So Done with Disney- a tip to newbies

BarleyJack - great post - Homework - why would I want to do homework.
I started planning our trips about 10+ years ago (we try to go each year) and each one has been special and we all have a great time. I agree with many more here - if you do not have the time to plan - you do not have the time to complain. Have a great one.
:goodvibes Great post, OP. What gets me is the fact that WDW is one of the few places that you can do minimal/ no planning and still have a good time. My first adult trip, we had no ADRs, and I only learned about FP once I got there. I had an incredible time.

Then again, I'm not a poster child for OCD either- it would take a zombie apocalypse to ruin my trip.:lmao:

Last trip, we had the dreaded view of the rooftop at WL. It also took us a while to get a room, it rained hard a couple of days and was freakishly hot one day. Still had a fantasic time. I think some people are just negative by nature and I feel bad for them. Life is too short to be so miserable.
Wow a lot of responses and fantastic input!

I'm not gonna do the whole quote quote reply reply thing, so here a just a few general thoughts--if they apply to a response you made cool--if not, well, move on :-)

1) if you need a scooter, by all means use one. the key word here is *need*. Again, the key word is *need*. :hippie:

2) I have nothing against people who live in NY/NJ (or any NE state for that matter)--I myself use to live in Hoboken while working on Manhattan. Can I be catty? You bet your booty I can! Am I hateful? Not hardly! :-)

3) I am not *from* the south, was born/raised in the Chicago area, take from that what you will :goodvibes

4) I may not be an expert at grammar (I'm a nurse, wasn't an English major,so sorry), but I like to think I know how to conjugate a verb! :teacher:

5) Passive aggressive? Let's make one dry/derogatory post and leave, never to return; now *that's* passive aggressive, just sayin :cool2:

and 6) this was all meant in good fun; to those of you who got that, thanks! to those you didn't--well, sorry for ya! :lovestruc

Have a magical day! :yay:
:lmao: Love it... my favorite

some guy air painted "jesus loves you" over the MK

We were with our best friends and have a terrific picture of the four of us in front of the castle with Jesu.......... in the sky. Maybe we should have waited for the entire sentence????? :rotfl: Makes the picture more interesting.
Thanks Barley Jack. Reading your post put a big smile on my face. What a great way to start my day.:rotfl2:
I was married to a man BRIEFLY and took him to Disney for his first ever vacation. He fussed and wined the ENTIRE trip! It was so bad when the trip was over so were WE and I HAD to go back to WDW for a trip re do!!! Since then I've been 25 times( since 2000 ) and when I hear people complaining I just have to is just too short to not enjoy it and I wonder how you can complain even on a bad day in Disney.....yeah I know chit happens and can sour a day anywhere but sheesh!!! DO you know how much I spent on this vacation and you better enjoy it is for the birds!!!!!:rotfl2:
Oh, and don't forget the part about a CM bumped into me and I deserve free park tickets and a free room! :rotfl2:
LOVE this thread!! When I first started reading, I thought...what idiot actually went to DW and knew NONE of this???:lmao:

Great points OP and I agree 100% with you. I would NEVER spend the kind of money we do on a trip like this without knowing the ins and outs of it all. :cool2: Come on, you wouldn't hop on a plane to France and just get there with $$$ in your pocket and say, now what?:scared1:

Great post!!:woohoo:
On my last trip:

my plane was late arriving in MCO
my room wasn't ready when I arrived at 8am
I had to wait 20 minutes past my ADR time at multiple restaurants
it was hot
it rained
I got dirty looks for using my CBR mug at the Poly
the monorail smelled funny
my DDP food was awful
there were screaming children everywhere
there were loud Brazilian tour groups everywhere
I was never told about fast passes
I had to wait for a bus to my resort for over 10 minutes
there were so many foreigners and people of color there
some guy air painted "jesus loves you" over the MK
there were gay people there
Space Mountain broke down
a hotdog costs too much
there were fat people in wheelchairs and 12 year olds in strollers
I was kicked out of the Poly pool area cuz I wasn't staying there
Pluto hit my kid
I can walk but I choose to use a scooter because I'm lazy and get tired
I deserved more

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

In case you didn't get it, this is sarcasm/hypothetical situation(s).

I am SO sick of people and their issues with self entitlement. Get the H over it. Research your trip. Done. Enough.

Would you invest thousands in stocks you know nothing about? No!
Would you buy a house you'd never seen? No!
Would you buy a car you had not taken on a test drive? No!

Then why in Gods name would you spend thousands on a vacation without using google?!?!?!

Plan people! READ!

Quit your whining!

Blah, done.

Bad day

OMG! for a minute i thought you were for real. :scared1: But then i saw your explanation and your ticker ;) i got happy again. but you are so true. like its so dumb how people dont research the time they go. of course, there will always be gay people there. forget about it. its life. Second, it will rain..ITS FLORIDA! 3rd, yes the brazilian groups are obnoxious. thats why you have to plan around them as much as possible. 4th. Your kid is too sensitive if he thinks pluto 'hit' him. 5th, you will NOT get dirty looks if you use your refillable mug somewhere else, and you will not get kicked out of the pool area if you dont stay there. its impossible for security to know you dont belong. BOY i could go on and on and on and on about how ridiculous people are. but i wont. but if you really want me to just say so.:laughing:
Then again, I'm not a poster child for OCD either- it would take a zombie apocalypse to ruin my trip.:lmao:

A woman after my own heart. :love: Except I would welcome the Zombie apocalypse. I could hold up in the Castle with Max Brook's Zombie Survival Guide and maybe get to see the inside of that awesome suite for once. AND, I'd have the added benefit of never having to face the credit card bills from after the trip! LOL!
I LOVE this post! :thumbsup2 Although, I have been known to complain about the South Americans from a country that shall remain nameless a time to two....:rolleyes1 But I promise I had a good reason.
I too thought you were serious for a second and I was about to go off on you! LOL Then once I got it, I started laughing because all of those complaints you listed are so true of what you hear on a regular basis from stupid people either there or that came back. These are the people that annoy the heck out of me! They are never happy unless they have something to complain about. They are your true "negative nancies". I have been to WDW nearly a hundred times (I used to live down there) and I have heard it all and I just want to look at them and say "really??? this is your biggest problem in life to complain about? Quit ruining something so incredible for everyone else" I would like to run them over with a Disney bus!!!

Thanks for a great post!! :mickeyjum
We need to start a new forum called "Disney Complaint Dept." In the forum will be threads where you can post your specific complaints. I have added some to OP's List, which was hilarious.

Sample threads will include:
Catching Up to Family is Not Line-Cutting, Is It?
Re-Using 2010 Mugs - Everybody Does It
Long Wait for the Bus - At Least 2-3 Hours!
People at Next Table Didn't Return Their Tray
I Was Rude to CM, But They Deserved It
My Kid is 5 But He Passes for 2-3/4
My Parade Viewing Spot Was Stolen
Designated Smoking Areas Make Me Sick
I Didn't Get a Towel Animal
How To Beat Parking Fees
I Stepped In Front of a Scooter and They Had the Nerve to Run Over My Foot
I Refuse to Move All the Way to the End of the Row
I Know Darn Well Their FP Expired Hours Ago
Adults Shouldn't Get in Line for Character Photos
My Kid Had to Go, and There Was No Bathroom Around, So He Went in the Bushes
I had a Disney Complaint, and They Didn't Give Me Enough Free Stuff
If I'm Traveling Solo, But Registering Spouse, Why Can't I Use 2 People's Free Dining Credits?
Somebody Complained Because I was Walking Around and Eating a Turkey Leg at the Same Time


These are too funny, Poohsie! :rotfl2::rotfl:

My favorite is "Somebody Complained Because I was Walking Around and Eating a Turkey Leg at the Same Time"
On my last trip:

my plane was late arriving in MCO
my room wasn't ready when I arrived at 8am
I had to wait 20 minutes past my ADR time at multiple restaurants
it was hot
it rained
I got dirty looks for using my CBR mug at the Poly
the monorail smelled funny
my DDP food was awful
there were screaming children everywhere
there were loud Brazilian tour groups everywhere
I was never told about fast passes
I had to wait for a bus to my resort for over 10 minutes
there were so many foreigners and people of color there
some guy air painted "jesus loves you" over the MK
there were gay people there
Space Mountain broke down
a hotdog costs too much
there were fat people in wheelchairs and 12 year olds in strollers
I was kicked out of the Poly pool area cuz I wasn't staying there
Pluto hit my kid
I can walk but I choose to use a scooter because I'm lazy and get tired
I deserved more

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

In case you didn't get it, this is sarcasm/hypothetical situation(s).

I am SO sick of people and their issues with self entitlement. Get the H over it. Research your trip. Done. Enough.

Would you invest thousands in stocks you know nothing about? No!
Would you buy a house you'd never seen? No!
Would you buy a car you had not taken on a test drive? No!

Then why in Gods name would you spend thousands on a vacation without using google?!?!?!

Plan people! READ!

Quit your whining!

Blah, done.

Bad day

Best post ever!:worship::thumbsup2
First OP, great post - very funny.

When we did a cruise to Alaska when our DD was 1, we felt a little out of place because there were not many kids on the ship. At first, I felt like I needed to make sure DD acted "appropriately" so as not to ruin anyone else's trip with "noisy kids running around." I think it was because someone we met was going on and on about how glad she was that our child was well behaved, because she had been on trips where parents bring young kids (who won't even remember the trip anyway) and let them ruin other people's vacations.

Granted, I still ensure that my kids use manners, etc., but when I reminded my child to use her inside voice on the ship, an older gentleman on that ship told me "Don't worry about it, it's her vacation too". When I hear people complaining about someone using old mugs, etc., I always think "it's his/her vacation too" to remind myself not to worry about what others are doing on their vacation and to focus on my own vacation instead. So whether they are the ones using the old mug or the ones complaining about the old mug, it's their vacation too; if that's how they want to spend it, more power to them :-) It's an inside joke between me and husband now in fact whenever we are on vacation. It generally comes up several times each trip.

I think that phrase can be modified to be "It's his/her life too."

I always read these threads looking for something to learn, and from this one I have learned to be more polite to those in scooters. So OP, you provided me with a laugh today and a lesson - thanks!


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