Casey Anthony THE VERDICT IS IN at 2:15 EST Thread #5

How long will the jury deliberate?

  • Up to 3 hours

  • 3 - 6 hours

  • 6 - 9 hours

  • 9 - 12 hours

  • 12 -15 hours

  • 15 - 18 hours

  • 18 - 21 hours

  • 21 - 24 hours

  • 24 - 27 hours

  • 27 - 30 hours

  • 30 - 33 hours

  • more than 33 hours

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Thursday: Prosecution rebuttal
Friday: Defense Closing arguments
Saturday: Prosecution Closing arguments
Sunday: Jury deliberation if they chose not to wait until Monday.

Does that look right?
Since this trial is starting to wind down I thought I'd go back in time to where it all started for me.

I had been reading and following along and on 8/7/08 I made my first post. Shortly after thanks to I believe Lilygator I found my way to WS. Once there I threw myself wholeheartedly into her case.

I put in so many hours I can't even tell you how many. I pulled all-nighters and searched thru 1,000's of Sunbiz records. I anxiously awaited doc dumps and pored over every single one searching for clues. I watched hours and hours of mind numbing videos.

I was supposed to fly down to search but ended up being unable to so I worked on getting the info out to feed the searchers and get them water. (I became BFF's with the manager of a sub shop called Hungry Howies and the manager of a Dominos :rotfl: ) During the searching I became well acquainted with Tim, Carol and Barbie of Texas Equusearch and they knew I was a phone call or email away.

During this case I "met" so many people. My fellow "sheep" who helped expose Todd Black/Gil Cabot (gotta say watching Nancy Grace confirming our report was awesome!), the posters at WS who challenged me to to learn more because of their vast knowledge and of course the posters here who I have sat and watched the trial with everyday.

It's been 3 long years.

We anguished when she went missing and there wasn't a peep out of her mother.

We were saddened when she was found.

We were horrified when we learned what had befallen her.

We have been vigilant every day throughout this trial.

We are now anxiously awaiting justice for this baby girl who has touched our hearts.
Thursday: Prosecution rebuttal
Friday: Defense Closing arguments
Saturday: Prosecution Closing arguments
Sunday: Jury deliberation if they chose not to wait until Monday.

Does that look right?

I heard one of the talking heads on one of the shows last night say that they wouldn't be surprised if the defense put on their own "rebuttal" after the prosecution does (they called it something and I can't recall what that was right now). It had something to do with rebutting the Gentiva records that the pros is going to bring in (I think Lippman said Bank of America records???).
The more I read and look at things the more positive I am she is guilty (course I have thought that from the beginning).
I am also more afraid she will be found not guilty:scared1:
Thursday: Prosecution rebuttal
Friday: Defense Closing arguments
Saturday: Prosecution Closing arguments
Sunday: Jury deliberation if they chose not to wait until Monday.

Does that look right?

A female bodyguard is going to be on the "Today" show this morning that stayed with her I think while out on bail.... should be interesting.


Aug 2008 for 9 days… Tracy Mclaughlin bodyguard in Anthony home.

No one looked for Caylee for the 9 days, ICA didn’t want to talk about her, she wanted to have fun, liked the media. She blew up and Leonard(bounty hunter guy) when they would push to find Caylee.

“Everyone is acting like everything is normal except George. He can’t do it. It is driving him deeper into his grief. I feel so sorry for him. Cindy is dancing around the issue. She knows not to push Casey and she is handling it very well. It feels like a game. “

She also went on to mention that when the remains were found and ICA was told they were on Suburban Dr. she broke down and had to be taken to medical and medicated.
What I find interesting is the judge throwing that kid in jail for six days because he flipped Ashton the bird.

Not that I am condoning it, I am not. Good for the Judge, and it may give other idiots a reason to pause before they do something stupid like that again, but my question is.....

What about Casey? How many times has she showed her middle finger to witmesses, the prosecution or ANYONE that pissed her off? There are numerous pictures of her with her middle fingle clearly standing at attention. She tried to be coy, by keeping it against her face in some way, just like the kid yesterday did. He did not pump his finger into the air. He had it up against his mouth. Too bad the Judge never found Casey in contempt.
I don't want to believe it either. :sad2: I like George and feel for him... I think he is probably the most sane out of all of them... just broken.

Is River Cruz the one who got testy with Ashton on the stand? I asked about that woman on the other thread but don't think I got a response.

Who knows what to believe regarding the affair, personally I don't think there was anything physical...

River Cruz is the person who got testy with Ashton and started crying for no apparent reason other than she was being asked to tell the truth. Later in the day I heard someone mention she has emotional issues, I don't know what those are however.

When does that start and will it be televised?? That'll be a crazy trial with all the MJ fanatics outside the courthouse day and night. Please tell me it'll be televised. I know I'm turning into a court tv freak, but I've discovered a new form of recreation!

That's a good question, when does that start? About turning into a Court TV freak, well, at least it's free!!! Oh, found the date when the CA vs. Murray case will start jury selections, Sept. 8, 2011. Right after the kids go back to school :)
The family dynamics are fascinating here. Sadly I think this whole tragedy will tear apart George and Cindy.

As someone else said, George is clearly torn apart, and each day, as he battles with JB, it is clear he no longer wants to protect his daughter. Cindy clearly still wants to protect ICA, and is even willing to perjure herself to do so. I think the prosecution bringing someone to rebutt her testimony that she was not at work that day will do serious damage, and show that Cindy is lying.

While I don't care much for Crystal Holloway/River Cruz/Liar Liar Pants on Fire or whatever her name is, I do think there is a possibility that she and George had something going on. Why else would he send a message that he needed her is his life? A little too personal for "just a volunteer".

Here's the thing though. If we could just get George to admit that he did in fact say that he thought it was an accident that spiraled out of control, we could easily clear up any doubt that he himself was somehow involved in the accident. I believe he said that, meaning he thought there was an accident with Casey and Caylee at the hands of Casey, not himself. That's his thought process, and it doesn't mean that ICA didn't purposely kill Caylee, it means that George thought at the time that she had an accident. It would take any doubt away that there was some stupid accident in the pool that George covered up.

Praying for the jury to have their eyes open be able to see where the evidence is pointing......:goodvibes
Who knows what to believe regarding the affair, personally I don't think there was anything physical...

I was getting upset yesterday at the talking heads saying that "if the jury believes River, than they can disregard all of George's testimony. Soem of them really believe George did sleep with her. WHY?

Why do they think she is being honest about this? She has no proof that they slept together. She said they did, he said they didn't. She hasn't said George has a birthmark in place you can only see if he is naked, or anything like that. If I were to believe anyone, it would be George! She swore under OATH that the were not having an affair, and then 3 days later her sister goes to the media with her story. Like Ashton said, the story sounds much better if you had been his mistress and not just a friend. I hope the jury pays attention to that!! That she went to the Enquirer because they would tell her story without lying and editing it. BWAHAHAHAHAHA Yeah, the Enquirer, they'll protect your reputation. Interestiung that the Enquirer was the only one offering to pay for her story. Hmmmmmmmm
I heard one of the talking heads on one of the shows last night say that they wouldn't be surprised if the defense put on their own "rebuttal" after the prosecution does (they called it something and I can't recall what that was right now). It had something to do with rebutting the Gentiva records that the pros is going to bring in (I think Lippman said Bank of America records???).

Isn't it called sur rebuttal or something like that? And my spelling of that coud be way off!

I saw Geraldo this morning on Fox & Friends (I know, I know :headache:) said he spoke with JB last night - go figure - and he doubts if they will have trial tomorrow. He thinks closing arguments will be on Sunday with deliberations starting on Monday. I hope he's wrong. I'll be home on Saturday and on my way to the beach on Sunday.
I saw the end of the bodyguard's interview this morning.

When they told Casey they found remains the first time she just smirked at them and went back to her cell. The remains were not Caylee.

When they told her they found remains that turned out to be Caylee she became so hysterical they had to bring her to medical.

She knew exactly where Caylee was all along. :sad2:
Isn't it called sur rebuttal or something like that? And my spelling of that coud be way off!

Geraldo this morning on Fox & Friends (I know, I know :headache:) said he spoke with JB last night - go figure - and he doubts if they will have trial tomorrow. He thinks closing arguments will be on Sunday with deliberations starting on Monday. I hope he's wrong. I'll be home on Saturday and on my way to the beach on Sunday.

I think if it is this close to the end, and it's a huge Holiday Monday (typically a family Holiday) the Judge is going to want this case to get to the jury sooner than later. If he can get this sequestered jury home for the 4th, I am sure the jury will be leaving him flowers on their way out.

Why did he say no court Saturday? To give the defense time for their rebuttal? GRRRRRRRRR.
I think if it is this close to the end, and it's a huge Holiday Monday (typically a family Holiday) the Judge is going to want this case to get to the jury sooner than later. If he can get this sequestered jury home for the 4th, I am sure the jury will be leaving him flowers on their way out.

Why did he say no court Saturday? To give the defense time for their rebuttal? GRRRRRRRRR.

I don't know - I hope Geraldo is wrong. Seems I recall him being wrong in the past....:rolleyes1 Something about a vault. :laughing: Unfortunately, we do know that he has inside info concerning the defense, so maybe he really is right about this. I sure hope not. I also think the judge would love to give the jury their independence by the 4th!
Isn't it called sur rebuttal or something like that? And my spelling of that coud be way off!

I saw Geraldo this morning on Fox & Friends (I know, I know :headache:) said he spoke with JB last night - go figure - and he doubts if they will have trial tomorrow. He thinks closing arguments will be on Sunday with deliberations starting on Monday. I hope he's wrong. I'll be home on Saturday and on my way to the beach on Sunday.

I just can't believe they will do closing arguments in one day. I think it will take longer than that.
So do you think they will reach a decision in one day, let's say Sunday, and go home by Monday?
What about Casey? How many times has she showed her middle finger to witmesses, the prosecution or ANYONE that pissed her off? There are numerous pictures of her with her middle fingle clearly standing at attention. She tried to be coy, by keeping it against her face in some way, just like the kid yesterday did. He did not pump his finger into the air. He had it up against his mouth. Too bad the Judge never found Casey in contempt.

That would have been problematic because it could have caused a mistrial in favor of the prosecution. However, I'm not sure why no one reported it to the court like WFTV did yesterday. That would have been another fun smackdown if Perry had gotten his hands on it.
I saw the end of the bodyguard's interview this morning.

When they told Casey they found remains the first time she just smirked at them and went back to her cell. The remains were not Caylee.

When they told her they found remains that turned out to be Caylee she became so hysterical they had to bring her to medical.

She knew exactly where Caylee was all along. :sad2:

I actually missed the part of finding the other remains when she smirked and went back to her cell.

I rewatched the video and they didnt tell her the remains were Caylee they only told her they were found on suburban dr when she freaked out. Which did showed she knew it was Caylee there the entire time.

Here is the online video of the entire interview
I actually missed the part of finding the other remains when she smirked and went back to her cell.

I rewatched the video and they didnt tell her the remains were Caylee they only told her they were found on suburban dr when she freaked out. Which did showed she knew it was Caylee there the entire time.

Here is the online video of the entire interview

Yes, I said the remains turned out to be Caylee, not they told her it was Caylee, but she already knew that, didn't she?
I have been watching the morning talk show and they are all saying, now of George testimony shouldn't be allowed siince they feel he lied under oath, but didn't the women Krystal Hollaway lie under oath as well?? Why not throw her testimony out as well
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