Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge--for Losers and Maintainers

Congratulations to all our superstars and especially to our biggest loser, Tracey! :thumbsup2

And thank you, Tracey, for being weightkeeper this challenge! :flower3:

Thanks for the warning on the last disc thing -- grrr! Johnny Depp is always a plus in my book for sure! ::yes::

Shawn, so sorry your guys were so sick. :hug: That is one of the worst things to wake up in the middle of the night to. :scared1: I'm so happy that you did not get it too.

I think you did great this challenge, especially with all the other stuff going on in your life. I'm so glad that you are here! :flower3:

Thank you, Rose for doing such a great job running the big, busy spring challenge. It would not have happened if it wasn't for you! :flower3:

I love peonies, too, but in our neck of the woods we call them "early summer flowers." In fact we had frost night before last and had to bring in our hanging baskets. :laughing: I love the lilacs here. There are so many beautiful colors and the fragrance is divine. They should start up here in another week or so. Daffodils are nice, too, and the deer don't like them.

CC, sorry about the gain this week. :hug: You've had a tough week. Maybe some stress busting HH tasks -- there is a whole section on sparkpeople. I will PM you a link some time this week.

It depends on which way they are taking off and landing but it seems like they are flying very close to you. I'm sure he will love it. :goodvibes Ah, the good old days when simple things excited them -- now if you point out something somedays you are lucky to get a "whatever." :rolleyes1 Have a wonderful time and big old frou frou drink for us! :beach:

Woo hoo you lost! :woohoo: :lmao: Seems funny saying that! I feel fortunate that my presence is no longer desired within a certain radius of school and I don't do the PTA thing any more. I'm just the faithful parent who can be counted on to bring what is needed. ;)

I'm glad that Mike and the boys are okay after their fender bender. :hug:
I hope that things settle down for you at work soon. You've made it so far, Lindsay, I know that you will have a great summer and we will be right here with you! princess:

::yes:: You know that first hand, Deb. :hug: When does your new job start?

Well, where's the fun in that? :confused3 :lmao: I'm glad that you are having a better day today, Kathy. :hug:

Everyone should give themselves a big pat on the back for sticking with it throughout the whole challenge no matter what -- finish strong all! :goodvibes

Hah! Neener, neener poof fairy didn't lose my post after all! :teeth:

My first day at my new job is Next Monday. I'm super excited. Of course I didn't get any of the project done that I had hoped to, but things kept popping up and that's okay. Right now I'm enjoying being Mom as much as possible and I keep reminding myself that I had kids to spend time with them and to enjoy every second of it.:goodvibes
Hi teammates,

Just wanted to take some time and share how my grandson, Caleb, is doing. First off his parents Melissa (DD) and Kyle (DSIL) are doing great. They are rocks and I am very proud of them. And little Caleb is a little rock too. And before when you would look at him his eyes were all over the place as he was attempting to focus on something. Now he will stare right through you and this is great since this is letting us know his tumors are shrinking.

I took the day off today to be with them at Seattle Children's Hospital for round #2 of chemo. We sat together in the infusion room (new word for me, infusion) and watched several episodes of Modern Family during the four hour procedure. I think I like this show and stole the DVD set from the kids to watch more. Anyway, walking into the hospital I noticed a carved Mickey Mouse so naturally I had to have a picture with him and Caleb.

Just wanted to share the update with my 'mates. And here are some photos of our outing this afternoon.

Me and Caleb next to Mickey.

Melissa and Caleb

Kyle and Caleb

Take Care,
Hi teammates,

Just wanted to take some time and share how my grandson, Caleb, is doing. First off his parents Melissa (DD) and Kyle (DSIL) are doing great. They are rocks and I am very proud of them. And little Caleb is a little rock too. And before when you would look at him his eyes were all over the place as he was attempting to focus on something. Now he will stare right through you and this is great since this is letting us know his tumors are shrinking.

I took the day off today to be with them at Seattle Children's Hospital for round #2 of chemo. We sat together in the infusion room (new word for me, infusion) and watched several episodes of Modern Family during the four hour procedure. I think I like this show and stole the DVD set from the kids to watch more. Anyway, walking into the hospital I noticed a carved Mickey Mouse so naturally I had to have a picture with him and Caleb.

Just wanted to share the update with my 'mates. And here are some photos of our outing this afternoon.

Me and Caleb next to Mickey.

Melissa and Caleb

Kyle and Caleb

Take Care,

I'm so glad to hear that you are already seeing improvement. Aren't kids miraculous?:goodvibes
Hi Everyone,

Another day of stress eating :scared1:

Tomorrow, I'm starting a new journal- and I'm taking it everywhere with me. I'm not expecting a loss this week with a party on Sat. and another one on Sunday. There's also the matter of my parents not really being on board with healthy eating. I've had red meat 4-5 times in the last week. :eek: I'm hoping mom will pick up fish for dinner tomorrow night.

Reading went better today, but I'm taking P's advice and reading at home from now on; there will be no more crying at work. :thumbsup2

I'm definitely planning more "me" time into my life. I like Lisa's ideas for HH for the summer challenge. I've really realized how much of a role stress plays in my weight loss efforts. At my current weight, I need to lose over 3 pounds a week to reach my goal for WDW. I'm going to set my mind to it and I might just make it. I'm going to steal Kathy's idea and put together a schedule.

Congrats Tracey for being this week's BL!

Prayers for P's DSIL and Caleb.

:grouphug: for all of us.

:goodvibes for weigh-in tomorrow.
Hi teammates,

Just wanted to take some time and share how my grandson, Caleb, is doing. First off his parents Melissa (DD) and Kyle (DSIL) are doing great. They are rocks and I am very proud of them. And little Caleb is a little rock too. And before when you would look at him his eyes were all over the place as he was attempting to focus on something. Now he will stare right through you and this is great since this is letting us know his tumors are shrinking.

I took the day off today to be with them at Seattle Children's Hospital for round #2 of chemo. We sat together in the infusion room (new word for me, infusion) and watched several episodes of Modern Family during the four hour procedure. I think I like this show and stole the DVD set from the kids to watch more. Anyway, walking into the hospital I noticed a carved Mickey Mouse so naturally I had to have a picture with him and Caleb.

Just wanted to share the update with my 'mates. And here are some photos of our outing this afternoon.

Me and Caleb next to Mickey.

Melissa and Caleb

Kyle and Caleb

Take Care,

Dave, Thanks for the update and the Pics!!! Been praying for Caleb & your family! It is so nice to hear good news!
This week has been entirely too emotional!! I was trying to do well with my eating but the girls wanted to go to Skyline for Chili tonight. Not a good diet food at all!! Oh well.

DH has his contract all signed and turns in his resignation out of town tomorrow!! :thumbsup2

I HAD to go shopping. my pants are Hanging off me! I hit Kohl's with a 30% off and did well. I have worn a 14 for years. I went in to get 12s and needed a 10!!! SOOOOO Happy! i almost cried in the fitting room!! Texted DH at work! :lmao: I also got an adorable dress on the clearance rack! It is a MEDIUM!!! Did you read that MEDIUM!!!!!!! :banana: I also got M shirts!!! :dance3:

Can you tell I am excited? Thanks everyone for your support!:flower3:

Have a great weekend everyone!!
OK, I can pretty much guarantee that I won't be on more than once tomorrow!

I've got to go to work for a bit and hopefully not have to stay as I still have a lot to do before tomorrow night. I have one tub of things packed for tomorrow! I thought I'd just use tubs so the stuff will stay dry and all together.

My mom's appointments are at 2 and 3 tomorrow. She and my sister are going to go to a different main doctor after tomorrow after some things that the doctor said/did that they were not happy with. They are going to see the doctor my dad saw and the same radiology oncologist. After I get the phone call tomorrow I have to call my brother, my AUnt and two church friends of my mom's. I also have to pick up Ash early to have her orthodontist consult at 1:30. It's going to be a crazy day!

I hope to try and sleep until 6:20 tomorrow since I'm not sleeping tomorrow night! I hope to get to the relay by 5 to get the tents and other stuff set up. Really looking forward to spending time with my team. They seem really awesome!

Well, we're watching the Bruins game and it's intense! I also feel I need something to eat!

I'll try and stop in on Saturday at some point!

TTFN :tigger:
Good Friday morning Teams. We made it to the end. Today is the last weigh in for this challenge. Good luck to everyone.

I missed coming on yesterday. The boards were down in the morning and then I had a dinner to go to in the afternoon.

I am moving very slow this morning. I couldn't go to yoga last night and I think my body is rebelling. I ache all over. it will get better as I get moving this morning.

Dh is going camping this weekend so it is going to be quiet around here. I hope to get some things done around here. My only obligation this weekend is something for church on Sunday morning.

I have lost any time I had to get some things done this morning. Have to get ready for work .

Have a happy and healthy day.
Happy Friday everyone!:goodvibes We made it to the end of the Winter Challenge. I just submitted my last weigh-in. No doubt I will not be the biggest loser but I did end the challenge with a 5.7 lb total loss:)

Thanks to Rose, Dona, Tracy, CC, Connie and all our weekly coaches. I could not have done it w/o you and all of our wonderful participants on both teams! It has been fun to make some new friends along the way too.

During the Summer challenge, I am hoping to hit these milestones:

1. 30 lbs lost in total (2.8 lbs away)
2. weight of 189 (5.8 lbs away)
3. 35 lbs lost in total (7.8 lbs away)
and maybe MORE!

So far today I have done the elliptical for 45 minutes while watching AI (GO SCOTTY!!!), biked to yoga with my friend, had 75 minute yoga practice and biked back home. It is a very easy 10 min bike ride.

Now I'm back online researching more things for our trip. A friend sent me a link to Paris Walks, an English couple conducts these really neat walks with different topics. I wish we had time to do them all! I think we will do the walk through Montmarte. It's only 12 euro and you meet them right at the subway stop and no reservation is required. I don't have our whole trip planned each minute but am writing down ideas to pick from.

Dave, thanks for the update on Caleb. Great to hear such a positive report!
Continued prayers for complete healing.

Dona, enjoy your down weekend! Maybe some time for your new sewing table? Keep stretching and working out those kinks:goodvibes

Tracy, good luck at your relay walk!

Nancy, SIZE 10!!!!!!!!! That's great!!!

CC, you are sounding more like yourself. I love a fresh new journal!
Here's to a fresh start:yay:

Deb, good luck with your new job next week!

Pam, not sure why I'm feeling so hungry lately.popcorn:: I go through that sometimes. I know last week I ate a lot while I was home so it could be my body adjusting back to more normal sized portions. Could be hormones, stress, you name it! I also tend to start off the day doing very well only to be ravenous later. I think I need more calories earlier in the day. And, more discipline later :rotfl: Good luck getting everything together for your relay team:goodvibes

Well, friends, I hope you are all coming back for the Summer challenge. I am looking forward to staying in touch and hearing everyone's travel stories and having some place to vent when I get stressed with my transition back to the States. Have a great day and a great weekend and I will see you again on May 31st:cool2:

This week has been entirely too emotional!! I was trying to do well with my eating but the girls wanted to go to Skyline for Chili tonight. Not a good diet food at all!! Oh well.

DH has his contract all signed and turns in his resignation out of town tomorrow!! :thumbsup2

I HAD to go shopping. my pants are Hanging off me! I hit Kohl's with a 30% off and did well. I have worn a 14 for years. I went in to get 12s and needed a 10!!! SOOOOO Happy! i almost cried in the fitting room!! Texted DH at work! :lmao: I also got an adorable dress on the clearance rack! It is a MEDIUM!!! Did you read that MEDIUM!!!!!!! :banana: I also got M shirts!!! :dance3:

Can you tell I am excited? Thanks everyone for your support!:flower3:

Have a great weekend everyone!!

:cool1::cool1:That is so exciting. I totally remember that size 10 changing room moment :lmao:

Busy day here today too. DH was home sick yesterday, haven't seem him that sick in years. Thankfully he is feeling better today and has gone to work. I walked around with a can of lysol all day hoping to keep the rest of us bug free.

Nick has an away game this afternoon that we can't go to since Colby has a home game. I'm expecting some new equipment to arrive this morning for Nick so I will meet him at school with some hot food and new equipment before the bus takes off. I need to pick up a watermelon and get that cut up for Colby's team for half time. I also need to get a bunch of things done around the house plus a few phone calls that need to be made.
Relax and enjoy your trip and safe travels! We'll be here (somewhere) when you get back!! .........................P

Thanks, I may be back to check in before we leave around 3:00, but I'm a little behind in work and packing so that may not happen.

Hi teammates,

Just wanted to take some time and share how my grandson, Caleb, is doing. First off his parents Melissa (DD) and Kyle (DSIL) are doing great. They are rocks and I am very proud of them. And little Caleb is a little rock too. And before when you would look at him his eyes were all over the place as he was attempting to focus on something. Now he will stare right through you and this is great since this is letting us know his tumors are shrinking.

I took the day off today to be with them at Seattle Children's Hospital for round #2 of chemo. We sat together in the infusion room (new word for me, infusion) and watched several episodes of Modern Family during the four hour procedure. I think I like this show and stole the DVD set from the kids to watch more. Anyway, walking into the hospital I noticed a carved Mickey Mouse so naturally I had to have a picture with him and Caleb.

Just wanted to share the update with my 'mates. And here are some photos of our outing this afternoon.

Me and Caleb next to Mickey.

Melissa and Caleb

Kyle and Caleb

Take Care,

Hi Dave,
I'm so glad to hear that Caleb is doing well. I'll keep praying for everyone. Love the pic with Mickey :lovestruc

OK, I can pretty much guarantee that I won't be on more than once tomorrow!

I've got to go to work for a bit and hopefully not have to stay as I still have a lot to do before tomorrow night. I have one tub of things packed for tomorrow! I thought I'd just use tubs so the stuff will stay dry and all together.

My mom's appointments are at 2 and 3 tomorrow. She and my sister are going to go to a different main doctor after tomorrow after some things that the doctor said/did that they were not happy with. They are going to see the doctor my dad saw and the same radiology oncologist. After I get the phone call tomorrow I have to call my brother, my AUnt and two church friends of my mom's. I also have to pick up Ash early to have her orthodontist consult at 1:30. It's going to be a crazy day!

I hope to try and sleep until 6:20 tomorrow since I'm not sleeping tomorrow night! I hope to get to the relay by 5 to get the tents and other stuff set up. Really looking forward to spending time with my team. They seem really awesome!

Well, we're watching the Bruins game and it's intense! I also feel I need something to eat!

I'll try and stop in on Saturday at some point!

TTFN :tigger:

Hi Tracey,
Hope everything goes well with your mother's appointments today.

Hello everyone, well this will most likely be my last post for a week. We leave for the airport around 3:00 and I haven't packed yet :scared1: I also have a few letters to write for work and need to take DS to get a haircut. I'll check back in when I return. Have a wonderful healthy week everyone :flower3:
Good morning everyone!!

I want to thank each and everyone of you here for all the support and inspiration I have recieved through this spring challenge. I have read every post along the way, and though I don't always have the time I'd like to chat here, whether you're sharing your struggles or celebrating your successes, you have made a difference to me. I have smiled, laughed out loud, and cried with you, and feel so blessed to have found such a wonderful group of friends to travel this journey with.:hug:

On the weight loss front, I ended up with a 0.4 loss for the challenge. It was a wake up call to see 209.8 on the scale this morning. Way too close to going back up to another decade. Not happy with myself since in feb I had seen 202.8, so I put 7 pounds back on since the princess half.
So what am I going to do about it? Well, make a plan, a pjlla plan. I have written out an exercise plan for the next 4 weeks taking me to my 5k june 15th and it's hanging on my fridge. I use little check boxes, and do not like when I don't fill them in. I cleaned off my kitchen counter, and will leave my food journal there where I will not put something in my mouth before I write it. Have a paper journal I keep in my pocket at work, and will copy it into the notebook after work.

My goal for the summer challenge is to get to ONE-derland again, so 10 pounds, and after my 5k in june I will follow a training plan for the half in september.

Now, this all may be null and void when the world ends tomorrow.:rotfl2:

Congratulations to everyone who has stuck with this challenge, through all the ups and downs. :cheer2:
:grouphug:A big group hug for all the stress and worries so many have been going through. Prayers that everything works out and we all have a fantastic, peaceful and happy summer.:goodvibes
Couldn't get on earlier as it seemed that the boards were down!

Got to work, set up the stones and then saw that my client canceled! UGH! Oh well! Going to get some waxing done while I'm here today and hopefully pop out early to do some errands.

What a pain... too bad.

I got up and did 2 miles on the elliptical this morning. I figured I should gear up for my walk tomorrow night so I got my butt out of bed! I watched last week's The Good Wife and if I get to leave here early I will try and do 2 more miles and watch this week's episode. I'm glad they changed it to Sunday's at 9 next season.

You are so ready for your walk!

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything so I really hope I can leave here early and get caught up with everything before the weekend. We've decided to go out to supper on Saturday afternoon/evening since DHs work is paying and I know I won't feel like cooking. I'm not even sure what day of the week it is and our calendar at home keeps filling up more and more!

I hate it when life get crazy like that! Hopefully things will calm down soon!

Ok, enough whining from me! Well, at least for now:rotfl:!

Weather is still horrible here so that's not helping anything! I put my light up hat and my warm gloves in the bag for tomorrow night already! What a wimpI am!

TTFN :tigger:

That is not wimpy.... it is PREPARED!! Better safe than sorry!

Lisa, I have a new plan....if I can do the Superhero half or the Jersey Shor half (here locally in NJ next April/May) then I am IN for the Princess Half in 2013!! I spoke to my trainer last night and he thinks I can do Princess in 2012, but I know that in my head I will not be ready. SO, I am planning another 5K in June, 3 5Ks in the fall, a 10K in November and hopefully my first half in April/May. 2013 looks like a smart choice for me for the Princess!!

Wish I loved running enough to join in this plan.

My scale woes, I am going to conclude that the old scale liked me better and this one just doesn't know me yet ;) I wanted to start the new challenge with a new scale to keep me honest!

I have scale woes today too, but I'm afraid it isn't the scale's fault.....:rolleyes1

Powerful day yesterday! The genocide panel was so moving...especially the survivor from Rwanda who was 8 months pregnant when the killing began. She actually was in hiding for a month and had her baby in a shed...finally getting to the hospital days later. It is truly by the grace of God that these women survived.

My niece and her husband collaborated on a book of collections of stories from famous authors... they were the "collectors" of the stories and the editors. The entire proceeds from the book goes to the survivors of the genocide in Dafur. If anyone is interested I can provide a link to buy the book. It is amazing (and horrifying) to hear these stories from other places in the world.:guilty:

So, I had my trainer at 4:30 - 5 and then spin from 6:30 -7:30. I still can't stand the instructor but it did dawn on me as to why!! He plays some good spinning music but he doesn't do the right moves to the songs - he sprinted an entire song that was clearly a jumping song. He's on vacation next week so I will go to class and then it's back to Monday or Tuesday nights.

I feel that way about the Tuesday spinning class leader. Great lady, but lousy music and it doesn't seem to go with the ride.

My new scale and I are beginning what I hope will be a great relationship. I cleaned it last night and futz a bit more with the controls. Should a scale really be this complicated? I think we are back on track :confused:

A slow day here in the office and a new client tonight. I'm still looking for a summer job...:sad2:

Best of luck for the last weigh in for all!!

Good luck with the job hunt.

Yes, I already have my mind set on a BBC, cremem brulee martini, bananas foster martini, the new Pink champagne, and a few others. I may have to spread these drinks out a bit since it's only a 4 day cruise :rotfl:

um...... YUM!!

So, DS seems like he's coming down with a cold. He was up a lot last night and I ended up sleeping on his floor for a few hours until he was out for good. Hopefully it'll pass quickly and not ruin our trip.

I always try to have very little to do at work my last day before vacation and yet I can never get things done :headache: So, might as well spend more time on the DIS since I'm not getting much done anyway right :lmao:

Vitamin C and ecchinacea... plus tea with honey (if he doesn't mind it). That usually seems to help a common cold around here. Prayers for his restored good health before the trip.

******Well friends, I'm at work again, so I'll be popping on in spurts today! Gotta to take attendance and start morning meeting now! ............P
Good morning all! :goodvibes

I am filling in for Rose today on our final day of the Spring Challenge. Where has the time gone? :confused3

Please be sure to PM your final weigh in to Tracey, your HH points to CC and your WIN! numbers to Connie96!

A big thank you to Rose, Dona and everyone who made this challenge possible! :flower3:

For those of you who haven't been with us at the end of a challenge before this is what will happen. We report our final numbers and the results will be posted some time next week. We will continue to chat here until the results are posted and the Summer Challenge thread is up. There is no official coach but anyone is welcome to post a QOTD to keep the conversation moving.

Kudos and congratulations to all of us for sticking it out until the end no matter what! :worship:

As this challenge comes to an end, and inspired by Deb's comment yesterday, I will leave us with a little thought from sparkpeople (of course :goodvibes)

Enjoying the marathon

Life is like a marathon. We run and run, not knowing where (or how far) the finish line lies. We focus so intensely on prolonging the race but sometimes--despite our best efforts--the race is cut short. Too often we don't relish the path of and enjoy the details instead of just pounding the pavement of life. What personal boundaries can you expand to help you enjoy your life? Today meditate on the simple joys: a warm bath, reading a book to a sleepy toddler, or spending quality time with your family and friends. All of life contains bumps in the road such as losing your job or an unforeseen illness. But it is up to us to determine the quality of our lives. Remember, we don't always determine the distance, but we can determine the path.

You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth. - Shira Tehrani (I don't know who this person is but they did come up with this good quote that is all over the internet).

QOTD Friday May 20 Will you do something today to enjoy the simple joys of life? And if so, will you share it, either before or after it's done? :hippie:

I'll be back later with replies.
QOTD--Thursday, May 19, 2011
What is your favorite spring flower?

I love hydrangeas, but I think that's technically a bush :rotfl: I know next to nothing about flowers, I love the idea of sterling roses, but there are definitely more tulips in my life ;)

I HAD to go shopping. my pants are Hanging off me! I hit Kohl's with a 30% off and did well. I have worn a 14 for years. I went in to get 12s and needed a 10!!! SOOOOO Happy! i almost cried in the fitting room!! Texted DH at work! :lmao: I also got an adorable dress on the clearance rack! It is a MEDIUM!!! Did you read that MEDIUM!!!!!!! :banana: I also got M shirts!!!

Fantastic accomplishment, I know you are thrilled! :yay:

I hope to try and sleep until 6:20 tomorrow since I'm not sleeping tomorrow night! I hope to get to the relay by 5 to get the tents and other stuff set up. Really looking forward to spending time with my team. They seem really awesome!

I hope everything you have going today and with your mom goes well. Team events are really fun -- I have the best time at Disney races because I'm able to meet up with other WISHers and feel like I'm part of a group! :thumbsup2

Good Friday morning Teams. We made it to the end. Today is the last weigh in for this challenge. Good luck to everyone.

Dh is going camping this weekend so it is going to be quiet around here. I hope to get some things done around here. My only obligation this weekend is something for church on Sunday morning.

That's right, Dona, we made it! Enjoy your quiet weekend and relax! ::yes::

During the Summer challenge, I am hoping to hit these milestones:

1. 30 lbs lost in total (2.8 lbs away)
2. weight of 189 (5.8 lbs away)
3. 35 lbs lost in total (7.8 lbs away)
and maybe MORE!

These are awesome goals, I know you will reach them all! :goodvibes

Busy day here today too. DH was home sick yesterday, haven't seem him that sick in years. Thankfully he is feeling better today and has gone to work. I walked around with a can of lysol all day hoping to keep the rest of us bug free.

I hope the rest of you were able to escape the illness :sick: It doesn't sound like fun!

Thanks, I may be back to check in before we leave around 3:00, but I'm a little behind in work and packing so that may not happen.

Have a ::MickeyMo::MinnieMopluto::tink::eeyore::stitch2: trip!

My goal for the summer challenge is to get to ONE-derland again, so 10 pounds, and after my 5k in june I will follow a training plan for the half in september.

Now, this all may be null and void when the world ends tomorrow.:rotfl2:

I know you can do it! I looked into the Salem Half, but it is the day my folks return from their cruise to Canada, so we sort of have to pick them up ::yes:: DH and I were talking about the world ending tomorrow -- he won't have to return the growlers he got from Harpoon for his friends, and I won't have to worry about that clean just better not end while I'm in the middle of POTC4, that would just be wrong! popcorn:: I told ds we are going, so there's no backing out now. I'm going for 3D, why not go all out?!

Well friends, I'm at work again, so I'll be popping on in spurts today! Gotta to take attendance and start morning meeting now! ............P

I'm with you Pamela, at work and a little frantic. I've pretty much done everything I can do on the big project this week, now I just have to hope all the pieces I've sent out come back, and everyone is really responsive -- which I don't have a good feeling about. I guess we'll see how the day plays out...

QOTD Friday May 20 Will you do something today to enjoy the simple joys of life? And if so, will you share it, either before or after it's done?

Today I'm going to listen to a DIS Podcast segment while I enjoy my lunch of hummus, peppers, carrots, dates, and veggie chips. For me, that is a simple joy -- eating a healthy meal while being entertained. But for something not involving food -- I'm reading a funny paranormal romance, and I'm going to make sure I have some time for a few chapters tonight. :lovestruc

Thanks, Lisa -- what a great question!

Maria :upsidedow
My first day at my new job is Next Monday. I'm super excited. Of course I didn't get any of the project done that I had hoped to, but things kept popping up and that's okay. Right now I'm enjoying being Mom as much as possible and I keep reminding myself that I had kids to spend time with them and to enjoy every second of it.:goodvibes

Glad you got to enjoy some time just being Mom. The projects will still be there another day, right??

Hi teammates,

Just wanted to take some time and share how my grandson, Caleb, is doing. First off his parents Melissa (DD) and Kyle (DSIL) are doing great. They are rocks and I am very proud of them. And little Caleb is a little rock too. And before when you would look at him his eyes were all over the place as he was attempting to focus on something. Now he will stare right through you and this is great since this is letting us know his tumors are shrinking.

I took the day off today to be with them at Seattle Children's Hospital for round #2 of chemo. We sat together in the infusion room (new word for me, infusion) and watched several episodes of Modern Family during the four hour procedure. I think I like this show and stole the DVD set from the kids to watch more. Anyway, walking into the hospital I noticed a carved Mickey Mouse so naturally I had to have a picture with him and Caleb.

Just wanted to share the update with my 'mates. And here are some photos of our outing this afternoon.

Take Care,

Dave.... thanks for the update on Caleb. I wanted you to know that DD and I are dedicating one hour of walking at our Relay for Life to Caleb. We will also be lighting a candle in his honor during the luminaria lap. I think about him everyday and continue to pray for his healing. Thanks for being such a great Grampa and Dad during this time when they need you so much!

Hi Everyone,

Another day of stress eating :scared1:

Tomorrow, I'm starting a new journal- and I'm taking it everywhere with me. I'm not expecting a loss this week with a party on Sat. and another one on Sunday. There's also the matter of my parents not really being on board with healthy eating. I've had red meat 4-5 times in the last week. :eek: I'm hoping mom will pick up fish for dinner tomorrow night.

Reading went better today, but I'm taking P's advice and reading at home from now on; there will be no more crying at work. :thumbsup2

I'm definitely planning more "me" time into my life. I like Lisa's ideas for HH for the summer challenge. I've really realized how much of a role stress plays in my weight loss efforts. At my current weight, I need to lose over 3 pounds a week to reach my goal for WDW. I'm going to set my mind to it and I might just make it. I'm going to steal Kathy's idea and put together a schedule.

Congrats Tracey for being this week's BL!

Prayers for P's DSIL and Caleb.

:grouphug: for all of us.

:goodvibes for weigh-in tomorrow.

Glad you are finding some time to reflect on your life and stressors right now. You might have to make some big (and difficult) changes in your life to help get this stress under control. Best of luck with all of this.

Thanks for the prayers......................P
We made a list of the top 10 houses that we think are still in the running. DH made a spreadsheet of these comparing prices, sq footage, age, etc. He puzzled over all of them for about 4 hours today. Made me feel so much better that I was not able to decide anything last week. I think maybe buying a house is worse than selling one!
Absolutely! Especially when you have the pressure of needing to find something within a certain period of time. Our last house I finally agreed to the one we got because we were just desperate -- had to get out of the nasty company provided apt and I was pregnant and wanted to be in a house before I got too big to unpack!. I never liked that house, it was too small, the neighborhood was not ideal (no kids), and just not what I wanted. This time I said I would NOT settle. There was still a lot of pressure since we only had 3 months but fortunately after (what seemed like) hundreds of houses we found my dream house (mostly, I would change a few things and may eventually). I am thrilled that I didn't compromise this time.

QOTD--Thursday, May 19, 2011
What is your favorite spring flower?
Tulips. They are my favorite flowers overall.

Weigh-in was not pretty. I was expecting to gain, but 4.8 lbs still surprised me. I guess I didn't realize how horribly I had been eating.
I never made it to the gym. I am just exhausted. I did spend some time reading during my lunch break today. That didn't go smoothly at all. I'm reading a self-help time book and I was reading someone's story and her story really resonated with me. I even started crying. I'm sure that emotional rollercoaster didn't help my exhaustion level.
:hug: Time to start fresh for the new challenge!

Oh and I LOST!!!!!!!!!
Basically one person was running for the position so she got a yes or no vote. If she got a no, I got an automatic yes by default.
It was soooo close, 3 votes separated us. I really hope she doesn't drive PTO into the ground but what can I do?!? DS10 has 3 years left and the middle school part is it's own entity and DS9 and DD won't be going there.
Well, since this is a weight loss thread I think it wholly appropriate to say: CONGRATULATIONS on your LOSS!!!! :cool1: I think that getting the weight of responsibility off your shoulders is just as good as losing any amount of pounds.

Had bruschetta for lunch. It is so easy to make. I just toast 2 english muffins halves, chop two small roma tomatoes and mix them with fresh basil, salt, pepper, tsp of olive oil and 1/2 tsp of cider vinegar. Top the toasted muffin halves with the tomato mixture - YUM!!! :
That sounds yummy! I may have to try that with a sandwich thin. I love bruschetta. Wendy's has a new bruschetta chicken that is really good. I take the bun off and eat it with a fork and knife.

Thanks for the prayers.... and thanks to EVERYONE who has offered prayers here for DSIL. I'm sure that this will be a tough time. She is a single Mom to a 14 y/o boy (her DD is older and married and living in another state). She, obviously, is far away from ALL of her family here in New ENgland. I'm sure my other SILs will be making visits down there, but it isn't the same as having family close by. Other than prayer and a listening ear, there isn't much I can offer her. It just reminds me of WHY I am taking the time to organize this Relay for Life team..... it really hits home. And as a woman and a caretaker, I have trouble when I can't "TAKE CARE" of a problem... so being involved with Relay at least makes me feel like I am doing SOMETHING in a situation where I really can do NOTHING other than pray.........P
:grouphug: for your SIL, her children and your entire family. You are doing something. Great thoughts and prayers are sometimes the most powerful thing you can offer to help.

My first day at my new job is Next Monday. I'm super excited. Of course I didn't get any of the project done that I had hoped to, but things kept popping up and that's okay. Right now I'm enjoying being Mom as much as possible and I keep reminding myself that I had kids to spend time with them and to enjoy every second of it.
Good luck and have fun at the new job!!

Hi teammates,

Just wanted to take some time and share how my grandson, Caleb, is doing. First off his parents Melissa (DD) and Kyle (DSIL) are doing great. They are rocks and I am very proud of them. And little Caleb is a little rock too. And before when you would look at him his eyes were all over the place as he was attempting to focus on something. Now he will stare right through you and this is great since this is letting us know his tumors are shrinking.

I took the day off today to be with them at Seattle Children's Hospital for round #2 of chemo. We sat together in the infusion room (new word for me, infusion) and watched several episodes of Modern Family during the four hour procedure. I think I like this show and stole the DVD set from the kids to watch more. Anyway, walking into the hospital I noticed a carved Mickey Mouse so naturally I had to have a picture with him and Caleb.
Great update! :thumbsup2 Kids ability to stay strong and heal can be amazing sometimes. Such wonderful photos, thanks for sharing them. :goodvibes

DH has his contract all signed and turns in his resignation out of town tomorrow!! :thumbsup2

I HAD to go shopping. my pants are Hanging off me! I hit Kohl's with a 30% off and did well. I have worn a 14 for years. I went in to get 12s and needed a 10!!! SOOOOO Happy! i almost cried in the fitting room!! Texted DH at work! :lmao: I also got an adorable dress on the clearance rack! It is a MEDIUM!!! Did you read that MEDIUM!!!!!!! I also got M shirts!!!
:cheer2::cheer2: :yay::yay: :cool1::cool1: :woohoo::woohoo:
for both things!! What an amazing feeling.

I found a cute tshirt at Kohls that I bought when I was there with DH last weekend. DD15 looked at it in the bag and came over and said "Mom, I see you have lost an X, way to go!" She went to the top of my Favorites list that night!

My mom's appointments are at 2 and 3 tomorrow. She and my sister are going to go to a different main doctor after tomorrow after some things that the doctor said/did that they were not happy with. They are going to see the doctor my dad saw and the same radiology oncologist.

I hope to try and sleep until 6:20 tomorrow since I'm not sleeping tomorrow night! I hope to get to the relay by 5 to get the tents and other stuff set up. Really looking forward to spending time with my team. They seem really awesome!
Sending good thoughts and prayers for you mom.
Have a great time at the relay!:dance3: (that's the best smilie we have for a team!)

QOTD Friday May 20 Will you do something today to enjoy the simple joys of life? And if so, will you share it, either before or after it's done? :hippie:
I am going to DD11's class to serve "Swamp Juice" to 50 fifth graders -- lemonaid and gingerale with fish eggs (cooked tapioca), squirmy fish (swedish fish) and worms (gummy worms) in it. I know they will be grossed out but yet really enjoy it. It is those shrieks and giggles that are a huge joy in my life.

Tomorrow, I'm starting a new journal- and I'm taking it everywhere with me. I'm not expecting a loss this week with a party on Sat. and another one on Sunday. There's also the matter of my parents not really being on board with healthy eating. I've had red meat 4-5 times in the last week. I'm hoping mom will pick up fish for dinner tomorrow night.

I'm definitely planning more "me" time into my life. I like Lisa's ideas for HH for the summer challenge. I've really realized how much of a role stress plays in my weight loss efforts. At my current weight, I need to lose over 3 pounds a week to reach my goal for WDW. I'm going to set my mind to it and I might just make it. I'm going to steal Kathy's idea and put together a schedule.

So what am I going to do about it? Well, make a plan, a pjlla plan. I have written out an exercise plan for the next 4 weeks taking me to my 5k june 15th and it's hanging on my fridge. I use little check boxes, and do not like when I don't fill them in. I cleaned off my kitchen counter, and will leave my food journal there where I will not put something in my mouth before I write it. Have a paper journal I keep in my pocket at work, and will copy it into the notebook after work.

My goal for the summer challenge is to get to ONE-derland again, so 10 pounds, and after my 5k in june I will follow a training plan for the half in september.

It sounds like a lot of us could benefit from writing down our goals and our plan to achieve them before we move to the next challenge. So I offer a challenge to everyone:

Over the next week think about your goals for the Summer Challenge and how you plan to achieve them. Write them down somewhere-- in your journal, post them here, put them on a sticky, put a note on the refrigerator etc. Summer can offer unique challenges for some of us so how will you deal with those challenges. Put it in writing so you can look at your plan everyday!

I'll work on mine later and try to post it.

So on this last official BL weigh in day I am happy to be able to say:


I wasn't sure if I was going to make it but my weight every morning this week has been a definite 25 pound loss! I like to see the same number consistently for a few days before I feel it is "real". My personal weigh in day isn't until Sunday so I am kind of hoping that maybe I will actually be a little further down. A little birdie is telling me that if I am good today and tomorrow then it probably will be.:rolleyes1

I can not thank everyone here enough. The friendship and accountability and just having someone to share with every day has been wonderful (especially since none of my IRL friends have noticed YET!) I can't even remember the last time I was at this weight. It was probably at least 5 years ago. This summer will be the most challenging time for me so I am hoping I will be able to continue to get here every day and read and check in. That will be on my list of goals!

I still have a very long way to go, but from my highest weight ever last year I have now lost 42 pounds and 25 (maybe 26;) ) since Jan 1st. Losing 10 pounds six more times now seems really doable.

Have to run and grab a shower but will try to get back later.

Going to make a quick post!

Dang thunderstorm woke me up at 3 this morning but I think I was only awake for about 20 minutes. I have a headache this morning but I'm sure it's stress.

Got everything packed and in the car for tonight except for the dip and cold drinks!

Really looking forward to tonight and the weather is slowly improving here so that will make it better! I really should go and try and take a nap in my massage room for a bit. Maybe it will improve the headache as well.

Well, I hope everybody has a great day and weekend. Don't know when I will get on tomorrow as after the walk ends I have 2 soccer games to go to (hopefully) and then we are going out to dinner at some point. Maybe we'll just go after the games and have a big lunch! That's my preference!

TTFN :tigger:

PS Don't forget to send me your weigh ins!!!!
My first day at my new job is Next Monday. I'm super excited. Of course I didn't get any of the project done that I had hoped to, but things kept popping up and that's okay. Right now I'm enjoying being Mom as much as possible and I keep reminding myself that I had kids to spend time with them and to enjoy every second of it
YEAH DEB!! I hope the new job is wonderful!!

Hi teammates,

Just wanted to take some time and share how my grandson, Caleb, is doing. First off his parents Melissa (DD) and Kyle (DSIL) are doing great. They are rocks and I am very proud of them. And little Caleb is a little rock too. And before when you would look at him his eyes were all over the place as he was attempting to focus on something. Now he will stare right through you and this is great since this is letting us know his tumors are shrinking.

I took the day off today to be with them at Seattle Children's Hospital for round #2 of chemo. We sat together in the infusion room (new word for me, infusion) and watched several episodes of Modern Family during the four hour procedure. I think I like this show and stole the DVD set from the kids to watch more. Anyway, walking into the hospital I noticed a carved Mickey Mouse so naturally I had to have a picture with him and Caleb.

Just wanted to share the update with my 'mates. And here are some photos of our outing this afternoon.

Take Care,
Dave, I am so glad Celeb is doing so well!! What a brave little man you have there! Still sending prayers!!

Hi Everyone,

Another day of stress eating :scared1:

Tomorrow, I'm starting a new journal- and I'm taking it everywhere with me. I'm not expecting a loss this week with a party on Sat. and another one on Sunday. There's also the matter of my parents not really being on board with healthy eating. I've had red meat 4-5 times in the last week. :eek: I'm hoping mom will pick up fish for dinner tomorrow night.

Reading went better today, but I'm taking P's advice and reading at home from now on; there will be no more crying at work. :thumbsup2

I'm definitely planning more "me" time into my life. I like Lisa's ideas for HH for the summer challenge. I've really realized how much of a role stress plays in my weight loss efforts. At my current weight, I need to lose over 3 pounds a week to reach my goal for WDW. I'm going to set my mind to it and I might just make it. I'm going to steal Kathy's idea and put together a schedule.

Congrats Tracey for being this week's BL!

Prayers for P's DSIL and Caleb.

for all of us.

for weigh-in tomorrow.
Hang in there CC!! The schedule sounds like a great idea...I may steal it too for the summer challenge!

This week has been entirely too emotional!! I was trying to do well with my eating but the girls wanted to go to Skyline for Chili tonight. Not a good diet food at all!! Oh well.

DH has his contract all signed and turns in his resignation out of town tomorrow!!

I HAD to go shopping. my pants are Hanging off me! I hit Kohl's with a 30% off and did well. I have worn a 14 for years. I went in to get 12s and needed a 10!!! SOOOOO Happy! i almost cried in the fitting room!! Texted DH at work! I also got an adorable dress on the clearance rack! It is a MEDIUM!!! Did you read that MEDIUM!!!!!!! I also got M shirts!!!

Can you tell I am excited? Thanks everyone for your support!

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Nancy you are my idol!! I don't know the last time I saw a 10 or a medium for that matter! Thanks for the strength and amazing example you are setting for me! I can't wait until I have that Kohl's moment!! Congrats!!

OK, I can pretty much guarantee that I won't be on more than once tomorrow!

I've got to go to work for a bit and hopefully not have to stay as I still have a lot to do before tomorrow night. I have one tub of things packed for tomorrow! I thought I'd just use tubs so the stuff will stay dry and all together.

My mom's appointments are at 2 and 3 tomorrow. She and my sister are going to go to a different main doctor after tomorrow after some things that the doctor said/did that they were not happy with. They are going to see the doctor my dad saw and the same radiology oncologist. After I get the phone call tomorrow I have to call my brother, my AUnt and two church friends of my mom's. I also have to pick up Ash early to have her orthodontist consult at 1:30. It's going to be a crazy day!

I hope to try and sleep until 6:20 tomorrow since I'm not sleeping tomorrow night! I hope to get to the relay by 5 to get the tents and other stuff set up. Really looking forward to spending time with my team. They seem really awesome!

Well, we're watching the Bruins game and it's intense! I also feel I need something to eat!

I'll try and stop in on Saturday at some point!
Hang in there Tracey!!! Sending prayers for mom...and that you get through the crazy day!

Good Friday morning Teams. We made it to the end. Today is the last weigh in for this challenge. Good luck to everyone.

I missed coming on yesterday. The boards were down in the morning and then I had a dinner to go to in the afternoon.

I am moving very slow this morning. I couldn't go to yoga last night and I think my body is rebelling. I ache all over. it will get better as I get moving this morning.

Dh is going camping this weekend so it is going to be quiet around here. I hope to get some things done around here. My only obligation this weekend is something for church on Sunday morning.

I have lost any time I had to get some things done this morning. Have to get ready for work .

Have a happy and healthy day.
Dona I hope you feel better!! SO glad you have a quiet weekend for yourself to rejuvenate and recuperate! Hope it's a great weekend for you!

Happy Friday everyone!:goodvibes We made it to the end of the Winter Challenge. I just submitted my last weigh-in. No doubt I will not be the biggest loser but I did end the challenge with a 5.7 lb total loss

Thanks to Rose, Dona, Tracy, CC, Connie and all our weekly coaches. I could not have done it w/o you and all of our wonderful participants on both teams! It has been fun to make some new friends along the way too.

During the Summer challenge, I am hoping to hit these milestones:

1. 30 lbs lost in total (2.8 lbs away)
2. weight of 189 (5.8 lbs away)
3. 35 lbs lost in total (7.8 lbs away)
and maybe MORE!

So far today I have done the elliptical for 45 minutes while watching AI (GO SCOTTY!!!), biked to yoga with my friend, had 75 minute yoga practice and biked back home. It is a very easy 10 min bike ride.

Now I'm back online researching more things for our trip. A friend sent me a link to Paris Walks, an English couple conducts these really neat walks with different topics. I wish we had time to do them all! I think we will do the walk through Montmarte. It's only 12 euro and you meet them right at the subway stop and no reservation is required. I don't have our whole trip planned each minute but am writing down ideas to pick from.

Well, friends, I hope you are all coming back for the Summer challenge. I am looking forward to staying in touch and hearing everyone's travel stories and having some place to vent when I get stressed with my transition back to the States. Have a great day and a great weekend and I will see you again on May 31s

Great goals for the summer challenge Shawn!! Guess I should begin to think about that too :) Those ideas sounds so wonderful for your visitor! ENJOY!

Busy day here today too. DH was home sick yesterday, haven't seem him that sick in years. Thankfully he is feeling better today and has gone to work. I walked around with a can of lysol all day hoping to keep the rest of us bug free.

Nick has an away game this afternoon that we can't go to since Colby has a home game. I'm expecting some new equipment to arrive this morning for Nick so I will meet him at school with some hot food and new equipment before the bus takes off. I need to pick up a watermelon and get that cut up for Colby's team for half time. I also need to get a bunch of things done around the house plus a few phone calls that need to be made.
Hope dh is feeling better!!

Good morning everyone!!

I want to thank each and everyone of you here for all the support and inspiration I have recieved through this spring challenge. I have read every post along the way, and though I don't always have the time I'd like to chat here, whether you're sharing your struggles or celebrating your successes, you have made a difference to me. I have smiled, laughed out loud, and cried with you, and feel so blessed to have found such a wonderful group of friends to travel this journey with.

On the weight loss front, I ended up with a 0.4 loss for the challenge. It was a wake up call to see 209.8 on the scale this morning. Way too close to going back up to another decade. Not happy with myself since in feb I had seen 202.8, so I put 7 pounds back on since the princess half.
So what am I going to do about it? Well, make a plan, a pjlla plan. I have written out an exercise plan for the next 4 weeks taking me to my 5k june 15th and it's hanging on my fridge. I use little check boxes, and do not like when I don't fill them in. I cleaned off my kitchen counter, and will leave my food journal there where I will not put something in my mouth before I write it. Have a paper journal I keep in my pocket at work, and will copy it into the notebook after work.

My goal for the summer challenge is to get to ONE-derland again, so 10 pounds, and after my 5k in june I will follow a training plan for the half in september.

Now, this all may be null and void when the world ends tomorrow.:rotfl2:

Congratulations to everyone who has stuck with this challenge, through all the ups and downs.
A big group hug for all the stress and worries so many have been going through. Prayers that everything works out and we all have a fantastic, peaceful and happy summer.
Great job Kathy for making a plan!! I need to make a plan...ok, a better plan than last time ;) I'm with you in getting back to ONE-derland!!

Good morning all! :goodvibes

I am filling in for Rose today on our final day of the Spring Challenge. Where has the time gone? :confused3

QOTD Friday May 20 Will you do something today to enjoy the simple joys of life? And if so, will you share it, either before or after it's done? :hippie:

I'll be back later with replies.
Thanks for the words of wisdom Lisa!! My simple joy is leaving work early today to spend time with my nephew. It's a 2 hour drive to see him but every moment I spend with that little guy is worth it! He won 2 goldfish at the carnival so I am bringing him a fishtank I had here with a filter and everything. He is so excited to see me (as he told me on the phone last night). Noon can't get here soon enough :goodvibes

Today I'm going to listen to a DIS Podcast segment while I enjoy my lunch of hummus, peppers, carrots, dates, and veggie chips. For me, that is a simple joy -- eating a healthy meal while being entertained. But for something not involving food -- I'm reading a funny paranormal romance, and I'm going to make sure I have some time for a few chapters tonight. :lovestruc

Thanks, Lisa -- what a great question!

Maria :upsidedow
Maria I want your lunch!! Sounds so healthy and yummy!!

I am going to DD11's class to serve "Swamp Juice" to 50 fifth graders -- lemonaid and gingerale with fish eggs (cooked tapioca), squirmy fish (swedish fish) and worms (gummy worms) in it. I know they will be grossed out but yet really enjoy it. It is those shrieks and giggles that are a huge joy in my life.
It sounds like a lot of us could benefit from writing down our goals and our plan to achieve them before we move to the next challenge. So I offer a challenge to everyone:

Over the next week think about your goals for the Summer Challenge and how you plan to achieve them. Write them down somewhere-- in your journal, post them here, put them on a sticky, put a note on the refrigerator etc. Summer can offer unique challenges for some of us so how will you deal with those challenges. Put it in writing so you can look at your plan everyday!

I'll work on mine later and try to post it.

So on this last official BL weigh in day I am happy to be able to say:


I wasn't sure if I was going to make it but my weight every morning this week has been a definite 25 pound loss! I like to see the same number consistently for a few days before I feel it is "real". My personal weigh in day isn't until Sunday so I am kind of hoping that maybe I will actually be a little further down. A little birdie is telling me that if I am good today and tomorrow then it probably will be.:rolleyes1

I can not thank everyone here enough. The friendship and accountability and just having someone to share with every day has been wonderful (especially since none of my IRL friends have noticed YET!) I can't even remember the last time I was at this weight. It was probably at least 5 years ago. This summer will be the most challenging time for me so I am hoping I will be able to continue to get here every day and read and check in. That will be on my list of goals!

I still have a very long way to go, but from my highest weight ever last year I have now lost 42 pounds and 25 (maybe 26;) ) since Jan 1st. Losing 10 pounds six more times now seems really doable.

Have to run and grab a shower but will try to get back later.


Congrats on making GOAL!!! Thank you for being soooo inspiring!! I'm really going to try to make realistic goals for the summer challenge...which I assume will involve the cold turkey stopping of my cupcake habit! Oh and the Swamp Juice sounds so fun for the kids...may have to steal it!

Going to make a quick post!

Dang thunderstorm woke me up at 3 this morning but I think I was only awake for about 20 minutes. I have a headache this morning but I'm sure it's stress.

Got everything packed and in the car for tonight except for the dip and cold drinks!

Really looking forward to tonight and the weather is slowly improving here so that will make it better! I really should go and try and take a nap in my massage room for a bit. Maybe it will improve the headache as well.

Well, I hope everybody has a great day and weekend. Don't know when I will get on tomorrow as after the walk ends I have 2 soccer games to go to (hopefully) and then we are going out to dinner at some point. Maybe we'll just go after the games and have a big lunch! That's my preference!

TTFN :tigger:

PS Don't forget to send me your weigh ins!!!!
Best of luck tonight Tracey!! I'm doing a "don't rain" dance for everyone who has outside activities planned for tonight.....unfortunately I think my powers are failing since it is currently raining right now :(

50 minutes from now I will be on the road and on my way to see Brady!!! Last night he told me about the fun rides and the fish he won at the carnival. We are going tonight (yes, I will ride the rides with him!) and then the big parade is tomorrow morning. I'm not going to go crazy with the carnival food (last year was just disgusting!) so I asked my sister if we can pack some healthy snacks and maybe eat before we go. Hopefully the rain stays away from Phoenixville, PA tonight!!

As I read all of the wonderful success stories I am inspired to make a better effort in the next challenge. I turn 38 on July 11th and I really want to be in a healthy place where making choices is second nature, not a struggle. I still worry about my ankle and the inflammation of my scar (and the swelling), but I am determined to push through it in order to keep my exercise plan going. My dr. says everything looks fine and we both know that my leg will never be the same, so I deal with what I can and rest when I need to.

Well, I need to finish up my work here, use the bathroom, and maybe find some lunch I can take in the car with me! Enjoy your weekend friends and I will see ya Monday!
Well I finished down 10.4 for the challenge, which is pretty good, although I get frustrated that it takes so long to take the weight off! Thanks so much to Rose, Dona, LisaH, CC, Connie, and Tracey for running this challenge, it does help me stay on track. A big congratulations to everyone who made it to the end! :cool1:

I've got a very busy weekend ahead of me, DD5 has 2 birthday parties to attend, DS9 has diving on Saturday and the kids tri on Sunday (its for kids ages 5-14). The rain has prevented us from getting out to train as much as we'd like, but I am just hoping he does his best and is pleased with his performance. We are going out Saturday night to celebrate my birthday (which is on Monday! :goodvibes), and both kids have end of the year programs at school today. I'd like to squeeze in a run somewhere in there. I took 4 days off after the 5K and thought I was recovered, but when I ran yesterday there was still some lingering soreness. I must have really pushed myself!

To everyone who is going on vacation in the next week or so: have a great time! We've got 3 weeks to go until our road trip adventure and I can't wait!

Dave-Thanks for the update about Caleb.

Karen-I think I am constantly revising my race schedule. Originally I wanted to do a 10K on Memorial Day, but I decided last month to stay at a 5K for now since I wasn't finishing as strong as I would have liked. I also wanted to do my first half in October before doing the Tink in January, but I think I would be pushing myself too hard to get there. I would have to start training for it in 2 weeks! I feel good about just focusing on my 5K this summer and not increasing until the fall. You'll get there!

Nancy and LTS- Congrats on doing so well and reaching your goals!

Shawn-Enjoy your trip!

It sounds like lots of us are under a lot of stress lately with end of the school year stuff and our crazy weather. I hope many of you can escape and get a little Johnny Depp therapy this weekend. pirate:

I had better go tackle my long to do list. I'll try to follow along this weekend.


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