Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

Good morning everyone.

I did my final weighin, and am up 4.6 for the challenge. I'm at 215.2. a bit frustrating for me, but I know what I did and didn't do to see that number. I will answer todays qotd because my food attitude is definitely my issue.
This journey has been going on for 6 years. Up and down definitely, but not ever giving up. I was 229 then when I went back to ww, and am happy that I have never given up totally and gone back over that number. But once I got down to 183, so I know I can do that again, but really need to focus on my food intake. I'm doing ok with exercising regularly. I am definitely educated about food and calories/fat and know what I should eat, but as many of you have heard me say, many times, I keep buying it, and that needs to change. I walked with my sil and brother last week on our vacation, and we talked a lot about getting away from processed foods, and eating more natural. Reading what Rose and Pamela have written is such an inspiration to me. I know that I can do this. I have done it before, but fall back on the emotional eating and snacking. I guess my attitude has not changed all that much, all the time, and that is what I need to do. This is a fresh start again, I have 10 days off, I'm going to pull out my ww books, and am not going to buy the trigger foods that I go looking for when I am bored or sad. I'm going to set a good example for ds, and follow his good example too. He loves fruit, and if it's here, he'll chose that over other junk. My kitchen is relatively empty so after we come back from the cape we'll shop, and stock up on healthy foods.

Thank you so much for all of the support you all have given me over the years here. I know it's so easy to say, just don't buy the junk, and I should be able to control myself, but it's not always that easy. So thank you for listening especially when I sound like a broken record. You guys are the best. :grouphug:

Sue and CC-How were your vacations? I know we overlapped some. Hope they were wonderful. I haven't read that far back on the thread yet.

Glad everyone seems to have tolerated the storms ok. That flooding is so frightening, deb. Be careful. We just have some small branches around, nothing major.

Well, I'm being yelled at. We're off to Canobie Lake park. Have a fabulous day.
Good morning everyone.

I did my final weighin, and am up 4.6 for the challenge. I'm at 215.2. a bit frustrating for me, but I know what I did and didn't do to see that number. I will answer todays qotd because my food attitude is definitely my issue.
This journey has been going on for 6 years. Up and down definitely, but not ever giving up. I was 229 then when I went back to ww, and am happy that I have never given up totally and gone back over that number. But once I got down to 183, so I know I can do that again, but really need to focus on my food intake. I'm doing ok with exercising regularly. I am definitely educated about food and calories/fat and know what I should eat, but as many of you have heard me say, many times, I keep buying it, and that needs to change. I walked with my sil and brother last week on our vacation, and we talked a lot about getting away from processed foods, and eating more natural. Reading what Rose and Pamela have written is such an inspiration to me. I know that I can do this. I have done it before, but fall back on the emotional eating and snacking. I guess my attitude has not changed all that much, all the time, and that is what I need to do. This is a fresh start again, I have 10 days off, I'm going to pull out my ww books, and am not going to buy the trigger foods that I go looking for when I am bored or sad. I'm going to set a good example for ds, and follow his good example too. He loves fruit, and if it's here, he'll chose that over other junk. My kitchen is relatively empty so after we come back from the cape we'll shop, and stock up on healthy foods.

Thank you so much for all of the support you all have given me over the years here. I know it's so easy to say, just don't buy the junk, and I should be able to control myself, but it's not always that easy. So thank you for listening especially when I sound like a broken record. You guys are the best. :grouphug:

Sue and CC-How were your vacations? I know we overlapped some. Hope they were wonderful. I haven't read that far back on the thread yet.

Glad everyone seems to have tolerated the storms ok. That flooding is so frightening, deb. Be careful. We just have some small branches around, nothing major.

Well, I'm being yelled at. We're off to Canobie Lake park. Have a fabulous day.

First of all.....:hug:

Second.... hope your day at Canobie was good! We didn't make it there this year.

Glad you weathered the storm well.


Afternoon friends!

"Aunt Flo" is in the house (for an unscheduled visit :confused: )and is NOT being nice! Cramps like I haven't had since teen years! YUCK! And, of course, I want to eat everything that isn't nailed down!! NOW I know why I was so OCD on Saturday!

It has been a beautiful day though! I have my second load of laundry drying on the line. We did some quick clean up before the robotics kids arrived (vacuuming, downstairs bathroom, and general picking up). DS got his back-to-school haircut today.... not as short as I thought he was going, but at least I can see his eyes! He's been rocking the "hippie" hair for a few years now, but I think he is finally getting tired of it.

Had a terrific spinach salad with some leftover grilled chicken for lunch, but in my current "state", it just wasn't enough to keep the munchies at bay. The robotics kids are having goodies for snacktime now, so I thought it best to remove myself from the temptations! I had a handful of salty peanuts.... hopefully that will be enough for now.

Hoping for one more relaxing summer evening tonight. Tomorrow night will be a "SCHOOL NIGHT" and DS has soccer practice, so this is it for relaxing for this summer!

Well to make a really long story short we're moving NEXT WEEK!

The movers will be here the 8th to pack us up, load the truck on the 9th, and we're hitting the road on the 11th. Alan has the crazy idea in his head that we're going to load up all the animals (2 cats & 1 dog) each in their seperate carriers and take them to FL. OYE! This is going to be a LONG trip :lmao:.

The moving truck will be there the 14th to unload everything. Alan will be getting back on a plane on the 17th to fly back to Dallas. He's going to load up the convertible on the flatbed and make the drive back.

Why'd we change plans from mid Oct to now? Well, I've been majorly stressed out this last week and a lot of it having nothing to do with the move. I've got my mom and best friend pulling me in different directions right now and I got fed up. Best friend has a new boyfriend (met him online and has only known him a month and they are already "exclusive"). She's all gung ho on "I want your approval and yada yada yada." I point blank told her I didn't care and she's going to date whoever whether I like him or not.

Well we met this guy on Saturday and let's just say I got a vibe from him that he's a homosexual. Now, I have no problem with this. One of my best friends from high school is homosexual and he hid it for years until after high school. She has yet to call me and ask me what I think but I can already tell you that's going to be an interesting conversation.

Then you add the stress of my mother expecting me to do anything and everything to her house even though she knows I'm leaving soon. I finally just snapped the other night after I asked best friend if she wanted to go to a ball game with us. She of course said yes and then asked if her new boyfriend to come along (I was expecting that). However what I wasn't expecting was she asked me to pay for HIS Rangers ticket! Yeah, that's not going to happen. I'm not paying for something for a complete stranger.

So, I've decided for my sanity and my health to get out of here ASAP. I've been so stressed out I'm physically getting ill to my stomach, not sleeping, and just exhausted. I do not need a hospital visit due to the stress. Everyone is pretty much in shock that I'm leaving this soon but I have to do what I have to do for me. I quit living life for other people 3.5 years ago.
Hi all,

Been a long day! I was supposed to walk at the track tonight and ended up talking with the other parents the whole time. Izzie moaned and groaned the whole time we were there which made it even longer.

Slept pretty well last night despite the howling wind. It stopped at some point.

Got my oil change and inspection for my car this morning and then the kids and I picked up the branches and twigs in our yard. Good thing we did as the town came and picked everything up and shredded it! I cleaned the living room and watched a DVD I need to return to the library tomorrow.

We had burgers for supper and then we headed out to soccer practice.

Picked up some milk on the way home. We will be watching Eureka in a few minutes. I've got to work tomorrow afternoon after taking Ash for a tour of the middle school in the morning. Wish I had somewhere they could be while I'm at work.

Well, I need a snack and some more water.

TTFN :tigger:
I know it's so easy to say, just don't buy the junk, and I should be able to control myself, but it's not always that easy. So thank you for listening especially when I sound like a broken record. You guys are the best. :grouphug:
Kathy--:hug: One day at a time, one meal at a time, one bite at a time.:goodvibes I totally agree it's not always that easy to just not buy the junk. Or eat the junk, or have it around period. If it's in my house I eat it. I still can't have it here--specifically potato chips, cookies, and cake. I'm lucky in that Mike still goes to the grocery store a lot of times--some of that now is my frustration with having to walk through the entire store for my few things knowing I can't eat most of the food even if I wanted to (the whole gluten thing). Anyhow, I get what you are saying--it really is hard. I was the biggest emotional eater ever. The key for me was to find something to replace that and for me that was exercise. It's not a quick thing, but eventually the benefits I got from exercise outweighed my need to overeat. It made it easier to say no to the junk. But it wasn't fast. You can do it Kathy, I know you can.:hug:

I have really enjoyed reading everyone's replies to the QOTD. I wasn't sure how that would go over, so I appreciate all the thoughtful responses.

I don't have a lot of time tonight. I worked today, did a mile and a half on the elliptical and a 50 minute strength class. We just finished dinner and now I have to do some laundry to get ready for our trip on Thursday.

Everyone have a great Monday night!:goodvibes
QOTD Tuesday, August 30
If you could have the "ear" of anyone you want at Disney who would it be and what would you tell them?
Hi Kathy! My trip to WDW was good. Going with my family is very different from going with only my sister. She and I maximize our time. We still had a great time and I am so glad we got to share our family's love of Disney with my BIL. :)

We lost power around 8 AM on Sunday morning and got it back around 6 AM this morning. My sister and BIL didn't lose power and since they live closer to my work, I spent Sunday night at their place. Worked perfectly! My parents used to camp a lot so we have pleny of no power solutions. I read a few magazines and did some mind puzzles. That kept me busy enough. I took a much-needed nap as well. One of our neighbors has a gas stove and was able to use it and sent over some WW soup. We had soup and salad for lunch and it was great! While I couldn't spend days without power, it was nice to see that we can survive for a few hours. It gives you (or at least me) an appreciation of things.

I can't remember the last on plan day I had. :scared1: I will be spending some time making a plan for the next challenge (HH Hint ;)) and I am determined to follow it. :goodvibes

Have a great week everyone!

:hug: to all those who need one!
We are okay. There is such widespread damage though. We are counting out blessings for building where we are. The dam is about 1/2 mile from our house. They normally keep the "lake" at about 30 feet. It was at 124 feet when we checked it out a couple of hours ago. It can still hold a lot more water and it is expected that the rivers will crest within the next day or so so we'll be fine. Our town seems to be fine too. The town that we work in was not so lucky. We lost the Quechee covered bridge, Simon Pearce has substancial damage and the realty/dentist office is practically gone. There are you tube videos for anyone interested (Quechee Covered Bridge). The new bridge that was built less than 2 years ago that we cross to get to camp is severely damaged and the road is too. We can't get to camp to assess damage, but it is on a steep hill and was okay yesterday afternoon so we're not too worried. The bridge that we cross between our house and my parents (about 5 miles from us) has a crack in it and is closed too. This morning all bridges in town were closed, but as the water levels dropped a bit and the conditions of the bridges were checked they were able to open some. Across the river in NH the shopping plazas were under water. I've seen pictures of the JcPenney store with water over 3 feet up the door. Kohl's had at least 5 feet of water and mud running through it. We drove through tonight and Sears had Stanley Steamer working on their store as did Kmart. Walmart had a sign "Closed until further notice". Chris thanked me for having the kids ready for school ahead of time as who knows where we would shop now.

We were planning to do a white water rafting trip in Lake George NY this weekend, but route 4 is closed which is the only road between here and there. No idea when it will reopen so we'll need to investigate tomorrow. The campground we are booked at is underwater so they are trying to move us to another campground at the same rate. The white water rafting company has no phone, but left a message on my cellphone that the river isn't really swollen there :confused3:confused3 The campground just up the road is underwater, but the river's aren't swollen? Not sure if I feel safe at this point. I need to actually talk to them tomorrow.

The kids are starting school tomorrow as scheduled. Hopefully everyone can get there as I know many people are stranded in their homes as roads are washed out in both directions. Lots of coworkers couldn't make it in the morning.

One of the women that work for my mother lost their house and car. I've heard of many other people that have lost their homes as well and many don't have flood insurance.
QOTD Monday, August 29th

Ok, time for a slightly more serious question.:goodvibes Since you have started on this healthy lifestyle has your attitude towards food changed? How so? Do you view food differently?

It's soooo different now! Like a lot of PP's have said, I view food as fuel for my body, not just something that will taste good for now and darn the consequences. I think a part of that is being in an OR now for my job. I see what happens to people who eat like that, and I don't want to end up on that table! But in the process, I've found some really tasty foods that are good for me too! I made the comment on a WISH journal about food being fuel, and jokingly said "You wouldn't fill up a racecar with anything but premium, right? So why would I fill myself up with junk?" But there is a point there!

QOTD Tuesday, August 30
If you could have the "ear" of anyone you want at Disney who would it be and what would you tell them?

I would tell whoever is in charge of the Cinderella Dream Suite to give me the keys anytime I came to visit!
Wow, the flooding is horrendous around here. Several covered bridges have been completely washed away, not to mention entire homes. Roads are closed everywhere. Many people will not be able to leave their homes for awhile as the roads are gone. It's still raining here and raining heavy North of us. All the water falling North of us feeds into the river and streams that are already over the roads. Eventually the Rivers south of us will be receiving all this water which means even more flooding. Insane. We live on a main road and I should be able to make it to work in the morning. I only need to cross on bridge and it was fine a couple of hours ago.

Wow, I did see that VT got hit really bad with the storm. Some of the pictures were crazy.

I have a whole Disney playlist: the soundtracks for IllumiNations (may listen to that to fall asleep tonight), Spectro, Wishes, Fantasmic, the 4 parks 1 world CD, and other things that I've ripped from youtube.

THANK YOU! I was trying to remember ones I like and I always love the music from Spectromagic. I'll have to check out itunes again. I was looking for some but didn't see the 4 parks cd. Wonder if they have it. I have a couple that I'll look through. DS loves it when I play the Tiki Birds song :lmao:

It killed me to leave HHI and loose a nights worth of points - but Disney being Disney - put the points back into my account in a holding status. I called when I got home and the very kind manager on duty banked the points for me. So I am a very happy camper.

Wow, that's great that they did that with your points. I love to hear good DVC stories like that.

I was still carrying a lot of leftover messages from childhood--you'll always be big, etc that seemed to be tied up in food.

I would never have guessed that looking at your picture. You look awesome :thumbsup2

One more :thanks: to Rose, Dona, CC, Connie, all our coaches, and all the participants -- I keep coming back to the BL Challenge because it's a fun and supportive place to be. You guys make it that way. We all deserve a big hand of applause! :grouphug:

Yes, thank you all so very much :goodvibes

Good morning everyone.

I did my final weighin, and am up 4.6 for the challenge. I'm at 215.2. a bit frustrating for me, but I know what I did and didn't do to see that number. I will answer todays qotd because my food attitude is definitely my issue.
This journey has been going on for 6 years. Up and down definitely, but not ever giving up. I was 229 then when I went back to ww, and am happy that I have never given up totally and gone back over that number. But once I got down to 183, so I know I can do that again, but really need to focus on my food intake. I'm doing ok with exercising regularly. I am definitely educated about food and calories/fat and know what I should eat, but as many of you have heard me say, many times, I keep buying it, and that needs to change. I walked with my sil and brother last week on our vacation, and we talked a lot about getting away from processed foods, and eating more natural. Reading what Rose and Pamela have written is such an inspiration to me. I know that I can do this. I have done it before, but fall back on the emotional eating and snacking. I guess my attitude has not changed all that much, all the time, and that is what I need to do. This is a fresh start again, I have 10 days off, I'm going to pull out my ww books, and am not going to buy the trigger foods that I go looking for when I am bored or sad. I'm going to set a good example for ds, and follow his good example too. He loves fruit, and if it's here, he'll chose that over other junk. My kitchen is relatively empty so after we come back from the cape we'll shop, and stock up on healthy foods.

Thank you so much for all of the support you all have given me over the years here. I know it's so easy to say, just don't buy the junk, and I should be able to control myself, but it's not always that easy. So thank you for listening especially when I sound like a broken record. You guys are the best. :grouphug:

Sue and CC-How were your vacations? I know we overlapped some. Hope they were wonderful. I haven't read that far back on the thread yet.

Glad everyone seems to have tolerated the storms ok. That flooding is so frightening, deb. Be careful. We just have some small branches around, nothing major.

Well, I'm being yelled at. We're off to Canobie Lake park. Have a fabulous day.

Hi Kathy, vacation was a little boring, but it certainly wasn't work, so I'll take it :thumbsup2

We need to walk, so you have any Friday's off?

Well to make a really long story short we're moving NEXT WEEK!

So, I've decided for my sanity and my health to get out of here ASAP. I've been so stressed out I'm physically getting ill to my stomach, not sleeping, and just exhausted. I do not need a hospital visit due to the stress. Everyone is pretty much in shock that I'm leaving this soon but I have to do what I have to do for me. I quit living life for other people 3.5 years ago.

Wow, that's super fast. Best of luck with the move and you take care of you first :hug:
Well to make a really long story short we're moving NEXT WEEK!

Wow! That's great! Sorry about your mom and best friend. Been there, done that with the best friend going gung ho over the boyfriend. Never fun.

One day at a time, one meal at a time, one bite at a time.:goodvibes I totally agree it's not always that easy to just not buy the junk. Or eat the junk, or have it around period. If it's in my house I eat it.

I'm the same way. When I went on the first two shopping trips, I was fine. Bought almost all healthy stuff. Then when I went to WalMart with my housemate and other friend, there was nothing that I needed so I ended up buying a 21 pack of those soft frosted sugar cookies. And today after class I became that girl who sat in front of the TV watching Law and Order while eating cookies. Never mind that I've never before watched that show in my life. :rotfl: (Also, apparently people who watch TV during that time need dates, because there were a lot of ads for and eharmony.:rolleyes1) However, I'm thinking I can also blame that on PMS, but I'm back on plan tomorrow. Might just throw the cookies out.

We are okay. There is such widespread damage though.

We were flipping channels earlier and saw a brief video on the news of "Irene in Vermont". It looked like Niagara Falls! :scared1:

THANK YOU! I was trying to remember ones I like and I always love the music from Spectromagic. I'll have to check out itunes again. I was looking for some but didn't see the 4 parks cd. Wonder if they have it. I have a couple that I'll look through. DS loves it when I play the Tiki Birds song :lmao:

iTunes never seems to have actual parks music, only movie soundtracks. If there's any music you want, PM me your e-mail and I'll send it to you.

As I said above, today was on plan until around 4:30. But I'm starting over tomorrow. I can't remember if I said this before, but one of my housemates is borderline diabetic, so she is also watching what she eats, and we are going to be gym buddies a few times a week-I think we're going Wednesday morning.

First day of class was pretty chill. I got a lot of my pile of paperwork diminished at work, so that was good. For my psych class (tomorrow), I've been checking & checking the book list-nothing. So I was really hoping we wouldn't have one. But today the professor sent the syllabus and sure enough, it has a required textbook. :headache: And last night one of my friends was telling me about his horrible experience with this professor, so I'm not looking forward to this. But I can't drop it because a)I have nothing to put in its place and b)I won't be a full time student. So wish me luck!
First of all.....:hug:

Second.... hope your day at Canobie was good! We didn't make it there this year.
Thanks pamela. It was really fun. We got there at 12:30 and stayed til closing at 10. Ds wanted to do the corkscrew and the new Untamed, but never got up the nerve. But went on that horrible skateboard thing about 5 times. Alone. I'd puke. ugh.
Sorry about the tom. It definitely changes as we get older. I know I won't be sad when menopause hits for real. ;)

Kathy--:hug: One day at a time, one meal at a time, one bite at a time.:goodvibes I totally agree it's not always that easy to just not buy the junk. Or eat the junk, or have it around period. If it's in my house I eat it. I still can't have it here--specifically potato chips, cookies, and cake. I'm lucky in that Mike still goes to the grocery store a lot of times--some of that now is my frustration with having to walk through the entire store for my few things knowing I can't eat most of the food even if I wanted to (the whole gluten thing). Anyhow, I get what you are saying--it really is hard. I was the biggest emotional eater ever. The key for me was to find something to replace that and for me that was exercise. It's not a quick thing, but eventually the benefits I got from exercise outweighed my need to overeat. It made it easier to say no to the junk. But it wasn't fast. You can do it Kathy, I know you can.:hug:
Thank you rose. You always know just what to say. I did really well yesterday at the park considering all the options available, and plan to be healthy at the cape as well. Have a fabulous trip this weekend!!

Hi Kathy! My trip to WDW was good. Going with my family is very different from going with only my sister. She and I maximize our time. We still had a great time and I am so glad we got to share our family's love of Disney with my BIL. :)
Glad you had a fun trip. I hear ya on the on plan days. We can do it!! One day at a time. :thumbsup2

Hi Kathy, vacation was a little boring, but it certainly wasn't work, so I'll take it :thumbsup2

We need to walk, so you have any Friday's off?
Kinda like the rainy day is disney is better than any day at work. Glad it was ok. I don't have any fridays' off, but when I get out at 2 I'll let you know and we could walk before I pick up michael. Or we could walk to pick him up.
I thought of your disney meditation yesterday on the carousel at canobie lake. I said to michael just close your eyes and pretend we're in disney, and they were playing the heigh ho song, so it was actually easy to do. Til I opened my eyes and we couldn't go to dumbo or philharmagic. Thinking of disney is a great way to relax. I look at our disney pictures a lot when I'm feeling blue.

Hello to everyone else. I'm off to the cape. We're going to take the ferry to Martha's vineyard and bike over there today, and we're staying in falmouth so tomorrow we'll bike the paths around falmouth. A friend told us of a great restaurant called the Nimrod where there's a cannon hole where a cannon was shot from a ship during the war of 1812, so we're going to go there one night.

Have a great rest of the week everyone!!:)
Kathy- We did Canobie last Wednesday! Untamed was neat though my head got jingled around a bit. Did the Corkscrew and ended up at the first aid station to get ice as I bruised my elbow pretty good on the first loop. I think I hit it on Izzie's handle! Still a little sore! While we were in line someone behind us passed out on the ramp. She got driven to first aid! Dehydrated I think.

Got up and did a solo walk through town. It was quite chilly! Just had my shake and about to make some tea to warm up! Got kind of a busy day today. We take a tour of the middle school and then I'm taking the kids to get lunch and then dropping them off at Brian's office while I work. They can play thier DSis and watch movies and read. After I work we have to run to the dance studio to measure Ash for a leotard. Can't find any her size!

I've really got to get my act together in terms of meals. Been just throwing things together lately. We may have paninis tonight as we have some sandwich meat to finish up.

Gotta make a trip to WalMart tomorrow for the rest of our school supplies.

Time for that tea!

TTFN :tigger:
I'm feeling blah today. not like depressed blah, just tired. my friend came over last night to use my shower and eat since she has no power and i ended up letting her stay over. my bed is big enough for two people but im tired now. I should really go for a run today but im hoesntly not feeling it. I have an article to write for one of the websites i work for thats 2 days over due.

Tomorrow I finally start school, was supposed to start monday but the school had no power. I have school from 930 to 11 and then work at 1 till 9. I should probably plan some sort of meal but my eyes are literally closing. I think i will finish my article, fold some laundry and then take a shower. I also have to go out at some point today and get a birthday present for my boyfriend but i still dont know what im getting him.
guys, i'm sorry, i've really been slacking on this thread lately. shame on me!

trina - sorry you're feeling blah today. i think we all have those days. i have them alot lately! just....blah. good luck with the first day of school! what are you studying? where is school? my parents are in fairfield county and will be out of power probably for a week or so.

deb - your pictures from facebook of the flooding in your area is nuts. i hope they can clean everything up quickly and life goes back to normal!! :grouphug:

gretchen - nice work getting a gym buddy! the one thing to remember though is that if your friend bails that you should still go to the gym! i had a gym buddy a few years ago and she kept canceling. and you know what i did? i stayed home. duh. dumb. but having two people watching what they are eating in the house is sure to help! my dh is the ant-dieter and it's so hard to stay away from his junk.

sue - how's dylan doing? any speech updates? i didn't get a chance to comment back when you posted but i hope you guys get everything you need for dylan's speech. i'm going to ask about speech at thomas's next appt. i can tell he's trying though so that's a good sign...right? RIGHT??? lol.

pamela - ah, good ole aunt flo. she really is a witch, isn't she?? i'm a total salt person too so i feel your pain. it's the worst when you're watching your weight because that salt just makes your weight go up up up! but nice work on the spinach salad. at least you got some nutrition in you!! feel better with the cramps. my first tri was SO crampy i felt like a teenager again too. and i couldn't take advil!


i've been really bad at keeping up with posting the last few days - sorry again! we have a huge labor day celebration weekend here in our neighborhood that i'm really looking forward to and then the following weekend we leave for disney! :)

had a great OB appt today and everything's looking great. almost 28 weeks already! doc gave me the name of someone to help with the sciatica and told me to take it easy as much as possible and rest alot. so....i'm gonna lay on the couch for a while now ;)
When DS was 3, he had what I thought was a reaction to peanut butter. Benadryl took care of the problem (red rash around his mouth, swollen lips) and we avoided peanut butter. Pediatrician felt we should wait for the allergy tests until it was time for school. So around age of 6 we had him tested - his was actually allergic to sesame seeds - and I remembered I had put the peanut butter on scali bread. So are there sesame seeds on the buns??

Just a thought.


Nope, no sesame seeds on the buns. I think it may have just been the salt, but I'm not sure.

QOTD Tuesday, August 30
If you could have the "ear" of anyone you want at Disney who would it be and what would you tell them?

Eisner or who ever is in charge right now. And I would say gets your heads out of the sand and stop trying to make a quick buck and get the parks back to the way Walt wanted them. They are for families, not the Disney Dynasty. The fact that the bathrooms are a mess, Cast members are over worked and under appreciated, and there is no unique disney merchandise really sets me off.

Oh and I would talk to those at the Disney YES program. Hello??? People other than 5-9th graders read Kingdom Keepers and we would like to do the Kingdom Keepers scavenger hunt. Don't limit it to the YES program.
Hey everyone!

I've made a few phone calls today and am taking a break from cleaning out our pantry. They told us they will take our non pershables. Whatever we don't eat out of the freezers these next few days I'm going to just give to friends or worse case scenario throw stuff away.

Alan just ran to Wal-Mart with his buddy. The buddy is going to help him do some painting. Alan is also going to call the water company down in FL and get that squared away. I'm taking my first break of the day. Then I'm going to start packing up more little stuff.

Movers will be here the 8th to pack us up. The 9th they are loading the truck. We are leaving on the 11th and hoping to be there the 12th. This is going to be interesting: traveling with 2 cats and a dog.

Alan had U-Haul put a hitch on my Juke and we're going to pull a small u-haul trailer. I have a lot of stuff that is irreplacable if it comes up missing (i.e. Josh's flag off his coffin). So I'm spending the extra money to have a piece of mind during this move.

I had to call DVC and change our 2 nights in Oct to 2 nights in Sept. I had wanted to see if we could stay at Villas of Wilderness Lodge because we haven't been there yet. When she told me they had availability I was excited! :cool1:. Our first two nights in FL we'll be on Disney property!! :banana:

We'll get to FL the 12th, the movers will be there the 14th, then Alan is flying back to Dallas on the 17th to get my convertible & our flatbed wrecker. Then our Disney trip is the 21st!!! I'm going to do a little unpacking while he's gone. Then we may just wait and finish up after our Disney trip. Just depends on how fast we can get things unpacked and organized the way we want them.
Last Call on Weights

I will be doing the stats late tonight or early tomorrow morning.
This is a picutre of US route 4. This is pretty much the only route across central VT into NY. Major truck route as well as scenic route. It is closed indefinitely do to the heavy damage. this photo is only a tiny bit of the destruction. This was a 3 lane road. That house has no access to any road at all.



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