Bring Back the TTA Soundtrack!

thanks for the link to the petition! I just signed it. My kids were very disappointed when we were there last month. We usually ride it many times while in MK but they didn't even want to go a second time. :sad1:
Not sure what drove the need for a change here in the first place? I mean what was the motivation to even consider a change to the soundtrack for this ride when there are so many other opportunities for innovation and change at WDW?

Seems like a case of someone in charge with power to make a change so they did.

Disney worries me when they start changing things for the worse. They've occasionally done that before they get rid of something. Journey Into Imagination not withstanding. :)

Even if I'm just being paranoid I don't see the point of this change. The former version was quite charming and well-loved by all appearances.
We just returned from a wonderful trip to WDW late Saturday night. DD10, who has loved the TTA since she was about 4 1/2, was very disappointed in the changes. I didn't tell her ahead of time, I just waited for her reacti0on. At first she said they ruined it so much she didn't want to bother going on it ever again (we used to ride the TTA at least 5 times during every trip). We rode it another 2 times during the course of the week and she still hates the new audio, but she wasn't quite as upset anymore.

Her quote was, "First they ruined the ride in Mexico, now this!?"

This is awful as I watched it on you tube and I will get to deal with this in two weeks. I loved the old sound track "Now approaching ect." I dont know who did it but It remind me of Phil Hartman. This is my one of my most liked rides at MK. I will ride it during the day and at night when I am there. I guess I can find and down load the old track on my Ipod and put that on during this ride:thumbsup2

Go to this link, this new track sounds like a text to speech yuck.

It also sounds like the bill collector we have been issues with looking for my brother. "sounds automated"
Dear WDW Exec:

Just in case you happen to be examining this thread today, it's been one month since we started it (and feel free to confuse it with other threads with a similar concern). It's generated over 3,600 views and 85+ comments. Why? You goofed.

Changes happen all the time at WDW; some work, some don't. And, to be sure, changed attractions have their supporters and critics. But this new soundtrack has been universally condemned for a number of reasons. Read the comments. Just a few, if you don't have the time.

Change doesn't automatically generate magic nor does it reflect imagination. And in the case of the new soundtrack for the TTA , "change" manifests itself as a negative term, one synonymous with boring, lackluster and ordinary.

The former soundtrack, with its multiple voices, its spirited comments, its fun-filled dialogue, its joyful enthusiasm and its Disney-like optimism ("the promise of Tomorrow"), should be restored. At least before Mr. Tom Morrow meets his party from Saturn.
Dear WDW Exec:

Just in case you happen to be examining this thread today, it's been one month since we started it (and feel free to confuse it with other threads with a similar concern). It's generated over 3,600 views and 85+ comments. Why? You goofed.

Changes happen all the time at WDW; some work, some don't. And, to be sure, changed attractions have their supporters and critics. But this new soundtrack has been universally condemned for a number of reasons. Read the comments. Just a few, if you don't have the time.

Change doesn't automatically generate magic nor does it reflect imagination. And in the case of the new soundtrack for the TTA , "change" manifests itself as a negative term, one synonymous with boring, lackluster and ordinary.

The former soundtrack, with its multiple voices, its spirited comments, its fun-filled dialogue, its joyful enthusiasm and its Disney-like optimism ("the promise of Tomorrow"), should be restored. At least before Mr. Tom Morrow meets his party from Saturn.

Bravo!!! Beautifully said! I just hope that one day Disney will restore the TTA back to the wonderful attraction it once was.
I just don't understand the the need to force feed advertising for attractions that we voluntarily have come 10s of 100s of 1000s of miles to experience. Not to mention ruining one of the more beloved ones in the process.

Well, I sent Disney yet another email about the new TTA soundtrack and how disappointed I am with the new spiel!
I hope that they listen (keeping fingers crossed but not holding my breath...)
I started one of the online petitions and went to email it to the relevant people. I got back this email saying they couldn't "read" my email because it wasn't formatted correctly? :confused3 I smell a rat.:lmao: I say that because according to the petition site, you're supposed to be able to email the thing easily.

So, I printed the whole darn thing out-and am going to mail it.:banana: Fear not, our voices will be heard.:thumbsup2
I started one of the online petitions and went to email it to the relevant people. I got back this email saying they couldn't "read" my email because it wasn't formatted correctly? :confused3 I smell a rat.:lmao: I say that because according to the petition site, you're supposed to be able to email the thing easily.

So, I printed the whole darn thing out-and am going to mail it.:banana: Fear not, our voices will be heard.:thumbsup2

Thank you for doing this. :yay:
I, for one, appreciate your efforts. It saddens me to no end that the TTA spiel that I have come to love is gone! :sad1::sad1::sad1::sad1: I'm not even going to ride it in Dec when I'm there. I can't get myself to listen to that garbage.
It's gone? :( I was there late Sept, and they were still paging Tom Morrow then. Bummer. I'll have to see what I think of the change when there in 9 days.
We rode this twice last week and its just not the same. Boring, plain monotone voice, no presonality and just not good. :mad:

I miss the old soundtrack.
They have completely drained the TTA of any fun. Not just the soundtrack, but no more glow strips in Space Mtn so you don't even get to enjoy watching those while you are inside SM any longer. They seem to by trying to get people to not want to ride the TTA so they can shut it down or something.
Well I just signed the petition. When I read this I yelled so loudly that my kids ran in to see if I was ok.

Well I am NOT OK!

Some of us won't forget about it in a month! I haven't forgotten about 20,000 Leagues or Mr Toad and I want my old soundtrack back!

The TTA is not my first ride in WDW, but it is my second! And it's always the last ride I ride before leaving at the end of a trip. It's my "goodbye until next time" ride. :headache:
I read the first few posts and started crying- Paging Mr. Morrow. Mr. Tom Marrow, the highlight of my annual trip. I was hoping by time I got here to the end I would have found it had been changed. My husband says he will page Tom for me (thought he would tease me for crying but I think he gets it)
Ugh. I am still not over the Judi Dench Spaceship Earth debacle.

ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: WDW has now messed with my two all-time favorite Disney attractions.....Not happy! I hate the "new" SE soundtrack!!!! Bland and vague.

makes no sense and surely for the worse--they should switch it back

but perplexed on why the Drew Carely 'show' hasnt been switched out
Dear WDW Exec:

Just in case you happen to be examining this thread today, it's been one month since we started it (and feel free to confuse it with other threads with a similar concern). It's generated over 3,600 views and 85+ comments. Why? You goofed.

Changes happen all the time at WDW; some work, some don't. And, to be sure, changed attractions have their supporters and critics. But this new soundtrack has been universally condemned for a number of reasons. Read the comments. Just a few, if you don't have the time.

Change doesn't automatically generate magic nor does it reflect imagination. And in the case of the new soundtrack for the TTA , "change" manifests itself as a negative term, one synonymous with boring, lackluster and ordinary.

The former soundtrack, with its multiple voices, its spirited comments, its fun-filled dialogue, its joyful enthusiasm and its Disney-like optimism ("the promise of Tomorrow"), should be restored. At least before Mr. Tom Morrow meets his party from Saturn.

...a reminder for those who may have missed this post. And for those who care about the magic.


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