Casey Anthony THE VERDICT IS IN at 2:15 EST Thread #5

How long will the jury deliberate?

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  • 3 - 6 hours

  • 6 - 9 hours

  • 9 - 12 hours

  • 12 -15 hours

  • 15 - 18 hours

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  • 21 - 24 hours

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  • 27 - 30 hours

  • 30 - 33 hours

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I hope they put her away a long time. I don't think there is hope of rehabilitation. If out, she will have more victims of some nature.

I too thought about chloroform and the drowsy dog. Then when the litany of dead pets began, I had another thought.

One sociopath kid I knew shut the door on my friend"s dog's tail, cutting it off. He admitted he had wanted to do it for a long time. Some people are broken or brain is configured such that they don't process emotion normally.

I will be in a state of anxiety until the verdict is in. This weekend is my family reunion. I have to figure out how to keep up.
I hope they put her away a long time. I don't think there is hope of rehabilitation. If out, she will have more victims of some nature.

I too thought about chloroform and the drowsy dog. Then when the litany of dead pets began, I had another thought.

One sociopath kid I knew shut the door on my friend"s dog's tail, cutting it off. He admitted he had wanted to do it for a long time. Some people are broken or brain is configured such that they don't process emotion normally.

I will be in a state of anxiety until the verdict is in. This weekend is my family reunion. I have to figure out how to keep up.

I was gone for 2 weeks, gettin' married 'n on a honeymoon...Vinnie kept me informed. ;)
On the YouTube video of Matthew Bartlett giving Ashton the finger, the top comment is "Missed opportunity by Matthew Bartlett...when asked why he did it, he should have said it was an accident that snowballed out of control."

I'm sorry but :rotfl:

OMG -- that is soooo hysterical!!!! I would've died if he had used that as his excuse! I'm sure he's kicking himself for nothing thinking of it! :rotfl2:
Nancy Grace just had a caller on that had an interesting theory.

What if ICA had tried the chloroform on he dog as a "test" before using it in Caylee?
Could that be why the one dog was so tired and lethargic?
Nancy Grace just had a caller on that had an interesting theory.

What if ICA had tried the chloroform on he dog as a "test" before using it in Caylee?
Could that be why the one dog was so tired and lethargic?

Sorry if this has been posted already, I am trying to read it all-have a headache at this point.

Does anyone think that ICA was practicing on the family dogs --drugging with chloroform (according to CA's testimony about the computer searches, the dogs were lethargic) It would fit with sociopath behavior.

I tend to think CA lies like ICA-starts with a small nugget of truth and builds it up into a whopper.

Just curious after all the pet burial talk today.

Kurby-cute cute family-thanks for the pics!

JadeBlue had that theory in post #31 on this thread.
I want to thank the defense for clearing up a few things for me today. I wondered how someone can make the jump from lying party girl to child murderer and Baez cleared it up for me. She liked to harm the animals as well as practice on them. I also understand more about how ICA disposed of poor Caylee.
"Any time her parents indict her, disagree with her, fail to present her in a sympathetic loving light, she has nothing but hatred towards them. What's interesting is when ever anything is presented that shows her in a good light or fluffs her up narcissistically, she cries. If it's referential to self in a positive way, remember when Lee's fiance got up on the stand and described her as a good mother? She cried. When the grief expert got up yesterday, she looked like she was close to tears because it because it represented her in a positive way as a good mother..."

Bethany (some talking head expert on NGrace) just made that statement and it's so true!!!!
NGrace is playing Casey's lips allegedly calling GA a "son of a b". However, as I watch them, that's more like a w sound she's making. Her lips come a little forward to form a W and not a B. And it didn't look like she was mouthing the "son of" part either.

If you saw it, what are your thoughts on that? (I wish I had a link to the video of that)

Didn't look to me like she said that either. I tried to see it (as NG only played it about 50 times), but I don't think that's what she said. I'm sure whatever it was it wasn't flattering!

As far as Crystal/River is concerned, that is one skanky gal:scared1: Now I see why GA answered that he thought it was "funny" that he was asked if he'd had an affair with her. Geez Louise! I wouldn't put it past that one to have sent text messages to herself from George's phone if he laid it down at the command center.

How in the world would George have been able to make all those trips to her condo? Weren't the media basically camping out on the Anthony's doorsteps 24/7? Did he go incognito or something:confused3

Is the text message that we keep hearing about the most incriminating one they've got? You'd think there would be a better one than that since she claims that there were a lot more. Of course, she's not divulging what those were.

IF they had an affair, in the end, neither River nor George killed Caylee. I think Cindy lied on the stand, but in the end, Cindy didn't kill Caylee. If Lee felt excluded from the family, that is sad, but in the end, Lee didn't kill Caylee. If Roy Kronk took the body and moved it, what a ghoul and shame on him, but Roy didn't kill Caylee.

Molestation, affairs, dysfunctional family, meter reader body movers---bottom line, as far as I'm concerned, have not been proven (well, dysfunctional family has) so they are not really the point. The point is that a child was killed by her mother (whether accidentally or purposefully) and that mother has shown no remorse. Any doubt about KC's guilt that I might have had at the beginning of this trial has completely vanished. I just hope and pray that Caylee and Casey both get what they deserve.
"Any time her parents indict her, disagree with her, fail to present her in a sympathetic loving light, she has nothing but hatred towards them. What's interesting is when ever anything is presented that shows her in a good light or fluffs her up narcissistically, she cries. If it's referential to self in a positive way, remember when Lee's fiance got up on the stand and described her as a good mother? She cried. When the grief expert got up yesterday, she looked like she was close to tears because it because it represented her in a positive way as a good mother..."

Bethany (some talking head expert on NGrace) just made that statement and it's so true!!!!

It is true! kC is consistent in these responses. It is sooo creepy weird too.
JadeBlue had that theory in post #31 on this thread.

I don't know how to do multi quotes.

You mean I could have called my theory of ICA drugging the dog in to Nancy? (smacks forehead) My mom would have been in seventh heaven-it's her favorite show.:rotfl:
Sorry if this has been posted already, I am trying to read it all-have a headache at this point.

Does anyone think that ICA was practicing on the family dogs --drugging with chloroform (according to CA's testimony about the computer searches, the dogs were lethargic) It would fit with sociopath behavior.

I tend to think CA lies like ICA-starts with a small nugget of truth and builds it up into a whopper.

Just curious after all the pet burial talk today.

Kurby-cute cute family-thanks for the pics!

I agree, Cindy started to tell the whole story about the dog and when it got sick, and they went to the vet, like if she like telling stories, I noticed that George and Lee just answered yes, no, and very short answers. :confused:
I'm watching parts of the interview with River Cruz. Do you think she is telling the truth about the affair? I just don't want to believe it. I think she is money hungry.
LMAO -- Jane on HLN had some crazy commentator guy Larry Something Or Other with this NYC accent on and she asked him why ICA didn't take the stand. He replied "She's a meatball! You can't put her in front of a jury and speak. She'll just blow the whole scene!" OMG -- the words with the accent have me hysterical! The accent is the key! Say it in your best NYC accent and you'll crack yourself up!

Every time I see Casey, I'm going to be thinking "She's a meatball!" :lmao:
I am hoping the States presentation of the events, timeline and forensic evidence is what the jury will go by. If they try to sort out the lies from the truth in the odd collection of people persnally involved they will go nutters!
I believe you're mistaken, it only takes one vote for acquittal for her to be found not guilty.

no - i'm pretty sure what would happen if 1 was a hold out is that they would be sendt back several times for delibrations before JP would declare a mistrial and we'd get to do this all over again.

she wouldn't be set free because the jury couldn't agree.

it would then depend on the state if they wanted to give it another shot which i'm sure they would then tighten up thair case

would give baez another change to show what a **** he is
LMAO -- Jane on HLN had some crazy commentator guy Larry Something Or Other with this NYC accent on and she asked him why ICA didn't take the stand. He replied "She's a meatball! You can't put her in front of a jury and speak. She'll just blow the whole scene!" OMG -- the words with the accent have me hysterical! The accent is the key! Say it in your best NYC accent and you'll crack yourself up!

Every time I see Casey, I'm going to be thinking "She's a meatball!" :lmao:

OMG. Meatball! :lmao:

From Urban Dictionary:

1. meatball
fat narcissist, especially one prone to deception and theft
OMG -- that is soooo hysterical!!!! I would've died if he had used that as his excuse! I'm sure he's kicking himself for nothing thinking of it! :rotfl2:

my guess is that he's sitting in his cell right now crying for his mummy.

6 days means he'll get out in 3? if he's a good little boy. bend over baby LOL:lmao::lmao:
My thoughts on what ICA was saying..."such a liar".

Of course we will never know.
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