August/September Disneyers...let's get in shape for our trip!!

My name is Nyc and I want to join! I, too, need to be held accountable for staying on track. I am a 38 year old mother of three (DS 12, DD 8, DD21/2). I am currently about 20 pounds overweight, but I really need to get back into exercising!!!! My goal would to be to fit in at least 5 days of workouts/week. Once I get on track I am usually pretty good, but it is getting on track that tends to be difficult for me! I always find an excuse to start "tomorrow"... but with you all here, I will have people to answer to!:rolleyes1
Thanks for starting this!!!
Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! I want to join!!! :banana: LOL

My name is Jennifer and this is EXACTLY what I need. My story is a little long, but I really need people to keep me accountable and check up on me if I'm not sticking to the plan. Are you guys up for that?

Ok then, I'm Jennifer - a 33 year old wife and step-mother to a 15 yo son and 13 yo daughter. I adore my kids, but I am SO EXCITED that my amazing husband and I are planning our 10th Anniversary trip this September! Just the two of us for 7 amazing days - I can't even imagine. We are even planning a super-simple vow renewal while we are there just to celebrate and reaffirm our love for each other after a really tough year.

Here's what this past year has been like for us: In August I hurt my back - they didn't know what had happened but put me on bed rest while they ran test after test after test. Luckily I have an amazing job that allowed me to work from home for 3 months until they found out I had a severely herniated disk and needed emergency surgery. I had the surgery in November and did another 6 weeks of bed rest. Both good and bad was that my DH was laid off in October. I'm glad he was here to help me after surgery but with the economy the way it is, I was nervous. After the recovery, I went back to work for 2 1/2 weeks and guess what? I re-herniated the disk. This only happens to less than 5% of the people who have the surgery I had and it's the result of nothing I'm doing - just a really bad disk. They put me back on bed rest to see if it would correct itself. After 7 more weeks, it was worse and I had surgery again. I'm now on week 3 of recovery with 3 more weeks of bed rest. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to going back to work and having a life again. My DH has been out of work this entire time so it has been great being together, but it's also been hard on him to have to do everything for the family. But we have made it through and are determined not to go through this again!

I'm sorry for the looong story, but I wanted to explain why I won't be working out for the next 3 weeks, but also why it is so important that I lose this weight and build up my core strength. My absolute goal would be to lose right around 75-80 pounds and look like I did in college. I'm 5'10" and would love to be a slender size 10-12 again. I hate shopping in plus sized stores more than anything! Anyway, my goal before our trip is to lose as much weight as I can so that I will feel beautiful and confident as I recommit to my amazing husband! I don't know a # yet, but I'm going to stick with 80 pounds as my goal.

In the meantime, I'm a great cheerleader if you'll have me!!! :cheer2: I know that my biggest fault will be sticking to this, so it would be great to have people who will PM me or "fuss" at me if I don't check in.

And there you have it!
ETA: The 8 pound loss is something I have NO idea how I did. When I weighed in for surgery 2, I had lost weight! Who knew that laying flat on your back eating junk food all day for weeks could result in weight loss? I think something screwy happened, so I'll update everything when I get up and really start this process!

How exciting, you're just up the road from me(I think!)!! I'm actually in Huntersville, and from your screen name it sounds like you're in I right??

I kinda feel the same way about having people PM and fuss at me to keep me on track. Maybe since we're so close we can fuss at each other in person, lol!!

Keep us posted on your surgery. I'll be thinking about ya!!
Welcome Nyc! While we all have different total amounts we want to lose, I think most of us are thinking in the 20 lbs range would be great before our trip! So we're with ya! START TODAY! ;)

I kinda feel the same way about having people PM and fuss at me to keep me on track. Maybe since we're so close we can fuss at each other in person, lol!!
Ok we'll PM and fuss at you both! (Ummm, but I feel stupid that I don't actually know what PM stands for! I understand what you both mean from the context but I don't think I'm familiar with the term!!! :lmao:)
Keep us posted on your surgery. I'll be thinking about ya!! Me too!

Updated List of Joiners:

Tara (NewlyDisneyCrazed): married, 2 kids, Goal: lose 20 lbs by Aug.24 (50 total to lose)
Krista (Brownsfan): mom to 11 year old Goal: down 20 more lbs by Sept. trip (already down 38 lbs! )
Cathy (Riverhill): mom to DD16, joined weight loss clinic to lose weight before Aug. 22 trip.
Jennifer (QueenCityDiva): married, mom of 2, getting ready for Sept. romantic vacation!
Kaiti (JacksLilWench): Goal: to exercise 20 min/day...great idea!
Nyc (B's Marie): Mom to 3, Goal: lose 20 lbs and exercise 5x/week
NickNElliesMom: single, 2 kids, Goal: 20 lbs by Aug. 21st trip (50 total to lose)
BlackPearl: Goal: to be fit! (And try to be friends with the scale??) (60 total to lose)
peaceluv&mickeymouse: Goal: lose 20 lbs by Aug. 20th trip
Hey all! My name is Pam by the way.

Sorry I haven't been on, I've been super busy but I'll try to check in as often as possible!! :thumbsup2:

Somehow I just came home with a bag of M&ms.....they just jumped in my cart!! :rotfl::confused3

Going to the gym later, so hopefully the bag will remain sealed.
Hey all! My name is Pam by the way.

Sorry I haven't been on, I've been super busy but I'll try to check in as often as possible!! :thumbsup2:

Somehow I just came home with a bag of M&ms.....they just jumped in my cart!! :rotfl::confused3

Going to the gym later, so hopefully the bag will remain sealed.

You know, I think it is a new kind of packaging with those M & Ms and they are trying to boost sales, because I have the same problem!! They jump in my cart ALL the time!!!! LOL :rotfl2:

I have decided not to even get on the scale for the next day or so. After all of the junk I ate today (celebrating the boss' birthday) on top of the stress for my final on Friday, I don't want to lose motivation overall.

Also thought of something when Cathy mentioned her swim suit promise. I bought this t-shirt that is a Cleveland Browns theme that would be the perfect "girlie" shirt to wear to a game in the fall (well-here in Cleveland maybe during one of the August/September games-after that it gets really chilly at the stadium with the winds of the lake :)) Anyways, I bought it on clearance so I had to buy a size smaller so I cannot wear it right now. I took the shirt and hung it up on the wall in my bedroom so that it is the first thing I see every morning. I used it to help remind me that I want to be able to wear it soon!!!
Those M&M's are in a conspiracy against us, I tell ya!! Especially those peanut butter ones....tricky little devils :stitch2:

And I do the same thing with hanging stuff up too :) I just don't know what to hang up right now :confused3 I am gonna have to pick something fun and soon, summer is bearing down on us quick (at least in the Carolinas...though you wouldn't know it today, it was only 65 degrees!) Looks like I'll have to go through my closet and find something to inspire me!
I am not going to weigh myself until next week. And the M&Ms are still sealed!
I did manage to go for a workout tonight , so I feel good about that.:cool1:
I like the idea of hanging an outfit or something in my bedroom so I have to look at it all the time. I think I have a new reason to go SHOPPING!:banana:
I go tomorrow for my nutrition class at the clinic, hope to learn something new.

For the first 3 days they have me on a rather restrictive meal plan which makes me nervous. My boss and several other co-workers have already been to the clinic for weight loss with great and lasting success so I hope for the best.

Krista, I think the tee in a smaller size will be great motivation:thumbsup2
How exciting, you're just up the road from me(I think!)!! I'm actually in Huntersville, and from your screen name it sounds like you're in I right??

I kinda feel the same way about having people PM and fuss at me to keep me on track. Maybe since we're so close we can fuss at each other in person, lol!!

Keep us posted on your surgery. I'll be thinking about ya!!

Hey there! I'm even more excited than ever now! Yep, I'm in Charlotte and I'm only about 5 minutes from Huntersville! This is awesome!

I am totally up for personal fuss-sessions, I mean workouts! I have been hearing that the Greenway in Hville is a really nice 3 mile trail. That's perfect for a walk and eventually a run! These next few weeks are going to drag by for me, but I'm starting to get really excited about this awesome group of people!

Here's a question - does anyone know anything about swimming? My dad has a personal trainer and he suggested that I start swimming. He said it's a fantastic way to build your core strength and lose weight with no impact on your back. I never thought about it, but it sounds good to me. What are your thoughts?
Went to class today. Almost seems like too much food. I will be eatting about 1300 calories per day with lots of fruits and veggies. I am pretty sure the first week will be all water weight.

I think the biggest pro to the plan is I have to be weighted in 5 days a week for the first 2 weeks and then 3 days per week until I meet my goal. A little accountablity goes a long way. ;)
Went to class today. Almost seems like too much food. I will be eatting about 1300 calories per day with lots of fruits and veggies. I am pretty sure the first week will be all water weight.

I think the biggest pro to the plan is I have to be weighted in 5 days a week for the first 2 weeks and then 3 days per week until I meet my goal. A little accountablity goes a long way. ;)

Lots of luck! You know we are here for you!:cheer2:
Hey there! I'm even more excited than ever now! Yep, I'm in Charlotte and I'm only about 5 minutes from Huntersville! This is awesome!

I am totally up for personal fuss-sessions, I mean workouts! I have been hearing that the Greenway in Hville is a really nice 3 mile trail. That's perfect for a walk and eventually a run! These next few weeks are going to drag by for me, but I'm starting to get really excited about this awesome group of people!

Here's a question - does anyone know anything about swimming? My dad has a personal trainer and he suggested that I start swimming. He said it's a fantastic way to build your core strength and lose weight with no impact on your back. I never thought about it, but it sounds good to me. What are your thoughts?

YAYYY!!! I love workout buddies!! Where is the Greenway? I think I've heard of that, but not ever seen it. Looks like I have some googling to do :thumbsup2 I know the Huntersville Business Park is a great place to run/walk--they recently narrowed the diving lanes (they used to be spacious enough to put four cars side by side) and used one side as a pedestrian lane and TONS of people use it to work out in.

I've heard lots of good things about swimming. I wish I had somewhere to do it! Everything I've heard says it's really good for your joints because it provides resistance, but in a very fluid (no pun intended) fashion. And that it really is quite a workout!

How is everyone else doing with their goals?! :hippie:
Look like everyone has a plan. Thats great! The bag of m&ms is still sealed but now I just noticed it has that sweepstakes game on it but you have to open the bag to see if you won:rolleyes1

There IS a conspiracy! lol :rotfl:

Anyway, I will just have to have more will power!:)

Lets stay strong and make our goals. For me, this is a great way to keep on track. I like the fact that I check in everyday. It keeps me honest.
Day one of a three day strict diet. They have me eatting only raw veggies and red meat. NO sodium allowed.(thank goodness for Mrs. Dash) I can only drink so much herbal tea to try and get rid of my cravings.

I am looking forward to Sunday when I can eat normal food again. Although almost all salt has been eliminated from my diet. I never realized how much I use salt/sodium. :sad2:
Day one of a three day strict diet. They have me eatting only raw veggies and red meat. NO sodium allowed.(thank goodness for Mrs. Dash) I can only drink so much herbal tea to try and get rid of my cravings.

I am looking forward to Sunday when I can eat normal food again. Although almost all salt has been eliminated from my diet. I never realized how much I use salt/sodium. :sad2:

I've heard that Americans consume more than twice the RDA for sodium(Thank you, Dr. Oz.) That's one of the causes of so much high blood pressure in the US :eek: I have definitely been watching my labels lately for it!

Ugh, I am so short on my exercise minutes so far this week. I am REALLY gonna have to step it up if I'm gonna reach my goals, both for exercise minutes AND weight. I can't go to WDW looking like a hot mess! My DM scrapbooks too much for me to be looking like I do right now in tons of pictures. I have worked out 70 minutes so far this week, and want to do an additional 20 today (I did 10 this morning, but I need to catch up for yesterday)

How is everyone else doing??
. I have worked out 70 minutes so far this week, and want to do an additional 20 today (I did 10 this morning, but I need to catch up for yesterday)

How is everyone else doing??

Great job getting in exercise each day. I know you will catch up :thumbsup2

I just went for a 2.5 mile walk with my DD. It is windy and getting chilly tonight but still did it so I feel pretty good. Only one more day of the raw veggie/red meat diet, then things will become more normal in a healthy way.
Hi everyone!
I am proud of myself... my youngest daughter's preschool had a Mother's Day Tea today and rather than eating the sweets, I stuck to healthy fruits and veggies. Yesterday my workout was better than today as I seem to have spent the moring running errands.
Hey, does that count as running?:rotfl2: I am so glad to have you all here to report to, thanks!
How are you all doing?
Mind if I join?

I'm Jen, mom to 6 including twin girls who just turned 1 last week. I've gained 35 lbs since last August :sad2: (I'm embarassed to type that!) and was overweight to begin with.

My goal is to get at least 30 of those pounds off by Sept. 1st. Not using any plan or diet, just doing this on my own.

edited to add that we are headed to FL sometime in Sept, have not yet booked out flights so we have not locked in our dates!
Mind if I join?

I'm Jen, mom to 6 including twin girls who just turned 1 last week. I've gained 35 lbs since last August :sad2: (I'm embarassed to type that!) and was overweight to begin with.

My goal is to get at least 30 of those pounds off by Sept. 1st. Not using any plan or diet, just doing this on my own.

edited to add that we are headed to FL sometime in Sept, have not yet booked out flights so we have not locked in our dates!

Welcome Jen! :yay: Always nice to have another person to be accountable too:thumbsup2


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