Take my hand,we'll make it I swear... a wishful Pre-TR

I know of a place that you should think about eating at. We tried the Turf Club over at Saratoga for dinner last week and was really surprised. It was one of the best meals we had all week! It is a hidden gem!
According to this wonderful map I found on wdwinfo.com (that I often use as my desktop background), the mini-golf courses are next to DHS. Looks like the Swan & Dolphin, BWI and BWV are closest....http://images.google.com/imgres?img...es?q=disney+world+resort+map&gbv=2&hl=en&sa=G

I've been making friends with Google Earth lately.....it shows
Fantasia Gardens minigolf as being right by the Dolphin (across a divided road... use the crosswalk please!)
Here the co-ordinates from Google Earth:

The other Disney minigolf, Disney's Winter Summerland, is right at Blizzard Beach, they share that parking lot.
Here are the co-ordinates:

I tried minigolf (one of those Pirate Adventure courses off site) for the first time ever last Sep, and it was so fun! (I didn't win. The others did wayyyyy better than me, but at least I did show a bit of improvement at the end!
(FYI, that course was just 2km from DTD at the end of Hotel Plaza Bvld..in the parking lot where the Gooding's Grocery store is/was).
I plan to try the Disney ones this Sept!

PS - I am glad that you and Grumpy are friends again! We just moved out in March and are having the same problem you are...we have all of our important stuff out but our room still has some leftovers...well she reminds me every time I talk to her that our stuff is still there. As if I didn't know! I just don't have TIME to go and get it, not to mention, my car is a two-door coupe. Unless I remove EVERYTHING and go by myself, I won't have enough room for it all. But "renting a truck is a waste of money...your step father has a truck." OK...and neither of you ever want to help me!! Oh and did I mention that neither my mother or my step father has even been to SEE our new apartment? Nice, right? My sister moved out of the STATE and they go see her at least once a month. I live 20 miles away and they have never been to see us yet. AHH!!! MOMS!!! :rotfl:

Yeah, tell me about it!
When I "first" moved out in to my own apt, everytime I went to my parents', Mom would have a carton of my stuff in the front porch.... I'd bring it down to their laundry and put on the shelves. She caught on, and kept putting a box at the door every time I'd be there....eventually I had to start taking them! But I also managed to "borrow" Dad's stepladder, some tools, a teak dining table and chairs.... heehee! :)
Fantasia mini golf is great and it's a short walk from the Dolphin. I'm so glad to see an update from you! Now off to your TR to wait for something to happen over there :rolleyes1
I know of a place that you should think about eating at. We tried the Turf Club over at Saratoga for dinner last week and was really surprised. It was one of the best meals we had all week! It is a hidden gem!

Iheard they are good! Definitely try it we may swing over too! What did you get?
Hi everyone, thank for still being here ! Yeah Grumpy & I are fine and the trip is still on :) Nearly paid off too :) Just been very busy here with work and a few other fun things but unfortunately mainly work :laughing:

Still haven't made a single ADR. I don't know why but the mere idea of picking up the phone and talking to the Dining people makes me tired. I guess cause I answer the phone all day at work. Never been much of a phone person anyway. And it doesn't help that except for the House of Blues thing I still don't know WHEN to put those reservations. The park hours are not inspiring at all this time and I can't seem to get an itinerary together.

Glad you guys patched things up.Things with my mum and I are not too splendid but, I know we will make up soon enough...

What adrs are you looking to do? I can help out if you want for those days!
OK, I'm late in reading this PTR, but I heard you had started this and I'm still on Grumpy turning 60!!!

I love your reports, thanks for keeping me fed!!

OH, and I love under your avatar....your mother is a Pluto molestor, too funny! That picture absolutely made me practically pee my pants laughing!!!!

I had the steak and my mom had the pork loin. I liked the steak, but it had blue cheese on it. My mon really liked the pork loin. It cut with a butter knife and came with a chutney of some sort. I had a taste of it and it was delicious.
Well, what do you know... I finally got off my butt (okay, I was laying on my stomach, I don't care IT STILL COUNTS!!!) and called to make ADRs.
Got Fulton's at the time I wanted which was cool but I could only get Boma at 5.45pm (wanted 8pm) and nothing was available at Crystal Palace for breakfast after 9am (not working for us). Usually I have no problem getting the weird times we ask for, dinner at 9pm and breakfast at 11am...
What happened to the online ADR thing, anyone know ???

I can't believe we only have a little over a month to go until our trip. It's so unreal. I've been really busy so it went so fast !!! The new job thing is finally getting off the ground so that's great, except it means I'm in training at 5am until 9am, then off to pull in my regular 9am-8pm hours (with an hour break for lunch). Obviously, they're trying to kill me so they can go to Florida with Grumpy. Obviously.
Got Fulton's at the time I wanted which was cool but I could only get Boma at 5.45pm (wanted 8pm) and nothing was available at Crystal Palace for breakfast after 9am (not working for us). Usually I have no problem getting the weird times we ask for, dinner at 9pm and breakfast at 11am...
What happened to the online ADR thing, anyone know ???

I can't believe we only have a little over a month to go until our trip. It's so unreal. I've been really busy so it went so fast !!! The new job thing is finally getting off the ground so that's great, except it means I'm in training at 5am until 9am, then off to pull in my regular 9am-8pm hours (with an hour break for lunch). Obviously, they're trying to kill me so they can go to Florida with Grumpy. Obviously.

WooHoo for ADRs!:woohoo:
What online ADR thing? You could make ressies online? I didn't know that.

Is this the job you were suppose to start last Fall? Well, about time they got around to training you. Sounds like something that would happen at my job. Okay, going to be nosy here. Are you getting paid for the training? Extra Disney $$ is always a good thing. :thumbsup2
There is a thread on the Resturants board all about the ADR's since they switched to 90. I guess Free Dining is wreaking havoc, and although they keep on planning to bring it up, it seems to keep on getting pushed back. There is a link, but it doesn't go anywhere, so telephone is still the only way. Hope you didn't have to wait long - I have heard waits are terrible.
Is this the job you were suppose to start last Fall? Well, about time they got around to training you. Sounds like something that would happen at my job. Okay, going to be nosy here. Are you getting paid for the training? Extra Disney $$ is always a good thing. :thumbsup2

PAID??? Wazzameans ????
Nope. The big boss loooooooovessss "recuperating" hours. Which means I'm not getting paid, but they'll "owe" me hours that they'll have to either give back to me (by cutting my hours that week) or pay me if they're not "recuperated" by December 31st. It can work out great especially if they owe you a lot of hours (when we went in January it was paid time off, because the store owed me something like 45 hours).

If you're a cashier inside the store they'll make you leave early several times so they end up not owing you anything, but since I'm the only one who works the station and sending me home early would mean closing down early, the hours pile up pretty fast.
Hopefully by fall they'll realize it and give me a week off again.Mmmmm wonder where I could go ????
Here's why the people I work with think I have completely lost it.

Amy (my co-worker): Do you really like Bon Jovi?
Me: Um, they're O.K. Why?
Amy: Well, once in a while you walk around here singing Living on a Prayer, so I figured you were really into them. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Me: No, see, it's Marivaid's fault. Every time someone posts to her Pre-trip Report, the song title flashes on my screen, and I can't help myself. I don't sing when I get a notice about Grumpy turning 60, though.
Amy: (Stares at me for a long minute) O.K. I have to go now. (She scurries away as quickly as she can)

Anyway, thanks for the update. And the music in my head.

Here's why the people I work with think I have completely lost it.

Amy (my co-worker): Do you really like Bon Jovi?
Me: Um, they're O.K. Why?
Amy: Well, once in a while you walk around here singing Living on a Prayer, so I figured you were really into them. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Me: No, see, it's Marivaid's fault. Every time someone posts to her Pre-trip Report, the song title flashes on my screen, and I can't help myself. I don't sing when I get a notice about Grumpy turning 60, though.
Amy: (Stares at me for a long minute) O.K. I have to go now. (She scurries away as quickly as she can)

Anyway, thanks for the update. And the music in my head.


I SHOULD be hitting you on the head for saying Bon Jovi's "O.K." (FYI, in case no one has told you yet, Bon Jovi is AWWWWWWWESOME and Jon is God with a back wax). But you just made me laugh so hard I'll let it slide, just this time. :cool2:
Here's why the people I work with think I have completely lost it.

Amy (my co-worker): Do you really like Bon Jovi?
Me: Um, they're O.K. Why?
Amy: Well, once in a while you walk around here singing Living on a Prayer, so I figured you were really into them. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Me: No, see, it's Marivaid's fault. Every time someone posts to her Pre-trip Report, the song title flashes on my screen, and I can't help myself. I don't sing when I get a notice about Grumpy turning 60, though.
Amy: (Stares at me for a long minute) O.K. I have to go now. (She scurries away as quickly as she can)

Anyway, thanks for the update. And the music in my head.


I have had very similar conversations and responses where I work also!:rotfl2:
Only 33 more days until you and your Pluto molester:laughing: are back in WDW! :yay: I'm glad you got at least some of the ADRs you wanted - I hope we'll get ours too!

Wooohooo for your boss finally getting his derriere in gear and for you having the trip nearly paid off! :woohoo:

Can't wait to read about your adventure! :cheer2:
We're officially gone bonkers.

Looks like we'll skip Universal this trip... we need to make a few cutbacks... we've had to make unexpected changes to our trip. We'll also switch to a suite at Holiday Inn instead of a regular room.

Four people in a room is a lot, ya know.... yeah four... we're kind of taking Jessi & Alex with us.

Oh Lord Almighty.....
We're officially gone bonkers.

Looks like we'll skip Universal this trip... we need to make a few cutbacks... we've had to make unexpected changes to our trip. We'll also switch to a suite at Holiday Inn instead of a regular room.

Four people in a room is a lot, ya know.... yeah four... we're kind of taking Jessi & Alex with us.

Oh Lord Almighty.....

Is June 15 some sort of French April Fool's Day, because YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!
We're officially gone bonkers.

Looks like we'll skip Universal this trip... we need to make a few cutbacks... we've had to make unexpected changes to our trip. We'll also switch to a suite at Holiday Inn instead of a regular room.

Four people in a room is a lot, ya know.... yeah four... we're kind of taking Jessi & Alex with us.

Oh Lord Almighty.....

omg! Nooooooo waaaaaaay! :lmao::lmao::rotfl::rotfl::confused3:rotfl:

Please don't be surprised if a woman comes up to you and asks to take a picture with you, grumpy Jessi and Alex. That will be ME! At least I have a reason to look forward to the end of my trip... that will be reading your trip report! :thumbsup2


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