Anyone else sick of the Yeti from Everest not being repaired? "Fix the Yeti" campaign

DJ Disney Kid

Walt Disney World Vet
Feb 12, 2004
I know Im not the only one as the "Fix the Yeti" campaign was started on another message board and I thought I'd bring it over here as well. We know Disney does monitor the message boards as they are even mentioned in many of the surveys that they send out. Maybe its all for nothing, but it can't hurt to let our voices be heard. We are, of all people, their best customers! :goodvibes

So if you want to join the "Fix the Yeti" campaign, just make my avatar yours.

Right click the photo below, Save as...

Then select User CP in the top left of the disboards, Edit Avatar, Scroll down to Use Custom Avatar, click Browse, choose the yeti.jpg photo and Save Changes. DONE!
Cute, I'll join you. I'd love to see Betty swooping down again to scare the daylights out of me.

nm. i figured it out finally.
Absolutely love the Yeti. Have a key chain and a foot high version which can be posed. Have changed the Avatar and thanks for the instructions.:goodvibes:goodvibes
AKA the "Close Expedition Everest for the rest of 2010 and all of 2011 while they rebuild the entire ride" campaign?
tilly is right it would be a long term project to fix it. imho i think disney feels the ride is operating fine and the half of a second that u actually go under the yeti isnt worth the money and time to fix it. most people dont even know she is there.
Disco Yeti makes me furious!

Shut down the ride and fix it, I don't care how long it takes, a broken Yeti ruins the ride.

Anyone who rode Evererst when Yeti worked knows what a fantastic and terrifying experience it was to have that massive arm coming at you.
Disco Yeti makes me furious!

Shut down the ride and fix it, I don't care how long it takes, a broken Yeti ruins the ride.

Anyone who rode Evererst when Yeti worked knows what a fantastic and terrifying experience it was to have that massive arm coming at you.
I agree, I didn't even get disco Yeti in Feb. I barely saw her. I've been on it when it worked right and it does make the ride! It's just not the same without her. Close it down and fix it right!
I've only ridden EE when the Yeti was in full "scare" mode. They have to fix it. Without it, EE is just a rollercoaster in a mountain. Also it makes all the Yeti stuff in the que line pointless.

:chewy: FIX THE YETI! :chewy:
You know, I THOUGHT something was missing from the ride when I went last year. Now reading this explains it!! YES BRING IT BACK! would be great if they would fix the Yeti. It definitely takes something away from the experience. It would also be nice if they fixed the 'eagle/bird' that used to come up with you reached the peak of the mountain, and then went back down.

In the old days, you never saw rides running with components not working for more than a few days. is common practice. Same type of things often occur on Splash Mountain.
Aww, I hope they do fix him! It's not the same when he isn't working!! :sick: Get well soon Yetti!
Hmmm... I understand that it would take a LOT to fix the Yeti, and would take a lot of time and money.

On the other hand, it is sort of the main point of the ride, isn't it? I wouldn't mind if it was closed for an extended period of time, even if it means missing the ride on my next vacation, if it meant that I'd get to experience it how it was meant to be sometime in the future.

I highly doubt they'll leave it unfixed forever, though. It just may be a long wait. popcorn::


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