Simple Thing a Cast Member Did...

Ohhhhh...great thread- thanks for a happy one :)

We have sooooo many- but the one that sticks out the most right now-

Star Wars Weekend 2009- DS8, DD6 and I were walking by Star Tours wearing shirts I had made (DH and DD10 and DD12 had gone to the hotel to rest)- DS was saying this was the best moment of his life! CM overheard, and pulled us aside and asked if we wanted a backstage tour of Disney- I thought we were all going to BUST (me especially- I have never seen anything backstage at Disney, so this was a real Disney geek treat!!!) They took us and showed us the control room, and a few other nooks and crannies, and then took us to the front of the line, and let the kids pick out the seats they wanted to ride for Star Tours!!!! At the end- they received Certificates that said they were Disney Jedi and Disney Princess of the day! It was absolutely amazing!!!!!
Gees and people ask 'How can you go to Disney every year'. Send them to this thread and they'd see why. The Magic and going above and beyond to make sure you have a great vacation. Keep 'em comin'.
there are SO many, but something that was really so small, but a huge thing for me was the following:

DS hadn't been feeling well, so we rented a stroller for him. we left the park for the afternoon and when we returned in the evening, we stopped to pick up another stroller. the CM heard my kids fussing about which one was going to ride first. he smiled, handed me a double stroller and said, "your chariot, ma'am." bless him! i could've hugged him!
We were at MK near the castle when one of our twin toddler DDs just went into a total meltdown. Might have been fatigue, hunger, who knows what?
Cinderella noticed the situation and came right over to talk to DD and calm her down. It worked like magic and we were so grateful for her attention. Our DDs are now 27 years old, so this was nearly 25 years ago. DW and I still remember, I think DD doesn't remember because she was just a tyke.:earsboy:

This right here is Disney to me. My grandmother was nearing 90 in this pic and spent most of this trip in her wheelchair. The rides were a bit much for her so we would often park her in a shady spot to people watch while we went on ride. We came out of one ride to find her chatting Pluto's ear off. Pluto must have enjoyed their conversation since he stuck with us for quite a while pushing her wheel chair and keeping her company while we went on some more rides. This was mid September 1998 so the parks were deserted and it was before characters had lines and handlers and they just roamed the parks at will. That was her last trip to Disney and Pluto made it a special one for all of us.
We've had so many great things happen at Disney that's why we keep going back!

Sometimes its just the simple things that make my girls happy- playing mancala with the CM just outside the safari, having a mister fan fight with the CM at the end of the trek trail, and Russell the waiter at 1900 Park Fair teaching them to shoot straw papers at Prince Charming (he had the straws in his vest pocket and would "arm" them for them) :)
We were at DHS at Jedi Training Academy with both of my DD's. DD1 got chosen to participate, and DD2, who is the bigger Star Wars fan, was devastated, and couldn't stop crying. A wonderful CM got right down with her and talked to her for at least 10 minutes, trying to make her feel better. Then the CM came over to me and said that if we waited for the next show, she would try to get her in. So we waited, in the hot early September sun, for the next show. Close to the start of the next session, the Jedi "Master" came out to look around at the crowd, saw us waiting, and gave me a quick nod of his head. And sure enough, DD2 was picked for that training session. It completely made her whole trip. And her sister was there in the front cheering her on as loud as she could.
We've had a lot of great things happen because of CMs at Disney World, too. They are certainly experts at spreading magic. One moment that stands out to me was when we were walking back to the Contemporary from the Magic Kingdom. I have MS and, at that time, I could walk on some days, but some days, I really struggled. This particular day, I had ventured out with all good intentions but I was having a hard time on the way back. I didn't realize it was that obvious. However, a cast member driving a cart stopped when we were as far as the parking lot and asked if he could give us a lift the rest of the way. I was so relieved.

Another time, on one of our earlier visits, a cast member introduced our youngest son to pin trading. He told him all about pins and gave him his very first one. We've certainly bought plenty since then!! On a trip a few years later, my son reciprocated by doing the same thing for a little girl who was enthralled with his lanyard.

And, I've also told the story several times of our sons (3 and 5 at the time) being picked to ride with Pluto down Main Street.

There are many more happens on every visit...
I love reading all these happy posts! I totally agree that sharing this joy is why I continue to go back to Disney at least once a year!
I've had several special moments with cast members. One very speical moment was when they first started doing extra magic hours (back when you had to pay! LOL) and my best friend and I were there with our moms for our HS graduation trip. We LOVED going on HM over and OVER again, and we managed to chat up a few of the CM's working and one told us to come back at like 5 min before EMH were over and wait for him out front of HM. We went on a few other rides and came back gitty and SUPER EXCITED! Well we were the lasts ones to go on the ride, he put us in the Expanding room ALL ALONE.. I don't think i've ever screamed so loud in my life.. THEN they put us on the buggy and I swear they were playing tricks on us through the whole ride..THEN at the end the WHOLE crew was waiting for us and walked us out. We came back two days later and they all rememberd us and we actually stayed in contact with a few of them for several years after!

another one: The barber shop group on main street came to know my family very well. They also knew my brother was a barber shoper and a music major and when I was on a trip with friends they recognised me walking through the crowd and started singing really LOUD..HEY BROCK'S SITER..BROCKS sister come here.. and made me get him on the cell phone so they could sing together over speaker phone! When ever he's there and they see him they have him fill in on a song and sing as well..he spends the rest of the day super happy! The paino player by casey's also let him play once. He remembers my brother..not many people will sit and watch the piano man, but my brother does ever trip, for the whole time he's playing, so one day he asked my brother to show him what he can do! It was pretty cool!

There are so many more! The CM's make the trip some times! A simple smile or a sticker for my crying niece makes all the difference!
I have another one, if that's okay.

We ate breakfast at 1900 Park Faire, around 10:30 and it was January, so the restaurant was down to us and two other tables. Pooh and Tigger were on thier 6th or so visit at our table and were just hanging out. Pooh noticed that we were all in matching red shirts and pointed to his. So we said yes, he could be a member of our family since he matched. Tigger was depressed - it was SO cute.

So, later that day we were sitting on the curb at the front of Main St, in front of Tony's to watch the afternoon parade (it was almost one deep!). When Pooh came along on his float, he saw us on the curb and pointed to us - counting 1-2-3-4, then pointing to his shirt. It was the same Pooh! We felt so special!
Growing up my family literally never went anywhere. I'm not complaining - just saying. Because of that I vowed that when I had kids I would take them everywhere possible and I was really super excited to take them to WDW. Heck, I was excited to be going to WDW. Our first park to visit was AK and we got there extra early. As we're standing in line one of the CMs comes up and starts talking to us - where you from, have you been here before, etc. Imagine my surprise when he asks my kids if they'd like to open the park! It couldn't have been a more perfect moment. They took us in to the office, gave us special pins, dressed the kids up in safari outfits and then they went out and did the countdown. To make sure we got a head start before the crowd poured in they held the crowd just enough so that we were able to get to EE first! WDW couldn't have made the start of our first WDW vacation any better. That was four years ago and I've got our 4th trip booked for next month. So yeah, I'm hooked. :banana:
One of my favorite memories is from our September 2009 trip. It was our last day at MK and we were passing by the sword in the stone. My DD 5 went over to the sword, since she had tried the previous year to pull it out with no success. Imagine our surprise and my daughters delight when the sword came up for her. Not just once, but over and over again. My DH, DBIL, and DN all tried but none could budge it. Others stopped by including this HUGE guy, but he couldn't do it either. Then my DD would try again and up it would go. We saw two CM's standing by, but they of course would not fess up to anything.My daughter still insists she must truly be royalty since it only worked for her.
My mom and I had a great experience w. the CM's last year. In particularly at Le Cellier, the waiter gave me a free bowl of the Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup, and a recipe card for making it because I was telling him how much I love cheddar cheese soup back at home. Also we went on the night of my mother's Birthday. When they brought out her dessert it had no garnishing on it saying "Happy Birthday" or sprinkles so they brought us out a brand new one that was fully garnished for free and let us eat the other one. We had one whiskey cake and 2! chocolate "moose's" that night. :)
My wish was to spend my 40th birthday at WDW and a wonderful Fairy Godmother (my mother) made it come true. My son, who was 8 at the time, and I spent a glorious week at the Poly. We were visiting AK and were coming out of Dinosaur when we decided to purchase the ride photo. While we were waiting Nick started chatting with the photo CM when she asked him what he got his mom for her birthday. He was somewhat embarrassed when he told her he didn't bring a present for me on our trip. She motioned him over and gave him something - a couple of FPs for any ride in the park and a pass for two free ice creams - and told him to make sure his mommy had a great birthday.
It's threads like this that make me proud to be a CM! :)

I try to do at least one magical moment each day, plus I acknowledge as many celebration buttons as I can. It's so much fun, and we love seeing the guest's face light up at a simple 'happy birthday' or 'congratulations.'
This didn't happen to my or my family, but tonight my mom and I were just getting off Soaring when they were closing the entrance line when a family with a little girl and a boy about 10 years old. The CM said the ride was closed and the little boy burst into tears. you all know boys at that age, they try to be so tough. He was tired from a long day and the mom was trying to convince him all was ok. The CM took the family to the front of the line already in the building. so nice! He could have walked away and let the mom have a very upset child at 9m and the child would have the memory of disney not letting him ride soaring. so nice to see!
These are all great! My DS18 is thinking about doing an internship or something with Disney, and I think a thread like this (or this one!) should be mandatory reading for anyone considering a CM job. I know I'll have him sit down and read it!
It's threads like this that make me proud to be a CM! :)

I try to do at least one magical moment each day, plus I acknowledge as many celebration buttons as I can. It's so much fun, and we love seeing the guest's face light up at a simple 'happy birthday' or 'congratulations.'

My wonderful CM interactions have to do with "Birthday Buttons". Our last trip was DD's 5th birthday trip so we got her a Birthday Button as soon as we entered the park. Our next stop was The Pirates League. One of the CM's there made her the most amazing Birthday Button with her "Pirate name" (Maggie Foulstench!) This began a trend for the day. Every CM was really into outdoing the others. She got Buttons with a Splash Mountain theme, Space Mountain theme, Princess theme, Fairy theme, Chef Mickey theme, and other miscellaneous buttons from various rides and attractions. Before the day was done, we had about 15 Birthday Buttons!!! She was such a hit around the parks with everyone stopping her to see all of her Buttons. It was so cool!!!!:goodvibes She wore them for our entire trip. It was quite a feat to pin her Buttons on every morning, but well worth the fun. :cutie:


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