Mickeystoontown's Gang hits the Bahamas & WDW! Who gets choked or stuck this time?

I'm here!!!! Can't wait to hear about your trip. You sound like a really fun family who knows the true meaning of Disney. :)
I can't believe I missed the first page. Boo!

Glad you are starting your PTR! Can't wait to compare plans.

Yay for Lacey and Jesse going to Disney! (by the way...LOVE Lacey's haircut!)
I'm in!!! First???

Awesome, hilarious, touching introduction! Love all your dancing, leaping, sleeping, choking and soaking pictures. And the ones where you are all gussied up too.

Wouldn't miss this ride for anything!


Yep Dee, you're first! Let's see what the prize is for being first.....how 'bout one of these: :banana: I'll even throw in a :yay: just for you. ;)

I'm glad that you enjoyed the introduction. You know that we have some craaaazy pictures and it was pretty easy to pick a few that showed our true selves.

Joining in!!:goodvibes Can't wait to read about your trip, Lisa!!:thumbsup2 I promise I will be around more often for this one!:flower3:

Hey Angie! I'm so happy to have you here.

And, I'm second! :)

Well.....I was......Oh, well, I'll take third!

I just noticed that you've got a pre-trip report going. Why hadn't I noticed that before? I'm headed over there next. Oh and thanks for coming along for the ride.

I'm in!! Can't wait to read more! I always enjoy your writings...We will be in Disney around the same time as you guys. We arrive on May 27 and are leaving the 31st. :yay::yay:

Welcome! I hope that you enjoy this pre-trip report as much as you have my previous reports. If you see me anywhere, just give me a shout out. I love meeting Disers!

I am here!!! :goodvibes

Yay for being here! I'm happy to have you!

Me too! Arrive 27 and leave June 2.

Those are our exact dates!

Hi! I read (ok, lurked ;) )your other TR and l am glad to start reading your PTR! You have a cute family and I love how much fun all of you have together. Can't wait to hear all about your plans!!:goodvibes

Welcome! I hope that you'll feel free to post your thoughts and comments and not to live in lurkdome. I hear it's pretty dark and dreary there. :laughing:

Love your silly introductions! :rotfl2:

Thanks! I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's pretty easy to be silly with my gang.

Yee-Ha!!! Count me in!!! Can't wait for the craziness to begin! :jumping1:

Well Howdy Missy! Consider your self counted!

Hi Mickeystoontown dont know if you remember me, we always go to CBR at the same time as you do in May. Im so glad you have your vacation all booked. Sooo jealouse your heading to CBR, we just love love that resort. Dying to hear how your cruise went when you get back as its something we are considering for next year. Unfortunatly our vacation wont be until August this year but we hope to get back to disney even if we have to drive. :thumbsup2

I do remember you! I'm glad to have you here. As you know, we are CBR lovers all the way but we're excited to be trying something new....gosh, there I go gettin' ahead of myself again. :rolleyes1

I'm here! I'll try to keep up this time

Glad to have you! I'm constantly behind on my subscriptions because, well, sometimes "real" life gets in the way.:sad2:

Hey Lisa! Can't wait to hear more! :yay: Hope Lacey's enjoying Knoxville (although our weather hasn't been the greatest in the last month with all the storms...)!

Welcome! Lacey loves Knoxville and is finally learning her way around town. When I was watching ya'll's weather last week, it was crazy....cold, then hot, then storms. :scared1:

a lurker from your previous trip reports, here to follow along on this one.

Welcome! I hope that you won't lurk and will post comments every now and then. I love to hear what everybody has to say.
I'm here! And may I say... The BEST introduction post EVER! LOVED IT!

I love that you are taking Lacey and Jesse along! Nice Flag day gift!

Hey girl! I'm so glad that you're here! Awww, shucks, you have me blushing...the BEST introduction EVER? You're too kind!

Ugh..page 2, so disgusted with myself

Jen, no need to be disgusted! You're here and that's all that counts!

Yah!!! I can't wait to read another of your reports!!!!

Hey there neighbor...well 100 miles away neighbor!

I'm here...be back later to read.

Hey Mrs. I'm Going To Be A Mother-in-Law!

I'm here too!!!!! I'm hoping to get to meet you this time, before we head across country!! Hunter would LOVE my DH, Chris is into the magic and stuff, did you know they took away the magic store in DTD?? Chris was heartbroken. Plus, it would be nice to introduce our 2 boys, Tyler will be 14 in May :) The 19th to be exact, we'll be at DHS for the first SWW!!!

Hey Christie! When are ya'll moving? I hate that we missed ya'll the last time but my phone was acting all weird. I'm thinking that it had something to do with all the people in the park for SWW. I did know that the magic store in DTD had closed. Hunter was bummed!

Somewhere in the middle of page 2, but I'm here!

Doesn't matter where you came in so long as you did!

I'm here! :goodvibes

And I've got you all accounted for! Welcome!

I'm here!! Can't wait to read about another one of your adventures!!!

Welcome! I can't wait to share all our details.

I'm here!!!! Can't wait to hear about your trip. You sound like a really fun family who knows the true meaning of Disney. :)

Welcome! I ain't trying to ring my own bell but we are a fun family. We love being together and, as you said, sharing the "true meaning of Disney".

I can't believe I missed the first page. Boo!

Glad you are starting your PTR! Can't wait to compare plans.

Yay for Lacey and Jesse going to Disney! (by the way...LOVE Lacey's haircut!)

Welcome aboard another run away Mickeystoontown train!

I'm so excited that Lacey and Jesse are coming along with us. If Jesse had any doubts about us before, he better run now while he can 'cause he's going to Disney with us. :lmao:

I love Lacey's hair that length too. She has naturally wavy hair and has to straighten it but with that length, it looks cute straight or wavy.
Yay!!!! Your pre-trip report is finally here!!!!! Great intro!!!! Can't wait to read all about your plans for the upcoming trip!!!! :surfweb:
WooHoo! I am in for more fun. I wonder if Jesse knows what he is getting into? Just Kidding. Y'all always look like you have so much fun. And once again, I love, love, love the fountain engagement picture. We will be down at Disney for 2 days before hitting Universal. The kids wanted to change things around this year.:scared1: We are staying at POP(May 27-29) but I will keep a lookout for you .
Hi, Lisa. Great intro! I'm glad you started this - now you will have something to keep you busy and not thinking about missing your girl again! I didn't know Lacey and Jesse were going along - that is a great gift to ALL of you!
I've followed along on a few of your other TRs - looking forward to this one! Can't wait to see more details!

Welcome! I hope that I can keep you entertained until we leave!

WooHoo! I am in for more fun. I wonder if Jesse knows what he is getting into? Just Kidding. Y'all always look like you have so much fun. And once again, I love, love, love the fountain engagement picture. We will be down at Disney for 2 days before hitting Universal. The kids wanted to change things around this year.:scared1: We are staying at POP(May 27-29) but I will keep a lookout for you .

Oh I am betting he doesn't have a clue! Poor baby is going to get an initiation into the wonderful world of trip report writing Mickeystoontown style. :lmao:

The fountain picture was one of my favorites too. It shows their true personalities.

You are changing it up a bit. We were going to go to Universal and Sea World this trip but a little "dream" got in the way. ;)

If you guys see us, stop me, yell at me, grab me by the hair or something to get my attention. :rotfl:
Hi, Lisa. Great intro! I'm glad you started this - now you will have something to keep you busy and not thinking about missing your girl again! I didn't know Lacey and Jesse were going along - that is a great gift to ALL of you!

Welcome! I had to start the pre-trip report or I'd spill the beans and tell everything we had planned over on my current trip report. We dropped the news on Lacey and Jesse last night and they just about pee'd their pants. Sound familiar? :lmao:
Great intros, Lisa. I just love your family, especially "sleepy" John. Sorry mama won't be going on this trip.


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