The Darlings Caved Already! A Sept. '12 PTR -- Sept. 26 - TR link posted!

I know I already said it on my PTR, but YAY! for starting the C25K program!:thumbsup2 It sounds like you are really motivated which is the absolute best thing for running. I find if I give myself reasons to want to run I do much better. I can't wait to follow along on your progress!

Those pictures are awesome! It amazes me sometimes to think of how much WDW has changed over the years. For instance, I laughed out loud when I saw the sign that said MGM Studios. Oh, how I remember it being called that. (My dad STILL refers to it as that. :rotfl2:)
It's really cool that you've found pictures of trips from your childhood. I think my parents were anti-pictures, because I have a total of 10 from all my trips as a kid.:confused3 I giggled that you had both Minnie and Mickey Mouse with you as you slept.
Wendy - those pictures are awesome! I love looking at old pictures. I never went to WDW as a kid. Well, wait, I went on a school trip in 11th grade and spent most of the day in the infirmary at the MK because I was hungover. :sad2: Great first trip. What did I know?

Good luck on your couch to 5K. I have been running for years so here's a few of my tips.

Don't cheap out on your running shoes. You really do get what you pay for. Try on multiple brands and pick the brand that works best for your feet. For example, I will never buy a Nike or adidas shoe because my feet are wide. You may not like the most popular brand. I love Asics! Only shoe I buy.

Buy comfortable clothes to run in. These you can always get on sale. put your money in your shoes.

When you run on the treadmill change up your interval routine so you have something to focus on. If you do the same thing over and over again you will start to hate it.

Run outside when you can. Eventually you will get that endorphin kick (runner's high). But it takes awhile. Be very patient. Find new outdoor places to run even if you have to drive there. If you focus on the adventure you will focus less on the discomfort.

And my most important tip - You will ALWAYS feel better after a run then before one. No matter how much you don't want to do it the satisfaction at the end of the run makes it worth it.
:worship: Thank you for the tips! I definitely need some good sneakers, my old ones are not cutting it. I won't skimp on them when I do get them either. Maybe this weekend I'll go on a shopping trip?
I got a treadmill because I literally live on top of a hill and in ever direction I go, I have to run back up a steep hill to get home! It's killer, but as soon as I get myself in shape a little better on the treadmill I'm going to start running outside with the dogs :)

I know I already said it on my PTR, but YAY! for starting the C25K program!:thumbsup2 It sounds like you are really motivated which is the absolute best thing for running. I find if I give myself reasons to want to run I do much better. I can't wait to follow along on your progress!

Those pictures are awesome! It amazes me sometimes to think of how much WDW has changed over the years. For instance, I laughed out loud when I saw the sign that said MGM Studios. Oh, how I remember it being called that. (My dad STILL refers to it as that. :rotfl2:)
It's really cool that you've found pictures of trips from your childhood. I think my parents were anti-pictures, because I have a total of 10 from all my trips as a kid.:confused3 I giggled that you had both Minnie and Mickey Mouse with you as you slept.
I still slip up and call it MGM sometimes! Hahaha, it slips off the tongue a lot easier. My parents are usually not picture takers, I'm so glad they took lots of our first trip! :thumbsup2
I cheated a little yesterday when I posted about my 1991 trip and my running regime. I had promised you that the story of why so long until our next trip. Today I will tell you that story.

It started in September of 2003 when my parents applied to play host to an exchange student. Our student was Carolin. Just 8 months older than I, she was the sister I never had. She was from Germany and we grew extremely close in the 10 months she lived with us. When she went back home to Bad Orb, near Frankfurt, she brought me with her for three weeks. In 2006 she came back for a visit, and in 2009 my parents and I went to visit her. In 2010 she came home again and stood in my wedding, and on the day she left I promised her that I would come visit her in Germany with Johnny, who had never been off the continent. We were supposed to go last year, but instead Johnny surprised me with another Disney trip. We can’t put off going to see her any longer, so we got down to planning.


Caro and I in Mittenwald

A few other things are popping up and sliding sticky fingers into our wallets and prolonging things as well.

First and foremost, me. I am currently working at a camera store. I take passport pictures, print things, and sell the occasional camera. Our store is small, privately owned and failing miserably. That means that my hours have been chopped to, well, nearly nothing. So I’m on the hunt. I want to go back to school to get my teaching degree, but unfortunately teaching jobs are few and far between. So I might be going back to school for something else in the fall (but I don’t know what! Aaaah!) and beyond that… who knows? School and not working is really going to drain us. Not knowing exactly what my future will hold is preventing me from planning a trip any sooner.

Two weeks ago our dog Sheeka hurt her knee while running. She has to go for X-rays on Friday and might need surgery to repair her acl. We'll find out Friday, but for now it's something we need to prepare for.


The summer before our wedding, Johnny and I built our first home. We have a few things we have yet to complete around our house – mainly we want to turn our unfinished basement into a rec room. We figured we would use 2012 to slowly chip away at that project.

Our little red house

I might get to visit my best friend in Ottawa as a mini vacation this year. She moved away in 2009 and I have yet to get to visit her there.

We estimated that with all we want to do this year, it would take us roughly two years to save up enough to have a good trip to Germany. That puts us in Europe in 2013. We initially thought we could do Disney in 2014, but decided to take that year off to make sure we were in good financial shape after Germany, and to start putting some money away. That leaves us with Disney in 2015 for our 5th wedding anniversary.

So now that you know the story, you can see how it is very much a self-imposed Disney hiatus with a lot of good solid excuses that could crush at the sight of one sappy Disney commercial or decent income tax refund. I really meant it when I titled this PTR!

So now for some fun. Everyone take a guess at the month and year you think Johnny and I will actually end up going! Post your reply here in top secret white text, should be interesting!:thumbsup2
Top secret white text. :rotfl: does that mean a PM?

Well, its sound like you do have a lot on your plate and planning for Germany is certainly going to take priority.

Your house is adorable and what a gorgeous day with the bright blue sky and the snow.

Your dog is such a sweetheart. I really hope she doesn't need surgery. Fingers crossed.
Joining your PTR; although I hope I don't have to wait till 2015 for the TR :P
I LOVE those old Disney pictures. You're right that so much has changed.
I hope you guys get good news on Friday for Sheeka.

Here's my guess as to when you will cave: SPRING 2013 In top secret white ink.
Joining in! Wow, a PTR for 2015, how are you going to keep this going for 3 years, I feel like I run out of things to talk about on PTR's after like, 3 months! :rotfl:

Congrats on starting the Couch to 5K, I started it last year and gave up after Week 3...week 3 is HARD! That, and I never got running sneakers and my feet were killing me! I'm going to try it again this year, I want to do a Disney 5K so bad!

Love your old Disney pics! I wish I had some from my trips as a kid, but my family is so bad with pictures! :sad2:

Hmmm...I think you're going to cave and go to Disney THIS FALL!! :woohoo:
I love your Disney 1991 pictures!!! It's so cool seeing how things have changed (and some things haven't changed at all, really!)

Congrats on starting Couch to 5K! I've heard really great things about that program! (My parents' house is at the top of a hill too, so I COMPLETELY understand the "having to always end a walk/run going uphill!")

Those definitely are good reasons that Disney would be postponed until 2015...but I still don't think I could wait that long!!! :rotfl: Germany sounds like it would be a wonderful trip! I hope that Sheeka doesn't need surgery though! Poor thing!
Top secret white text. :rotfl: does that mean a PM?

Well, its sound like you do have a lot on your plate and planning for Germany is certainly going to take priority.

Your house is adorable and what a gorgeous day with the bright blue sky and the snow.

Your dog is such a sweetheart. I really hope she doesn't need surgery. Fingers crossed.
Yeah, top secret white text! You know, like this: Where you have to highlight it to read it! :rotfl2: Hahaha but a pm works just as well :thumbsup2
We do have a bit on our plates, but we usually do and we manage to get to Disney anyway.
I hope my girl doesn't need surgery too.. I'll update tomorrow.

Joining your PTR; although I hope I don't have to wait till 2015 for the TR :P
I LOVE those old Disney pictures. You're right that so much has changed.
I hope you guys get good news on Friday for Sheeka.

Here's my guess as to when you will cave: SPRING 2013 In top secret white ink.
Welcome!! Glad to have you! I also hope I don't have to wait until 2015 to write the TR! :rotfl2:
I love these guesses!! My mother has a few guesses of her own. She figures we'll be there before the end of the year. :rotfl:

Joining in! Wow, a PTR for 2015, how are you going to keep this going for 3 years, I feel like I run out of things to talk about on PTR's after like, 3 months! :rotfl:

Congrats on starting the Couch to 5K, I started it last year and gave up after Week 3...week 3 is HARD! That, and I never got running sneakers and my feet were killing me! I'm going to try it again this year, I want to do a Disney 5K so bad!

Love your old Disney pics! I wish I had some from my trips as a kid, but my family is so bad with pictures! :sad2:

Hmmm...I think you're going to cave and go to Disney THIS FALL!! :woohoo:
Welcome and thank you for coming!! I have no idea yet how to keep this going until 2015, I might have to let it go dormant for a while! :rotfl: Unless of course we do go earlier than planned, which is always fun to guess.
I'm not looking forward to the weeks getting harder in the C25K, but I'm just going to take everything slow and repeat the weeks if I have to.

I love your Disney 1991 pictures!!! It's so cool seeing how things have changed (and some things haven't changed at all, really!)

Congrats on starting Couch to 5K! I've heard really great things about that program! (My parents' house is at the top of a hill too, so I COMPLETELY understand the "having to always end a walk/run going uphill!")

Those definitely are good reasons that Disney would be postponed until 2015...but I still don't think I could wait that long!!! :rotfl: Germany sounds like it would be a wonderful trip! I hope that Sheeka doesn't need surgery though! Poor thing!
There are definitely some interesting changes since '91! I love seeing the pictures of the Backlot Tour, everything looks so different and yet parts of it are exactly the same!
I can't wait for Germany but... truth be told I'd rather be going to Disney! :rolleyes1
Your dog is so cute! I grew up with big dogs and leg/knee/hip injuries were always an issue. I hope she doesn't need surgery!

I think it's cool you're planning on going to Germany to visit a close friend. It's not exactly Disney, but it's something to keep you busy while you wait for your next trip.

Hmmm, as far as when you're going to cave goes, I haven't been following along for too long, so I don't know if I can make the best guess in the world, but I'm going to say......sometime in 2013.:confused3:laughing:
Your dog is so cute! I grew up with big dogs and leg/knee/hip injuries were always an issue. I hope she doesn't need surgery!

I think it's cool you're planning on going to Germany to visit a close friend. It's not exactly Disney, but it's something to keep you busy while you wait for your next trip.

Hmmm, as far as when you're going to cave goes, I haven't been following along for too long, so I don't know if I can make the best guess in the world, but I'm going to say......sometime in 2013.:confused3:laughing:
Germany is going to be fun, it's something Johnny has never done before and it's so different from what we usually do!
Sheeka (my dog) is back from the vet's. After nearly $400 for x-rays and examinations and anesthetic, it's going to be a $1200 surgery. March 28 is her big day. The vet said her knee is "loose" but not torn, there's a slight chance that it could heal on its own but it may not, so we decided with the vet's recommendation to go through with it. Yikes. So with that goes any faint hope of the possibility of a Disney trip this year! Also the faint hope that we could get to Germany this year and shoot for Disney next year. Unless by some miracle my income tax return is a lot higher than I expect! LOL

But enough negativity, we are going to get to Disney some day and so here are some more early thoughts.

Let’s talk plans!
Specifically, let’s talk time of year. Assuming we’re going in 2015, the plan was to go for our 5 year anniversary. That would put us there in October. That means that I will be there for the Hallowe’en decorations for the 4th time. No big deal, except for the fact that I hate Hallowe’en! I mean, don’t get me wrong, any time at Disney is awesome, but having seen the Hallowe’en decorations, parades, and party 3 times already, (and seriously, it's my least favourite holiday!) I’m itching to see something different.

Our next thought was to do what we did with our honeymoon – put it off for a month in order to go in November and see the Christmas decorations. Now Christmas, I love. I start counting down to Christmas on January 1st. I adore Christmas at WDW so November is ideal – early enough to avoid the major crowds, but still festive!

Then I had another thought. What about January? It’s value season so it will be cheaper, my birthday is the 8th so it would be fun, and we could see the park with no holiday decorations – something we haven’t seen before! January in Nova Scotia is cold, so a little break would be nice, and best of all, January is a whole 10 months sooner than November!

At the moment we’re stuck between January and November. Although January is sooner and something we haven’t seen before, Christmas time is so magical. Personally, I’m leaning towards January. Well, right now I am anyway. That changes every few minutes!
I am glad you got everything figured out for your dog. That is a big chunk of change, but I don't think its a terrible price. My cat (yes cat) had emergency surgery for a ruptured anal glad last summer and it was almost $900. My DH actually had the nerve to complain about it. What was I supposed to do? Let the cat die? Poor baby - he was so sick. It's funny, because he is the best cat I have ever had. I call him my cat dog because he has such an excellent personality, comes when I call him, and sleeps with me at night.

I think Jan is a great time to visit the world. If you go early enough you will still catch the end of the Christmas decorations. If you love Christmas then I definitely think you should stick with the Christmas season. The weather can be more iffy, but its definitely a great time to visit.
Poor Sheeka!!! I hope she's feeling better soon! :hug:

Disney in January is great, although I would actually vote for November. The Christmas decorations are still up in the beginning of January, but you'd have to go at the very beginning of the month to see most of them. In mid-November, there seems to be a little bit of an overlap between the fall events (Food and Wine festival) and the Winter ones (Osborne lights begin then (I think), Christmas decorations starting to come up). I've never been in November, but I think that or October are two months I would love to go during.

We've also gone in December, and while you do get to see ALL of the Christmas decorations, hear the holiday music in the parks, experience all of the holiday magic, I don't think I would do it again. The crowds are pretty high, and I also found it kind of stressful to go on a trip right before the holidays, when I still had lots of shopping and baking and everything to do! :laughing:
Sorry to hear about Sheeka. Can that be done in Nova Scotia? I think here we have to go to PEI to have those kind of surgeries done.

As for when to go I would vote for January. The crowds are less, it makes going back to work after xmas holiday easier, it's earlier and it would allow you to get out of January in the Maritimes!
I'm joining in.:surfweb: We most likely won't be back to Disney until Dec. 2013 and it feels so far off. I hope we are both able to get there sooner than we think we will.:thumbsup2

I have always hated running but finally decided to start just do be healthier and lose some weight. I did the C25K in Sept and loved it. I never thought I would actually be able to finish the last weeks, but I did it and jogged my first 5k in Dec. I had to keep repeating the 20 minute run, because I had a really hard time going any longer than that. I just kept trying and trying the weeks over and over until I passed through it. I am hoping to do a Disney run, hopefully the Princess Half but I will take any run at Disney.
Good Luck!

Poor Sheeka:sad1:

I love your wedding dress and your DH's uniform. DH and I got married while he was in the Marine Corps, but we eloped and just wore regular clothes:headache: I wish I had just gotten a dress and had him wear his uniform, I don't know what I was thinking.

Anyway... following along:surfweb::surfweb:
Whew, gotta love vet bills, they can be pretty extreme. But it can't be helped sometimes. :confused3

I've never been to WDW in January so I don't know the positives/negatives of going around then, but if you go early on (and I'm assuming you will since your bday is the 8th) you could catch the tail end of the holiday decorations. Plus, anything that gets you out of the cold weather and into a nice sunny vacation is a plus.:thumbsup2
I am glad you got everything figured out for your dog. That is a big chunk of change, but I don't think its a terrible price. My cat (yes cat) had emergency surgery for a ruptured anal glad last summer and it was almost $900. My DH actually had the nerve to complain about it. What was I supposed to do? Let the cat die? Poor baby - he was so sick. It's funny, because he is the best cat I have ever had. I call him my cat dog because he has such an excellent personality, comes when I call him, and sleeps with me at night.

I think Jan is a great time to visit the world. If you go early enough you will still catch the end of the Christmas decorations. If you love Christmas then I definitely think you should stick with the Christmas season. The weather can be more iffy, but its definitely a great time to visit.
It's not an unreasonable amount for a surgery, but it will still empty our pockets a bit! But I'm the same, what are you gonna do? :confused3 I have to look out for my babies. hehe I have a cat dog too! He used to be solely a barn cat. He was attacked by something last year and needed stitches all over his entire body. He's fine now and enjoys being a house cat! LOL

Poor Sheeka!!! I hope she's feeling better soon! :hug:

Disney in January is great, although I would actually vote for November. The Christmas decorations are still up in the beginning of January, but you'd have to go at the very beginning of the month to see most of them. In mid-November, there seems to be a little bit of an overlap between the fall events (Food and Wine festival) and the Winter ones (Osborne lights begin then (I think), Christmas decorations starting to come up). I've never been in November, but I think that or October are two months I would love to go during.

We've also gone in December, and while you do get to see ALL of the Christmas decorations, hear the holiday music in the parks, experience all of the holiday magic, I don't think I would do it again. The crowds are pretty high, and I also found it kind of stressful to go on a trip right before the holidays, when I still had lots of shopping and baking and everything to do! :laughing:
December crowds scare me a little! Haha, I don't do particularly well in crowds, so if possible I always go when it's low season. We did go in November and we had an amazing time, it was my favourite-ever trip! That's what's making me what to go back during that time.

Sorry to hear about Sheeka. Can that be done in Nova Scotia? I think here we have to go to PEI to have those kind of surgeries done.

As for when to go I would vote for January. The crowds are less, it makes going back to work after xmas holiday easier, it's earlier and it would allow you to get out of January in the Maritimes!
Yes, her surgery can be done here at our local vet's office thank goodness! I have a best friend in her third year at the vet collage in PEI though, so maybe I could have gotten a deal... :rotfl:
Your logic on January is undeniable! :lmao: It's the logic of January vs. the emotions of November.

I'm joining in.:surfweb: We most likely won't be back to Disney until Dec. 2013 and it feels so far off. I hope we are both able to get there sooner than we think we will.:thumbsup2

I have always hated running but finally decided to start just do be healthier and lose some weight. I did the C25K in Sept and loved it. I never thought I would actually be able to finish the last weeks, but I did it and jogged my first 5k in Dec. I had to keep repeating the 20 minute run, because I had a really hard time going any longer than that. I just kept trying and trying the weeks over and over until I passed through it. I am hoping to do a Disney run, hopefully the Princess Half but I will take any run at Disney.
Good Luck!

Poor Sheeka:sad1:

I love your wedding dress and your DH's uniform. DH and I got married while he was in the Marine Corps, but we eloped and just wore regular clothes:headache: I wish I had just gotten a dress and had him wear his uniform, I don't know what I was thinking.

Anyway... following along:surfweb::surfweb:
Welcome!! Glad to have you along! And another far away trip too, perhaps we can comfort each other when all the other PTR writers we know are gone to Fl! :rotfl:

Whew, gotta love vet bills, they can be pretty extreme. But it can't be helped sometimes. :confused3

I've never been to WDW in January so I don't know the positives/negatives of going around then, but if you go early on (and I'm assuming you will since your bday is the 8th) you could catch the tail end of the holiday decorations. Plus, anything that gets you out of the cold weather and into a nice sunny vacation is a plus.:thumbsup2
Oh the vet bills can't be helped, that's for sure! Unless I had no animals... then life wouldn't be worth living! :rotfl2:
See, January logic again. Gosh I really don't know what to do! Hahaha ohh my. At least I have time to figure it out!
hehe I have a cat dog too! He used to be solely a barn cat. He was attacked by something last year and needed stitches all over his entire body. He's fine now and enjoys being a house cat! LOL

Outdoor cats do not live long lives for specifically that reason. No wonder your cat dog is now enjoying the great indoors. He learned his lesson. :) I have one cat that I rescued from the outdoors. She was starving and freezing. She could care less if she ever goes outside again and she is such a pig (after nearly starving to death) that she shovels her food into her mouth with her paw. I kid you not. It's very comical! :rotfl:
Aww, your poor dog! I hope she feels better soon, I'm sorry it's going to cost you so much $$$ but at least your pup will be ok! :goodvibes My DH's cat (well, it's his parent's cat now) just went to the vet today because they thought he had a UTI...after an x-ray, an ultrasound, and a $900 vet bill...they said he's fine, he's just anxious!!! :eek: They told them to get the cat a new litter box! :sad2:

I've been to Disney twice in November, and I LOVE it! The crowds are lower than December, and the weather was always awesome and if you like Christmas, it's definitely the time to go! :cool1: January sounds nice too, if you go right after New Year's, the Christmas stuff is still up and the parks are dead (from what I've heard, anyway!) :woohoo:
Outdoor cats do not live long lives for specifically that reason. No wonder your cat dog is now enjoying the great indoors. He learned his lesson. :) I have one cat that I rescued from the outdoors. She was starving and freezing. She could care less if she ever goes outside again and she is such a pig (after nearly starving to death) that she shovels her food into her mouth with her paw. I kid you not. It's very comical! :rotfl:
I have a horse barn so the cats are required employees haha, when I lived with my parents the two cats were never allowed in the house. Now that I've built my own house, the cats are welcome in as much as they want. One stays in, the other doesn't like being inside much. :confused3 Of course it's warm in the horse barn and he's got a nice deep bed and fed every day, so it's not so bad I guess! I make him come inside when it's really cold out and he usually yells at the door. :laughing: I would love to see your kitty using her paw for food! Omg that would be comical indeed!

Aww, your poor dog! I hope she feels better soon, I'm sorry it's going to cost you so much $$$ but at least your pup will be ok! :goodvibes My DH's cat (well, it's his parent's cat now) just went to the vet today because they thought he had a UTI...after an x-ray, an ultrasound, and a $900 vet bill...they said he's fine, he's just anxious!!! :eek: They told them to get the cat a new litter box! :sad2:

I've been to Disney twice in November, and I LOVE it! The crowds are lower than December, and the weather was always awesome and if you like Christmas, it's definitely the time to go! :cool1: January sounds nice too, if you go right after New Year's, the Christmas stuff is still up and the parks are dead (from what I've heard, anyway!) :woohoo:
Omg, a $900 vet bill just to learn you have a nervous cat? :scared1: Man! I don't feel so bad any more! :laughing:
I like the idea of going when it's totally dead there, like I hear about January. No crowds, no lines, that sounds so lovely!


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