Line drying clothes

If I could fill 'em halfway decent I'd never leave my room. I'd learn a whole new appreciation of myself. 'course, if I ever did leave the house I'd have to open doors for myself and flatter my appearance, so I wouldn't get mad and cut myself off.

Hmmm, with all my underwear hanging up outside I may have to stay in for the weekend. Happy Birthday to me!!! :woohoo:

(Now I bet you really wished you had resisted)

Yep! Always go with that first instinct! :lmao::lmao:

Have a wonderful birthday!!
Oh my stars and garters... I LOVE this place. I almost wet myself reading this thread!


Rose, glad I came back to this board
well just for the record. We will be there in june and this is what I plan to do with my clothes (unless of course it breaks any Disney rules) Hang out my beach towels and swimsuits, dry clothes that I normally put in the dryer and hang shirts on hangers that I do not dry. I honestly never thought of anything different. We're campers isn't that what you are supossed to do with your clothes :laundy: IMO some people are kinda snotty but that's just IMO :rolleyes1

Hey, I will be there in June and it will not bother me :thumbsup2 I have an idea if we are neighbors we can run a rope between the campsites and have a really LONG clothesline :rotfl2:
I'm thinking you were the one Phyllis saw hanging out three different bra sizes - a different one to suit your every mood.

I don't know about different sizes...but there are special bras for T shirts, others for sweaters. Some outfits look better when they're pushed up, some when they're lifted and seperated. Some give great cleavage, while others minimize so you can button your shirt. It's a wide world of options out there. :rotfl:
I wonder if there are structural engineers working at the bra factories designing these things?
:scratchin Ami...what I saw was more the case of say

......this one belongs to baby bear....:)

......this one belongs to the sister bear..::yes::

......this one belongs to mama bear......(either that or Omar the tent was huge!) :eek:

Funny part is that they were hung out to dry in size order. :laundy:
Depending of course from which way you were passing the site...smallest to largest or vice versa! :laughing: I tell ya, it takes all kinds. Literally.

Personally, and while you probably find this hard to believe, but I'm no Victoria's secret model. :guilty: Shocking, I know. In any case, unless I'm campin' next to a group of blind people,:cool2: (which in itself raises questions as to how they would have gotten there:confused:..but again another post) I'm not hanging my draws out to dry for anybody to see. I'm fairly certain, my fellow campers probably appreciate that! ::yes::
No offense taken here. All in good fun. :goodvibes

I think it's gonna be hysterical during the next gg when you all wake up in the morning to find your clothes lines cut pirate:...and your bra's in the DIRT!:rotfl2:

:laughing::rotfl: judging from this thread, there will be multiple "suspect"!!!:lmao:
:scratchin Ami...what I saw was more the case of say

......this one belongs to baby bear....:)

......this one belongs to the sister bear..::yes::

......this one belongs to mama bear......(either that or Omar the tent was huge!) :eek:

Hang em' too low and you get Anole lizards and Ants in your pants!:scared1:

Um, Steve, could you PLEASE warn a girl before you say something like that? I almost had to buy a new laptop. Luckily I was able to turn away BEFORE the soda spewed from my mouth. Now, come clean my floor and sofa please. Hey, you almost got a bill for a new laptop. LOL

And Ami, yes, I do think they add color and privacy. Doesn't feel like camping w/o it.

Karla, cupcake huh. Luv ya girl!!!

Jim, you little instigator you.

Rog, good save.

Now, why is it that ya'll only get the good stuff going when I am too busy to be on here? Should I take this personally?
I don't know about different sizes...but there are special bras for T shirts, others for sweaters. Some outfits look better when they're pushed up, some when they're lifted and seperated. Some give great cleavage, while others minimize so you can button your shirt. It's a wide world of options out there. :rotfl:

Do you like work for Victoria's Secrets or something? LOL :wizard: I need to take you shopping with me next time. You'll get my girls in shape one way or the other. (by girls I mean my daughters of course ;) ) I go more for making sure the colors go with the outfit and everything matches and coordinates. LOL
Can someone pass Larry a beer while i step outside to get my clothes off the line? Oh, and whats wrong with being tacky and cheap? You might as well have went to a trailer park and screamed Walmart sucks as to have posted that here.

I only honestly stated my opinion which I don't expect everyone to agree with. Unlike a lot of other posts trying to be cuite, etc. and not really saying anything I gave my reasons for my opinion which is still in the end mine and nobody can question. They might ask politely why I hold the particular opinion I express, but nothing more than likely will change that opinion.

These posts in a somewhat serious question by the OP about undies in a bunch or shrunk oir the type of undies/color are the type of useless posts that I'm referring to in the above paragraph and I expect a lot of snide comments on this opinion also from those that posted these type of posts.


I'm sorry, but I didn't understand that...and I'm the underwear fairy. :laundy: (and no I don't use a clothes line in the campground)...
I prefer PVC for our BVD's...:rotfl:
I just went outside and hung my underwear up on the front of the house, just to make Larry mad. I even tied a rope around the tree in the front yard. Then, just to put Nature in its place, I stomped up and down on the grass a few times. I would have kicked a squirrel, but he got away. I thought about putting my car up on blocks, too, but it's a rental and I have to use it tomorrow.

This post is just the type of useless, unhelpful posts that I referred to in my previous post. If it's your property and the HOA or county/city ordinances don't prohibit it, it's constitutionally protected. At FW that is not the case and you don't make me mad, just laugh at your silly post.

Dearest Larry,
are you married?
Don't you know,
that if you go
Buy lingerie
for Miss May

it's always handwash & air dry?

Yes and it will be 40 joyous and happy years this June and to the same person, which a lot can't say now days if they are even still married. At home we have a clothesline in the basement for line drying items once they have been spun dry. Our HOA is somewhat confused on clothes lines outside, but it's more trouble than it's worth to do that for the majority of items at home.

At FW we hang what needs to be air dried or isn't quite dry from the dryer somewhere in the trailer. A great place in the trailer besides the shower is the top edge of the slide out. Usually within 2 or 3 hours things are dry if it's finishing up what the dryer failed to finish.



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