London / Paris Here We Come!!! 9/2 - 9/10/11

I know we are on the same flight.

Can I board before you try to get your 55 gallon drum of Purell on the plane?


Be glad that you get to go through TSA in Orlando, the Philly group is NEVER in a good mood.
Oh, good grief! They're trying to kill me at work! I'm SO GLAD I have vacation in less than a week! I am SO GOING TO NEED IT!!!!

And I was going to get a flu shot at CVS yesterday, and they couldn't get the insurance to authorize (it was fine with my insurance, but their system wouldn't take it). So no flu shot for me! The stupid thing is, my Rx insurance is with Caremark, and they *OWN* CVS! So very stupid!

Shopping is complete! :thumbsup2 And I'm thrilled to report, there are no zebra pants in Mike's wardrobe! :rotfl2:


Glad to hear it! I just checked the weather app on my phone, and it seems that I might need to pack my closet to cover all the bases from chilly to hot. I bought a new outfit for an evening in London, probably for the Lion King night. I plan on going more casual for Foxtrot Oscar night.

Denise & I (yes, it is James, typing on Denise's account, since I was using FFox to do the searching and planning this morning) were thinking of taking one of the seemingly standardized tours of Paris offered by many groups, but I thinking hosted by a single company, namely the "Seine River Cruise and Paris Illuminations tour" (google this, or just copy / paste / edit this: www{dot}viator{dot}com/tours/Paris/Seine-River-Cruise-and-Paris-Illuminations-Tour/d479-2050C ). 2.5 hours - 1 hour cruise & 1.5 hour bus tour.

D & I were thinking of taking the small-group (8 person minivan version).
Yes, I know that the cruise is not 8 person, more like 500 people on something akin to the Admiral Joe Fowler (1 hour, 1 vending machine, no restrooms).... But, the small group option includes hotel pickup and drop-off, and I would like a smaller group rather than a huge bus for the tour.

2 Questions:
Q1) Has anyone taken this? I've read the reviews, and I can't seem to figure out if any of the reviews are for the mini-van version.

Q2) Anyone (3 couple / 6 singles / any other combo) want to join us on Tuesday (9/6) @ 8:30 - we would rent a whole mini-van. It would probably make the guide's night :-)

If $104 / person price is a little high, I can reduce it by $10-13 - I have a ton of Coca-Cola points, and even if I use it for all 8 people, it is only 600 points, which is a drop in the bucket from my total.

It doesn't appear to be booked, even for tomorrow evening, so it isn't like we need to get this booked "today", but it never hurts. I'm spending other Coca-Cola points in London, so, I figured I'd ask.

Q2) Anyone (3 couple / 6 singles / any other combo) want to join us on Tuesday (9/6) @ 8:30 - we would rent a whole mini-van. It would probably make the guide's night :-)

If $104 / person price is a little high, I can reduce it by $10-13 - I have a ton of Coca-Cola points, and even if I use it for all 8 people, it is only 600 points, which is a drop in the bucket from my total.

If we get 8, we can save even more: has the full van at $685 (that's $85 for the mathematically challenged).

Oh, and yeah, if you say you want to join us, I'll pay for the tix in advance. Not only do I trust you all to pay me back at some point, but I will know where you are sleeping for 10 days ... ;)

Shopping is complete! :thumbsup2 And I'm thrilled to report, there are no zebra pants in Mike's wardrobe! :rotfl2:

:worship::worship: Thank you!! :rotfl:

Glad to hear it! I just checked the weather app on my phone, and it seems that I might need to pack my closet to cover all the bases from chilly to hot. I bought a new outfit for an evening in London, probably for the Lion King night. I plan on going more casual for Foxtrot Oscar night.

This was my plan too. I have a new dress for the theater, and I'll go with a cute skirt or something for FTO. My call. In in ine hour, so I should have a better idea for us - at least for London.

Travel Tip #2: Drink water. They say the planes have a very low humidity level, and that you should drink 8oz of water every hour or so just to replace the moisture you loose. :scared1: Drinking has the added benefit of causing you to need to get up frequently. :rolleyes1. It was suggested you take a long bath upon arrival at the hotel to rehydrated your skin. :teacher:

"They" also say to avoid alcohol and soft drinks. Any takers on that? lol

Today I will be making a few things to wear on our trip. We'll see if they turn out well enough to make the cut! :rotfl2:
Q2) Anyone (3 couple / 6 singles / any other combo) want to join us on Tuesday (9/6) @ 8:30 - we would rent a whole mini-van. It would probably make the guide's night :-)

Brian and I were hoping to do a Seine cruise that night, so we would definitely be interested.

Okay, ladies. Here's the word from Mark and Claire. They said it will feel cool to us, especially having been in the 90's. They said plan on 16-20...or 62-70. Mornings and evenings are obviously cooler. Plan on pants and short sleeves with a sweater or jacket for mornings/evenings. Does that help?

Now, does anyone have a friend in Paris we can consult? :rotfl2:
Okay, ladies. Here's the word from Mark and Claire. They said it will feel cool to us, especially having been in the 90's. They said plan on 16-20...or 62-70. Mornings and evenings are obviously cooler. Plan on pants and short sleeves with a sweater or jacket for mornings/evenings. Does that help?

Now, does anyone have a friend in Paris we can consult? :rotfl2:

Let me call Johnny Depp and see what he says...
Okay, ladies. Here's the word from Mark and Claire. They said it will feel cool to us, especially having been in the 90's. They said plan on 16-20...or 62-70. Mornings and evenings are obviously cooler. Plan on pants and short sleeves with a sweater or jacket for mornings/evenings. Does that help?

Now, does anyone have a friend in Paris we can consult? :rotfl2:

That's what I've been wearing recently. Use layers in case the weather changes. Make sure you have closed shoes for when it rains (or you'll get soggy feet)
Let me call Johnny Depp and see what he says...

Forget calling him...have him meet us there! :cloud9:lol

That's what I've been wearing recently. Use layers in case the weather changes. Make sure you have closed shoes for when it rains (or you'll get soggy feet)

No need for capris, then? Any recommendation on types of shoes? I have some super comfy ballet flats that have good support that I'm definetly bringing.
Yep, looks like layers is the way to go. Oi, I'm starting to freak out about packing! Maybe I should go shopping and buy a new outfit or 2 for the trip. I'd probably feel better then!

Forget calling him...have him meet us there! :cloud9:lol

No need for capris, then? Any recommendation on types of shoes? I have some super comfy ballet flats that have good support that I'm definetly bringing.

If you feel comfortable in them, then go for it! If they dry quickly, then they'll be better. It has been quite rainy here at the moment (I'm just north of London) and often just drizzles. The weather is pretty changeable here, as this morning it looked like a nice day, but it was drizzling for most of the afternoon. We had lovely weather at the beginning of the summer, but its all gone miserable again. Hopefully it will pick up again in September!

I'd still bring your ballet flats and capris if they are comfortable (France in September 2 years ago was gorgeous!), but bring layers or maybe take a spare pair of socks in your bag so you can change if your feet get wet (I really hate having wet feet!) Also (weather depending) a small umbrella that you can slip in your bag is a sound investment (otherwise they are very easy to buy in the UK, go to your nearest Primark or Marks and Spencers will have them).
If we get 8, we can save even more: has the full van at $685 (that's $85 for the mathematically challenged).

Oh, and yeah, if you say you want to join us, I'll pay for the tix in advance. Not only do I trust you all to pay me back at some point, but I will know where you are sleeping for 10 days ... ;)


Please put us (Jim and Linda) down for this. I do recall when the ABD BackStage Magic group boarded the Finding Nemo Submarine way back in Spring of 2010, the boot did scrape bottom. Just saying.
Yep, looks like layers is the way to go. Oi, I'm starting to freak out about packing! Maybe I should go shopping and buy a new outfit or 2 for the trip. I'd probably feel better then!


I say that will definitely help you feel better! :cool1:
If anyone wants a fun way to brush up on their British history (although they cover all areas of history) you should check out Horrible Histories - search on you tube for it.

We watched this one over and over :rotfl2:

When I was growing up they did the books for this series and recently they have made it into a kids show. It consists of lots of sketches about different ages in time including the Vile Victorians, the Rotten Romans, the Measly Middle Ages and tons more. It reminds me of Monthy Python as well as being educational :thumbsup2


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