What was one of the most awkward places/ways that you were stuck on at a ride in WDW?

We've been stuck at the end of POTC with Jack Sparrow repeating his speil over and over. And the CM that were controlling it were on a coffee break apparently.
Jack Sparrow isn't controlled by Cast Members, all the animation is on the computer. The Cast Member in the ride's control booth could have stopped all the ride's animation, but I think a managers approval is needed for that.
It was Test Track for me too, in the cold room, right under the icy blast of air! Not fun, we kept yelling for them to shut off the A/C and they finally did. The ride started back up after about 10 minutes.
The first time DH & I took our oldest DD to MK (she was just under 2) we got stuck on Haunted Mansion where you go backwards into the graveyard scene. We were stuck there for a long time basically lying on our backs. Eventually they turned all the lights on and came around to walk us out of the ride.

Us too! Only we didn't get walked out. After a really long time of laying on our backs, we finally got going and then stopped two more times in the cemetery (which just made DS more scared--at least when we were on the roof, we really couldn't see anything). The timing was priceless. I had just convinced DS4 that there was nothing to be afraid of :rotfl: Made me eat my words!
We were stuck on Star Tours pre-reimagining. It was horrid. It was late and back when hardly anyone rode the ride - so we were in a half-filled simulator. It started and then stopped and.......NOTHING. No announcement. No indication that anyone knew we were stuck. I was cool for about 15 minutes, then I started to get really creeped out - like - you are in a room with NO DOORS and NO WINDOWS and NO EMERGENCY PHONE. I kept saying "surely they know we are in here, right??" But then more time elapsed. No announcement. Nothing. And no apparent way to contact anyone outside the simulator. I was seriously close to trying to slide out of the seat belt and bang on the side of the thing.

After what felt like forever, they opened the ride. They offered to take us onto another simulator and I was like "Ummmm. NO."

I could not bring myself to ride Star Tours for years. Finally broke down and tried the new version.
We got stuck on Test Track going up the hill right before it shoots you out onto the main ride. We were on a slope so trying to lean your head forward became tiresome. I think we were stuck for about 15 to 20 minutes. It seemed like HOURS. We were on a pretty odd angle.
The first time we brought the kids in 2006, my oldest was really hesitant about riding HM. We convinced him it wouldn't be too scary and then we got stuck right by the cemetary with a screaming head popping up every few seconds....that didn't help too much with his fears. Luckily though by the 2010 trip he loved HM.

We got stuck there too! My DD was 4 at the time and wasn't happy about it. Now she'd be thrilled LOL

My favorite place we got stuck was on Test Track, outside, 65mph, at a 45 degree angle. We came to a slow stop, almost sideways, on the first ride I ever took my mother on. So funny!!!
There is no good place to be stuck.

My worst was about 20 minutes in the hieroglyphics room on TGMR. Total torture.

Second worst was about 25 minutes of listening to that kid on SE yell about the papers he was selling. I'm kinda glad they turned him around and silenced him. ;)
We were stuck between rooms in the HM (near the clock and ballroom) for about 5 minutes the first time we ever took our 4yo dd on the ride...did some fast talking to keep her from totally losing it - she hadn't been totally certain she wanted to go on that ride in the first place! 4 years later she still won't ride it at night, but loves it during the daytime :confused3
We were stuck at the end scene on CoP with our granddaughter, who was almost 5 at the time, and after about the 5th time the oven 'blew up' she said "Can't we call 911 to get us out of here!"
The first time we brought the kids in 2006, my oldest was really hesitant about riding HM. We convinced him it wouldn't be too scary and then we got stuck right by the cemetary with a screaming head popping up every few seconds....that didn't help too much with his fears. Luckily though by the 2010 trip he loved HM.

I was stuck in the same spot with my niece (about 6 at the time!) After a while it became funny and we just sat there laughing at the screaming head! She still brings it up and laughs when we go back!

We got stuck in a good way too once. We were on the Safari ride in AK and stopped for a good 15-20 minutes with the elephants to the left and the plains to the right. We watched a young elephant butt his head against a tree until he knocked it down and the antelope running around and playing. Not sure what happened - but it was kinda cool!
We were stuck on POTC for almost 45 minutes, and for 30 minutes we were stuck listening to "We want the red head!"

Finally, we were evacuated and got to walk through some backstage areas which made the whole experience much more exciting!
We got stuck for half an hour on BTMRR, on the lift hill in the bat cave, right underneath the drip. It rained on my head the whole time. Had to remind myself that it wasn't that bad, at least we were still at Disney :)
This didn't happen to me, but I witnessed it. People were stuck on the ski lift at Blizzard Beach. They were stuck in the blazing sun. CM's were tossing bottled water up to them. Not sure how long they were stuck cause we were on our way out.
This thread just reminds me that I need to make sure my 5 year old pees before going on any rides, LOL
This Monday, Carousel of Progress, the present/future room... for 30 minutes. So incredibly upset they kept the audio tracking going over and over and over and over and over and over again. People left/came back multiple times, was getting quite upset, finally when they rescued us we were essentially at the exit which upset me even more had I known we could have at ANY fricking moment been lead out by a CM (or without one) instead they decide to fix the stupid thing for that entire time and cause use unbearable pain... if you thought the Small World song gets stuck in your head!
This thread just reminds me that I need to make sure my 5 year old pees before going on any rides, LOL

And to eat before a ride as well. I decided in Disneyland Paris once to first ride Peter Pan, then have lunch. Not good. I spend over an hour :scared1: hanging over the island. I was absolutely starving when I got out!!
We were stuck on DINOSAUR for a good 20 minutes. We were right in front of a HUGE meat eating dino! The lights eventually came on and that was pretty cool to see.
on TT, we got stuck behind a broken car in between tests in the main room. It was so awkward. Someone came out, opened up the trunk of the car for the engine, fiddled around, then left. The cars started moving, we all cheered, then 50 feet later they stopped again. Repeat as necessary. It was more like a traffic simulator that time than anything. Start stop start stop *head desk*
I remember getting stuck on HM in the crystal ball room as a child. We got to see Madame Leona's spiel over and over again. I remember thinking it was neat, not annoying, so we must not have been stuck for too terrible long.
We got stuck on the first hill of EE. It was pretty steep and uncomfortable. Then we had to get out and walk down...with the CM chanting "No pictures please". It was a little scary and pretty cool at the same time. We all still love the ride!


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