The What's For Dinner Thread - March '11 (recipe index in OP)

Disappointed.....he's had more fun with this than you could imagine.

Your boy is so funny. I think our boys just like to give their moms a tease now and then. That is something Liam would do.

After doing so well on Friday on Saturday the poor child bombed big time.

But she rebounded on Sunday, so congratulations to her! It is tough to do poorly and then regain confidence so quickly. She should be proud.

I had a migraine today; I took a nap when I got home from work and I have been drinking caffeine all day in an attempt to weaken it. Well, now I'm feeling better but I'm wide awake! I'm going to try to sleep anyways.

I didn't know caffeine helped migraines. When I have a headache, caffeine does not help! I hope you get a good rest.

I am reading along just not retaining anything. I have a pretty good head cold happening.

I hope you feel better. I haven't been retaining anything lately either, but that is mostly due to my recent addiction to Scrabble Flash. I am purposely avoiding it this evening. Last night, I dreamed about letter combinations. Not good.

Johnny's "man cold" turned out to be allergies and he stayed home yesterday:sad2:, so I spent 1/3 of the day at the gym.:laughing:

Sounds like a good prescription to Man Cold to me! He gets to wallow in misery and you get fit to tolerate it.

My kiddo's allergies really kicked in last night but she said she felt well enough to go to school.

I hope she feels better.

I am not a good friend if pay checks are late.
:laughing: I hope everyone still loves you.

Dinner was black bean and cheese quesadillas for Liam; pan-seared sole, wild rice and salad for Caili, and fish tacos for me. It sounds like a short order cook menu, but it was a lot of the same ingredients just served in different ways.
Sweet Bourbon Marinated Steak

Get in car
Drive to Whole Foods
Buy prepackaged marinated sweet bourbon steak
Drive home

Sorry I couldn't resist. I wish I could take credit for it though. It was really good.

This menu was chosen by Zachy who then proceeded to eat none of it while Mike and I dined on it. It was good though..


I'm sorry to hear Zachy is still not feeling well or eating. Like Laura said as long as he's drinking enough he'll be OK.:hug:

Just an update, Johnny stayed home again today because his allergies kept him up all night and yes I spent some extra time at the gym after work.;) God help me when the man retires.:sad2:
Busy day, new issues in the remodel but good carpenters were able to fix. Electrician tomorrow then finally granite on Thursday and tile Friday.

WFDT = omelettes, hash browns and english muffins at the local coney island. Then we made a quick dash to Target to look at a 2 person glider that matches the patio furniture we bought there last year. Got our glider on sale, saved $25 :banana: Now if it would just stop being cold!
yes I spent some extra time at the gym after work.;) God help me when the man retires.:sad2:

Vickie :rotfl2::rotfl2: Sorry we don't want our Kathy looking like that. I was thinking more stick figuressh.

This weather is soo BLAHHH it stormed again last night. And get this we might get some snow tonight. I don't want to say it outloud.

Vic Congrats on finding the glider. I love those.
Good Morning! Quick check in...I hope Janice, bethany, Robyns daughter, Johnnie and everyone else not feeling well, feels better. Tis the season for these stupid allergies!

Vic, Thank you for sharing your pics. I love those curved cabinets. Are you keeping them?

Aimee, love your new stove.

Vickie, The Boy is hysterical. So are you! Love that new pic of Kat you posted! :rotfl:

I have to read back and retain more but I hope everyone is well. I made this for dinner last night at the guys loved it!

BBQ Chuck Roast

***I marinated for a day, then i cooked in the crock pot, took it out shredded the meat and reduced the marinade to make a BBQ sauce and served it on buns.

Here is how it is cooked on allrecipes:

1 (5 pound) chuck roast (I USED 2.5 #)
1 cup barbeque sauce
1 cup teriyaki sauce
1 (12 fluid ounce) can or bottle beer
3 teaspoons minced garlic
3 teaspoons thinly sliced fresh ginger root
1 onion, finely chopped
3 teaspoons coarsely ground black pepper
2 teaspoons salt (I CUT THIS DOWN)

1.In a large bowl, mix barbeque sauce, teriyaki sauce, beer, garlic, ginger, onion, black pepper, and salt. Place the roast into the marinade, cover and refrigerate for six hours, turning often.
2.Preheat an outdoor grill for indirect heat. Remove the roast from the marinade, and pour the marinade into a saucepan. Bring to a boil, and cook for 5 minutes. Set aside for use as a basting sauce.
3.Thread the roast onto a rotating barbecue spit above indirect heat. Cook the roast for two hours, or until the internal temperature of the roast is at least 145 degrees F (63 degrees C). Baste often during the last hour with reserved marinade.
vicb - Sounds like the remodel is going well!

Janice - I hope you don't get the stuff we don't want to say aloud.:hug:

Lauren - That BBQ chuck roast sounds great!

WFD - Ham & cheese omelets, hash brown potatoes, black pepper bacon and wheat bicuits. bbl.....
Good morning everyone!!

Vic ~ I love the pictures. I can't wait to see it finished.

Kat ~ OMG :eek: you have changed!! :rotfl2: I sure hope Johnny is at work this morning and you can rest.

Janice ~ They are also predicting s*** for the weekend. I am trying to ignore it - maybe it will go away.

Lauren ~ It is so good to see you here. I love the BBQ roast, that looks so good. Thanks

Laura ~ So proud of Caili!! Getting up and back on the ice will be a good thing. She is so talented!!!

I hope everyone that is feeling yucky is on the road to feeling better real soon. I hate the spring cold.

It is a beautiful sunny morning in my little part of the world. The wind is to pick up later (yuck!!!) and the temps. are a bit chilly in the 50's. But it is better than snow (that is predicted for the weekend). I will take it.

I am so excited for tonight. Stephanie and I are going to go see "Riverdance". We saw it years ago with my Momma in Omaha at the Orphiam Theater. That was a great time! Stephanie was given these tickets (they have been sold out for weeks) 4th row center. WooHoo!!! I am going in early and we are going to have a nice dinner before. Oh I just can't wait - we will have so much fun.

WFDT ~ I have no idea but the company and show will be priceless.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning ladies!


Here is a picture of the dinner last night:


I did not love it. I liked the swiss chard, the leeks, and the eggs, but thought the potatoes made the dish too heavy. I have been on a bit of an anti-potato kick lately, so it might have just been me.

Ellen, have fun at Riverdance! I love that show. The first time I saw it, when the guy in NYC bounces off the wall I was so amazed that I screamed in the middle of the theater!! It was really embarassing. :laughing:

Aimee, I already said this on facebook, but your new oven is awesome!

WFD: carmelized onion tart and arugula salad. Unless I change my mind. ;)
Becky- Is the onion tart from this month's cooking light also? I'm making it for our lunch on Sunday. After raspberries, I think carmelized onions are my favorite food.

Ellen- Have a great time! Riverdance brings back memories, I had a big old german shepherd who would bark and growl on command whenever anyone said Michael Flately. The dog was such a big baby, it was the only time he would growl. That reminds me, how is Cooper doing?

Thanks for all the get well thoughts fo my kiddo, but she's really feeling fine, she just has a bright red nose and puffy eyes! I marked next years calender already though to start giving her allergy pills the beginning of the month.

Gotta go, I'm off to BJ's and Trader Joe's and the friend I'm going with should be here any minute. Have a great day all!


Vic, Thank you for sharing your pics. I love those curved cabinets. Are you keeping them?

Yes keeping the cabinets as replacing them really pushes the project into a whole different money level. I was a bit worried because they are apx. 20 years old but now that the carpenter shored them all up they feel much more solid. They are having some stain made up to match and we will touch up the nicks and new trim pieces and I think they will do just fine.

I am so excited for tonight. Stephanie and I are going to go see "Riverdance". We saw it years ago with my Momma in Omaha at the Orphiam Theater. That was a great time! Stephanie was given these tickets (they have been sold out for weeks) 4th row center. WooHoo!!! I am going in early and we are going to have a nice dinner before. Oh I just can't wait - we will have so much fun.

I hope you enjoy Riverdance, it is a great show.

I had to drag my family to Riverdance a few years ago, and they all ended up loving it! We had very close seats too and I think that really ads to the experience. We saw it at the Fox Theater in Detroit which is amazingly restored. You may know it as the theater that Eminem walked into and the choir was on the stage in the Crysler Superbowl ad "This is the Motor City, and this is what we do" (Obviously I love that ad, my DH works for one of the big 3 in Detroit).
That reminds me, how is Cooper doing?

Oh bless your heart!! We had a bit of a scare last week. Took him into be checked out and he got another clean bill of health. :thumbsup2 The Vet just shakes his head as he has never ever seen this before. We are all thrilled and count every day we have with him a precious joy.

Thanks so much for asking!!

So glad to hear your kiddo is doing better.

John has a cold right now too. The dreaded MOLD. He kept me up half the night with his snoring. I don't feel good myself but I think it might be allergies. His is definitely a cold.

Oh oh!

After doing so well on Friday on Saturday the poor child bombed big time. :headache: Was seeded 11th in the 100 breast stroke, which we thought would be the one she would final in, she came in 31st. :sad1: And in the 50 back she was 30th, came in 54th. Not sure what was going on there but her coach told her that it was probably because she was in a shallower pool. Not sure if that was it or he was trying to make her feel better.:flower3:

However on Sunday she was seeded 22nd in the 50 Freestyle and came in 8th. :woohoo: Went on to the final in that one and again came in 8th, out of 8, with the exact same time. :cheer2: In her last event, the 100 butterfly, she seeded 26th and came in 19th.

The poor kid :hug: I am glad that the second day went better but still....poor kid.

Zachy's still feeling a little lethargic and no appetite today. I did however have a day of stellar behavior. ..

Hopefully today is a better day
Becky- Is the onion tart from this month's cooking light also? I'm making it for our lunch on Sunday. After raspberries, I think carmelized onions are my favorite food.

Yes, it is. I'll let you know what I think. I am considering substituting gruyere cheese for the feta, especially since the suggested arugula salad recipe alongside it also has feta cheese.
Things are back to normal here, Johnny went to work!:worship:

Ellen – I’m so jealous, I love Riverdance, have a great time! I’m also glad to hear that Cooper continues to amaze everyone.:goodvibes

Robin – I learned the same way you did to try and stay on top of the allergies and started Kyle on his meds early. This year, however, nothing is working on the poor kid. Hoping your girl gets better every day.:hug:
Hey y'all,

Sorry that I went missing again. I only thought I was over the funk. I also started physical therapy again & am frustrated because it has caused my neck pain to really flare up. ( I've talk to the PT twice & they said it's normal & to be expected.) Still frustrating.

Vickie, That boy of your's is priceless! :lovestruc

Wow, Kathy sure has gotten buff!!!:rotfl:

Kathy, So glad Johnny is feeling better!!!;)

Kat, Lauri, Bethany, I will do my best to join y'all this weekend!:goodvibes

Becky, That egg dish sure looks yummy!

Ellen, Enjoy Riverdance! :goodvibes

Janice, I'm impressed that you are doing so well with the driving lessons! :thumbsup2

I hope everyone who's not feeling well ( especially little Zachy) gets better real soon!!

Dinner tonight is leftover redbeans & rice from last night. ( Yes Bethany I do realize that yesterday was Tuesday! ;):laughing:)
After dealing with a sick baby all day long, my dinner plans have flown out the window.

We will be having simple soup and sandwiches tonight.
Vickie -- :rotfl2:

Kathy -- Good thing your hubby is returning to work. I don't think you could add more gold paint. :laughing: Seriously, though, I am glad you can get back to your normal schedule.

Ellen -- Enjoy Riverdance! I love that show.

Sheryl -- I hope you feel better quickly.

After dealing with a sick baby all day long, my dinner plans have flown out the window.

I hope Timothy feels better. Poor little guy.

Dinner tonight was the turkey burgers Becky posted last week. Caili loved them. Liam had his tooth start bleeding and then pop out on to the table. That somewhat lessened both his and my enjoyment of dinner.
YAAAAASSS.....Sheryl is back !! :yay:

Glynis - sorry Timmy is sick,poor wee man.

My new dining table arrived tonight,I looooove it.
I am going to make Dinner ( stop laughing) tomorrow before it turns into my office/laundry.

The weather was really spring like here today.
The nights are fairly drawin out too.

We had a fun night the night,the Boy and his friend were trainin ( Im not aloud to call it dancin anymore,its not cool :confused3) in our garden so I videoed them " doin thar thang !!.....I have put 1 up on FB.

Have a gid night lassies x


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