Just back....some observations and opinions

Maybe your looking to hard at the nagtives?. Sorry the few things made your Disney expeerince downer:). As far as Forniers go sorry,we are all Forniers! except the native amercians, and are we really! all that caught up In what others are doing???. I agree on the smoker by your babie, a smiple would you mind smokeing away from my babie? but I have a hard time asking people In a public place to adjust there neeeds to suit me,but IMO:confused3.
For us we go to enjoy our tuime In the park and we take the actions of others as there business and dont keep track of the nagtives,we spent to much money to worry about that:rotfl2:
Unless I am trapped and cannot move away I would not say anything to a smoker. I quit 10 years ago and it is a very tough addiction to give up. I would not be so tolerant of someone who spits on the sidewalk or holds one nostril and blows, that is not an addiction. I saw a man do that right before children all walked through it and that gets me mad.
I think there are a few to many people with a false sense of entitlement-they think they are entitled to smoke where they want, break rules if they want, cut lines if they want,whatever is good for them. No courtesy whatsoever and I am willing to bet those people are like that in all areas of their life , not just at WDW.
We there mid-February. As much as I like to think WDW is the happiest place on earth, unfortunately there are rude people everywhere, including Disney. I did notice one thing with the CMs. 99.9% of them where wonderful, but the ones that were less than friendly, were downright crabby. It was like there was no in between. Either they were over the top "Disney" happy, or mad at the world. Again, a very, very small number that didn't display that the kind of Disney magic we've come to know and love.

Now, about these so called foreigners. One late night while waiting for a bus, we thought we were going to witness something. We were the second family in line waiting for a bus. Since I don't want to offend any nationality, lets just say there was a family of "vampires" behind us. (We don't have any vampires here, do we?) Now, there was a long line of people waiting for the bus. All of a sudden, as the bus approached, another family of vampires approaches the front of the line and are trying to weasel their way in. Okay, I could be wrong, but I got the distinct impression they knew they were at the front of the line and were trying to pull a fast one. All of a sudden Dad Vampire in back of us starts telling this other family of vampires that the back of the line is "back there". A few words were exchanged, nothing bad, but it was kind of amusing to witness these two families of vampires starting to go at it a little bit. The second vampire family did eventually go to the back of the line.

I agree with a previous poster, had these been two American families, it wouldn't have been noticed, but since they were vampires, they stood out in the crowd.
I agree about smoking in designated areas *inside* of the parks. But the biggest gripe of the OP was in regard to smoking while waiting for a boat, which are outside of the parks. This is perfectly acceptable because there is no prohibition against smoking outside of the parks. So you're right - Smoking is my prerogative, MOVING is yours, in that situation.

Are you serious? That is just a rude and ignorant statement. I would be happy to put your cigarette out for you if you decided to express your prerogative in line with me.
We there mid-February. As much as I like to think WDW is the happiest place on earth, unfortunately there are rude people everywhere, including Disney. I did notice one thing with the CMs. 99.9% of them where wonderful, but the ones that were less than friendly, were downright crabby. It was like there was no in between. Either they were over the top "Disney" happy, or mad at the world. Again, a very, very small number that didn't display that the kind of Disney magic we've come to know and love.

Now, about these so called foreigners. One late night while waiting for a bus, we thought we were going to witness something. We were the second family in line waiting for a bus. Since I don't want to offend any nationality, lets just say there was a family of "vampires" behind us. (We don't have any vampires here, do we?) Now, there was a long line of people waiting for the bus. All of a sudden, as the bus approached, another family of vampires approaches the front of the line and are trying to weasel their way in. Okay, I could be wrong, but I got the distinct impression they knew they were at the front of the line and were trying to pull a fast one. All of a sudden Dad Vampire in back of us starts telling this other family of vampires that the back of the line is "back there". A few words were exchanged, nothing bad, but it was kind of amusing to witness these two families of vampires starting to go at it a little bit. The second vampire family did eventually go to the back of the line.

I agree with a previous poster, had these been two American families, it wouldn't have been noticed, but since they were vampires, they stood out in the crowd.

If I am smoking in an area where I am allowed and you are giving me looks, it is quite possible I will wave at you. And I may not have all five fingers extended. I no longer smoke but when I did nothing irritated me more than walking to a designated area, lighting up and then having some smoking nazi busybody start hacking up a lung or giving me "looks".

If i am in a smoking area i dont care give me all the looks you want. It was your choice to walk in front of the smoking area. I am always very careful about where i smoke and am considerate of others especially around kids I will not do it, I wont do it in non-designated areas, indoors, playgrounds, etc.... Never did it at a boat launch where you know people are going to come around at all times.
However if i am on a bench somewhere outside the parks say one of the side entrances of one of the resorts where there are also smokers posts and a random person
coming around not very often and sometimes not at all when im out there and all of a sudden you decide to walk by me that is your problem because I was there first. If there is not a sign and smoking posts right there there is nothing you can say. You have the option to walk in another direction if you like.
:sad2: And yet polite smokers wonder how they get a bad rap???


Now, about these so called foreigners. One late night while waiting for a bus, we thought we were going to witness something. We were the second family in line waiting for a bus. Since I don't want to offend any nationality, lets just say there was a family of "vampires" behind us. (We don't have any vampires here, do we?) Now, there was a long line of people waiting for the bus. All of a sudden, as the bus approached, another family of vampires approaches the front of the line and are trying to weasel their way in. Okay, I could be wrong, but I got the distinct impression they knew they were at the front of the line and were trying to pull a fast one. All of a sudden Dad Vampire in back of us starts telling this other family of vampires that the back of the line is "back there". A few words were exchanged, nothing bad, but it was kind of amusing to witness these two families of vampires starting to go at it a little bit. The second vampire family did eventually go to the back of the line.

I agree with a previous poster, had these been two American families, it wouldn't have been noticed, but since they were vampires, they stood out in the crowd.

All warewolves know that vampires are SOOOOOO rude. ;)
But you have now offended all warewolves and unicorns by not mentioning them. Sheesh rude rude rude. :laughing:
I agree about smoking in designated areas *inside* of the parks. But the biggest gripe of the OP was in regard to smoking while waiting for a boat, which are outside of the parks. This is perfectly acceptable because there is no prohibition against smoking outside of the parks. So you're right - Smoking is my prerogative, MOVING is yours, in that situation.

Obviously, based on reading this, being sensitive to the fact that others have to breathe "your" smoke is not one of your strong suits.
Sorry that you encountered so many rude people on your trip! It sounds like it was so bad it really stuck out this trip.

As far as the shoes go, I myself will wear sandals that sometimes have a wedge or something like that. I wear heels 7 days a week at home so I am just more comfortable like that. I have tried to do DW in tennis shoes and I end up with hurt feet and blisters. To each there own though.

Me too, I have high arches I guess. Flip flops and tennis shoes give me blisters either on the sides of my feet wear the plastic is or my heals from the tennis shoes. I do not wear stilettos , but a sandal with a wedge.
those are not secondhand smoke, no comparison in my book.

It's not the science or the health issues I'm debating, it's the attitude. A little more "Do unto others" is needed by both sides. There's far too much arrogance and smugness in the world today. It thrives in our politicians, in Hollywood and trickles down into our nation's citizens. Manners have gone the way of the dinosaurs. We must find a way to get them back into our culture or we can kiss our society goodbye.

A simple please and thank you will get you far more of the things you want in this life than a disapproving remark or withering look will, which, by the way, just makes others angry and more prone to reply with their own brand of negativity. That attitude is how bullies behave and wars begin.

If something displeases you, then avoid the situation or ignore it. Much less stress for you and for everyone around you. If you go out of your way to be rude, then you can fully expect rudeness directed back at you. At that point, your being right or wrong doesn't matter anymore. You have already implied that you want confrontation and that is what you will receive. Just common sense...really.
If i am in a smoking area i dont care give me all the looks you want. It was your choice to walk in front of the smoking area. I am always very careful about where i smoke and am considerate of others especially around kids I will not do it, I wont do it in non-designated areas, indoors, playgrounds, etc.... Never did it at a boat launch where you know people are going to come around at all times.
However if i am on a bench somewhere outside the parks say one of the side entrances of one of the resorts where there are also smokers posts and a random person
coming around not very often and sometimes not at all when im out there and all of a sudden you decide to walk by me that is your problem because I was there first. If there is not a sign and smoking posts right there there is nothing you can say. You have the option to walk in another direction if you like.

Whoever did the engineering of the smoking areas at Disney I think was smokin' something if you know what I mean. Gotta love the area at the poly...right on the MAIN path outside the back. Walk outside..whiff...gee thanks!

Or another poster was commenting another area was right next to an outdoor eating area.

Just not common sense....
If i am in a smoking area i dont care give me all the looks you want. It was your choice to walk in front of the smoking area. I am always very careful about where i smoke and am considerate of others especially around kids I will not do it, I wont do it in non-designated areas, indoors, playgrounds, etc.... Never did it at a boat launch where you know people are going to come around at all times.
However if i am on a bench somewhere outside the parks say one of the side entrances of one of the resorts where there are also smokers posts and a random person
coming around not very often and sometimes not at all when im out there and all of a sudden you decide to walk by me that is your problem because I was there first. If there is not a sign and smoking posts right there there is nothing you can say. You have the option to walk in another direction if you like.

So, what you are saying is that you only smoke in areas that are designated smoking areas? I see nothing wrong with that. I would think that if there are smoking posts, then you are in a smoking area. I don't see how it matters if you are there first, second, third, or whatever, if it's indeed a smoking area, then there is no problem.
I agree about smoking in designated areas *inside* of the parks. But the biggest gripe of the OP was in regard to smoking while waiting for a boat, which are outside of the parks. This is perfectly acceptable because there is no prohibition against smoking outside of the parks. So you're right - Smoking is my prerogative, MOVING is yours, in that situation.

We were waiting for a boat on Disney property to get back to our hotel...and NO I will not move out of your way when I have been waiting in line just so you can smoke your cigarette..that you could smoke before getting around my young children
SMOKERS.....ugh...Flame me if you want, but you have certain spots you can smoke...that does not mean while you are waiting in line for a ride, or as you are running to get in line to see a character and especially not while you are standing right in front of my 1 year old while waiting for a boat to come...Smoking is your perogative...not my babies

I agree about smoking in designated areas *inside* of the parks. But the biggest gripe of the OP was in regard to smoking while waiting for a boat, which are outside of the parks. This is perfectly acceptable because there is no prohibition against smoking outside of the parks. So you're right - Smoking is my prerogative, MOVING is yours, in that situation.

:sad2: And yet polite smokers wonder how they get a bad rap???

And attitudes like that make the World so very magical. I'm not sure if you were speaking in the first person because you're a smoker and wouldn't think twice about lighting up at the boat launch or if you were speaking hypothetically. I'll assume the latter...but...

Smoking is legal. As you've said, it's one's perrogative to do so. Enjoy 40 packs a day for all I care. Folks should just do what they can to not affect others doing something that can cause them harm by smoking in designated areas.

Are you serious? That is just a rude and ignorant statement. I would be happy to put your cigarette out for you if you decided to express your prerogative in line with me.

To be fair, the OP expressed her perrogative and GISGT expressed his perrogative, which, considering there are no rules prohibiting him from smoking in those areas, he is perfectly entitled to do. I do agree that it's just plain common courtesy to move off to the side as opposed to smoking in a line of people but in expressing his perrogative, his statement wasn't any more or less rude than the OP's.

I also get irritated with smokers. If you are smoking in areas were it's allowed, nothing I can do. I will still give you looks, especially if the smoke is going in my children's air.

But, I am that person at the park that will make sure you know you aren't allowed to smoke in the park. And I will be sure to embarrass you anyway that I can!!!! :rotfl:

Really? Well if you don't have a problem with your behavior towards those in the designated smoking areas and if you take pleasure in embarrassing and humiliating people, then not only is your behavior judgmental and condescending but frankly, it's just as rude as the person lighting up in the non-smoking areas.

It's not the science or the health issues I'm debating, it's the attitude. A little more "Do unto others" is needed by both sides. There's far too much arrogance and smugness in the world today. It thrives in our politicians, in Hollywood and trickles down into our nation's citizens. Manners have gone the way of the dinosaurs. We must find a way to get them back into our culture or we can kiss our society goodbye.

A simple please and thank you will get you far more of the things you want in this life than a disapproving remark or withering look will, which, by the way, just makes others angry and more prone to reply with their own brand of negativity. That attitude is how bullies behave and wars begin.

If something displeases you, then avoid the situation or ignore it. Much less stress for you and for everyone around you. If you go out of your way to be rude, then you can fully expect rudeness directed back at you. At that point, your being right or wrong doesn't matter anymore. You have already implied that you want confrontation and that is what you will receive. Just common sense...really.

Well I understand that people have a right to smoke. But they need to realise I have a right to not breathe their smoke.

I have asthma and smoke (fire or cig.) will cause me to have an attack. I try to avoid it but in groups of people when one or two are smoking it's hard to tell where it is coming from. Ususally, by the time I smell it-it's too late. I'm sure the person who is smoking doesn't want to see me being taken by ambulance to the hospital, but maybe they wouldn't know that it's their fault that I breathed in smoke from them having to have a cigarette.

Even in my own city, I no longer go to the hockey games as just leaving the arena there are people smoking-I just can't chance another attack. I sometimes wish I had a shirt with huge lettering or a no smoking sign on it.
This is a classic, classic case of reading the Disboards too much.

It's why I have to leave every now and then, it spoils my enjoyment of Disney because my expectations get all skewed and I look for the crappy stuff instead of enjoying myself.

I Did not have a bad vacation because of these things...I just happened to notice them ALOT...maybe because I had a lot of of down time with my baby with my older DD's rode rides...

That being said..DIS boards has given me wonder tips and has help remind me to be considerate of others in many different situations...for example I made an extra effort to try to be as careful as I could with my stroller...I don't think it is my right to run someone over just because I have a stroller
Actually, Smoker, that look you see on my face is less disgust than it is pity. You're addicted to nicotine, and the delivery vehicle will eventually lead to COPD (such as bronchitis or emphysema) and/or lung cancer. Believe me, those are not pretty ways to die.

I watched both my parents die that way.

Better that you were to buy and use the patches for your little buzz than continue sucking toxic gasses into your lungs just to get some nicotine.

And as for rude foreigners, well, what's rude in one culture is normal in another. The best solution is to try and understand that they're not used to 3 feet of personal space, waiting in orderly lines, or being self-restrained while out in large groups. Can't beat them? Join them!!! You might just have to learn a little Spanish and Portugese, tho'.

And for "rude" CMs... well, they're paid in dollars, not Tink's fairy dust, and the dollars just aren't going far enough these days. Think minimum wage for most of those folks, and Disney's like any other company these days -- they're looking for increased productivity from fewer full-time employees. I know it's their job to be nice. But previous posters have said it -- it's hard to be nice when people ignore your nice attempts to achieve compliance, especially when safety is the issue (like people sitting -- or standing -- on the queue rails!!!).


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