Weight Watchers Chat

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I WI Wednesday night....I only lost 1 lb for a total of 7.2 lbs in three weeks. I knew it was going to be tough because looking at the fj I see eating out too many times.
I went through a website and made a list of 10 recipes that I thought my family would like and I plan on making them over the next few weeks. I thought I would share them with you all and review how they went.

Tonight I made:

Tater tot Casserole
1 lb. Jennie-O Turkey 93/7 (the container is actually 1.25 lbs and I went ahead and used all of it)
2 cans cream of mushroom soup - the recipe calls for one mushroom and one celery - we don't like celery so I did two mushrooms)
1 can green beans
1 bag of frozen tater tots

Brown turkey in skillet. Drain any grease (if any). Mix in two cans of soup and green beans. Spread in 9X13 pan. Top with bag of tator tots. Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 min. or until tater tots are crispy.

10 servings - 7 points per serving (I used my Weight Watchers 1 cup scoop spoon to get a serving.)

Kids hated it b/c it looked yucky - they really weren't willing to give it a try but they did eat it. I actually liked it more than I thought - I was slightly worried about the combination but it worked well together. DH liked it but didn't love it.

Verdict: I won't make it again b/c no one LOVED it. DH and I think it could be a great cold weather comfort food. If my kids had eaten it - we would have added it to our rotation of recipes.
No, I sure didn't! But I did hope to be lighter than I am now :headache:.

In all seriousness, you guys keep me on track and motivated. Even though I have not seen a 5-lb star since (I hate to type this) AUGUST I keep at it. For those of you gasping in horror ... I gained a lot on my two WDW trips and I take off weight very, very slowly. If I lose more than 2 pounds in a MONTH it's a success for me. I will be SO GOOD at maintenance ... if I ever get there :dance3:.

Well, I thank you for starting this. This thread has been a life saver for me more than a few times. I figure we're going to need this thread to go on for the rest of my life -- and I'm hopeful I'll have a nice, long, healthy weight life.
Had to dip DEEP into my weeklies tonight. I went to an Islander's (hockey) game and had planned my points around splurging with a hot dog and a knish. I wound up with a hot dog, fries and Twizzlers instead. A difference of almost 15 points :scared1:. TGFW - Thank Goodness for Weeklies!!

I think it just might be a cycle thing, if you KWIM, since it's just about every 3-4 weeks. Is it around your TOM? I see that you (usually) lose quite a bit after you stay the same so it could be related bloating. In any case, you have not GAINED weight in the last 13 weeks do that, in and of itself, is a victory. I will take a 0 over a positive number any day!

That's a whole other story :eek:. Ever since I turned 40 last year - it is all over the place - no rhyme or reason.

I am VERY grateful that I've yet to see a week with a gain - I agree, I will take a 0 over a gain any day :).

- Laura
I've had about a gallon of Diet Dr. Pepper trying to stay up for the Butler basketball game!! AND since I'm up later than usual, I'm hungry. Even though I'm weighing-in tomorrow morning, I *had* to eat something...chose microwave popcorn over chips. popcorn:: GO DAWGS!!!
Hello all,

I am fairly new to DIS, I've been posting for a few weeks now. And I joined WW online 1 week ago so you can imagine how happy I was to find this thread today!

I have done WW before (2008) and i was doing really well. I had lost about 40lbs and was really motivated, even starting to add exercise into my daily routine. That was all derailed when my father died suddenly and at the same time a bunch of other really stressful things were happening. I slowly started to gain back a few pounds here and there but not too bad. I wasn't following WW but I was still exercising so it was only a few pounds. I stayed there for a while until I broke my foot and couldn't exercise anymore. I never got back to my heaviest weight, thank goodness, but I was getting too close for my comfort. So I'm back on WW. I lost 5.5lbs the first week so I'm feeling good!

I've been saying I want to get back on track for a while but couldn't seem to get myself motivated. Well, planning this trip to Disney was just the thing. I want to feel comfortable being in pictures with my kids and looking like I was actually on the vacation :) But really, I want to feel better about myself and show my kids how to eat healthy and keep exercise and activity important in their lives so they never have to feel uncomfortable in their skin the way that I do sometimes. I'm hoping for a total loss of 20lbs before we go in July.

Tonight is my first real challenge. We are getting together with neighbors for a pizza night and as today is my birthday, I suspect they'll have a surprise cake and ice-cream. I really don't even want it but I don't want to be rude. I've saved some weekly points for it so I guess it won't be so bad. I don't even want pizza to be honest...I have never felt it was worth all those points. I think I might eat my own dinner before we go and push a piece of pizza around on my plate ;)

I'm looking forward to being a part of this group!
I made 10% tonight! It was right on the nose though...all I needed was .6 loss and that's exactly what I had. I find the key is really tracking everything! I need to try to move away from the processed foods though. It's just so easy to grab a Smart Ones dinner to take to work. I'm not a salad lover and I get tired of sandwiches. I need to find some tasty lunch ideas!

Way to go everyone!!

Hey it doesn't matter if it was right on the nose you got there, Great Job :yay:.

I WI Wednesday night....I only lost 1 lb for a total of 7.2 lbs in three weeks. I knew it was going to be tough because looking at the fj I see eating out too many times.

See, the plan is so livable, you went out to eat several times and still lost weight. Awesome Job :banana:
Hello all,

I am fairly new to DIS, I've been posting for a few weeks now. And I joined WW online 1 week ago so you can imagine how happy I was to find this thread today!

I have done WW before (2008) and i was doing really well. I had lost about 40lbs and was really motivated, even starting to add exercise into my daily routine. That was all derailed when my father died suddenly and at the same time a bunch of other really stressful things were happening. I slowly started to gain back a few pounds here and there but not too bad. I wasn't following WW but I was still exercising so it was only a few pounds. I stayed there for a while until I broke my foot and couldn't exercise anymore. I never got back to my heaviest weight, thank goodness, but I was getting too close for my comfort. So I'm back on WW. I lost 5.5lbs the first week so I'm feeling good!

I've been saying I want to get back on track for a while but couldn't seem to get myself motivated. Well, planning this trip to Disney was just the thing. I want to feel comfortable being in pictures with my kids and looking like I was actually on the vacation :) But really, I want to feel better about myself and show my kids how to eat healthy and keep exercise and activity important in their lives so they never have to feel uncomfortable in their skin the way that I do sometimes. I'm hoping for a total loss of 20lbs before we go in July.

Tonight is my first real challenge. We are getting together with neighbors for a pizza night and as today is my birthday, I suspect they'll have a surprise cake and ice-cream. I really don't even want it but I don't want to be rude. I've saved some weekly points for it so I guess it won't be so bad. I don't even want pizza to be honest...I have never felt it was worth all those points. I think I might eat my own dinner before we go and push a piece of pizza around on my plate ;)

I'm looking forward to being a part of this group!

First :welcome:

Second :bday: (mine is on Tuesday so I hear ya on the the food and cake)

I commend you for making the step towards a new healthier lifestyle and wanting to be a great example to your kids. Most of us here probably will agree support is a big key to all our sucess, whether it be meetings, friends, family, message forums. This thread is the best, couldn't survive without it. Good luck, don't dwell on your past attempts, we all have been there :goodvibes.
Weigh in this morning... down .4 I'll take it!... I am very relaxed with tracking points on weekends so my goal for this weekend is to track everything!!! Happy Friday... wish it was warmer! Stupid Groundhog! At least the sun is shining...
I'm behind on this thread AGAIN, but wanted to share my good news of down 0.4 today! :banana: 4.6 pounds until I'm not considered overweight anymore!

I hope to catch up soon, still light years behind on the DIS since returning from our trip. :surfweb:
hi all
this thread is moving so fast, I can not keep up with it!! Welcome to the the newbies and congrats to those losing this week!'

I weighed this morning and am down 3 lbs since last Thursday...still up a couple lbs from my last official weigh in at a meeting but it will come. I couldn't get to my meeting again this week;I had a new meeting to work at yesterday and next Thursday but I am going to try and get back to one ASAP. Thought about going to one this morning, but I decided to go to the gym instead. I ran 6 miles today! That's a record for me. Yesterday I signed up for a 10K in June, so I figured I better get going on being able to accomplish that:goodvibes

have a great week!
*Waves* I'm not new to the DIS but I am new to WW!

My husband and I joined WW 5 weeks ago and up until the 4-week mark I was down 9.6! Then we went on vacation during spring break last week and I gained a pound :( I'm not upset about it because we had a very fun time and I did eat off points.

But we went back this past Tuesday and now I'm back on track! We try to eat at home or pack lunches for work and I've been very successful! I love to cook and it's fun trying to make our favorite foods into healthier versions! It's hard to let go of the butter and cream but I've been using cooking sprays and half and half instead of cream.

My husband hasn't been as successful because he's just not used to the work it takes to prepare your meals ahead of time. He's a paramedic and is in an ambulance all day. he would eat take out/fast food all teh time and now he finds it difficult to resist the temptation of his partner eating mcDonalds, lol. He was down 6lbs at the 4 week mark but gained 2 during spring break while we were on vacation. He's not discouraged, he told our WW leader that he had a great time, and it showed on the scale ;)

Sorry for the long winded intro! I'm excited to have more accountability by coming here and talking about my food journal and successes :) My 5% goal is to lose 13.6lbs and I'm almost there!
Hello all,

Tonight is my first real challenge. We are getting together with neighbors for a pizza night and as today is my birthday, I suspect they'll have a surprise cake and ice-cream. I really don't even want it but I don't want to be rude. I've saved some weekly points for it so I guess it won't be so bad. I don't even want pizza to be honest...I have never felt it was worth all those points. I think I might eat my own dinner before we go and push a piece of pizza around on my plate ;)

I'm looking forward to being a part of this group!

Hi there,

Are your neighbors close enough friends that you could say "for my birthday, please don't ask me to eat this stuff"? In the alternative, maybe by the time the cake and ice cream comes along, you could say you're stuffed and would like to take a piece home -- then toss it when you get home. I have to do that with my mom all the time.

Happy birthday and good luck!
Hi there,

Are your neighbors close enough friends that you could say "for my birthday, please don't ask me to eat this stuff"?

Oh, absolutely! They are wonderful. I can just see all the kids waiting for me to have some since they probably helped to make it. I think I've decided to have a big salad with tuna for lunch and save some points for a small piece. It is my birthday afterall!!!!!!! It's the dinner that has me thinking...I think pizza is okay, but give me a good chicken breast with veggies over pizza any day. I think I've decided to eat dinner before we go and that's when I'll just tell them that I ate already. I know they won't have a problem with it.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Just wanted to share what I had for lunch today...it was really yummy and filling and only 8pp!

Made it with some leftover chicken breasts from the other night and some veggies and cheese we had in the fridge.

-4oz chicken breast cut up (4pp)
-1/3 cup fat free shredded mozzarella cheese (1pp)
-a couple of sliced cherry tomatoes (0pp)
-approx. 1/4 cup frozen spinach (0pp)
-1tbsp light caesar dressing (1pp)
-Low carb wrap (2pp)

I sliced the chicken breasts and tomatoes and tossed them in a saute pan with a little bit of frozen spinach on medium heat until everything was hot...once everything was hot I stirred everything around in the pan with about 1tbsp of light caesar dressing.
Once that was done I took everything out of the pan and wiped it clean, then put it back on the heat and put the low carb wrap in the pan and put the cheese in the wrap. Once the cheese was melted I took it out of the pan, put the chicken/veggies inside. Mmmm it was really good! I had it with a side of some leftover asparagus. Hope this might give someone a new food idea!
*Waves* I'm not new to the DIS but I am new to WW!

My husband and I joined WW 5 weeks ago and up until the 4-week mark I was down 9.6! Then we went on vacation during spring break last week and I gained a pound :( I'm not upset about it because we had a very fun time and I did eat off points.

But we went back this past Tuesday and now I'm back on track! We try to eat at home or pack lunches for work and I've been very successful! I love to cook and it's fun trying to make our favorite foods into healthier versions! It's hard to let go of the butter and cream but I've been using cooking sprays and half and half instead of cream.

My husband hasn't been as successful because he's just not used to the work it takes to prepare your meals ahead of time. He's a paramedic and is in an ambulance all day. he would eat take out/fast food all teh time and now he finds it difficult to resist the temptation of his partner eating mcDonalds, lol. He was down 6lbs at the 4 week mark but gained 2 during spring break while we were on vacation. He's not discouraged, he told our WW leader that he had a great time, and it showed on the scale ;)

Sorry for the long winded intro! I'm excited to have more accountability by coming here and talking about my food journal and successes :) My 5% goal is to lose 13.6lbs and I'm almost there!

Hello, welcome!!! Congrats on your recent wedding. I scanned through your trip report and your pictures of the wedding and everything are amazing, what a beautiful couple. I just came back from disney and gained 3lbs but, I have to look at the 60 I've lost. This weeks meeting topic about setbacks was perfect. Ya got to just pick yourself up and just keep swimming ;). Good luck to both you and your husband.
Down 2.2 last night. That was for 2 weeks though because I couldn't go last eek. Also joined the First Strides walk/run program on Tuesday ight to motivate me to get going! Since Jnuary 1 I have lost 25 pounds.
Just popping in to say ... Yes, a miracle happened. I lost 2.4 lbs this week :eek:. Just goes to show you that you really shouldn't get on the scale every day because yesterday's number was just as likely to make me throw in the towel for the week instead of sticking with it. In any case, I am now at my lowest weight in a couple of years and I am still within reach of my goal of a 5lb star by my birthday next month :banana:.
Just found this thread and I'm in need of some motivation from people who are following WW like me. At my last week weigh in I had gained 1.5 after walking 10,000 to 14,000 steps every day - I was totally thrown off and got discouraged. Which led me to a totally bad week of eating. I've pulled it together and started up again today and making sure I'm counting and logging all of my points.

Looking forward to being part of this thread and hopefully next week I can post a loss!
We just got home from a wonderful day in Washington DC to see the Cherry Blossoms. DH, DD and I had a great time - did a ton of walking, my feet hurt. We also spent some time in the American History Musuem. I packed my lunch and we had McDonalds (I had a salad) for dinner, so I was very happy to stay within my points. Weigh in is tomorrow morning.

I'm so bad with personals - I haven't figured out the multi quote thing, but congrats to all the losers and welcome to our new friends. It is great to see so much activity here.

Have a good evening everyone!
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