Jon and Kate Plus 8, Official Thread--Part 7

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Just had to continue on with the current discussion, since MAKmom was kind enough to post that transcript

When did he say this? I thought he said that was one of the expenses he had when he took the money. I think it was the Donny Osmand night but It could have been the NG night. We are going to need a time line for him soon.

But he was saying at some point the money he took came from a corporate account. So is that money TLC gives them besides the $22,5000 per episode?

Maybe Jon & Kate have it set up as a business & they pull a salary from it.

Ok I found it :

Jon & Kate' star Jon Gosselin: "Where's the rest of the money, Kate?"

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By Christopher Rocchio, 10/07/2009

Jon Gosselin continued to deny Kate Gosselin's recent money withdrawal claims and reveal new details of the divorcing Jon & Kate Plus 8 stars' private finances and personal lives during a series of heated and somewhat bizarre appearances on The Insider and Entertainment Tonight.

Kate appeared on NBC's Today for a Monday morning interview and alleged that Jon "took $230,000 of the $231,000 that we have liquid. I have a stack of bills in my purse I can't drop in the mail."

"I have the accounting over the last few months and it's exactly $230,000 beginning on August 10 and his last withdrawal was September 29," she said.
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During a Monday appearance on The Insider (watch a clip), Jon -- who previously stated the family was paid "maybe a million dollars" for Jon & Kate Plus 8 last year during an appearance on Larry King Live last Thursday -- said the family has netted about $2.25 million during the show's four years and added that he's withdrawn $177,500 from the couple's bank accounts over the course of the last year.

Jon -- who was awkwardly accompanied by Mark Jay Heller, his recently-hired new divorce lawyer, on The Insider's discussion panel -- described it as his "paycheck" for the show.

"I took it out in small increments. This is the first time in my life that I've taken money out of any account," he said on The Insider. "If you look over the course of my 10 years [married to Kate], I let her handle the banking and I never, ever took any money out of the account."

In addition, Jon said he has a receipt that showed he withdrew $22,000 last Thursday -- not the alleged $230,000 he repeatedly claimed Kate has alleged but she does not appear to have actually publicly stated -- and told The Insider the family has 14 bank accounts.

When asked why they have so many accounts, Jon said it was because FDIC insurance only has a coverage limit of $250,000 so they needed to split up the funds.

"I literally took my paycheck out of the bank account. I have a bank receipt for $22,000," he said.

When The Insider panelist Niecy Nash asked how how all of the public arguments between himself and Kate will impact their eight children, Jon began to reiterate his previous statements that he had been "passive and an avoider" before being cut off by fellow guest panelist Nancy Grace.

"Why is this always about you? Why are we talking about you?" asked Grace. "[Nash] asked you about your children."

"Because he's an important part of his children's..." Heller -- who had previously attempted to jump to Jon's defense several times during panel disccusion -- began to respond before being interrupted by Grace.

"Can he even speak without you piping in," she told Heller.

"How's it always get back to you?" she asked Jon again.

"I don't know," he sheepishly responded. "I guess you just needed insight."

Jon was also asked why he decided to live in New York City during the divorce proceedings while his kids continue to live in Wernersville, PA.

"I have business in New York, I have contacts in New York," he explained. "I'm proceeding to do other career things. If I had to buy a hotel room, no one's flipping the bill for that. It's expensive enough. I have to move forward with my career to support my kids as well."

Jon followed his The Insider appearance by going on Entertainment Tonight -- The Insider's sister show -- for an interview with anchor Mary Hart, where he reiterated he has proof that he only withdrew $22,000 and considers it to be his "paycheck."

In additional, he also alleged that the couple has made at least a million dollars from Kate's book deals.

"She claims that we don't have money? She has 11 other banks accounts. She made $1 million dollars off her book," he said on Entertainment Tonight.

"Let me also say I pay $7,500 per month for the kids, utilities, two mortgages and everything else that needs to be paid. She's not even talking about that account."

When asked about Kate's claims that he's making "erratic purchases," Jon declined to comment on what that might entail.

"She doesn't know what I purchase. I'm not going to disclose what I purchased," he said. "I live in New York, my rent is $5,000 a month -- so right there there's $60,000 a year in rent."

Jon also responded to questions about why he had his lawyers demand last Tuesday that TLC "cease and desist" any television production on his family's property or face potential criminal charges. Jon claims filming Jon & Kate Plus 8 has become "detrimental" to his children.

"I'm not the bad guy here. I'm the one trying to protect my children. That's called being a parent, I'm protecting my children," he said on Entertainment Tonight.

"I need to pull them off of television so we can work this out. I don't care what TLC says, let them sue me [and] do whatever they got to do. Let them say I'm in breach of contract, they've said it before. I don't care. Kate plays to TLC. Kate's worried about the contract. Kate's worried about the money. Kate's worried about all the other stuff."

Jon added he's making the media appearances so he can "defend" himself against Kate's claims he wiped out their bank account.

"It's gotten so ridiculous and it's he said, she said," he explained. "Now she's thinking that the American public is going to believe her over me? I had to defend myself."

In addition, Jon said his assertion that his kids "don't want to be filmed anymore is the truth."

"You can go to past episodes where Mady is running away from the camera. They've come to me and said we just want a normal life," he explained.

"Do you believe Kate's claims that kids were upset about filming stopping?" asked Hart.

"No. You know why? Because when we told them we were going to get divorced the 5-year-olds said, 'What's for lunch?' and the only two people that really cared were Mady and Cara," said Jon.

"Cara broke down and Mady was like, 'Oh, I saw this coming.' You know what [Kate] probably said to them? She probably said, 'Daddy's put a halt to filming, you're friends are going to go away.' She probably worded it in a way that was a violation to them, their sense of security."

While he has been claiming to speak for the kids recently, Jon also questioned how Kate could be doing the same.

"How can she speak for the kids?" he asked.

Jon also responded to Kate repeated comments that she still hopes the "old Jon" will eventually come back and call her one day, telling Hart she shouldn't hold her breath.

"The old Jon is not coming back. She wants a slave," he said. "It wasn't a partnership."

Jon also questioned the genuineness of the tears Kate has been crying.

"I absolutely don't believe the tears," he said. "She can turn them on when she wants. She turned them on on Regis & Kelly, she turned them on the Today show twice, she's turned them on on Larry King, she's turned them on on television -- I've lived with her, I know her... Maybe you should put those tears away."

In addition, Jon claimed that he's been locked out of his bedroom at the family's Pennsylvania home where he and Kate take turns sharing custody of the children.

"I came home one day and my contractor called me and goes, 'Sorry Jon, I had to put a deadbolt on the door,'" he explained. "I don't have key or access to that room. All the banking, financial, safe -- everything is in that room. My clothes are in that room. I just want access to that stuff."

Jon's interview with Hart continued during Tuesday's Entertainment Tonight broadcast and once again began with Jon presenting "proof" he didn't withdraw the alleged $230,000.

"She's making claims that she can't back up. If she said I took $230,000 where's the bank statement to prove it? I'm bringing you guys the bank statement saying I did not take $230,000. I took $22,000," said Jon before presenting a receipt that showed he had made a $22,000 withdrawal -- not an overall account statement.

"I'm laying it out there today. I have nothing to hide."

Jon admitted to making withdrawals from his "corporate account" before describing them.

"I've made $177,500 worth of withdrawals this year -- first time ever," he said. "I haven't even taken 10% of my pay. We've made $2,250,000 collectively and I've only taken $177,500 -- in the course of four and half years. Not in one day!"

"The kids have money. The kids have money set aside for them," he added. "You have to understand TLC pays for everything. They pay for landscaping, they pay for craft services -- which in normal terms is a chef. Ironing, dry cleaning, wardrobe. All that other stuff."

Hart asked if TLC follows through with his request and permanently halts production, will the kids then have enough money.

"If the show ends there's enough money. There's enough money," he said. "I know there's enough money."

Jon added he's simply following through on Kate's pleas for him to not be passive and instead take initiative.

"She wants me to come back and do as I'm told and I want to be a man, I want to take initiative for myself," he said. "She asked me for 10 years to be a man, to take initiative for myself, to stop being an avoider, to stop being passive. When I finally do those things, she's bashing me."

Jon described the current conflict as "embarrassing" to his kids and said he instead wants to set a good example.

"In the beginning when we did Jon & Kate Plus 8, we were role models as parents having eight kids. Now I think we should be role models as... we're still parents -- we're divorced parents, but I'm showing America how it works," he said.

"I want to be an example for other fathers that, 'Hey, you don't have to listen to what the big guy says, you listen to your heart and do what's right.'"

Jon said Kate could follow that advice as well.

"She needs to break away from TLC, be her own person, speak from her heart," he said. "Be the kind person I know she can be and let's work this thing out."

Not surprisingly, the interview returned to the issue of the money.

"Where's the million dollars from the book? Where's the $1.25 million from the show?" he asked Kate as he looked into an Entertainment Tonight camera.

"I know how much we paid for the house, I know how much the mortgage is, I know all that stuff. Where's the rest of the money Kate? What'd you do with it? I mean I only took less than 10% -- less than 10% -- since March til now. Less than 10%. Where is the $2 million? Two million dollars!"

Despite being passionate when asking Kate about the money's whereabouts, Jon said he's "not angry" because he has "all the proof."

"You know I've been harboring all this stuff to save Kate the embarrassment," he explained.

"Why would she go on national television, why would she call an emergency Today show appearance? Maybe she doesn't know that I have all the proof, I have no idea. But I have nothing to hold back, I'll produce everything you want me to produce."

While he failed to produce additional evidence backing his claims concerning the money, Jon did claim to have evidence as to why his kids want to stop filming.

He referenced an incident in which the kids decided to go in the pool rather than continue being filmed playing backyard games during a 96-degree day as a "perfect example" that kids don't want to be filmed.

"That's also a great example of kids being tired and wanting to do something else, which is a very typical reaction on a very hot day, but that doesn't mean they're miserable with every day of filming," replied Hart.

"No, that does not mean that they're miserable every day of filming," said Jon before backtracking. "Maybe I made a mistake filming the show. I don't know. I didn't know then, it was four years ago. We needed money... Now it's gotten to the point where it's comfortable enough."

Jon also said he's not worried Kate will receive sole custody of the kids.

"It will never happen," he said. "I'm an on-the-task father when I'm there on custody."

Jon returned to The Insider's studio panel for the show's Tuesday night broadcast -- this time sans his lawyer -- and relayed a "public message" to his kids after he was presented with a paparazzi photo of his son Colin being scolded by a nanny hired by Kate.

"I really miss you guys. I really wish I could be there all the time and help out with all the work at home and take you to school like I used to," said Jon to his kids. "But I can't this time. I'm looking forward to coming home."

Jon then presented his "proof" that he didn't withdraw $230,000 from the bank last week, presenting the same withdrawal receipt he had shown Entertainment Tonight.

"I have to defend myself!" said an animated Jon.

"To who?" asked The Real Housewives of New York City star Bethenny Frankel, another guest panelist on The Insider.

"To Kate, to everyone!" he said.

"I use the public to force her into mediation, to pull us off television, to pull my kids off television, so we can settle the divorce in private. Then she goes [and] hires another lawyer, goes on the Today show, accuses me of stealing money out of the bank. I mean I'm going to defend myself."

Jon was then asked directly about the withdrawal statement for a "single transaction" and why he hasn't been able to produce an actual bank statement.

"Because I have to go in person because [Kate] didn't sign-off on Internet banking," he replied.

Wow -- $5000 per month for rent is a lot less than the $25,000 per month that has been tossed around. Still a lot compared to living here, but not as extravagant as we had all thought (now I'm wondering where that $25,000 per month figure came from in the first place)

The thing that doesn't gel for me about this story is that Thursday was not Sept. 29th.

And why didn't Kate's lawyers know that Jon's SUV is leased? ie he can't sell it as they demanded in their filing -- even we knew that.

And although I can see him still being allowed access to the corporate account -- even though Jon and Kate were presumably the shareholders and directors of the corporation, that would be outside the jurisdiction of the family courts (well, at least it would be here)
Wow -- $5000 per month for rent is a lot less than the $25,000 per month that has been tossed around. Still a lot compared to living here, but not as extravagant as we had all thought (now I'm wondering where that $25,000 per month figure came from in the first place)

I thought I heard the mortgage payment on the new mansion was $26,000/month.
So is the corporate account the household account or are they two different accounts?
So is the corporate account the household account or are they two different accounts?

I thought I heard Jon call this a corporate account. I also read the account in question was a money market account. Kate used it to pay bills by moving money from it to a checking account. I'm not sure it is correct but that is what I thought was said.

Redrosesix I do not understand what you mean by Set 29...I thought that was just the last withdraw date from Jon.
So is the corporate account the household account or are they two different accounts?

Kate was the one who was talking about the "household" account, but it could very well be a corporate account ie. not a personal banking account. But both have said that Jon only had access to one account.
Does anyone else feel like the more they talk and the more info. that comes out the more confusing it gets?

I'm glad that it is finally out in the open that TLC basically pays for everything while they are filming. I know that has been disputed for a while now.
I thought I heard Jon call this a corporate account. I also read the account in question was a money market account. Kate used it to pay bills by moving money from it to a checking account. I'm not sure it is correct but that is what I thought was said.

Redrosesix I do not understand what you mean by Set 29...I thought that was just the last withdraw date from Jon.

Jon said he made the withdrawal last Thursday -- but that was Oct. 1st, not Sept. 29th. And the list of transactions in the email from the bank clearly shows a withdrawal on Sept. 29th. I'd have thought that if he got his dates mixed up, he'd have corrected himself by now. :confused3
I thought I heard the mortgage payment on the new mansion was $26,000/month.

I thought someone found out or figured out it was $9000.00. I think someone did the math based on what was found in public records. Did we find out the mortgage was around $750,000??
Jon said he made the withdrawal last Thursday -- but that was Oct. 1st, not Sept. 29th. And the list of transactions in the email from the bank clearly shows a withdrawal on Sept. 29th. I'd have thought that if he got his dates mixed up, he'd have corrected himself by now. :confused3

I don't think he has anyone telling him these things. He really should follow this thread & keep up.:laughing:
Good Morning! I think this was posted in the last thread:

Crime shows love to take stories "ripped from the headlines." And now Law & Order is choosing the Jon and Kate Gosselin saga and Nadya Suleman as inspiration.

In upcoming Reality Bites episode, airing Oct. 16, both the Gosselins and Suleman are mentioned by name in a plot revolving around a reality show called Larry Plus 10, which chronicles the struggles of single dad Larry Johnson (Jim Gaffigan), who's raising 10 adopted special needs kids by himself -- after his wife, Joy, is bludgeoned to death.

Also thrown into the mix, notes the The New York Post, is philandering Larry's girlfriend -- the young babysitter, no less -- and Belinda Alvarez (Nina Lisandrello), a sassy Nadya Suleman lookalike who also has 10 kids (by in-vitro fertilization) and was competing with the Johnsons to get the show. Yikes.

They've been featured on countless talk shows and magazine covers as well as their own TLC program. Now the Gosselins are serving as the inspiration for Law & Order''s Oct. 16 episode.

The episode titled "Reality Bites" (not to be confused with the 1994 movie about Gen Xers) focuses on the star of Larry Plus 10, a Jon & Kate Plus Eight-type reality show about a dad raising 10 adopted special-needs children after his wife is killed.

"It seems to be coming at a good time," Law & Order executive producer Rene Balcer tells "Aside from people being amused, bemused, disgusted and shocked at their exploits, [people] are probably looking for some other perspective on it."

"Reality Bites" spotlights the competition between two families, Larry Johnson's and another clan comparable to that of Octomom Nadya Suleman, as they compete to get their own reality show when Larry's wife is murdered.

"The original inspiration was the murder of the couple in Florida who had a whole house full of special-needs kids that they had adopted and they had nothing to do with reality TV," says Balcer, who's also the head writer of the long-running NBC drama that often does topical episodes. "As we started working on that story, all the stuff with Jon & Kate Plus Eight, the Octomom and those couple of other shows with families with multiples started to feed into that."

Johnson becomes a suspect in his wife's slaying, but so does the Octomom-inspired character. "The babysitter is a suspect. One of the kids, who's a teenager, is a suspect. The teenager's friend is a suspect," Balcer says. "We've got lots of suspects."

Balcer says scenes highlighting Larry Plus 10 were informed directly by reality shows, even down to wiring a house for sound and those "confessionals" that can be staple of such programs.

He also hinted that viewers will see some unlikely but familiar faces in front of the camera. "In order to get some evidence, the prosecutors have to make some deal with the producer of the reality TV show," he says. "In order for him to turn over some evidence, they agree to appear on the reality TV show and submit themselves to these confessionals on cameras."

Besides the whodunit aspect, Balcer says there's the question of whether the episode will change people's attitudes about TV-friendly families such as the Gosselins and Octomom. "It may make, in some ways, both the producers and subjects of reality shows less sympathetic [to viewers]," he says. "Why would you want to subject your kids to that kind of intrusion?"
Lots of new stuff on radaronline.

Link to Kate dropping the girls off at the bus. Can't watch the video at work though. :headache:

Link to the second half of the Nancy Grace interview from last night.
Apparently she blasted him for seeing Hailey while still married. He even stated that he started seeing her in April. :scared1: (according to the article - again can't watch the video)

Jon buying a birthday cake for the girls.
The rest of the email that Jon didn't mention in his rant yesterday.

Seems like Radaronline really likes Kate. Sorry if any of this was posted already.
Does anyone else feel like the more they talk and the more info. that comes out the more confusing it gets?

I'm glad that it is finally out in the open that TLC basically pays for everything while they are filming. I know that has been disputed for a while now.


On a side note, there was a discussion on one of the entertainment shows (sorry, can't remember which one right now) where they talked about Kate's interview on the Today Show basically making it so that her audience can no longer relate to her eg. talking about their "liquid" money, talking about their huge expenses. IMO, Jon blabbing about the things that TLC pays for has not helped there.
Hey guys...I've added some more to the time line but I've been busy between life and trying to keep up with all the current happenings! More to come soon I home. Notice Kate is scheduled to be back in CA at the end of the month!

12 – Jon and Kate married in PA

8 – Mady and Cara born
10 – Sextuplets born

No Date – $280,000 house purchased in Elizabethtown, PA by the Gosselins (

24 – Kate withdrew $125,000 from joint checking account (
28 – Kate withdrew $3,000.00 from joint checking account (
14 – Kate withdrew $8,534.89 from joint checking account (
No Date – $1.3 million home purchased in Wernersville, PA through a revocable trust in their attorney’s name (
23 – Kate withdrew $332,943.00 from joint checking account (
8 – Gosselin Family spotted in Maui airport (

28 – Picture of Jon and Deanna in Utah together (

4 – Kate @ Barnes and Noble, Glendale CA (book signing) (link to book tour dates:'s_book_tour_schedule)
14 – Kate @ Sam’s Club Glendora, CA (book signing)
15 – Kate @ First Christian Church Huntington Beach, CA (interview and book signing)
16 – Kate @ Borders, Fresno CA (book signing)
17 – Kate @ Borders, Pleasant Hill CA (book signing)
18 – Kate @ Sam’s Club, Renton WA (book signing)
18 – Kate @ Barnes and Noble, Bellevue WA (book signing)
19 – Jon seen leaving Legends with Deanna Hummel (
24 – Kate @ Southern Women’s Show, Raleigh NC (book signing)
25 – Kate @ Books – A – Million, McDonough GA (book signing)
25 – Kate @ LifeWay Christian Store, Buford GA (book signing)
26 – Kate @ Family Christian Stores, Lakeland FL (book signing)
27 – Kate @ Sam’s Club, Sarasota FL (book signing)
28 – Kate @ Books – A – Million, Sarasota FL
29 – Kate @ The 700 Club, Newport News VA (book signing) (listed as TENTATIVE)
29 – Kate @ Washington Post Interview for website, Washington DC

2 – Kate @ PA Women’s Conference, Harrisburg PA (book signing)
4 – Kate @ Barnes and Noble, Clifton NJ (book signing)
5 – Kate @ Barnes and Noble, New York NY (book signing)
7 – Kate @ The Today Show, NYC
13 – Kate @ Hages Bookstore, Muskegon MI
14 – Kate @ Metro Parents Women’s Expo, Detroit MI
24 – Jon and Hailey spotted at Bourbon Street Bar in Nyack, NY (

Days before divorce paperwork filed, Jon withdrawals large amount of money from the bank (
7 – Jon takes twins to see “Up” in Reading PA (
18 – Last day Kate seen at home (
19 – Jon apartment hunting in NYC; goes home to the kids (,,20286339,00.html)
22 – Paperwork filed for divorce (; show aired to announce separation.

2 - Jon moves into apartment in NYC (,,20291947,00.html)
3 – Arbitration Agreement Reached between J&K (
6 – 8 – Kate in Hollywood; checked into Bel – Air Hotel on 7/6; lunch on 7/9 before meetings in Burbank; flew back to PA late 7/8 (
10 – Arbitration Agreement Awarded (
11 – Jon and Hailey in France together
14 – Jon back from France without Hailey (
18 – Jon and Kate M have dinner in NYC (
19 – Family in Manhattan for TLC photo shoot (…-manhattan-couple-reunites-photo-shoot)
21 – Jon and Kate M have dinner in the Hamptons with Michael Lohan (; Kate home with the kids (
22 – Kate Major announces she’s “involved” with Jon ( ; Jon has dinner in the Hamptons with Kate M, Michael Lohan and RHNYC Jill Zarin (
23 – Kate M resigns from Star Magazine due to relationship with Jon ( ; Kate takes twins to see Jonas Brothers in Philadelphia (
24 – Kate running errands with Cara (
26 – Jon in Hamptons with Michael Lohan (
27 – Kate leaves Jon with kids (
28 – Jon home with the kids (
29 – Jon home with the kids (; Kate to WY with boys for trip to Dude Ranch for 5 days (
30 – Kevin and Jodi on The Early Show (
31 – Jon at home (

1 – Jon goes to Legends, Stephanie comes home with him, photographed leaving the next morning (’s-new-sleepover-pal-model)
2 – Jon at house with kids (
3 – Both Jon and Kate at the house (—moving-out); Show returns to air; Kate packs for trip with girls (’s-girls-only-camping-trip)
6 – Jon at bar with Hailey (’s-excellent-bar-adventure) ; article reports Kate is in FL with “daughters” to film for the show (
7 – Jon home with kids and Stephanie (
8 – Jon home with kids; filmed for show (
9 – Jon out with friends (
10- Jon scheduled to give interview with E! – cancelled by TLC ( ; TLC blurs Ed Hardy logos on Jon’s clothes (; Kate appears on Today Show (; Jon begins removing money from joint checking account through 9/29/09 (
11 – Kate on Regis and Kelly (
12 – Jon in NYC with Hailey car shopping (; Kate returned home from NY (
13 – Police called to Gosselin home, Kate turned away (,,20297960,00.html); Jon takes kids to doctor (
14 – Police come to Days Inn in Reading PA to assist Kate in leaving hotel (; Kate goes to Steve and Gina Neild’s house (?) (
15 – Kate at home with kids (
16 – Kate takes Mady and Cara to pool party in Lancaster PA (
17 – Hailey’s Interview with E! airs (; Kate home with the kids (
21 – Kate takes Cara to Planet Nails and Tans in PA for a spa day (; Kate home with the kids (
22 – Kate in Wyomissing PA running errands – gas, mall, tanning (
23 – Jon home with the kids (’s-la)
24 – Jon and kids sell lemonade to raise funds for volunteer fire department in Reading Pa (; Jon home with kids (
25 – Kate on Larry King Live; Jon and some of the kids at Phillies game (; Kate visits attorney in LA (
26 – Jon home with the kids (
27 – Mady and Cara’s first day of school; Jon and Kate both there ( ; Kate in town running errands (; Kate gets twins off bus (; Jon gets black eye (
28 – Jon arrives in Vegas for his pool party (; Kate gets the ‘tups after school (
30 – Steve Neild and family go to Gosselin house for cookout with Kate and kids (; Jon hosts party at MGM Grand (
31 – Kate takes kids to bus stop without Jon ( ; Jon announces the Jon Gosselin Children’s Foundation (

1 – Jon’s last night in Vegas; dinner at Mirage’s Stacks and Jet and XS Nightclubs (
3 – Jon back in NYC (
5 – Jon home with the kids, has family over (
8 – Jon’s interview with Chris Cumo airs (
10 – Jon with the kids (
13 – Jon at VMA after party (
14 – Kate @ The View Co-host, NYC; Jon clarifies that Hailey’s never been to the house (
15 – Kate @ The View Co-host, NYC; also taped Friday’s show (due to same hair do); Jon changes divorce attorneys
16 – Jon gets rid of the dogs (
17 – Kate @ Southern Women’s Show, Charlotte NC
24 – Kate @ Southern Women’s Show, Birmingham AL
28 – TLC decides to rename show to “Kate Plus 8” (

1 – Jon posts sign at Gosselin home warning TLC crews not to enter property (; Kate released statement regarding Jon’s choice to ask TLC to take kids off the show (; TLC suspends filming per Jon’s request (; Jon appears on Larry King Live and confirms the family only makes $22,500 per episode (; Jon’s sign replaced at home with correct spelling (; Kate’s attorney sends letter regarding money removed from account to Jon’s attorney (; Jon’s attorney confirms Jon and Hailey are still together (
3 – Kate takes down Jon’s sign at the house (; Custody arrangement reached??? (; (or possibly 4th) Kids are told by Kate that they won’t be filming at this time per Kate (
5 – J&K have conference call with attorney regarding bank account (; Kate files papers in PA regarding money removed from a joint checking account (; Nanny/Babysitter at home with the kids (; Jon in CA to debut new milkshake flavor (; Kate appears on Today Show and attends Sherri Shepard’s party (,,20309889,00.html); Nanny takes kids to bus stop )
6 – Nanny drops twins off at bus stop (
27 – Kate @ The Women’s Conference, Long Beach CA

3 – Kate @ Southern Women’s Show, Nashville TN
24 – Kate @ Southern Women’s Show, Raleigh NC
Ok I just tried to listen to the video and Jon said something towards the end (about 6:30) about "her friend, the girl with her hand on the kid's arm in the picture" (or something like that) calling him (Jon) and telling him that Kate was in tears.... hmm.

ETA: About the 7:00 mark, the one guy asks what happened to the one pap (not sure how he was referred to - I couldn't understand) and Jon said he and Tom hung out and were "boys"....that's sad that the kids friends/family are the crew (film guys/professional paps) and his friends are the paps too....
I thought someone found out or figured out it was $9000.00. I think someone did the math based on what was found in public records. Did we find out the mortgage was around $750,000??

Yup -- $720,000 amortized over 10 years. Not sure what that works out to for a payment -- your mortgages are different than ours eg. we don't have points, whatever they are. :confused3
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