Line drying clothes

I only honestly stated my opinion which I don't expect everyone to agree with. Unlike a lot of other posts trying to be quite, etc. and not really saying anything I gave my reasons for my opinion which is still in the end mine and nobody can question. They might ask politely why I hold the particular opinion I express, but nothing more than likely will change that opinion.

These posts in a somewhat serious question by the OP about undies in a bunch or shrunk oir the type of undies/color are the type of useless posts that I'm referring to in the above paragraph and I expect a lot of snide comments on this opinion also from those that posted these type of posts.


Larry that made less sense than your usual posts. :confused3 Get off you high horse, you come in here, stir the pot, call people names, and in general just be a tool. You get everyone going, playing or being serious, and then belittle them for doing it.

I have bit my tongue for a long time with you, but I am in a bad mood and don't care if everyone knows it, I am sick of reading your crap. Go back to RV net, and leave us alone.

Scott, sorry, I know this will cause you problems, but I couldn't hold it back any longer. Do what you feel is appropriate, I understand.
Hey John, you sure you're not from New York?...pirate:

Larry that made less sense than your usual posts. :confused3 Get off you high horse, you come in here, stir the pot, call people names, and in general just be a tool. You get everyone going, playing or being serious, and then belittle them for doing it.

I have bit my tongue for a long time with you, but I am in a bad mood and don't care if everyone knows it, I am sick of reading your crap. Go back to RV net, and leave us alone.

Scott, sorry, I know this will cause you problems, but I couldn't hold it back any longer. Do what you feel is appropriate, I understand.

Sorry AIN'T going to happen no matter how much it bothers you. If you don't understand my posts that's also not my problem, but yours IMO. If you don't want to read my crap, there is a feature to put me on ignore which I have for several posters here that don't post anything useful IMO so I put your post again in adding nothing but noise to this thread.

You obviously have a hard time telling the difference between a horse ... high or low and someone expressing an opinion, but again that's not my problem.

Just the "leave us alone" comment tells me you just have no clue what forums are about and think they are just for those whose posts you agree with ... you are IMO truly clueless.

I only honestly stated my opinion which I don't expect everyone to agree with. Unlike a lot of other posts trying to be cuite, etc. and not really saying anything I gave my reasons for my opinion which is still in the end mine and nobody can question. They might ask politely why I hold the particular opinion I express, but nothing more than likely will change that opinion.

These posts in a somewhat serious question by the OP about undies in a bunch or shrunk oir the type of undies/color are the type of useless posts that I'm referring to in the above paragraph and I expect a lot of snide comments on this opinion also from those that posted these type of posts.


Larry, reread this and tell me if it makes sense to you. Ok, you edited the spelling, I almost get it now.:rotfl2:
Larry you talk about "Noise" but at least the people you ignore make others laugh, or smile, or enjoy their day a little. What you post on this forum serves no purpose except to bait others into this type of thread!

I love reading forums, just to talk to people and discuss things with them, you come on here and attack people without provocation, and then raise yourself up on the "said horse" by belittling others to make yourself feel important or smarter than they are.

I may have a hard time determining the difference between horses, but I sure can identify a horses *** when I see one!
Larry, reread this and tell me if it makes sense to you. Ok, you edited the spelling, I almost get it now.:rotfl2:

Yea, I admit I'm the worlds worst speller and CRS often sets in since I get my first SS check month after next. Even after editing I still mispelled cute, but sometimes I just don't care.

Larry you talk about "Noise" but at least the people you ignore make others laugh, or smile, or enjoy their day a little. What you post on this forum serves no purpose except to bait others into this type of thread!

I love reading forums, just to talk to people and discuss things with them, you come on here and attack people without provocation, and then raise yourself up on the "said horse" by belittling others to make yourself feel important or smarter than they are.

I may have a hard time determining the difference between horses, but I sure can identify a horses *** when I see one!

Then try the ignore feature if it bothers you and your issues with me will be fixed or maybe you don't understand how to do that ... yes that was a dig. You also need to go back and read my first post in this thread and recalibrate your mistakened opinion of me about name calling an provocation and me putting myself on some sort of horse. This thread was all about opinions and my first post expressed just what was asked for and I said I did .

If you think the main reason for this forum which is not the community forum for just being silly then again I don't think you understand the stated purposes of the main DIS forums and it is NOT to have others laugh, or smile, or enjoy their day a little as you mistakenly think.

Below is the exact wording of my first post in this thread which you obviously missed...

Please use the dryers at the CS provided and don't air your dirty/clean laundry between the trees or around your trailer ... VERY TACKY IMO.

Yes other will disagree, but that MY OPINION.


Note the words please and I never called anyone Tacky, but only said MY OPINION that airing your dirty/clean laundry was VERY TACKY and that is an opinion I'm entitled to and you evidently don't understand and again is your issue and not mine.

Finally that bolded post was in direct response to the OP that was asking about if others thought it was O.K. to hang and use clotheslines around their CS.

Please use the dryers at the CS provided and don't air your dirty/clean laundry between the trees or around your trailer ... VERY TACKY IMO.

Yes other will disagree, but that MY OPINION.


Put them over the table or on a line between you awning support rails and not on the trees that are not yours to use or even hang them up in your shower on rods or hooks to dry.

ISSUE RESOLVED and your reply shows me you are just CHEAP and don't respect other campers. :mad:

That pic of yours was IMO a poor camper especially the hammock that after rocking it in will eat into the bark and damage that pine tree that you don't own..


So, let's see, your first post in this thread, you call someone who uses clotheslines "tacky", and then you personally call someone "cheap" and then go into a tirade about a rope on a tree.

How has anything you have contributed to this thread done anything to benefit anyone, or anthing except your own ego?

I'm done, I will take my punishment with a smile on my face, but I will not feed your need to make yourself feel superior to others by building yourself up by putting others down.....

Peace out, Elvis has left the building!

EDITED TO ADD, don't you love it when someone is arguing with you, and then goes back and edits posts to make themselves look better..... LOL every one of my replies has had the post I was replying to edited before I could even finish typing... :D
Larry,'s not what you're saying...but how you're saying it, that's got some panties in a bunch to speak. :laughing:
Certainly you're entitled to your opinion..and quite honestly, I don't think mine differs all that much from yours. I'm not sure about the whole ropes on the tree thing..but hey, whata I know..:confused3
Folks just tryin' to have some fun...
While I don't care for a site with a view of everyone's undies, I also wouldn't recommend callin' folks cheap for not using the dryer. You're not makin' any friends there with comments like that. Again, likely not your concern...just pointing it out. It is an online camping forum for everyone. It much more enjoyable for all participants when opinions are shared, but done in a light hearted manner. Laundry (and LORD KNOWS...I do plenty of it for a family of 5 :laundy:) is a very individual type of thing.
People have particular preferences in regard to what should be line dried and what should be in the dryer. Cheapness has nothing to do with it, but rather the care that some garments may require.
I for one have taken a good look in a full length mirror and realize that my undergarments do not in any way resemble those in the Victoria Secret Catalog. Therefore, I shall keep my unmentionables as invisibles!pixiedust:
I specifically ask for sites that have red sugar maples on them. I accomplish two things at once. When I pound the nails into the maples to tie my clotheslines to, I also hang a bucket from the nail to collect the sap. I get dry clothes AND maple sap to make me some dee-lish-us maple syrup!!
A true 2-4-1 cheap camper deal, cupcakes! :yay::yay:

BTW - IMO collecting starlight mints throughout the year to give out as Halloween treats is REALLY cheap.....IMO - I'm just sayin' :rolleyes1
BTW - IMO collecting starlight mints throughout the year to give out as Halloween treats is REALLY cheap.....IMO - I'm just sayin' :rolleyes1

Now there's an idea I had not thought about. I am going to start saving my Sonic and Pizza Hut mints for the little beggars next year!
Now there's an idea I had not thought about. I am going to start saving my Sonic and Pizza Hut mints for the little beggars next year!

Stick around,'ll get your best $$$ saving tips right here on the Disboard. Most of them have to do with modifications that take you 280 hours to'll save $1.98!!!
Larry,'s not what you're saying...but how you're saying it, that's got some panties in a bunch to speak. :laughing:
Certainly you're entitled to your opinion..and quite honestly, I don't think mine differs all that much from yours. I'm not sure about the whole ropes on the tree thing..but hey, whata I know..:confused3
Folks just tryin' to have some fun...
While I don't care for a site with a view of everyone's undies, I also wouldn't recommend callin' folks cheap for not using the dryer. You're not makin' any friends there with comments like that. Again, likely not your concern...just pointing it out. It is an online camping forum for everyone. It much more enjoyable for all participants when opinions are shared, but done in a light hearted manner. Laundry (and LORD KNOWS...I do plenty of it for a family of 5 :laundy:) is a very individual type of thing.
People have particular preferences in regard to what should be line dried and what should be in the dryer. Cheapness has nothing to do with it, but rather the care that some garments may require.
I for one have taken a good look in a full length mirror and realize that my undergarments do not in any way resemble those in the Victoria Secret Catalog. Therefore, I shall keep my unmentionables as invisibles!pixiedust:

Fair enough, but I'm not here to make friends, but give opinions and inputs. I could care less what internet posters think about me personally since they are not really friends, but just folks sharing thoughts and when one takes it personally that is IMO their problem and not mine and IMO they don't understand what the internet is all about. The cheapness comment I made was in response to someone asking me to give them money for the dryers. IMO that is being cheap.

Stick around,'ll get your best $$$ saving tips right here on the Disboard. Most of them have to do with modifications that take you 280 hours to'll save $1.98!!!

Now that's just funny...and so true too!!
These posts in a somewhat serious question by the OP about undies in a bunch or shrunk oir the type of undies/color are the type of useless posts that I'm referring to in the above paragraph and I expect a lot of snide comments on this opinion also from those that posted these type of posts.

Believe me, you have nobody's panties in a bunch. When you spend your time looking down your nose at people with speeches like this, you speak volumes about yourself.

As far as measuring the usefulness of my posts, I spend my days communicating- email, phone, fax, letters, in-person conversations. I am deadly serious in all of them, because they all pertain to badly injured people trying to regain their limbs and life functions, and sometimes failing.

Tomorrow I will be spending the morning with my second amputation patient of the week. Yesterday I spent all day on the road for a patient, younger than myself, who will never regain the full use of his back. I am currently battling insurers and lawyers to help an elderly patient before the disease I suspect is present robs her of any rational function.

I don't come here to preach and teach. If we have some serious conversation, so be it. Otherwise, I come here to recreate and laugh with my friends. If that's not to anyone's satisfaction, tough. I'll still wake up a better person because I taught my children to laugh.
Fair enough, but I'm not here to make friends, but give opinions and inputs. I could care less what internet posters think about me personally since they are not really friends, but just folks sharing thoughts and when one takes it personally that is IMO their problem and not mine and IMO they don't understand what the internet is all about. The cheapness comment I made was in response to someone asking me to give them money for the dryers. IMO that is being cheap.


Then...that's too bad. You're missing out on knowing some nice folks. However, as you say, you aren't interested in that. Certainly, that is your prerogative.

While you wish to share your opinions and input...then by the same token, you should be open to opinions and input of others without judgement. I think very often, posters hit that submit button before they realize just how that thought is going to be interperted by those reading it. An opinion or input without any elaboration (which you may find irritating and not informative) can come across as being judgemental and condescending....even if that wasn't the intent.
I'm just sayin'...


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