The What's For Dinner Thread - March '11 (recipe index in OP)

I've been wondering when Freddy was going to show up, the pool is really dirty, he needs to stay a long while!:love:

Vickie - Your boy cracks me up!:lmao:
I'm so excited to hear more about the process! And how awesome that you got a pricier granite in the process! Will you post a before picture for us?

It's a stainless GE Profile double convection oven. I've never had a double oven, or a convection oven, so I am SO excited.

Your new oven sounds awesome!

I did take photos and it took me a long time last night to figure out how to upload them the the dis photo storage. Now I have to learn how to import them into a post! :confused3

Hi Everyone,

Caili had a skating competition yesterday. She didn't skate her best, and she made some unusual mistakes -- she even forgot her program at one point, and that never happens to her. It was enough to put her last in the flight. She was a little disappointed, I think, but the program is really new. She won't compete with that program again until June, so she has plenty of time to improve. It's a good lesson for her too. Sometimes she is going to have a less than perfect skate, but she got through it.

It is hard to be "on" all the time in a sport. I agree it was a good opportunity to learn from the experience. Sounds like you all handled it well.

We got snow today. About 2-3 inches. Just when I could finally see the grass again. Unfortunately not unusual in this part of the state for March.

Long weekend here. Zachy couldn't sleep all Friday night and it turned out he had a double ear infection. He's still feeling a little "off" today but more worrisome is that he hasn't eaten since Thursday.

My children both used to get many ear infections so I can feel for Zach. Hope he recovers quickly.

We have a winter storm watch up for Tues night into Wed, sounds like a possible ice storm... grrrrrr!

Dinner tonight was at a local pizza house, had a greek salad and pizza. DH and son wanted to make the first run of the season to Dairy Queen. I was already so full I just ordered a kiddie size!
Do you folks know how to make my photo larger when I post it? I am going crazy trying to figure this out. I can post a photo now but it is the small thumbnail image not a regular size? I feel sort of thick here...:confused:
Vicb, where are you hosting your photos? Mine are on flickr. The instructions on how to post, resize etc. vary based on the site.

This week I am cooking from the current issue of Cooking Light. Tonight I made the "chicken parmesean" burgers. They were very moist and tasty:


You mix marinara sauce into the meat--2/3 cup for 1 lb. meat, plus herbs and seasonings. I liked this a lot--for a turkey burger. :laughing:

Aimee, that oven sounds nice. I will have to check it out!
Ok. I think these are too big but I am frustrated in the resizing and keeping it clear so I'm just going to post a few... sorry for the giant size ( I tried the photo storage here on the disboards but then went to Photobucket) :confused3

These are before photos... sort of. We had already removed the knick-knack shelves and cup holders that hung below the cabinets. We are leaving them off. Keeping the cabinets, just touching them up so that is a huge cost savings. New dishwasher and fridge coming (stove is fairly new), new sink and faucet, new vented (yay!) hood over stove and all new tile backsplash... and of course the newly selected granite.




Now these are work in progress today:



Caili had a skating competition yesterday. She didn't skate her best, and she made some unusual mistakes -- she even forgot her program at one point, and that never happens to her. It was enough to put her last in the flight. She was a little disappointed, I think, but the program is really new. She won't compete with that program again until June, so she has plenty of time to improve. It's a good lesson for her too. Sometimes she is going to have a less than perfect skate, but she got through it.

Oh, I'm sorry she didn't do as well. :hug:

Aimee- I just got a new oven about 2 months ago and its a double. Its definitely one of those things that now that I have it I have no idea how I ever survived without one. I can't wait to hear how you like yours.

Oooh, so good to hear!! How do you make your bourbon steak? Sorry Zachy is still feeling yucky. Poor guy, poor mom!

Disappointed.....he's had more fun with this than you could imagine.

" mum,what did you think of my pass...oh yeh, right,you were not there.... "

" mum,remember on Sunday when I...oh yeh,how can you remember some thing you missed.... "

That boy plays me like a bloody fiddle !! :laughing:

Hmmm... wonder where he gets that sense of humor :confused3 :rotfl:

Vicb - thanks for the before pics!! I can't remember; what all are you doing? How long do they think it'll take?

I drove to Mickey D's for myself (had to get my iced coffee fix) and then across the street to Sonic for DH :laughing: I'm not feeling so great - sort of a mixture of things - but thankfully see one doc on Wed and can maybe get some of it addressed. My week is overflowing with commitments so I stay really busy during the day and then get home and realize how bad I feel :laughing:
:rotfl: I'm glad it was successful and that you made it back to us. I remember my mother refused to teach us to drive ~ she's such a spaz ~ dad taught all 3 of us. Enjoy that drink :thumbsup2

Luckily when my siblings and I were learning they had drivers-ed as an elective. My DM only went with me a couple of times and nearly climbed out the window one time when another car got to close. :lmao:

I was the one who took my sis and bro out to practice. :thumbsup2

We are back from the driving around the neighborhood. I am impressed I held my cool when we hardly left the driveway and he nearly took out the neighor's tree. He stopped in time and figured out the brake and accletor pedals:cool1:. We went to a empty parking lot and drove around. He did awesome after the first misstep.:thumbsup2.

I am sitting with my rum and coke. Yes I know it is not 5:00 but I don't care. I held my cool and no yelling or grabbing of the dash.

As my DB and I were leaving our house to go get his license he overcorrected and nearly ran into a dumpster. :scared1: It was one of those big construction ones that the neighborhood assoc. had rented for neighborhood clean up.

Both us were hoping our DM hadn't seen it. Walked in the door when we got back and the first thing she said was "I saw that" :rolleyes1

Marilyn -- How did your niece do?

After doing so well on Friday on Saturday the poor child bombed big time. :headache: Was seeded 11th in the 100 breast stroke, which we thought would be the one she would final in, she came in 31st. :sad1: And in the 50 back she was 30th, came in 54th. Not sure what was going on there but her coach told her that it was probably because she was in a shallower pool. Not sure if that was it or he was trying to make her feel better.:flower3:

However on Sunday she was seeded 22nd in the 50 Freestyle and came in 8th. :woohoo: Went on to the final in that one and again came in 8th, out of 8, with the exact same time. :cheer2: In her last event, the 100 butterfly, she seeded 26th and came in 19th.

Until this winter her best event was the Freestyle and then she seemed to finally get the breast stroke. It took the coaches years to get her to be able to manage it.

It made for a long weekend and today my BFF asked me to go with her to visit a college in Kansas with her DS next weekend. Unfortunately with the airfare being so high, we are driving. :scared1:

She was all freaked out because she didn't know which states we were passing through and when I got to Missouri on the list she told me "no we don't"! :confused: She didn't realize that MO is on this side of Kansas. :rotfl:
Okay, this is Attempt #2 at a post.

Bethany- only 2 pages in and you are already killing me!:rotfl2::rotfl2: Chef BoyRDee!:rotfl:


Not sure if I mentioned that when I was prescribed that beta blocker last year I packed on 10 lbs in addition to feeling sluggish all the time. My doc took me off and gave me a blood pressure med and I started feeling much better. Now I can finally say I'm winning my battle with the 10 lbs...8 down 2 to go!:cool1:

Kyle will be leaving for California on Thursday, he's excited and I'm trying to get him all packed and ready to go.

Our NOLA gals are planning a luncheon on Saturday, can't wait to see all of my girls!

Looking forward to meeting Lauri D and her hubby this coming weekend. Bethany & I (so far) will be meeting them on Sunday, hoping Sheryl & Lauri U can join us too!

Bethany - I'm sure you will be fine at the dentist but I can tell you after all of the dental work I've had in the last two years I wished I had been more diligent in keeping up with my visits.:hug:

Congratulations on winning the battle! I ain't winnin' nothin'. :mad:

I am so sad I am missing lunch. We'll just have to plan another soon!

I am looking forward to lunch on Sunday!

I hope Kyle enjoys California, and I hope they can get a W!

Thanks about the dentist. Growing up, I went every 6 months. At some point, I lost insurance and got out of the habit. I had some insurance in NYC, but I never got around to figuring out who was on the plan and I never could locate the reimbursement form you had to take with you, so I haven't been since sometime before 2005. :scared1:

Kathy - Sounds like you have a fun time with the NOLA gals planned! I'm so jealous! I'm just not close in proximity to any of my DIS family, so I have to live through you all!

The birthday party went well. 12 nine year olds was a bit much, but they had fun! I made each girl a cake in the shape of ice cream cones, and they loved them. After the party was over, Alan and I took the girls out. They decided on Golden Corral. Oh, well, no new restaurant this year. I'm sure that eventually, they'll decide to try something new. After dinner, we went to the theater and saw Tangled. It was my first time seeing it. So cute!!! I think the Easter Bunny will be bringing it to our house this year!

Today is the twins actual birthday, so I'll be running around today getting their gifts together, putting snacks together to take to the school, and generally acting like a chicken without a head! It doesn't help that I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm feeling like the walking dead. Oh well, I'll get through it. Maybe I'll work in a nap later!

One of the workshops I went to was led by a team from BYU Provo. I thought of you!

And 12 9-year-olds! I think "a bit much" is an understatement!

Bethany ~ So glad your convention went so well. It is so good to see you happy and finally enjoying what you do.

Busy busy week as Pastor Tess is down in LA (New Orleans - I am so jealous and begged her to take me with her) at a Women't Conference, so I am here holding down the Fort. She should be shot taking off in the middle of Lent!! What was she thinking.


And I wish you could have come down too! Maybe it's a "what were they thinking scheduling a conference during Lent?" thing. None of us can figure out why an educator's conference falls during the dreaded Testing Season. :confused3

Bethany- I was in your position a few years ago. It had been years since I went to the dentist, and quite honestly if it was for a slip on the dance floor that required me to go immedietly, I probably still wouldn't have gotten around to it. It turns out all my worrying was 4 tiny cavities, and you know what, it didn't even hurt when they fixed them. My imagination had me thinking the worst and I spent most of my waking minutes worrying. That was 3 1/2 years ago and now I go every 6 months without fail. It has completely changed my life, I hate to think of the time I wasted worrying. The long winded point is go get it over with, your having to much fun to have that on your shoulders.

Thanks. I was having some pain and that is why I scheduled the appointment; I actually was scheduled for last Monday. However, I was really apprehensive about taking time off in the middle of the day on a week when I was leaving for a conference. Since the pain subsided, I called to reschedule for the week after school lets out. I knew better than to completely cancel!

Bethany -- Like Robin said, don't worry too much about the dentist. A few years ago I had missed several appointments. The only thing that I had to do was to return in four months rather than the usual six because I had more plaque buildup than I normally would have had. I'm glad you enjoyed the convention.

Caili had a skating competition yesterday. She didn't skate her best, and she made some unusual mistakes -- she even forgot her program at one point, and that never happens to her. It was enough to put her last in the flight. She was a little disappointed, I think, but the program is really new. She won't compete with that program again until June, so she has plenty of time to improve. It's a good lesson for her too. Sometimes she is going to have a less than perfect skate, but she got through it.

Thanks. I am hoping nothing major is going on, especially since I was having some pain.

Sorry she didn't have her best skate. I think you are right that she can learn from it.

Bethany- I find the more I dread something the better it goes. Good luck at the dentist!

We got snow today. About 2-3 inches. Just when I could finally see the grass again. Unfortunately not unusual in this part of the state for March.

Long weekend here. Zachy couldn't sleep all Friday night and it turned out he had a double ear infection. He's still feeling a little "off" today but more worrisome is that he hasn't eaten since Thursday.


Ugh. If we got 2-3 inches of snow we would have a snow day. I think it was 82 here today.

Ouch! Ear infections are so painful! I think as long as he is getting some fluids in him, he should be okay. Maybe his throat hurts from drainage?

I'm sorry some of you are still getting snow, isn't it awfully late for snow? We're going to be around 80 all week, I even have the beginning of a summer tan after all weekend at the baseball games. We don't have spring unfortunately, we go straight from winter to summer.:sad2:

I thought this WAS spring, apparently also known as "Pollen". :headache:

Disappointed.....he's had more fun with this than you could imagine.

" mum,what did you think of my pass...oh yeh, right,you were not there.... "

" mum,remember on Sunday when I...oh yeh,how can you remember some thing you missed.... "

That boy plays me like a bloody fiddle !! :laughing:

Lil' snot! :rotfl:

Ok. I think these are too big but I am frustrated in the resizing and keeping it clear so I'm just going to post a few... sorry for the giant size ( I tried the photo storage here on the disboards but then went to Photobucket) :confused3

These are before photos... sort of. We had already removed the knick-knack shelves and cup holders that hung below the cabinets. We are leaving them off. Keeping the cabinets, just touching them up so that is a huge cost savings. New dishwasher and fridge coming (stove is fairly new), new sink and faucet, new vented (yay!) hood over stove and all new tile backsplash... and of course the newly selected granite.

Oooh, I even like the before pictures! I bet it will be beautiful when done!

What do you plan to do to the cabinets? Are you changing the color or just the hardware? I can't wait to see the finished product! How long did they estimate it would take?

I drove to Mickey D's for myself (had to get my iced coffee fix) and then across the street to Sonic for DH :laughing: I'm not feeling so great - sort of a mixture of things - but thankfully see one doc on Wed and can maybe get some of it addressed. My week is overflowing with commitments so I stay really busy during the day and then get home and realize how bad I feel :laughing:

I hope you feel better!

After doing so well on Friday on Saturday the poor child bombed big time. :headache: Was seeded 11th in the 100 breast stroke, which we thought would be the one she would final in, she came in 31st. :sad1: And in the 50 back she was 30th, came in 54th. Not sure what was going on there but her coach told her that it was probably because she was in a shallower pool. Not sure if that was it or he was trying to make her feel better.:flower3:

However on Sunday she was seeded 22nd in the 50 Freestyle and came in 8th. :woohoo: Went on to the final in that one and again came in 8th, out of 8, with the exact same time. :cheer2: In her last event, the 100 butterfly, she seeded 26th and came in 19th.

Until this winter her best event was the Freestyle and then she seemed to finally get the breast stroke. It took the coaches years to get her to be able to manage it.

It made for a long weekend and today my BFF asked me to go with her to visit a college in Kansas with her DS next weekend. Unfortunately with the airfare being so high, we are driving. :scared1:

She was all freaked out because she didn't know which states we were passing through and when I got to Missouri on the list she told me "no we don't"! :confused: She didn't realize that MO is on this side of Kansas. :rotfl:

That is disappointing on some of them, but exciting on others!

That is a long drive. It sounds like a good thing you are going along for navigation assistance! Be safe!

I had a migraine today; I took a nap when I got home from work and I have been drinking caffeine all day in an attempt to weaken it. Well, now I'm feeling better but I'm wide awake! I'm going to try to sleep anyways.
I am reading along just not retaining anything. I have a pretty good head cold happening. I was hoping yesterdays scratchy throat was just my imagination but alas not.

Vic I know the kitchen remodel is a lot of work but it will be so nice when it is done almost like a brand new house.

Vic The boy sounds just like Mr A watch out:lmao: Don't beat yourself up you can't not be there for every event. I am still haunted by 1 school party I couldn't go to. A brings out a picture of it with his sad little face when he wants to torture me.pirate:

I'll be back later with some idea for dinner
Good morning!

vicb - Thanks for posting the "before" pics, they're not too big! Keep us posted with the progress. When I saw the men working I was reminded of the work Sheryl had done a few years ago. The guy doing her work was a "hottie" and we begged for pics daily.:laughing:

Aimee - I worry about you.:hug: You work so hard even when you're not feeling well, please get some rest my friend.

Marilyn - I'm so sorry your niece didn't do well on Sat but she surely bounced back on Sunday, great job!!!:cheer2: Good luck on the road trip.

WFD - Glynis' creamy tomato chicken, pasta grilled veggies.
Janice - We must have been posting at the same time. I hope you feel better soon.:hug: Johnny's "man cold" turned out to be allergies and he stayed home yesterday:sad2:, so I spent 1/3 of the day at the gym.:laughing:
Morning, everyone!

Vickie - Thanks for the "pool boy". I really needed something to lift my spirits this morning! Your boy sounds normal! They love to needle us, don't they?

Vic - Thanks for the before pics! I can't wait to see the afters! I bet you can't, too!

Marilyn - Sorry about your niece. It sounds like she did well in some events, though. Good luck with the long drive! I enjoy long drives, as long as I'm not the one driving.

Aimee - Sorry you're not feeling well. I'm so glad you are seeing a doctor.

Bethany - I went over 8 years without seeing a dentist! When I finally did get up the courage, I was pleasantly surprised. I only had a couple of tiny cavities. Now, I'm pretty regular about making appointments and keeping them. I still can't get Alan to go! Something about not wanting to miss work. Blah, blah, blah! I think he's just scared!

Michelle - How is Zachy doing this morning? Mary has been complaining about her ear hurting, so we may be heading to the doctor. I'm hoping not, though. She did say that a first grader hit her in the ear accidentally yesterday, so I'm hoping it's just tender from that, and not an infection!

Not sure about dinner tonight. I need to see what we have. I'll be back to let y'all know, as soon as I figure it out.
Janice - We must have been posting at the same time. I hope you feel better soon.:hug: Johnny's "man cold" turned out to be allergies and he stayed home yesterday:sad2:, so I spent 1/3 of the day at the gym.:laughing:


John has a cold right now too. The dreaded MOLD. He kept me up half the night with his snoring. I don't feel good myself but I think it might be allergies. His is definitely a cold.

Vicb, thanks for the pictures. I can't wait to see the finished result!

Bethany, I am glad you are going to the dentist. John went a couple of years without going and that, coupled with some bad orthodontic work, ended up ruining his teeth. He is having permanent crowns installed on his entire upper mouth on Friday--the end of a very, very long reconstructive process.

Janice, hope your cold goes away soon!

WFD: a swiss chard-potato-egg skilllet dish from the current Cooking Light.
Looking forward to meeting Lauri D and her hubby this coming weekend. Bethany & I (so far) will be meeting them on Sunday, hoping Sheryl & Lauri U can join us too!


Cant wait to meet you guys too. :woohoo:

Also hoping Sheryl and Lauri can join us.
After doing so well on Friday on Saturday the poor child bombed big time. :headache:

Oh, I'm so sorry she didn't do well!

Janice - We must have been posting at the same time. I hope you feel better soon.:hug: Johnny's "man cold" turned out to be allergies and he stayed home yesterday:sad2:, so I spent 1/3 of the day at the gym.:laughing:


Dinner is :confused3 I have a crazy day. Grocery shopping was in the plans but I'm not sure if I'll make it that far.
Aimee- All your days are crazy, I hope you actually get the chance to use your new oven!

Becky- My cooking light just came yesterday and both of those recipes looked good. I can't wait to try the chicken parm one. My kiddo's allergies really kicked in last night but she said she felt well enough to go to school. It must have been the little taste of spring we got last week.

Kathy- At least if the allergies keep up you'll get rid of those extra two pounds in no time!

Vic- Thanks for sharing the pictures. We are in the beginning of a remodel, we've been in the beginning for about a year (my own choosing, I like to take thing slow.) We are at the point of choosing between two builders and I just had the most frustrating meeting with one of them- at least he made the choice easy! I hope your kitchen goes smoothly, but for now enjoy not cooking.

Pork chops, brown rice, and a veg for dinner. Have a great day all.
Quick fly by as I am swamped today - I have to get payroll out. I am not a good friend if pay checks are late. Otherwise they love to see me - go figure!!

WFDT ~ Salmon, brussel sprouts, stewed tomatoes and fresh pineapple.

Make it a great day everyone!!!
today we had a new computer system installed. That was not fun learning the new system with my head all stuffy.

Kathy I am glad Johnny's cold turned into just allergies. Also glad you found a "cure for them"

Aimee I hope you got to rest and are feeling better.

WFD is spaghetti and a salad.
Aimee- sorry you're not feeling well. I hope the doctor has some answers. The recipe for the bourbon steak is really easy:

Sweet Bourbon Marinated Steak

Get in car
Drive to Whole Foods
Buy prepackaged marinated sweet bourbon steak
Drive home

Sorry I couldn't resist. I wish I could take credit for it though. It was really good.

Janice- I hope you're feeling better soon. Nothing is more miserable to me than a bad head cold.

Becky- my condolences on the MOLD. I hope you don't have a cold too although allergies are just as miserable.

Glynis- I hope Mary doesn't have an ear infection. I know so many kids with them right now though you would think they are contagious. Although I also hope she's not in pain from being hit in the ear either.

Vicb- thanks for sharing your pictures. I can't wait to see the "after."

Kathy- good for you... such a great feeling to see the scale go down!

Bethany- I hope your migraine is better. I also paid the price last night for too much caffeine.

Zachy's still feeling a little lethargic and no appetite today. I did however have a day of stellar behavior. Angry Birds 2 came out today and he desperately wanted to play tonight. It was so nice to have leverage all day.
Dinner tonight was hotdogs, broccoli, butternut squash and raspberries. This menu was chosen by Zachy who then proceeded to eat none of it while Mike and I dined on it. It was good though..


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