
I pass through there when we go visit the in laws in Tyler, TX.
OK, so mostly I lurk on a daily basis so I thought it was so cool to hear both of the towns in a post on the DIS. My in laws are from Tyler, my parents live in Chandler and well I have grandparents that live just outside of Alexandria in Pollock. Unfortunantly we live in Virginia-makes me sad to be so far away. What a small world though! Can you believe how big Tyler has gotten?! I think it's growing, IN, instead of out though if you know what I mean!
I've recently become the room parent for DS room and was planning a dress Santa game. Does anyone have any inexpensive ideas for making a Santa beard?
My brother just got out of surgery. He lost a lot of blood, but the doctors don't think he'll need a transfusion. He has 3 drainage tubes and is in a lot of pain, but the doctors think it went well. He should be out of recovery in a couple of hours and then I'll know more.

Thanks for all the prayers. It really means a lot to me.
Hi everyone! I have not been able to keep up or even lurk much but I wanted to share some good news! I have shared some of the problems Sydni has been having in school. Well, today she came home and told me that she had a talk with the other little girl. She said that she told her that it wasn't nice to laugh at others and she shouldn't be mean or rude to other people, because Jesus didn't like that!:thumbsup2 She said that the little girl said she was right and that she was sorry!:goodvibes Now they are friends!:flower3: I am so proud of Sydni for standing up for herself but in a positive way! :love: I think she actually listened to all of the talks we had with her!:thumbsup2

On another note, could you please keep my cousin's son in your prayers! His surgery is tomorrow and it is an extremely dangerous surgery! TIA!

Yeay for Sydni, you have a wonderful child. She not only stood up for herself, but she was kind and wise.

I will definitely be praying for your cousins surgery. . . .

My brother just got out of surgery. He lost a lot of blood, but the doctors don't think he'll need a transfusion. He has 3 drainage tubes and is in a lot of pain, but the doctors think it went well. He should be out of recovery in a couple of hours and then I'll know more.

Thanks for all the prayers. It really means a lot to me.

Thanks for the update, always happy to hear about prayers so clearly answered :)
Hi everyone! I have not been able to keep up or even lurk much but I wanted to share some good news! I have shared some of the problems Sydni has been having in school. Well, today she came home and told me that she had a talk with the other little girl. She said that she told her that it wasn't nice to laugh at others and she shouldn't be mean or rude to other people, because Jesus didn't like that!:thumbsup2 She said that the little girl said she was right and that she was sorry!:goodvibes Now they are friends!:flower3: I am so proud of Sydni for standing up for herself but in a positive way! :love: I think she actually listened to all of the talks we had with her!:thumbsup2

On another note, could you please keep my cousin's son in your prayers! His surgery is tomorrow and it is an extremely dangerous surgery! TIA!
WOW!!! How wonderful that at such a young age she was able to stand up for herself in such a wonderful way. Sounds like that girl needed a friend.

I've recently become the room parent for DS room and was planning a dress Santa game. Does anyone have any inexpensive ideas for making a Santa beard?
Would cotton balls work?
I made a few more doll things this weekend.

A simple muslin nightgown. Thanks to Steph saying that they peasant top was hard to get on I made the back with a seam (I still have to put a snap or something back there.

This is something I just don't have the patience for!! Your doll clothes look great. :worship:

I never did get myself one on this last trip!! Now I'm hungry.

I know one of the Wal Marts near or in New Iberia has TONS of fabric. I go crazy everytime I have to go to New Iberia to get hubby there.

I just got this email from Target:
Greetings from Target.com.

Due to an unexpected error, the following item(s) you have ordered were incorrectly priced at the time of your order.

Britax Marathon Convertible Car Seat - Granite

We're sorry, but we are unable to offer this item for the incorrect price. The correct price is $279.99. We have canceled your order for this item. If you would like to order this item at the correct price, please visit Target.com to check for availability.

Despite our best efforts, a small number of items on our site are occasionally mis-priced. We do, however, verify prices as part of our shipping procedures. If we discover that an item's correct price is higher than our stated price, we will either contact you for instructions before shipping or cancel your order and notify you of the cancellation. This pricing policy is posted in the Help section on Target.com.

Again, we're sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Thank you for being our valued guest.


Guest Service Department

I am soooo mad!! Aren't they obligated to sell things for the advertised price???
Haven't had a chance to catch up on the rest of the posts, but just needed to post this rant. :scared1:

Actually, if they can show or prove that it was an error, they don't have to. BUT, most places will honor it because it's a customer service issue. They want to make you happy so you keep shopping there.

Should I get a serger? I've never used one before but I've heard great things about them. Do you ladies think it's worth it? Does it save on time? Does anyone have the singer serger from walmart? Do you like it? Thanks :)

I like to hide my seams. For years, I used my mothers machine. But it always sort of scared me. So I decided in the spring to get one for myself, so I could learn what other things I could do with it. I got the 1034D from Walmart. Took me awhile to figure out the tensions. But I started to get the hang of it. Then I went to fix a broken thread and when I lifted the foot, the thing broke. The machine is less the 6 months old. Now the handle just spins around. I can use a knife to lift the foot, so I can change the threads. But I doubt I'll be able to do much with it. Even though it's under warranty, it will cost more to repair it then I paid for it. But it will do until I can afford a new one. But I don't think I'd be without one again.
Add me to the list of disboutiquers looking for prayers and good thoughts.

I had a follow-up appointment today with my reproductive endocrinologist. It looks like the reason we are having fertility troubles is male factor infertility. We are devastated and my husband is just a mess. He feels so guilty and ashamed and embarrassed. The doctor says that IVF is our best chance now but I need to have more testing done next cycle in order for insurance to cover any of the IVF costs. And i not really sure I want to do IVF. It is a lot of stress for me to undergo all the shots and the procedures while taking care of my daughter. We have no local family so Lauren has to go to all the appointments with me (DH can't take all that time off). Please keep us in your prayers - I really want to "complete" my family and am having trouble staying positive.

ETA: We conceived DD naturally all on our own.
If it helps at all :hug: . I'm telling you that 11 has not turned out to be my favorite age!:laughing: I honestly feel like Riley is spending a large majority of her time trying to make me lose my cool. She is very often succeding. I feel like we are really both fighting for control right now and I know that I have to win. When I put her to bed last night I told her that we need to do better at working on things together and not getting frustrated with each other, but she does have to do whatever I tell her whether she likes it or not. It just gets old having to have that same conversation over and over.

As a friend said to me the other day, "don't worry, she'll become and teenager and it will get worse." :scared1: How am I going to make it through this twice???????

It gets worse but then they grow up and become responsible lovely best friends to you and their sister, it will get better I promise but it will take about 6 more years. I raised three girls so I can assure you it will get better
I bought a serger tonight! hehe...I got the janome juno 3434d from hancock fabrics. It was on sale for 199.99 I'm going to crack it open once Violette goes to bed and tinker with it! :D Wish me luck...lol...
Add me to the list of disboutiquers looking for prayers and good thoughts.

I had a follow-up appointment today with my reproductive endocrinologist. It looks like the reason we are having fertility troubles is male factor infertility. We are devastated and my husband is just a mess. He feels so guilty and ashamed and embarrassed. The doctor says that IVF is our best chance now but I need to have more testing done next cycle in order for insurance to cover any of the IVF costs. And i not really sure I want to do IVF. It is a lot of stress for me to undergo all the shots and the procedures while taking care of my daughter. We have no local family so Lauren has to go to all the appointments with me (DH can't take all that time off). Please keep us in your prayers - I really want to "complete" my family and am having trouble staying positive.

ETA: We conceived DD naturally all on our own.

I just want you to know that I'm thinking of your family right now. The situation that you are in is very close to my heart. It is an identical situation that we were facing that led us to the decision to adopt our daughter. Our DS was 10 when she came home. I realize how devastating it is to hear such medical news. Praying for you both as you process this information.
.......Even though it's under warranty, it will cost more to repair it then I paid for it. But it will do until I can afford a new one. But I don't think I'd be without one again.

Actually, check around for repair costs. If you can find someone locally who does machine repairs you might get it done for as low as $80.00. We have a place near here called "Tension Relief" (cute name, huh?)
Both mine and my mother-in-law's sergers are going there tomorrow:)

So I'd advise that you make a few phone calls. See what you can find out.
Add me to the list of disboutiquers looking for prayers and good thoughts.

I had a follow-up appointment today with my reproductive endocrinologist. It looks like the reason we are having fertility troubles is male factor infertility. We are devastated and my husband is just a mess. He feels so guilty and ashamed and embarrassed. The doctor says that IVF is our best chance now but I need to have more testing done next cycle in order for insurance to cover any of the IVF costs. And i not really sure I want to do IVF. It is a lot of stress for me to undergo all the shots and the procedures while taking care of my daughter. We have no local family so Lauren has to go to all the appointments with me (DH can't take all that time off). Please keep us in your prayers - I really want to "complete" my family and am having trouble staying positive.

ETA: We conceived DD naturally all on our own.

Praying that the pregnancy gods send you a little pixie dust!
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