The What's For Dinner Thread - March '11 (recipe index in OP)

I ordered my new oven! :cool1: I really figured we'd shop around for awhile but once I decided what I wanted, there really weren't that many options out there anyways. Stumbled upon a great deal so I was able to get even more than I initially thought and went ahead and pulled the trigger. It'll be here by the end of the week, I hope!
I am sitting with my rum and coke. Yes I know it is not 5:00 but I don't care. I held my cool and no yelling or grabbing of the dash.

:rotfl2:.....but I was Mr A,ma poor da was a nervous wreck.
So much so he paid for ma first lessons,and ma da was the stereotypical Scotsman...Scrooge McDuck stlye.:laughing:

Kat - Freddie would have been better cleanin pools today,him and the rest of the team.
They just never showed up,no fight nothin and lost....:mad:

To make it worst to go to the match I missed the Boys game and he scored his first goal.
He said it was ok but Im gutted.....I missed ma boys goal !!

Sucky mammy or what.:sad1:
Hey! Checking in...we had a great time with my sisters, BIL and Nephew this weekend. I will catch up tomorrow. Very tired and hung over. My neighbor had a 40th bday and my sisters and I went and left the boys home...way too many shots!

This was the hit of the weekend...White Trash (aka in Lauren talk, Whiskey Tango!). You can make it with anything. I used Bugles, Rice Chex, salted nuts, M&Ms and pretzel sticks mixed with the white chocolate. If you google White Trash recipe, you can get different ideas.


Have a great night!
Aimee - Congrats on the new oven!

Vickie - You are such a good momma. We can never be there for every first or every big moment of their lives. I missed Kyle's first hit in baseball, felt pretty bad but he was so excited it didn't seem to be a big deal that I missed it. You are there for him every day my friend.:hug:

Lauren - I'm so glad you had such a good weekend, get some rest!
Kathy, Thanks so much for taking care of us & all of our recipes!!! :worship::hug:

Glynis, I hope the twins had a great birthday party! Hope it was an easy one for Mom!

Bethany, That must have been great for you to hear! After all the grief you heard about moving here, then living here, finally!!! ;)

Janice, So glad you have returned to us!!! :worship:

Lauren, Very happy that you were able to get out & party!:banana: Sounds like a fun evening!

Vickie, Ugh! I am so sorry you missed the boy's goal! I know you must be so upset. As Kathy said, he'll be fine, it's Mum who's going to have to handle it. Much hugs, my friend!:hug::hug:

I started meds & started feeling much better. Cooked steaks on the grill today.
Hooray for a new home!!! Thanks, Kathy!

Today we are celebrating the twins birthday. Their actual birthday is Monday, but today is their party. At 2:00 we'll have 10 of their closest friends descend upon us! We're having an ice cream social birthday party. Should be kind of fun.


Hey ladies! Just checking in. Dinner last night was just ravioli because John had two root canals in prep for his permanent crowns next week. I bought them at a winter famer's market. One of the flavors was grilled red pepper, and they were sooo good. I am going back next week and cleaning him out of his stock!

Tonight: more soft food

Root Canals = :scared1: and :sick: I've only had to have one root canal and that was plenty for me but i do have several crowns. Wish I'd had flouride as a kid and brushed better!

Glad to have found the new thread.

Dinner tonight was at Red Robin. My kitchen is basically all packed up . Tomorrow is the demo day. Had a project scare Friday because the granite co. called and said they "accidentally" sold our slab of granite which we tagged weeks ago! :mad: We had to go back over there and select an alternative one, they made a suggestion which was more than our original was but said they would eat the cost difference. I think it will be fine but it was a jolt in the process.

So my WFDT reports will all be where we eat out this week! Ha Ha.
Hooray for a new home!!! Thanks, Kathy!

Today we are celebrating the twins birthday. Their actual birthday is Monday, but today is their party. At 2:00 we'll have 10 of their closest friends descend upon us! We're having an ice cream social birthday party. Should be kind of fun.

Alan and I are taking them out for a birthday dinner tonight, so dinner will be wherever they decide to go. Usually with them we end up at Golden Corral or Chuck E. Cheese. I'm hoping they'll decide to expand their horizons and try something else.

Have a great Saturday, everyone! Please keep your fingers crossed that the rain/snow mix forecast for us passes us by! My SIL is bringing her horses over during the party to take the kids for rides, unless it's icky!

How was it? Did the kids have fun? It sounds like fun for kids.

I can't believe it's still snowing. I forgot how long winter can last. Sorry. :rolleyes1

Hey ladies! Just checking in. Dinner last night was just ravioli because John had two root canals in prep for his permanent crowns next week. I bought them at a winter famer's market. One of the flavors was grilled red pepper, and they were sooo good. I am going back next week and cleaning him out of his stock!

Tonight: more soft food--we are having rigatoni with a wild mushroom-sausage sauce. Tomorrow we were supposed to go to my inlaws to celebrate my BIL's birthday, but he is sick so we are staying home. My parents thought we would be gone so scheduled a roast beef for Sunday family linner. I don't eat red meat, as you know, so John and I are just going to bring our dinner over to thier place--we are going to have roast chicken, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. (more soft food, haha) John bought me a new countertop Breville convection oven today to bridge the gap until we get our new stove to replace the broken oven, so I'll be testing that out tomorrow.

Glynis, I hope you had fun at the party! :)

Don't laugh. I didn't realize you could buy ravioli fresh. I think the only ravioli I've had is Chef Boyardee. :rotfl:

And that oven sounds nice. I'm basing this on the fact that I don't know the brand name you mention, so it must be high-end. :rotfl2:

Oven repairpeople came yesterday (finally!) and it's not worth fixing. Repair is pricey! So, we are going shopping for a new one. Becky - what kind did you decide on?

I can't believe both you and Becky have been operating without an oven for so long!

We are back from the driving around the neighborhood. I am impressed I held my cool when we hardly left the driveway and he nearly took out the neighor's tree. He stopped in time and figured out the brake and accletor pedals:cool1:. We went to a empty parking lot and drove around. He did awesome after the first misstep.:thumbsup2.

I am sitting with my rum and coke. Yes I know it is not 5:00 but I don't care. I held my cool and no yelling or grabbing of the dash.

:scared1: Teaching someone to drive does require nerves of steel. Good job!

And who said it had to be 5:00 to drink? :confused3

I ordered my new oven! :cool1: I really figured we'd shop around for awhile but once I decided what I wanted, there really weren't that many options out there anyways. Stumbled upon a great deal so I was able to get even more than I initially thought and went ahead and pulled the trigger. It'll be here by the end of the week, I hope!

:woohoo: Yay!

:rotfl2:.....but I was Mr A,ma poor da was a nervous wreck.
So much so he paid for ma first lessons,and ma da was the stereotypical Scotsman...Scrooge McDuck stlye.:laughing:

Kat - Freddie would have been better cleanin pools today,him and the rest of the team.
They just never showed up,no fight nothin and lost....:mad:

To make it worst to go to the match I missed the Boys game and he scored his first goal.
He said it was ok but Im gutted.....I missed ma boys goal !!

Sucky mammy or what.:sad1:

:lmao: about your lessons.

You are not a bad momma. :hug:

Bethany, That must have been great for you to hear! After all the grief you heard about moving here, then living here, finally!!! ;)

I started meds & started feeling much better. Cooked steaks on the grill today.

YES, it was good to hear. :goodvibes

Saturday was quite festive. They had the cruise ship people milling around, a live band in the Riverwalk food court, the steamboats going up and down the river, the ships passing by, and the parade getting ready to roll. People were loving the food and the weather. I also heard comments on how nice the people are. They loved the parades, although they couldn't figure out why there were 2 in 3 days when it wasn't even Mardi Gras. :rotfl: They were also amazed that you can drink outside! I was more than a little amused by the fact that the early morning sessions were far less crowded than, say, 10:00. A lot of people were commenting about being out too late for parades and Bourbon Street. :lmao:

I met a couple people that were saying that this was their dream to visit New Orleans, and it was just wonderful and they loved it. Some people were interviewing on the spot for local jobs.

I'm glad you're feeling better!


Root Canals = :scared1: and :sick: I've only had to have one root canal and that was plenty for me but i do have several crowns. Wish I'd had flouride as a kid and brushed better!

Glad to have found the new thread.

Dinner tonight was at Red Robin. My kitchen is basically all packed up . Tomorrow is the demo day. Had a project scare Friday because the granite co. called and said they "accidentally" sold our slab of granite which we tagged weeks ago! :mad: We had to go back over there and select an alternative one, they made a suggestion which was more than our original was but said they would eat the cost difference. I think it will be fine but it was a jolt in the process.

So my WFDT reports will all be where we eat out this week! Ha Ha.

I finally made a dentist appointment for June. I actually had scheduled it for this month but pushed it back to June. It has been a long time since I've been to the dentist. I never used to be afraid of going, but now that it's been so long, I am quite apprehensive. I know I'm going to get fussed at, and I'm hoping that is the worst of it!

Red Robin! I haven't been there in a long time. I like their fries and that seasoning they put on them.

That is crazy about your granite. I am glad you were able to get something that works for you. Did you take before photos? I would love to see before and after pictures once the project is done.
It is dark and rainy here. It is a good day to stay holed up and dry,but I told Mr A I would take him out and scare the neighborhood. Oh I mean practice driving. I may come back with more gray hair. If I don't make it back it has been a fun friendship with all of you.:scared1:

We are getting your rain today but also may get SNOW!!!!!!!


I am sitting with my rum and coke. Yes I know it is not 5:00 but I don't care. I held my cool and no yelling or grabbing of the dash.

Don't blame you int eh least! I hope that both of you survive the driving lessons :woohoo:

I ordered my new oven! :cool1: !


I started meds & started feeling much better. Cooked steaks on the grill today.

Feel better soon! How is Angelina feeling?

Dinner tonight was at Red Robin. My kitchen is basically all packed up . Tomorrow is the demo day. Had a project scare Friday because the granite co. called and said they "accidentally" sold our slab of granite which we tagged weeks ago! :mad: We had to go back over there and select an alternative one, they made a suggestion which was more than our original was but said they would eat the cost difference. I think it will be fine but it was a jolt in the process.

So my WFDT reports will all be where we eat out this week! Ha Ha.

I hope this is the only glitch you face

John bought me a new countertop Breville convection oven today to bridge the gap until we get our new stove to replace the broken oven, so I'll be testing that out tomorrow.


I hope that John's mouth is better fast! Let us know how the counter top oven is!

Just checking in to keep track of new thread!!!
I miss you!

Bethany- only 2 pages in and you are already killing me!:rotfl2::rotfl2: Chef BoyRDee!:rotfl:

Dinner last night was pizza I had high hopes that I would stay on my diet but between that Irish soda bread, teh rye bread and neighbors coming by to drop off a movie I was weak! Buddy and I never saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding so when our friends dropped by I ordered pizza and we all watched it together. Please tell me that this is not how Anna's Mom is going to view us when she gets in next week :dance3:

I am going to use the leftover veggies and ham this evening for dinner. I have way more than i should have cooked!
Good morning!

Not sure if I mentioned that when I was prescribed that beta blocker last year I packed on 10 lbs in addition to feeling sluggish all the time. My doc took me off and gave me a blood pressure med and I started feeling much better. Now I can finally say I'm winning my battle with the 10 lbs...8 down 2 to go!:cool1:

Kyle will be leaving for California on Thursday, he's excited and I'm trying to get him all packed and ready to go.

Our NOLA gals are planning a luncheon on Saturday, can't wait to see all of my girls!

Looking forward to meeting Lauri D and her hubby this coming weekend. Bethany & I (so far) will be meeting them on Sunday, hoping Sheryl & Lauri U can join us too!

WFD - Red beans & rice, grilled Cajun sausages and a salad!

Sheryl - Glad to see you're feeling better, how is Angelina?

vicb - That stinks that your granite was sold! Glad they ate the cost on the new one though. I'd like to see pics too!

Bethany - I'm sure you will be fine at the dentist but I can tell you after all of the dental work I've had in the last two years I wished I had been more diligent in keeping up with my visits.:hug:
Morning, all!

Vickie - Sorry you missed the boy's goal, but believe me, there will be more! You are feeling it more than he is, because he knows where he stands with you... number 1! You are a good mommy! Trust that!!!

Sheryl - I'm glad you are feeling better. I hope you had a great time at WDW! How is Angelina doing?

Kathy - Sounds like you have a fun time with the NOLA gals planned! I'm so jealous! I'm just not close in proximity to any of my DIS family, so I have to live through you all!

Lauren - I'm so glad you had a good time with your sisters! We love that White Trash, only I don't think I've ever heard it called that! Fun!!!

Nancy - Snow?!? We had winds and rain all weekend, but I think I'd just pull the covers over my head if I had to deal with snow. Now watch, I just jinxed us, and we'll have snow into June this year!

The birthday party went well. 12 nine year olds was a bit much, but they had fun! I made each girl a cake in the shape of ice cream cones, and they loved them. After the party was over, Alan and I took the girls out. They decided on Golden Corral. Oh, well, no new restaurant this year. I'm sure that eventually, they'll decide to try something new. After dinner, we went to the theater and saw Tangled. It was my first time seeing it. So cute!!! I think the Easter Bunny will be bringing it to our house this year!

Today is the twins actual birthday, so I'll be running around today getting their gifts together, putting snacks together to take to the school, and generally acting like a chicken without a head! It doesn't help that I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm feeling like the walking dead. Oh well, I'll get through it. Maybe I'll work in a nap later!
YEA a new Home!! Thanks so much Kat - it looks amazing. Good luck to Kyle this week

Glynis ~ Happy Birthday to the twins. Hope their day is magical.

Nan ~ Thanks so much for the Corned Beef and Cabbage recipe. I never knew how to prepare it and we both just love it. Thanks!!

Becky & Aimee ~ enjoy your new ovens. I have no idea how or WHY you have gone with out one for so long. :rotfl2: I would be dead in the water without mine.

Bethany ~ So glad your convention went so well. It is so good to see you happy and finally enjoying what you do.

Janice ~ good luck with the driving lessons. Doug taught Elizabeth and I taught Stephanie & Matthew. Elizabeth's driving scares the beejebbers out out me - just saying!! ;)

Lauren ~ I make the exact same thing - oh so good - but I call it - GOOP!!

Vickie ~ so sorry you missed the boy's first goal. There will be more and I am sure he didn't think a thing that you weren't there. Be easy on youself Momma - you have done good.

Sheryl ~ It is so good to see you my friend.

Vic ~ good luck with your kitchen. We are painting our living room this week. New furniture should be here next tuesday. I am so excited!!

Ann ~ I sure miss you!!

Busy busy week as Pastor Tess is down in LA (New Orleans - I am so jealous and begged her to take me with her) at a Women't Conference, so I am here holding down the Fort. She should be shot taking off in the middle of Lent!! What was she thinking.

WFDT ~ meatloaf, green beans, baked potatoes and strawberries with cream.

Y'all have a great day!!!
Aimee, I have not picked out my oven yet. What kind did you get? The countertop oven works really well. I roasted a chicken in it yesterday and it came out very nicely.

We are back from the driving around the neighborhood. I am impressed I held my cool when we hardly left the driveway and he nearly took out the neighor's tree. He stopped in time and figured out the brake and accletor pedals:cool1:. We went to a empty parking lot and drove around. He did awesome after the first misstep.:thumbsup2.

I am sitting with my rum and coke. Yes I know it is not 5:00 but I don't care. I held my cool and no yelling or grabbing of the dash.


Sheryl, I am glad that you are feeling better.

WFD: depends on John's mouth. Either chicken parmesean burgers or pasta with asparagus.

I think I am getting a cold, ugh. :sad2:
To make it worst to go to the match I missed the Boys game and he scored his first goal.
He said it was ok but Im gutted.....I missed ma boys goal !!

Sucky mammy or what.:sad1:

Oh, i'm so sorry! You'll catch another one!

Dinner tonight was at Red Robin. My kitchen is basically all packed up . Tomorrow is the demo day. Had a project scare Friday because the granite co. called and said they "accidentally" sold our slab of granite which we tagged weeks ago! :mad: We had to go back over there and select an alternative one, they made a suggestion which was more than our original was but said they would eat the cost difference. I think it will be fine but it was a jolt in the process.

I'm so excited to hear more about the process! And how awesome that you got a pricier granite in the process! Will you post a before picture for us?

Not sure if I mentioned that when I was prescribed that beta blocker last year I packed on 10 lbs in addition to feeling sluggish all the time. My doc took me off and gave me a blood pressure med and I started feeling much better. Now I can finally say I'm winning my battle with the 10 lbs...8 down 2 to go!:cool1:


Today is the twins actual birthday, so I'll be running around today getting their gifts together, putting snacks together to take to the school, and generally acting like a chicken without a head! It doesn't help that I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm feeling like the walking dead. Oh well, I'll get through it. Maybe I'll work in a nap later!

So glad the party went well! Sounds like a blast (even if you did have to eat at Golden Corral :laughing:). Sneak in a nap, momma!!

Aimee, I have not picked out my oven yet. What kind did you get? The countertop oven works really well. I roasted a chicken in it yesterday and it came out very nicely.

It's a stainless GE Profile double convection oven. I've never had a double oven, or a convection oven, so I am SO excited.

I'm completely unmotivated to grocery shop so I have no idea what we'll do tonight.
Aimee- That oven sounds so nice, I would love a double oven.

Ellen- Your dinner sounds like a perfect one for us. I picked up some strawberries at the store today and they looked really good, I hope they have some flavor.

Glynis- Glad the birthday party went well. My parents live in Florida for Jan-March and they meet friends every week for breakfast at golden corral. There is one opening about 1/2 hour away from us and my dad is so excited. Oh well, to each his own.

Kathy- Congrats on the weight loss. The battle is so much easier to win when you can see progress (I'm currently loosing!) Is Kyle going to California for baseball or fun?

Nancy- We are getting flurries now. Compared to most we had minimal snow this winter, but I'm still sick of it. I had to get rid of the rest of our soda bread, I was the only one eating it but it, and the butter, were still going pretty quick.

Bethany- I was in your position a few years ago. It had been years since I went to the dentist, and quite honestly if it was for a slip on the dance floor that required me to go immedietly, I probably still wouldn't have gotten around to it. It turns out all my worrying was 4 tiny cavities, and you know what, it didn't even hurt when they fixed them. My imagination had me thinking the worst and I spent most of my waking minutes worrying. That was 3 1/2 years ago and now I go every 6 months without fail. It has completely changed my life, I hate to think of the time I wasted worrying. The long winded point is go get it over with, your having to much fun to have that on your shoulders.

Sheryl- Good to see you back, hope you had fun in disney.

Not sure on dinner, either burritos or pork. Enjoy the rest of the day all.
Glynis – 12 nine year olds? :scared1: God bless you! Sounds like the twins had an awesome birthday!

Ellen – I wish you could have joined your Pastor down here so we could have finally met! The weather is gorgeous too!

Becky – I hope you’re not getting sick.:hug: When will John’s dental work be completed?

Aimee – Your new oven sounds awesome, post a pic when it comes in please! ONLY here would you find women wanting to see a pic of an oven.:laughing:

Robin – Kyle is going to CA for baseball this week and again on 4/1!
Hi Everyone,

Thanks, Kathy, for our new home! CA sounds pretty good to me right now. It is snowing here again. The kids all came out of the school this afternoon with looks that ranged from disgusted, dejected and depressed.

Glynis -- Happy birthday to the twins!

Bethany -- Like Robin said, don't worry too much about the dentist. A few years ago I had missed several appointments. The only thing that I had to do was to return in four months rather than the usual six because I had more plaque buildup than I normally would have had. I'm glad you enjoyed the convention.

Sheryl -- I'm glad you are starting to feel better.

Aimee -- Congrats on the new oven! When Beck has a working oven, she has a double oven...hers and my mom's. :laughing:

Janice -- I'm glad you survived the driving lesson.

Vic -- I'm glad the company was able to find a suitable replacement for your counter. Enjoy the week eating out.

Vickie -- You are not a bad mother! Your boy knows you are his biggest fan.

Lauren -- It sounds like you had a fun time with your sisters.

Marilyn -- How did your niece do?

Ellen -- Good luck getting everything done this week!

Okay, I think that gets me caught up. I know I missed a couple of you, but it's hard to remember four pages worth of stuff! So hi everyone!!

Caili had a skating competition yesterday. She didn't skate her best, and she made some unusual mistakes -- she even forgot her program at one point, and that never happens to her. It was enough to put her last in the flight. She was a little disappointed, I think, but the program is really new. She won't compete with that program again until June, so she has plenty of time to improve. It's a good lesson for her too. Sometimes she is going to have a less than perfect skate, but she got through it.

Weekend dinners were fried clams out on Saturday and grilled Cornish hens with mango salsa, sweet potato sticks, asparagus and green beans at my mom's yesterday. I have no idea what I am making for dinner tonight. I really should have gone to the store today, but I didn't, so we'll see what I have in the fridge.
Aimee- I just got a new oven about 2 months ago and its a double. Its definitely one of those things that now that I have it I have no idea how I ever survived without one. I can't wait to hear how you like yours.

Janice- I had to laugh about the driving lesson. I can still remember so vividly my father teaching me how to drive. He would be hanging on to the top strap of the car for dear life. My mother to this day has not ridden in a car I am driving.

Glynis- sounds like a great birthday! Make sure you treat yourself this week for surviving 12 nine year olds.

Vickie- trust me the boy would let you know if he was disappointed. You are a great mom!

Bethany- I find the more I dread something the better it goes. Good luck at the dentist!

Laura- I watched Caili's video and she should be very proud. She looked great!

We got snow today. About 2-3 inches. Just when I could finally see the grass again. Unfortunately not unusual in this part of the state for March.

Long weekend here. Zachy couldn't sleep all Friday night and it turned out he had a double ear infection. He's still feeling a little "off" today but more worrisome is that he hasn't eaten since Thursday.

Dinner tonight was bourbon steak, green beans and buttered noodles. The noodles were made in the hopes of getting Zachy to eat something but no luck.
Laura – I watched Caili’s video and really enjoyed it! As with any competitive sport, especially at her age, a little adversity will just make her a better competitor. She’s a hard worker!!:thumbsup2

Michelle – Hugs and prayers coming for you and Zachy. Poor little guy, those ear infections are horrible. Hoping he gets his appetite back soon.:hug:

I'm sorry some of you are still getting snow, isn't it awfully late for snow? We're going to be around 80 all week, I even have the beginning of a summer tan after all weekend at the baseball games. We don't have spring unfortunately, we go straight from winter to summer.:sad2:
Michelle -- As long as Zachy is drinking plenty, I would not worry about the food just yet. I hope he feels better.

Dinner ended up being PWs sesame noodles, stir-fry beef and broccoli. Tomorrow afternoon Liam has his annual physical. He is looking forward to finding out how close he is to being taller than I am (no great feat, really!) I'll probably make quesadillas for dinner since that is one of his favorites, and I am not sure if he is due for shots. At least I won't have to worry about him crawling under the examination table like Caili did at her last doctor visit.

ETA: Thanks for the compliments for Caili! I didn't realize how long it has been since I recorded her skating until yesterday. The previous recording was at least a year old.
Vickie- trust me the boy would let you know if he was disappointed.

Disappointed.....he's had more fun with this than you could imagine.

" mum,what did you think of my pass...oh yeh, right,you were not there.... "

" mum,remember on Sunday when I...oh yeh,how can you remember some thing you missed.... "

That boy plays me like a bloody fiddle !! :laughing:

Glynis - 12 girls :scared1: :worship:

Laura - I loved Caili's video,she amazes me with her talent and her confidence.
To skate out there on her own and perform is something I could never do.

Michelle - Ouch,ear aches suck.....poor Z.

Oh, I almost forgot...did someone call for a pool boy....OH FREDDY !!!


Enjoy lassies x


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