Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

Deb--I hope all the folks in Vermont effected by the flooding are getting the help they need. Flooding is so very scary.

I never answered the QOTD
If I could bend the ear at someone at Disney for 5 minutes, I would pick someone in charge of food services. I would thank them for working hard to make disney dining accessible to folks with allergies. Then, I would tell them they still have a little ways to go in training staff on how to handle these issues. I have encountered some fabulous cast members who would do anything to make sure that someone with a food issue got what they needed and I have encountered cast members who rolled their eyes and laughed at me when I asked a question. And that's hurtful. I would also remind them that folks arrive at Disney at all hours, and late night tends to be a particularly difficult time to find something to eat if you have food allergies.

I apologize for being the absent coach this week. It's been a little crazy at my house. I'm going to post one more question of the day for Wednesday and then Shawn is going to take over for me on Thursday. I hope everyone has a fabulous and safe and healthy holiday weekend.

I also wanted to take a minute to thank you all for allowing me to host the last two challenges. It has truly been my pleasure.:goodvibes This is a very kind, special group of "Losers." Thank you all for all the support you have given me.:goodvibes
QOTD, Wednesday, August 31st
Ok, one more tough question. We all make excuses--excuses for why we don't eat right, why we don't exercise, etc. One thing I have had to learn is the difference between an actual reason for not doing something (ex: skipping a run because of an injury) and making an excuse to avoid doing something.

Having said all that, what common excuses do you use to avoid getting healthy? Can you think of a positive way to deal with it so that next time you want to skip a workout or eat poorly you are better prepared?
QOTD Tuesday, August 30
If you could have the "ear" of anyone you want at Disney who would it be and what would you tell them?

Well, I don't know who I would talk to, but I know what I would tell them!
1)I've never used the dining plan, but I might be more apt to if they put the gratuities back in and gave the choice of appetizer or dessert, and the appetizer option on the basic dining plan.
2)I'm really not crazy about the Fantasyland expansion. :confused3 Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that Beauty and the Beast is going to be better represented, but overall I'm not sure that it's going to be so great. But then again, I really only like change on my own terms. :rolleyes1

gretchen - nice work getting a gym buddy! the one thing to remember though is that if your friend bails that you should still go to the gym! i had a gym buddy a few years ago and she kept canceling. and you know what i did? i stayed home. duh. dumb. but having two people watching what they are eating in the house is sure to help! my dh is the ant-dieter and it's so hard to stay away from his junk.

Haha I'll keep that in mind! The personal trainer and Zumba hours aren't up yet, so for tomorrow I'm thinking 30 minutes on the elliptical and then maybe some nautilus weights work. Emily is on a hard core watching what she eats plan. She's got all this special food, and has a big salad at least once a day. I'm not that dedicated!

Cast members are over worked and under appreciated, and there is no unique disney merchandise really sets me off.

Oh and I would talk to those at the Disney YES program. Hello??? People other than 5-9th graders read Kingdom Keepers and we would like to do the Kingdom Keepers scavenger hunt. Don't limit it to the YES program.

I agree with all of this. I'm really sad that I can't do the kingdom keepers scavenger hunt.
Hello everyone! Quick check-in! Sounds like we all mostly made out OK with the hurricane. If you are still doing clean-up,:hug: for you!

Deb, I saw Vermont on the Nat'l news and thought of you immed! Well, I don't know anyone else who lives there:laughing: Stay safe! That is some crazy flooding!

Kathy, welcome back from vacation.....wait, you are gone again !?! I missed somewhere that you planned back to back vacations!?!:cool1: Have fun.
And, yes Maine still sounds exotic to me:laughing:

Sue, I love groupons. I have bought too many and need to use some of them:)

DisWed, good luck with the move:goodvibes I am still unpacking boxes and just do it an hour after work every day. I just about have the kitchen settled and that is probably the biggest task. Next I will do my bedroom/bathroom. But Friday we get our second shipment-the stuff we put in storage for 2 years. Other than my piano, my four poster bed frame, china hutch and sideboard, I'm not sure what's in there! Oh and all my fine china and crystal.

Tracey, :hug: Hope your Mom is in a better frame of mind now.

Linda, :cool1: for getting your points back back! Sorry you had to cut your vacation short.

Nancy, :yay: for a good OB visit. Hope your sciatica does not cause too much pain.

Rose/Pam/Kathy: I found all of your posts about your attitude towards eating very motivating! I finally am able to stop and think now before I eat but I'm still not quite there yet as many times I am still not able to resist the temptation. I think about it later trying to show myself it was not worth it.
It's like there's two of me! I second what Pam said, I finally understand this is not a diet that will be over one day. It's a new way of life. I don't deprive myself but I do try to eat better and exercise most every day and do the best I can:goodvibes

Rose, have an awesome vacation and birthday! I'll try to fill your shoes starting Thursday!
Good Morning. It looks like another dry day here. Hopefully the rivers drop a bit before the thuder storms start tomorrow. The kids had a good first day of school yesterday, but lots of homework for all of us last night. And so it begins. I'm grateful that they were able to start on time. Many schools are delayed by at least a week which means they've already burned through their snow days and will now have to figure out when to make up days. Not a good way to start the year. Some schools are still flooded or have extensive damage.
QOTD, Wednesday, August 31st
Ok, one more tough question. We all make excuses--excuses for why we don't eat right, why we don't exercise, etc. One thing I have had to learn is the difference between an actual reason for not doing something (ex: skipping a run because of an injury) and making an excuse to avoid doing something.

Having said all that, what common excuses do you use to avoid getting healthy? Can you think of a positive way to deal with it so that next time you want to skip a workout or eat poorly you are better prepared?

my common excuse it "what's the point?" meaning will my life really change if I get to my goal. I have sabatoged myself for fear of that, nothing changing. So my positive way I am trying to think is instead of what if it doesn't to what if it does? It is hard a lot of the time, but it is the right thing to do. I also look at my kids, particularly my toddler princess. I want her growing up with a happy and healthy mom. I am literally all she has, so I need to stick around for a long time.

Sorry but I have to share cause I am so excited. This morning I stepped on scale and I am just one lb shy of having lost 10% of me since this Spring. :yay: That is why I am so looking forward to Fall Challenge. This helps keep me motivated.
QOTD, Wednesday, August 31st
Ok, one more tough question. We all make excuses--excuses for why we don't eat right, why we don't exercise, etc. One thing I have had to learn is the difference between an actual reason for not doing something (ex: skipping a run because of an injury) and making an excuse to avoid doing something.

Having said all that, what common excuses do you use to avoid getting healthy? Can you think of a positive way to deal with it so that next time you want to skip a workout or eat poorly you are better prepared?

gosh, rose, what excuse DON'T i use sometimes??? ugh. i feel like i'm always making excuses in my head for every single bad thing i eat. exercise-wise, i've been alot better about not making an excuse. i think signing up for the princess half marathon really helped me stay focused. i really couldn't afford to miss too many runs to i really worked hard at banging them out. but then i'd use running as an excuse to eat. "oh, i ran 6 miles today of COURSE i can have this brownie...and extra beer...and cheeseburger..."

i'm interested in reading what POSITIVE ways people have to deal with making better choices and not making excuses. what worked for me when i finally did get the weight off wasn't so positive. when i wanted a brownie i'd often say to myself, "put that brownie down fatty!" and usually it worked. :eek:

oh and i've totally been using the pregnancy as an excuse to eat everything in sight. which, you know, isn't that bad but i will have to stop it once the baby comes. after thomas was born i still ate everything i could get my hands on and used bf'ing as an excuse.

like i said, excuses everywhere!!

I finally am able to stop and think now before I eat but I'm still not quite there yet as many times I am still not able to resist the temptation. I think about it later trying to show myself it was not worth it.
It's like there's two of me! I second what Pam said, I finally understand this is not a diet that will be over one day. It's a new way of life. I don't deprive myself but I do try to eat better and exercise most every day and do the best I can:goodvibes

stopping and thinking before you eat. now THAT is good advice. sometimes i've already eaten something bad and then realize, whoops, shouldn't have done that! i have found that planning out meals for the day and telling myself i must stick to them is also helpful. i've been slacking on that lately.

moving out of the diet mindset and into the healthy way of life mindset is very difficult. i go back and forth all the time.

Good Morning. It looks like another dry day here. Hopefully the rivers drop a bit before the thuder storms start tomorrow. The kids had a good first day of school yesterday, but lots of homework for all of us last night. And so it begins. I'm grateful that they were able to start on time. Many schools are delayed by at least a week which means they've already burned through their snow days and will now have to figure out when to make up days. Not a good way to start the year. Some schools are still flooded or have extensive damage.

glad the kids were able to start school. i'm surprised since so many areas aren't starting school because of the storm. for such a "non-event" as many people are saying, irene sure did a number on so many people's lives. parts of jersey were evacuating yesterday!!

rose - have a very happy birthday and great trip to WDW this weekend!!
morning all! anyone else being eaten alive by mosquitoes? all the rain we've had is making them come out in droves! my poor son has two huge ones on his face that look like volcanoes.

we have guests coming for the weekend so today begins the clean-and-purge-so-much-so-your-friends-think-you-keep-a-clean-house-all-the-time clean-up. should be fun. :eek: i have so much junk laying around that i need to just get rid of. i'm tired just thinking about it.

have a great day everyone!!

Ok, one more tough question. We all make excuses--excuses for why we don't eat right, why we don't exercise, etc. One thing I have had to learn is the difference between an actual reason for not doing something (ex: skipping a run because of an injury) and making an excuse to avoid doing something.

Having said all that, what common excuses do you use to avoid getting healthy? Can you think of a positive way to deal with it so that next time you want to skip a workout or eat poorly you are better prepared?

For a long time, my excuse for eating badly was, "I don't care" or "But I really want it!". And my excuse for not exercising was that I am uncoordinated. Well, it seems the exercise problem is fixed, I just have to make the time to go do it, starting today. The treadmill/elliptical/stairmaster/nautilus machines/bikes/etc don't require much, and even my uncoordinated self can manage Zumba.

The eating, I'm still working on. Before I saw this question, I sat down and planned out my meals for today, including snacks. That definitely helps with healthier eating. Another tactic I am going to try is to not eat anything before I check the pointsplus value, and then to ask myself if it is really worth it. Sure, it might taste great now, but how will I feel later?

Sorry but I have to share cause I am so excited. This morning I stepped on scale and I am just one lb shy of having lost 10% of me since this Spring. :yay: That is why I am so looking forward to Fall Challenge. This helps keep me motivated.

That's great! :thumbsup2

Good morning! I am sitting here slowly eating my bananas & cream oatmeal and drinking my glass of skim milk, relaxing before the day really begins. I used the spark people workout generator to come up with a plan for the nautilus machines after the elliptical. After the gym, I'll come back and shower, eat lunch, head to class, have a quick snack after class, go to work, come home and have dinner. After dinner I'll get some reading done for class, then have an evening snack. :thumbsup2
Well to make a really long story short we're moving NEXT WEEK!

The movers will be here the 8th to pack us up, load the truck on the 9th, and we're hitting the road on the 11th. Alan has the crazy idea in his head that we're going to load up all the animals (2 cats & 1 dog) each in their seperate carriers and take them to FL. OYE! This is going to be a LONG trip :lmao:.

The moving truck will be there the 14th to unload everything. Alan will be getting back on a plane on the 17th to fly back to Dallas. He's going to load up the convertible on the flatbed and make the drive back.

Why'd we change plans from mid Oct to now? Well, I've been majorly stressed out this last week and a lot of it having nothing to do with the move. I've got my mom and best friend pulling me in different directions right now and I got fed up. Best friend has a new boyfriend (met him online and has only known him a month and they are already "exclusive"). She's all gung ho on "I want your approval and yada yada yada." I point blank told her I didn't care and she's going to date whoever whether I like him or not.

Well we met this guy on Saturday and let's just say I got a vibe from him that he's a homosexual. Now, I have no problem with this. One of my best friends from high school is homosexual and he hid it for years until after high school. She has yet to call me and ask me what I think but I can already tell you that's going to be an interesting conversation.

Then you add the stress of my mother expecting me to do anything and everything to her house even though she knows I'm leaving soon. I finally just snapped the other night after I asked best friend if she wanted to go to a ball game with us. She of course said yes and then asked if her new boyfriend to come along (I was expecting that). However what I wasn't expecting was she asked me to pay for HIS Rangers ticket! Yeah, that's not going to happen. I'm not paying for something for a complete stranger.

So, I've decided for my sanity and my health to get out of here ASAP. I've been so stressed out I'm physically getting ill to my stomach, not sleeping, and just exhausted. I do not need a hospital visit due to the stress. Everyone is pretty much in shock that I'm leaving this soon but I have to do what I have to do for me. I quit living life for other people 3.5 years ago.

Oh my gosh.... so much stuff going on... so much stress. PLEASE take a few hours to take care of yourself during all of this!

Is there anyone else besides Alan to help you out with all of this last minute stuff??

QOTD Tuesday, August 30
If you could have the "ear" of anyone you want at Disney who would it be and what would you tell them?

Oh my.... without taking a lot of time to think about this, my gut response is to repeat what someone else said (sort of).... bring back the MAGIC! I miss the days of SUPER CLEAN parks, lots of CM and characters around (this business of having to practically make an APPOINTMENT to meet a character is kind of :headache:). I miss the "old days" of just "stumbling" over characters here and there around the parks.

That said, I would PRAISE them for some of the newer rides.... EE is fabulous, as is Soarin'.

I think that they should occasionally (maybe during low season) bring back old "favorites" like certain parades, etc. If your first visit to Epcot was during that (terribly in MHO) "Tapestry of Dreams" time, maybe you would like the opportunity to see it again.

I was SUPER SAD that SpectroMagic wasn't playing when I was there this past May with DD, but that said, I'm sure there were folks who were THRILLED that the Main Street Electrical parade has made a return visit!

I agree also with what Buffy said about the UNIQUE park merchandise. It is depressing to buy something special and then find it at the local mall the next week. I literally could NOT find something special to buy for myself this past May (unless I was willing to spend several hundred $$).

Okay..... enough whining about Disney!

We are okay. There is such widespread damage though. We are counting out blessings for building where we are. The dam is about 1/2 mile from our house. They normally keep the "lake" at about 30 feet. It was at 124 feet when we checked it out a couple of hours ago. It can still hold a lot more water and it is expected that the rivers will crest within the next day or so so we'll be fine. Our town seems to be fine too. The town that we work in was not so lucky. We lost the Quechee covered bridge, Simon Pearce has substancial damage and the realty/dentist office is practically gone. There are you tube videos for anyone interested (Quechee Covered Bridge). The new bridge that was built less than 2 years ago that we cross to get to camp is severely damaged and the road is too. We can't get to camp to assess damage, but it is on a steep hill and was okay yesterday afternoon so we're not too worried. The bridge that we cross between our house and my parents (about 5 miles from us) has a crack in it and is closed too. This morning all bridges in town were closed, but as the water levels dropped a bit and the conditions of the bridges were checked they were able to open some. Across the river in NH the shopping plazas were under water. I've seen pictures of the JcPenney store with water over 3 feet up the door. Kohl's had at least 5 feet of water and mud running through it. We drove through tonight and Sears had Stanley Steamer working on their store as did Kmart. Walmart had a sign "Closed until further notice". Chris thanked me for having the kids ready for school ahead of time as who knows where we would shop now.

We were planning to do a white water rafting trip in Lake George NY this weekend, but route 4 is closed which is the only road between here and there. No idea when it will reopen so we'll need to investigate tomorrow. The campground we are booked at is underwater so they are trying to move us to another campground at the same rate. The white water rafting company has no phone, but left a message on my cellphone that the river isn't really swollen there :confused3:confused3 The campground just up the road is underwater, but the river's aren't swollen? Not sure if I feel safe at this point. I need to actually talk to them tomorrow.

The kids are starting school tomorrow as scheduled. Hopefully everyone can get there as I know many people are stranded in their homes as roads are washed out in both directions. Lots of coworkers couldn't make it in the morning.

One of the women that work for my mother lost their house and car. I've heard of many other people that have lost their homes as well and many don't have flood insurance.

Holy Toledo! I did see VT on the news this morning. Glad that your kids were able to start school on time.

I saw that aerial photo of Route 4 you posted.....:scared1: CRAZY! I wonder how that effected Maria's trip to Canada this weekend???

You will definitely have to find some new ways to get around for probably the next year while everything gets repaired. We've had that situation around here twice since we've lived here. We've had "record" floods twice (I think it was 2007 and 2008... can't remember). Just glad you are SAFE!!

I'm the same way. When I went on the first two shopping trips, I was fine. Bought almost all healthy stuff. Then when I went to WalMart with my housemate and other friend, there was nothing that I needed so I ended up buying a 21 pack of those soft frosted sugar cookies. And today after class I became that girl who sat in front of the TV watching Law and Order while eating cookies. Never mind that I've never before watched that show in my life. :rotfl: (Also, apparently people who watch TV during that time need dates, because there were a lot of ads for and eharmony.:rolleyes1) However, I'm thinking I can also blame that on PMS, but I'm back on plan tomorrow. Might just throw the cookies out.

THROW THEM OUT!! You'll feel better and be proud of yourself.

iTunes never seems to have actual parks music, only movie soundtracks. If there's any music you want, PM me your e-mail and I'll send it to you.

Do you have any of the Main Street music? I had DD find the portion of Main Street music I like on you-tube and she was able to load it on her phone as a ringtone... but I'd love to have a brief recording of it on the computer.

As I said above, today was on plan until around 4:30. But I'm starting over tomorrow. I can't remember if I said this before, but one of my housemates is borderline diabetic, so she is also watching what she eats, and we are going to be gym buddies a few times a week-I think we're going Wednesday morning.

First day of class was pretty chill. I got a lot of my pile of paperwork diminished at work, so that was good. For my psych class (tomorrow), I've been checking & checking the book list-nothing. So I was really hoping we wouldn't have one. But today the professor sent the syllabus and sure enough, it has a required textbook. :headache: And last night one of my friends was telling me about his horrible experience with this professor, so I'm not looking forward to this. But I can't drop it because a)I have nothing to put in its place and b)I won't be a full time student. So wish me luck!

Will you have time to order the book online somewhere, or do you need it immediately?

Nice that you will have a gym buddy! Just the past few weeks that DD and I have been "gym buddies" has been really helpful!

Thanks pamela. It was really fun. We got there at 12:30 and stayed til closing at 10. Ds wanted to do the corkscrew and the new Untamed, but never got up the nerve. But went on that horrible skateboard thing about 5 times. Alone. I'd puke. ugh.
Sorry about the tom. It definitely changes as we get older. I know I won't be sad when menopause hits for real. ;)

I wish I had a chance to get my kids there this summer to try Untamed. I could probably have talked myself into riding it eventually. :rolleyes:

Hello to everyone else. I'm off to the cape. We're going to take the ferry to Martha's vineyard and bike over there today, and we're staying in falmouth so tomorrow we'll bike the paths around falmouth. A friend told us of a great restaurant called the Nimrod where there's a cannon hole where a cannon was shot from a ship during the war of 1812, so we're going to go there one night.

Have a great rest of the week everyone!!:)

Enjoy the rest of vacation!!

guys, i'm sorry, i've really been slacking on this thread lately. shame on me!

Blame it on Irene!!

pamela - ah, good ole aunt flo. she really is a witch, isn't she?? i'm a total salt person too so i feel your pain. it's the worst when you're watching your weight because that salt just makes your weight go up up up! but nice work on the spinach salad. at least you got some nutrition in you!! feel better with the cramps. my first tri was SO crampy i felt like a teenager again too. and i couldn't take advil!

Maybe that is why my hand has been in the peanut jar lately??


i've been really bad at keeping up with posting the last few days - sorry again! we have a huge labor day celebration weekend here in our neighborhood that i'm really looking forward to and then the following weekend we leave for disney! :)

had a great OB appt today and everything's looking great. almost 28 weeks already! doc gave me the name of someone to help with the sciatica and told me to take it easy as much as possible and rest alot. so....i'm gonna lay on the couch for a while now ;)

So glad things are good with the "bun in the oven". I have always suffered with a bit of sciatica off and on, so I understand how it feels. Does heat or massage help?? I find if my weight fluctuates (up or down) rapidly, the sciatica really kicks in. I'm sure that the pregnancy weight isn't helping.

Hey everyone!

I've made a few phone calls today and am taking a break from cleaning out our pantry. They told us they will take our non pershables. Whatever we don't eat out of the freezers these next few days I'm going to just give to friends or worse case scenario throw stuff away.

Alan just ran to Wal-Mart with his buddy. The buddy is going to help him do some painting. Alan is also going to call the water company down in FL and get that squared away. I'm taking my first break of the day. Then I'm going to start packing up more little stuff.

Movers will be here the 8th to pack us up. The 9th they are loading the truck. We are leaving on the 11th and hoping to be there the 12th. This is going to be interesting: traveling with 2 cats and a dog.

Alan had U-Haul put a hitch on my Juke and we're going to pull a small u-haul trailer. I have a lot of stuff that is irreplacable if it comes up missing (i.e. Josh's flag off his coffin). So I'm spending the extra money to have a piece of mind during this move.

I had to call DVC and change our 2 nights in Oct to 2 nights in Sept. I had wanted to see if we could stay at Villas of Wilderness Lodge because we haven't been there yet. When she told me they had availability I was excited! :cool1:. Our first two nights in FL we'll be on Disney property!! :banana:

We'll get to FL the 12th, the movers will be there the 14th, then Alan is flying back to Dallas on the 17th to get my convertible & our flatbed wrecker. Then our Disney trip is the 21st!!! I'm going to do a little unpacking while he's gone. Then we may just wait and finish up after our Disney trip. Just depends on how fast we can get things unpacked and organized the way we want them.


QOTD, Wednesday, August 31st
Ok, one more tough question. We all make excuses--excuses for why we don't eat right, why we don't exercise, etc. One thing I have had to learn is the difference between an actual reason for not doing something (ex: skipping a run because of an injury) and making an excuse to avoid doing something.

Having said all that, what common excuses do you use to avoid getting healthy? Can you think of a positive way to deal with it so that next time you want to skip a workout or eat poorly you are better prepared?

I don't usually "plan" to miss a workout.... but the day gets away from me. I am MUCH better off it I either do it first thing in the morning, or it is on my SCHEDULE for the end of the day (usually when I am at the Y with DD).

As for eating poorly.... again, it usually comes down to a lack of PLANNING. For example, this past weekend..... I knew I would eat some junk at the BBQ and that was okay with that.... but I should have PLANNED to bring a veggie burger and skip the HUGE, calorie-filled, beef patty that I ended up eating. It should have been ONE or the OTHER (dessert OR burger), not both.... but I failed to PLAN properly. Honestly, I did give some thought to bringing a veggie burger, but in the end I kind of forgot about bad.

I need to PREPARE and PLAN better for situations like that.

Good Morning. It looks like another dry day here. Hopefully the rivers drop a bit before the thuder storms start tomorrow. The kids had a good first day of school yesterday, but lots of homework for all of us last night. And so it begins. I'm grateful that they were able to start on time. Many schools are delayed by at least a week which means they've already burned through their snow days and will now have to figure out when to make up days. Not a good way to start the year. Some schools are still flooded or have extensive damage.

I see on the news that there are a few northern NH schools closed as well. Glad it didn't effect us like that.

morning all! anyone else being eaten alive by mosquitoes? all the rain we've had is making them come out in droves! my poor son has two huge ones on his face that look like volcanoes.

we have guests coming for the weekend so today begins the clean-and-purge-so-much-so-your-friends-think-you-keep-a-clean-house-all-the-time clean-up. should be fun. :eek: i have so much junk laying around that i need to just get rid of. i'm tired just thinking about it.

have a great day everyone!!

I used to do that (bolded part), but honestly.... I think I've finally given up! I used to make myself INSANE when I had company..... literally cleaning for days and days.... emptying drawers and closets, etc. Now.... a quick dusting, run the vacuume around, clean the bathrooms, wash the floors, and call it good! Don't wear yourself out on this!


Good Wednesday morning friends! DS was off to his "last first-day" of middle school this morning! Next year he starts HS! How did I get so old??

DD starts tomorrow (cause she an upper classman:eek: ). She and I are off to enjoy our last day of summer together. Dropping off a CARLOAD at the Goodwill, maybe poking around a bit, some lunch together and then home at the end of the day to get DS off the bus.

I told DD I'd be ready to go at 9 am and it is now 9:04 and I'm not even dressed yet! TTYL....................P
Will you have time to order the book online somewhere, or do you need it immediately?

Nice that you will have a gym buddy! Just the past few weeks that DD and I have been "gym buddies" has been really helpful!

Well, I didn't throw the cookies out, but I did finish them.:rolleyes1 And was still somehow down a bit this morning. :confused3

For Main Street music I have the "All Aboard!" from the train station, the "Welcome Medley" and a recording of "Walkin Right Down the Middle of Main Street USA" from the singalong video Disneyland Fun.

The professor did not seem too crazy, and I have ordered the book online via rental. I guess she posted it on the website of the bookstore in town, but not the official school site. And when I mentioned that she assured me that the town bookstore said they had plenty of copies, but when I went to check, they were sold out. :confused3
Sorry guys...

I just realized after pjilla quoted me I repeated myself about the same dang topic :laughing:.

I'm pleading lack of brain cells/sleep.. Yeah that's it.. I'm losing my mind!!! :)


Headed to the gym in about half an hour and then finishing up a few things I need to do. We were trying to figure out what to do with our lab while we are at Disney for 9 days. Once we get there we're going to make up the garage for her so she can stay in there. I'm going to crack the garage, put a fan in there to get the air circulating, lay down a u-haul blanket for her, and let her chill in there. Why you might ask? Because I can't put her outside because they are in the process of building our pool. I can't put here in the house because well a) she doesn't like being inside and b) the cats.

So, then this left the issue of okay, she's fine in the garage for a few days but what happens when we're at Disney for over a week? Well, let's just say Lizzy is getting a Disney vacation too!! :) I'm calling the Disney boarding place today and seeing if they have room for her. The other awesome part is they will even let you board animals even if your just a local living in town. You don't have to be staying at Disney to use their services. This makes me happy considering they don't have Petsmart Pet Hotels in my area down there and that's usually where we took her.
I had my first day of class today, Natural Disasters, and I think I'm going to like this class. It does depress me though because I wish I could be a normal student and just be at school all day and not be at school for an hour and half and work at 8 hours. I know its necessary, and I'm the one that screwed up my life but still, it's sad. Hopefully next semester when I transfer school I can go full time!

Eating wise, I'm on day two of tracking all my calories and ive been trying to make healthy choices. It's just crazy how fast it all adds up. Yesterday I ate a whole cucumber. I don't know if that's good or bad! I heard cucumbers are mostly water anyways. I need to do better on my water intake as well.

I will go running tonight after work...I WILL I WILL I WILL!
QOTD, Wednesday, August 31st
Ok, one more tough question. We all make excuses--excuses for why we don't eat right, why we don't exercise, etc. One thing I have had to learn is the difference between an actual reason for not doing something (ex: skipping a run because of an injury) and making an excuse to avoid doing something.

Having said all that, what common excuses do you use to avoid getting healthy? Can you think of a positive way to deal with it so that next time you want to skip a workout or eat poorly you are better prepared?

"I woke up too early, I need a nap first, I'm too tired, I don't wanna cook, I walked yesterday, my legs are too tired for Pilates, my stomach is sore so I can't do my ab video..." Need I go on? :lmao: I have a tendency to look at the big picture, and it can be really discouraging to do that- looking at where I am now and where I want to be is quite a distance! But I've been trying to tell myself and keep in the back of my mind the quote "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." So yeah, I have a long way to go, but I'll never get there if I keep eating fried chicken and hushpuppies!

Side note and just a smidge off-topic- I get to be a coach in the next BLC! I'm so excited! :cheer2: I think that will definitely give me the edge I need to get that much closer to my goal. AND!!! Only 18 more days until I check in at CBR for my trip!!! :cloud9::cool1:
my common excuse it "what's the point?" meaning will my life really change if I get to my goal. I have sabatoged myself for fear of that, nothing changing. So my positive way I am trying to think is instead of what if it doesn't to what if it does? It is hard a lot of the time, but it is the right thing to do. I also look at my kids, particularly my toddler princess. I want her growing up with a happy and healthy mom. I am literally all she has, so I need to stick around for a long time.

Sorry but I have to share cause I am so excited. This morning I stepped on scale and I am just one lb shy of having lost 10% of me since this Spring. :yay: That is why I am so looking forward to Fall Challenge. This helps keep me motivated.
Congrats on the almost 10percent! That's fabulous! Here's what I have found after being on maintain for a year. First when I got to my goal it was almost a letdown. Don't get me wrong, I was absolutely THRILLED and very proud of myself. But here's the thing. Confetti doesn't fly through the air, a marching band doesn't start playing, and there aren't a million balloons. I don't know what I thought it would be like to be at maintain, but I found that while I was feeling great, I was still carrying a lot of the same mental baggage. So the past year has been spent dealing with the baggage. It's all a process. I am a different person than I was in January of 2010 when I started over on this healthy lifestyle stuff again. But I'm the same person, too, if that makes sense. I am so much happier thin and fit. But I definitely had some issues I had to deal with. Keep telling yourself you are worth it, cause you are! Being healthy and being able to keep up with your kids is awesome. One of the best things about being thin--I can ride in the same Dumbo car with my 20 yo son. I am the tiny one in the family now. Sure I have tons of aches and pains from the running and weight lifting, but the difference is I EARNED those aches and pains. As opposed to the aches and pains when I was heavy and eating poorly, which I earned as well too, but all they did was drag me down and make me feel crappy about myself. Ok, I have gone on long enough.:goodvibes In my opinion, it is so worth the work.:goodvibes

"I woke up too early, I need a nap first, I'm too tired, I don't wanna cook, I walked yesterday, my legs are too tired for Pilates, my stomach is sore so I can't do my ab video..." Need I go on? :lmao: I have a tendency to look at the big picture, and it can be really discouraging to do that- looking at where I am now and where I want to be is quite a distance! But I've been trying to tell myself and keep in the back of my mind the quote "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." So yeah, I have a long way to go, but I'll never get there if I keep eating fried chicken and hushpuppies!

Side note and just a smidge off-topic- I get to be a coach in the next BLC! I'm so excited! :cheer2: I think that will definitely give me the edge I need to get that much closer to my goal. AND!!! Only 18 more days until I check in at CBR for my trip!!! :cloud9::cool1:
Looking at the big picture can be overwhelming and I think why so many people get frustrated and quit. I think one of the best things you can do is set short term goals and then celebrate those goals. And I'm so glad you are excited about coaching!:goodvibes

To answer the QOTD, I was the queen of excuses. Now I am down to just one really--I don't want to. And I am usually able to talk myself out of that one. It's such a two year old response. So let's say I don't want to do a planned workout, I either make myself go 5 minutes (and then usually finish) or I reschedule on an off day. If it's food and I really really don't want to skip the chips at lunch, then I try to figure out how I can make up for it later in the day. I am not perfect, and I still mess up a lot. But I just do the best that I can. Really I have no excuses to be healthy. I am an empty nester, only work half time and we have the means. So I do beat myself up on occasion to motivate myself, BUT I also try really hard to celebrate my victories.

So for my last post before our trip, as I get ready to celebrate one year of maintaining here are my victories:
1. I lost and kept off 48 pounds.:goodvibes (Started in Jan 10; went to maintain Sept 11 at 147. This morning 140.6)
2. Since last September I have run 2 10ks, a couple of 5ks, and 4 half marathons.:goodvibes
3. I have successfully navigated the gluten free stuff and did not use it as an excuse to throw in the towel. And believe me I really wanted to!
4. I dealt with a pretty nasty running injury this spring and again, did not give up. And again, I REALLY wanted to! I still do sometimes.:goodvibes

Thank you all for supporting me. :goodvibes

Thank you again to Dona, CC, Connie and Lisa for helping me to keep the challenge running. And thank you to all of our wonderful coaches. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!:goodvibes
Another stressful day. We had a camping trip booked in Lake George NY for Labor Day weekend and the following weekend. We were leaving the camper at the campground for the days between. The tropical storm obviously threw a monkey wrench in that plan. We also bought a white water rafting trip through travelzoo for Saturday. The campground called a couple of days ago and said that the campground is flooded so we can't stay there, but they would accommodate us at the sister campground 20 miles away if we wanted. Since there are no roads open to get there we simply can't go unless we head south into Mass, crossover into NY and up from there, assuming that NY roads aren't damaged. Or we could head North to Burlington and take the ferry across and head down. Either way we would turn a 2 1/2 hour trip into a 6 plus hour trip. Not a viable option. So the campground was happy to give us a refund. The white water rafting company is not being so nice. I called yesterday and plead my case (apparently they live in a hole and have no idea of the damage in VT) today she calls back and says that they can move us from Saturday to Monday :confused3 I plead my case again and she would "talk to the owner and get back to me". No call so I called again at 3 PM today and the owner will not do a refund (I am fine with that as long as we can rebook for next spring or summer), but wants to work something out. Of course he is never available to talk to me so I have no idea what work something out means. I guess I'll be calling daily until he finally talks to me. If he will do nothing then I guess I've paid him $300 and he will get the worst advertising ever. Geesh, it was an act of God that we have no control over.

This has not been a diet friendly week. I totally stress ate today. If it was edible I ate it.
I had my first day of class today, Natural Disasters, and I think I'm going to like this class. It does depress me though because I wish I could be a normal student and just be at school all day and not be at school for an hour and half and work at 8 hours. I know its necessary, and I'm the one that screwed up my life but still, it's sad. Hopefully next semester when I transfer school I can go full time!

Eating wise, I'm on day two of tracking all my calories and ive been trying to make healthy choices. It's just crazy how fast it all adds up. Yesterday I ate a whole cucumber. I don't know if that's good or bad! I heard cucumbers are mostly water anyways. I need to do better on my water intake as well.

I will go running tonight after work...I WILL I WILL I WILL!

DId you???? And cucumbers, other than causing some burping, are just fine! I eat a TON of veggies... whole cukes, whole red bell peppers, pounds and pounds of spring mix and baby spinach and romaine, lots of broccoli, cauliflower, baby carrots.... you name it! I count it ALL for ZERO on my WW program and I don't think it has ever caused me any trouble.

Good job tracking for two days! It will get easier.

Side note and just a smidge off-topic- I get to be a coach in the next BLC! I'm so excited! :cheer2: I think that will definitely give me the edge I need to get that much closer to my goal. AND!!! Only 18 more days until I check in at CBR for my trip!!! :cloud9::cool1:

I'm glad you're excited to coach. It can be a lot of fun!

Congrats on the almost 10percent! That's fabulous! Here's what I have found after being on maintain for a year. First when I got to my goal it was almost a letdown. Don't get me wrong, I was absolutely THRILLED and very proud of myself. But here's the thing. Confetti doesn't fly through the air, a marching band doesn't start playing, and there aren't a million balloons. I don't know what I thought it would be like to be at maintain, but I found that while I was feeling great, I was still carrying a lot of the same mental baggage. So the past year has been spent dealing with the baggage. It's all a process. I am a different person than I was in January of 2010 when I started over on this healthy lifestyle stuff again. But I'm the same person, too, if that makes sense. I am so much happier thin and fit. But I definitely had some issues I had to deal with. Keep telling yourself you are worth it, cause you are! Being healthy and being able to keep up with your kids is awesome. One of the best things about being thin--I can ride in the same Dumbo car with my 20 yo son. I am the tiny one in the family now. Sure I have tons of aches and pains from the running and weight lifting, but the difference is I EARNED those aches and pains. As opposed to the aches and pains when I was heavy and eating poorly, which I earned as well too, but all they did was drag me down and make me feel crappy about myself. Ok, I have gone on long enough.:goodvibes In my opinion, it is so worth the work.:goodvibes

Looking at the big picture can be overwhelming and I think why so many people get frustrated and quit. I think one of the best things you can do is set short term goals and then celebrate those goals. And I'm so glad you are excited about coaching!:goodvibes

To answer the QOTD, I was the queen of excuses. Now I am down to just one really--I don't want to. And I am usually able to talk myself out of that one. It's such a two year old response. So let's say I don't want to do a planned workout, I either make myself go 5 minutes (and then usually finish) or I reschedule on an off day. If it's food and I really really don't want to skip the chips at lunch, then I try to figure out how I can make up for it later in the day. I am not perfect, and I still mess up a lot. But I just do the best that I can. Really I have no excuses to be healthy. I am an empty nester, only work half time and we have the means. So I do beat myself up on occasion to motivate myself, BUT I also try really hard to celebrate my victories.

So for my last post before our trip, as I get ready to celebrate one year of maintaining here are my victories:
1. I lost and kept off 48 pounds.:goodvibes (Started in Jan 10; went to maintain Sept 11 at 147. This morning 140.6)
2. Since last September I have run 2 10ks, a couple of 5ks, and 4 half marathons.:goodvibes
3. I have successfully navigated the gluten free stuff and did not use it as an excuse to throw in the towel. And believe me I really wanted to!
4. I dealt with a pretty nasty running injury this spring and again, did not give up. And again, I REALLY wanted to! I still do sometimes.:goodvibes

Thank you all for supporting me. :goodvibes

Thank you again to Dona, CC, Connie and Lisa for helping me to keep the challenge running. And thank you to all of our wonderful coaches. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!:goodvibes

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your list! I hope you printed that list in large font and posted it on your fridge or on your bathroom mirror. You need to remind yourself of these great accomplishments every time you are feeling discouraged. BTW, I sent you a package today. It should be waiting for you when you get back..... hope you enjoy it. :hug:

Another stressful day. We had a camping trip booked in Lake George NY for Labor Day weekend and the following weekend. We were leaving the camper at the campground for the days between. The tropical storm obviously threw a monkey wrench in that plan. We also bought a white water rafting trip through travelzoo for Saturday. The campground called a couple of days ago and said that the campground is flooded so we can't stay there, but they would accommodate us at the sister campground 20 miles away if we wanted. Since there are no roads open to get there we simply can't go unless we head south into Mass, crossover into NY and up from there, assuming that NY roads aren't damaged. Or we could head North to Burlington and take the ferry across and head down. Either way we would turn a 2 1/2 hour trip into a 6 plus hour trip. Not a viable option. So the campground was happy to give us a refund. The white water rafting company is not being so nice. I called yesterday and plead my case (apparently they live in a hole and have no idea of the damage in VT) today she calls back and says that they can move us from Saturday to Monday :confused3 I plead my case again and she would "talk to the owner and get back to me". No call so I called again at 3 PM today and the owner will not do a refund (I am fine with that as long as we can rebook for next spring or summer), but wants to work something out. Of course he is never available to talk to me so I have no idea what work something out means. I guess I'll be calling daily until he finally talks to me. If he will do nothing then I guess I've paid him $300 and he will get the worst advertising ever. Geesh, it was an act of God that we have no control over.

This has not been a diet friendly week. I totally stress ate today. If it was edible I ate it.

What a HUGE PITA! Sorry it has been such a stressful week. Wish I could do something to help. So on top of being disappointed to have to miss the rafting trip, and the horrible stress of all of this flooding, etc, now you have to put up with a jerk! Life stinks sometimes. :hug:


Evening friends! Had a nice day with DD. Dropped off a HUGE load at the Goodwill (DH is getting smaller and DS is getting bigger.... makes for lots of outgrown clothes!).

Had a nice lunch at Ruby Tuesday's.... garden bar and mini-turkey sliders (minus the rolls and subbed broccoli for the fries).

DS had a good first day of school. He met a new boy and was a "good kid" and invited the new boy to sit at his table at lunch. I love it when I hear about my kids being GOOD! I've always told that that was more important than grades and sports accomplishments. :love:

Time to get the kids moving along... it's a school night!............P
Rose, your list is fantastic!

Pamela, that's great that your son reached out to a new kid. :goodvibes

I only went a little off plan today: had a jelly donut at work and an extra snack of cheese and crackers. Gym buddy bailed on me already. We had plans to go at 10, and I saw her like 3 times before that (she lives 5 feet down the hall, for goodness sake!). At 9:50 we passed on the stairs, I assumed she was going to change. At 10:10 I went and knocked on her door. Apparently she had to set up an emergency meeting with her advisor, who could only meet from 10:30-11:15. So I went to the gym alone. Ended up seeing two of my other housemates there.

I did 2.6 miles on the elliptical in 30 minutes-that's 1 mile more than I manage on the treadmill in the same amount of time! :banana: Then I did some Nautilus work: arms, legs, back, abs.

I spent 2.5 hours hunched over the tiny Macbook at work, so I'm a little sore from that and my hips hurt from the gym. But I feel pretty good. Mom sent me my Everwood season 4 set today, so I watched the finale with my friend. Love that show, especially the finale. It's just so darn adorable! :lovestruc
today was a really tough day at work. trianing new girls, hamster babies, hamster deaths, loose snake, no break for 9 hours, staying 45 minutes late, fish getting stuck in nets, and crazy students. IT WAS CRAZY! That last thing I wanted was to go running.

BUT I DID IT!!!!!!

I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT! And it was one of the best runs I've had in awhile! Now I have to go frost cupcakes for bf's bday tomorrow and go to bed and do it all again tomorrow. Ugh.

But i still feel proud!
It was another chaotic day in this house. Although I am bound and determined to put my feet up on Sunday and not do one dang thing but RELAX.. It seems like since Monday I've been going nonstop.
Good morning and welcome to September !!!:goodvibes

Can you believe it !?!

Fall is almost here.

My name is Shawn and I’ll be your coach this week. That’s Sergeant Shawn to you guys!

We are continuing chatting on the thread this week while we are between the Summer challenge and Fall challenge. However, just because there’s no weight taking, inches measuring or healthy habits going on does not mean you can slack off!

Trust me, I know from personal experience if you take a week or even a day off and put some weight back on, you just have that much more to lose all over again!

Please continue exercising, journaling your food, making healthy choices, drinking your water. Be kind to yourself. You can thank me later.:)

If you are thinking about joining the Fall challenge, please read the thread about how to join on the main WISH page and feel free to join us this week to just chat. Introduce yourself and tell us what you would like to accomplish in the Fall challenge. If you have a specific problem or question, someone here can answer it.

I will keep the QOTD pretty light and breezy this week. Yea, I’m lazy like that.:rotfl2:

So, for today’s QOTD: Thursday September 1, 2011:
What are your plans for the Labor Day Weekend? Have you made special preparations to keep on track? Do you have plans to workout? Do you have healthy foods ready to travel with you as needed? Do you know what is being served at the barbecue you’re attending? Do you have any tips for the rest of us? Come on people, look alive! You know what they say……If you fail to plan, YOU plan to fail! :scared1:

Yesterday was a good day for me. I was officially back to the weight I started the Summer challenge at! I suppose I should be more upset that I only maintained this Summer, but after everything we went through this Summer, I will take it. Thank you all for your support this Summer as well. Also yesterday I had a different trainer at the Y and he told me he was IMPRESSED by how fit I was !!!!! I know that probably translates to wow, you’re in good shape for an old fat lady but I was still on :cloud9:. He just about killed me but I did everything he asked me to. How long can you hold your plank position ????? AND, a girl at work asked me "Did you lose a bunch of weight?":yay::yay::yay:

Deb, that is unbelieveable that the rafting company is treating you that way. If all else fails, call your local TV news or newspaper and see if they are interested in telling the story.

Rose, have a wonderful vacation and birthday weekend. You should be so proud of yourself:goodvibes


Trina, hope you had a relaxing evening.

Gretchen, WTG at the gym!

Pam, great story about your son.

DisWed, hang in there!

Have a great day everyone! Make it count! Don’t waste a minute!

See you back here later today.


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